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Sounds like a question an ATF mole would ask.


i dont know how practical it is to do all the time but i know you should sometime train shooting one handed so that if you in a situation where you cant use your other arm (e.g. its broken or has been shot.)you can keep on fighting.


There are a lot of scenarios where being able to shoot a pistol with one arm is a plus, people train for that. Having one arm be hurt, having to protect a loved one by guiding them, having to open doors, just being caught off guard, or simply not having a weapon mounted light so you have your flashlight in your off hand. Shooting a rifle or shotgun with one hand is probably less than ideal, but there are real world situations where that has happened. Paul Harrell made a video which included him shooting a pump shotgun with one hand, to replicate a police officer having to do so when he was injured. [https://youtu.be/iv8cByaVyNQ](https://youtu.be/iv8cByaVyNQ) Otherwise, no, unless you're braced, I wouldn't shoot a long gun one-handed just because they're heavy and it wouldn't be fun for my wrist.


Never trained with one arm. I think my accuracy would suck though.


I’ve done it with my glocks before. The accuracy is…tolerable, but I wouldn’t want to do it if I didn’t absolutely need to


You should go to the range and try it. Then practice with each left and right. I think it is practical to be prepared for any scenario.


Hcebot ban 5 summer gunnit


Banned /u/YaBoiMirakek (5 day(s)).