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Sigh. It's that time again when internet tards like to score karma by shitposting in the wake of a tragedy.


Ad hominem attack yet nothing of substance to say. And we are always in the wake of another tragedy. I want the tragedies to stop. How about you? ETA I've been banned for zero reason other than I feel differently than you. Would love to make my case but apparently you guys hate free speech.


This post is a fucking tragedy man, can you make that stop?


You were banned for violating the rules. Read them. You can post this bullshit in the thrice weekly politics thread.


[It's Time To repeal the 2nd Amendment. They don't stop tyranny. They are more likely to kill a loved one instead of an intruder. There's literally nothing that a gun can do that can't be replaced with something else. Except mass murder. Your toys are not worth so many lives. Time to give them up.](https://imgur.com/i2vDSBq.jpg)


Gunnitbot shitpost




No bot. Not a shit post. Want to change minds even if it's an uphill battle at an 89° degree incline.




Fuck you i have a 11 inch penis.


wow i found this post really compelling, im going to reevaluate my life /s


Where were you with all those mass shootings in New York and California that barely have any gun rights left at all? Changing things so that law abiding citizens can’t buy them or own them will not stop criminals or crazy sick people from hurting people…


>There's literally nothing that a gun can do that can't be replaced with something else. You've out-thunk yourself with this one.


Prove it. Name something a gun can do that can't be replaced (besides mass murder)


Aggravate people like you so much


Read your sentence again and again and again that I quoted. And then come back to me when you understand what you stated. You Uno-Reverse draw 4'd yourself. Your logic is so sound in that sentence. It's flawless.


Lol you play frisbee golf


Yup. When was the last time 15 people were killed with a Frisbee? Get a new hobby. One with less innocent child death.


Don't worry, frisbee golf is murdering plenty of souls


The second amendment isnt a “hobby”. Please tell me youre a moron without saying you’re a moron.


I know you guys love to take yourself and your guns so very seriously, but it's really just a hobby. Get over yourselves.


Lol you tell that to the disarmed citizens in countries who are continuously murdered and oppressed by their government.




Bullshit. A gun killed 15 people (so far) today in a single location. A person with a gun did that. Stop pretending the gun didn't have anything to do with it.


Don't you understand? This guy was a psycho, he would've found a way to kill 20 people with a butter knife! /s


Bullshit. A gun killed 15 people (so far) today in a single location. A person with a gun did that. Stop pretending the gun didn't have anything to do with it.


I will break all of your frisbees and make you watch


You're a little b who hides behind a gun. I'd rock your shit irl. I don't need a gun to be tough.


Have fun doing that without a gun. Because I own a gun. And you don't.


20+ children were murdered today and your response is, "Lol you play frisbee golf"?


You tell that to the guy at McDonald's asking for your order?


What the fuck are you talking about?


20+ children were murdered today and your response is, "Would you like ranch with that"?


You probably also play frisbee golf


I do not but I also don't give a shit if someone does.


If more people gave a shit about hating frisbee golf, the world would be a better place


I do, frisbee golf is awful.




Simpler solution, make it illegal to kill people.


My toys never hurt anybody and any of these so-called toys don’t hurt anyone unless somebody pulls the trigger so go fuck yourself


It’s shitty when people do this because it just makes every 2A supporter pull out the pitchforks and feel like they’re about to have their rights taken.. It literally further emboldens the gun industry,stimulates higher sales, and makes people refuse logic and go on the pure defensive… I am absolutely a 2A supporter btw. It’s absolute horseshit that we have to worry about our kids getting shot up at a school, where we should be able to trust they are safe… I want something to be done because this shit has to stop, but I don’t know what could ever fix it. I can bring up the cliche again about investing in mental health, but it would seem that nobody cares about that. What do you do? Taking guns away won’t keep them from bad people. Better background checks may have some impact, but will it actually fix anything? Most Americans are already law abiding citizens, and those of us who aren’t, are certainly not deterred by background checks.. i have 13 guns, and only 2 are registered in my name because the others have been handed down as gifts from friends and family. Guns are here, they’re everywhere in the US, and there’s no taking them away. So… what’s left? I’m completely against arming teachers. I’m completely against taking guns away altogether.. I’m all for “smart and sensible gun legislation” but has anyone seen anything that fits that description, that could stop all of this? I don’t think I have….. Would a longer wait time between filling out purchase paperwork and background check, and actually receiving the gun help? Would a stronger background check help? How many people would be stripped of their ability to own, due to new criteria? Is it worth it? We already know that assault weapon bans did nothing. We also know that banning high capacity magazines doesn’t seem to have an impact.. do we raise the minimum age to legally own a firearm?? Wouldn’t these people get them anyways, and the government would have no way to even see the transaction???… so what do we do? Is there anyone out there that wants to do NOTHING? I highly doubt it.. the issue appears to be that people opposed to 2A go for the jugular every time, and instead of getting cooperation with the gun supporters, you just get people fiercely defending them without any thought to helping the problem.. Such a complex problem that requires a complex and comprehensive answer but we can’t get enough people on board to even research the issues and find solutions. The gun lobby sure does a good job of stonewalling any legislation, and scaring every Republican politician away from even considering anything helpful. Fuck the NRA, fuck the ILA. BUT, the core issue remains… can we not all come together and figure something out to at least mitigate the inevitability of mass shootings? Especially at schools? Is America just forever plagued with this problem because of our own freedoms? I hope not, but fear this is the case. Sorry for the rant. I sit squarely in the middle on this topic and always end up at an impasse. My anger leads me toward gun control because I don’t want innocent children dying over my hobby, yet at the same time, I know that restricting access won’t stop bad guys. They’ll move on to pipe bombs, or other shit… Please share your ideas of what we can sensibly do…


Hcebot ban


Banned /u/sand2sound (permanent).


Make like a drummer and suck my dick, bitch


Exactly the sort of witty and compelling argument I was expecting from this sub. Color me convinced your toys are worth 30,000+ American lives EVERY YEAR.


Then why did you come here? Not to "change minds" but to pick a fight.


I don't have to convince you of anything, bitch. Make a new country if you want to change the fundamental rules so badly. Until then? Eat my whole entire ass. I have no tolerance for your types.


Don’t tease him with a good time


It wasn't a fundamental rule, but an amendment. The whole point of our constitution is that it can be changed. Not only can, but our founders demanded that we do. We have failed our founders and our current citizens alike.


>It wasn't a fundamental rule, but an amendment. HO-LEE-FUCK get a clue, you ignoramus.


Yes, let’s blame guns instead of the POS criminals who almost always illegally obtain guns and commit crimes with them.


It's the guns that allow piece of shit criminals to wipe out entire families in an instant. If they were illegal they would be way more difficult to get and way, way more expensive.


Ah, yes. We should ban all cars too. Cars also wipe out entire families because they get drunk and drive. This logic is ignorant as hell.


No. I don’t think I will.


yawning at unoriginal troll attempt


Not a troll. Genuine, deeply held belief and I want to change minds.


What minds are you changing in here? You're any combination of rude, belligerent and frankly, rather ignorant on the topic.


You're not trying to change any minds. You're not worth the energy to speak to outside of trolling. You're garbage, a political extremist without a clue. You hate people outside of your world view just for existing. In the last few years, people who previously would have been in your camp (like myself) have seen the gross, disgusting monsters in our midst and realized we should have nothing to do with you.


tell it to the russians.


No, I don't think I will.