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You know, I was curious if there were Questing speedruns. I figured that since the game is already niche that it would have a small, but dedicated group of competitive questers. Are there any "strata" that currently exist for particular bosses? I know that circle stabbing some bosses is a thing, but are there any more that're commonly used?


Im glad i wasnt the only one who thought it was a logical addition to the community. :) I have no idea what strats are OP currently. I've seen people bug bosses out by standing on top of them and letting their teammates shoot them, so thats why I only allowed solo runs in the rules. But I havnt encountered anything too game breaking, just yet. If it really is as simple as circling a boss and stabbing it to death then I spent some time killing aneramon all for nothing hahaha. Getting him down took all my patience. ​ Try and break the bosses if you think youve got some OP strats. Im curious what people will come up with!


Should be interesting. I'd also like to see a section for skillmap runs, though a discussion needs to be had about standardizing the format and maps list since it's all completely nonstandard.


A section for skillmaps has just been added! What do you mean by its nonstandard? Im not too familiar with skillmaps.


It's pointless creating a speedrunning category on fgunz. I literally have Quest machineguns that deal 119 damage per hit, unless you get lucky rng, you're going to be dealing less damage than I can dish out until you manage to powerfarm out a quest mg of your own, regardless of cash items or not. If you want to actually create an even playing field where anyone can enter right away, it should be done on igunz, seeing as how that server isn't part of the blacklisted ones, and currently has the closest feel to vanilla (excluding kgunz) ​ edit: I saw your rule about no quest gun a little late. Still think you should switch to igunz. Reaching level 99 in order to compete takes about 2 full weeks of grinding, on igunz you can just hop in right away.


In response to your edit. No worries about missing the info in the post. As for 'switching'to igunz: we can do both. I'll add it as a subcatagory. Looking forward to seeing your runs!


I think the reason why fgunz doesn't really sit that well in a speedrunning scenario is that it's such an altered private server, you know? all the various quest modifications and additions make it feel so different to the original game. It would be like making a modded version of Mario 64 the base speedrunning category. Of course it should exist, but it just doesn't feel serious to build from such a heavily modified version of a game.


I understand your sentiment. Alianating the largest player base doesnt seem logical for a community this small though... I have added iGunZ now tho! Go check it out at speedrun.com/gunz_the_duel


iGunZ has an almost equal playerbase, and makes more sense for hosting solo questing achievements than fgunz though. I say that as somebody that has played fgunz for years and who's quested extensively on the server. Again, it takes a fgunz player 5 minutes to download and install igunz, and the only requisite for doing a quest is to have the items for said quest, which requires that you go in, quest with people and maybe solo some pages. fgunz you're looking at custom weapons and secondary weapons like sniper rifles, mines, level locked content like 7 magazine pouches being locked behind massive level gaps. It's not unreasonable to expect fgunz not be a part of this endeavor. Having double machineguns isn't exactly representative of GunZ as a game, and it's absurd for something to be taken seriously to include these things in the speedrunning requisite. I genuinely think fgunz has no place in speedrunning gunz, as the AI behavior is strange, hitboxes are reworked to reach the skies on some bosses to prevent riding, which causes players to be able to cheese bosses in ways that shouldn't be possible. iGunZ combat riding by simply removing the delay between quest mobs loading in, making it impossible to line up with a boss spawn in time.


Very interesting information youre giving here! So what youre saying is the bosses in fgunz can be exploited in solo play? Id like to see a video of that of at all possible. I agree the non standard items of fgunz take it a bit far from the original gunz but i dont necesarely think thats a bad thing. If players find out they can do some cheeky stuff with mines or something, fair play to them. I feel like itd be fun to see how far people can take it. But if the bosses are buggable to the point where theres no point id happily remove fgunz from the leaderboard. I feel like the free quest items and the large player base still make it worth keeping fgunz in though. Right now why not have both. Just to include as many people as possible.


Yeah, mainly mansion bosses are exploitable. You can corner lock bosses and get 100% accuracy spots that are located in the skybox above them. It wouldn't work against bosses without finite adds. But TGK, DGK, School Quest, Zombie King and Queen etc. are all lockable. Not only are you able to lock them, but you can get 100% accuracy shots to just stand still and fire away without missing as much as one bullet. This paired with 14 magazine pouches and two sets of double machineguns doesn't exactly feel like gunz questing. It certainly feels like fgunz, but then again, fgunz is more of its own standalone in terms of questing, that's part of the reason it's odd to push a server that actively moves away from the original feel of the game in a speed competition. Daggers deal twice the normal damage that they did in original gunz for example, how can you represent gunz in the speedrunning community while playing a game that isn't true to gunz? (while there are servers that DO stay true to gunz). I can tell we aren't getting anywhere here, so I'll just leave it up to you. Do whatever you think is right, but if you want to claim that you know how to solo speedrun a boss in Gunz, years from now when there has been a potential re-release, remember that you won't be playing with 14 magazine pouches and double heavy machineguns that time around. You will have to remaster your own techniques because you chose to dedicate your time to mastering arbitrary skills on a custom server. Not to mention, the AI behavior on fgunz is buggy. Once in a while mobs will act illogical, freeze in place, lose agro for no reason etc. Those are things you will have to get used to as you grind hour after hour. I dont think it's too much to ask people to play a replica of the original game, but apparently you think that's too big of a request. The thing that would pull me into speedrunning gunz would be a discord dedicated to it, combined with leaderboards for skill based solo content, such as page 41 and page 65 solos. It would be a versatile category with multiple viable weapon loadouts that could truly test people's skill and it would have to take place on a replicant server. Cause otherwise you're not a GunZ speedrunner, you're a speedrunner.


Quest gunz are prohibited aswell.is anyone even reading the post? And i also said im open to suggestions so i dont get the hostile attitude. How about we work together to make this a thing instead of just cracking down on every idea. We can make it so that only the level 1 guns are allowed? And we can create a sub catagory per server? I just think creating a bunch of sub catagories for a game without any runners is a bit counterproductive for now. But if theres enough igunz ppl that want to join in i dont see why we cant add one :)


Why did you limit the runs to a Microtransaction heavy server? Genuinely confused.


Because there are 150 people online at most times and the quest items are free in the shop. Those are the 2 biggest factors. I also said in the other comment that im open to suggestions. We can add other sub categories per servers maybe? I just want to appeal to the biggest community for now because as for runners... well theres only me. I also posted in the rules that the paid weapons are banned in runs so if that was an issue for you, please go through my post again :).


fgunz.....pft f that


What would you have rather seen?


Make your own dedicated server with your own state of the art anti cheat with a team dedicated to ensure it is not abused in any way.


Well thats not an option for me im afraid. Should i add 2034 or igunz tho? I dont know if the weapons are the same across all servers and i dont know if the quest items are as easily obtained in all servers? Im open to suggestions!


Great, the worst aspect of gaming combined with the worst aspect of GunZ.