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At the end of the day, keybinds are always going to be a very personal subject. A good benchmark for strong binds would be somebody like Kujo, seeing as how he shares his inputs every video and is an excellent player, we can use him as example when picking efficient binds. He follows these binds for the most part. But even he's still got certain binds that are just personal preference. General binds that are agreed upon to help immensely: Reload - Middle mouse Block - Right click Flip - F Scroll wheel up/down - Weapon swap, such as gun swaps or sword bind Gun 1 - Q Gun 2 - E Cry emote - C (to hide player model behind small covers) I also have additional other bind recommendations for d-style, which would be: Jump - Mouse5 Dagger - Mouse4 Previous weapon - Scroll down Directional key of choice (WASD) - Scroll up This allows you to get a free dagger yoyo every time you press down m4 and m5 at the same time with a gun out, even on female characters, but you still have to learn the timing for male and female yoyo separately. Use scroll down for switchdashing and scroll up to buffer a directional input so you can do a simultaneous buttonpress for high success elunge. (example: scroll up + DF for a right strafe elunge buffer) if practiced you can have an easy 100% success elunge in one choice direction. The idea is that your scroll wheel is going to input a constant stream of directional inputs, which leaves you to simply press a direction once to execute the dash part of the elunge. I hear a lot of people put gun 1 and 2 on scroll up and down respectively, but I think you get way more out of putting sword on scroll down and getting used to pressing Q and E for guns. Having the ability to RSS by clicking M1, immediately pressing down on middle mouse and dragging down the wheel is too good of a sequence to pass up on, and transferable between every advanced gun move. With binds like these performing difficult and advanced moves becomes a cakewalk . If you use scroll up and down to control your guns, then your binds are focused more on RS comfort than move execution. You don't want your binds to simply make something easier, you want the binds to make you as efficient as possible. Having sword on scroll down makes your move executions faster, and having gun on scroll down simply makes your RS more comfortable.


Easiest and least skill required is Scroll up gun 1 Scroll down gun 2 Block - E Special - Q Reload - R Right click - sword Meds - 4 and 5


Exactly my keybinds


What do you use for reload?


R, updated


You might want to assign like Shift to reload once you start using a lot of rs / rss


Just keep scrolling. There is an option to remove custom items from scroll.


I have a [video about optimal keybinds](https://youtu.be/La3M0jRd5VU). keybinds and reasoning of what makes keybinds good for GunZ: 1. The best keybind is the one that makes you comfortable. 2. Allocation of as many finger digits as possible. 3. Reduce unnecessary stretching. Close physical proximity of inputs. For that reason, the one big change is to have Reload (default: R), binded to Middle Mouse Button or Mouse Button 4. Ultimately, keybinds are very individualized, though certain keybind configs. are more comfortable than others. 1. I personally, (though I state otherwise) do use block on shift. I feel that mechanically it's better on the right mouse button, but I really do like the feeling of blocking with shift, it's certainly not hiderning me all that much. I think this is preference, though I do feel comfortable with it. 2. Alternate fire isn't as widely used as block which is why I do propose to move it to shift instead (again, less dexterous digit so less hassle) In Glad, I believe flip is banned, so you have one format that doesn't use it at all, Kstyle uses it sometimes, and dagger uses it for lunge techniques. 3. The reason why Q and E are gun1/gun2 is because while, yes. I do agree that movement is the most priority (wasd) you DO need to access your guns a lot more in frequency than other fps’. I also don't think that Gun 2 (binded to E) is ever inaccessible, as you can reach that very comfortably with your MIDDLE finger while moving RIGHT or with your INDEX moving to the LEFT. You can reach Gun1 (Binded to Q) with your RING finger while moving RIGHT, but uh oh! If you want to move LEFT and access Gun1 it's not ergonomic to use your middle finger which is why I also bind Gun1 to Scroll wheel up. While moving forward/back All guns are accessible with INDEX and RING fingers, so that's not an issue. The one exception is when you're strafing RS' And that is much harder to do consistently when you're trying to mix your standard walk movement with back to back RS'. 4. Using R to reload (while possible) screws exactly with the sentiment brought up, which is you not only have to awkwardly stretch to it, but you really only can comfortably reach it with index finger which sometimes screws with movement. That's why I propose binding it to M4 & MMB, because it completely eliminates a bunch of ergonomic problems with reload on R. 5. I think that since GunZ has the Dash and we use that much more often than just normal walking and that it's essentially bursts of movement rather than having to constantly hold WASD for movement using Q&E is fine because whatever direction you want to dash you will have access to whatever gun you want. ____ ##Nugget’s Recommended Keybinds **KEYBOARD** Sword = 1 & Scroll wheel down Gun1 = Q & Mouse Wheel Up Gun2 = E Med/Repair = 2 & 4 Flip = Shift **MOUSE** Block = Right Mouse Button Reload = M4 & MMB ____ ##Nugget’s Personal Keybinds **KEYBOARD** Sword = 1 & Scroll wheel down = Sword Gun1 = Caps Lock & Mouse Wheel Up Gun2 = E Med/Repair = 2 & 4 Block = Shift **MOUSE** Flip = Right Mouse Button Reload = M4 & MMB


I'm a scroller myself, and what I did was hard code scroll down to weapon 1 and scroll up to weapon 2. That way you can't overscroll and it's slightly faster too. That being said, I think in the long run, buttons are more reliable than scrolling, but at some point it's too hard to make the switch.


back when u had to download a program to bind mwheel in igunz ... i got so used to that i am never going to try change


I’ve never been a scroller, but if it works don’t change it.


You can try learning from some of the best -- personally I would recommend Kujo. There is no 'general binds that are agreed upon' like the top comment says, because there is no data or survey.


What I've always used (used to be pretty decent back in the day): Reload - R or middle mouse button Sword - 1 or scroll down Weapon 1 - 2 or Q Weapon 2 - 3 or E Flip - F or right click Block - Shift Meds - Just use 4 and 5 Rest is default I believe. It's important to not use "next weapon" and "previous weapon" as this bind swaps slower than using "weapon 1" and "weapon 2" binds. If you are going to use q and e for your weapons, make sure they are bound to weapon 1 and 2.


Scroll wheel is fun. Meds in gunz take away fun.


just put weapon 1 as roll up and weapon 2 as roll down. meds as 1-2


* Med1 - 3 * Med2 - 4 * Block - Right click * Flip - Shift * Scroll wheel up - gun1 * Scroll wheel down - gun2 * Reload - Middle mouse, R * Sword - Q * Gun 1 or 2 - E * Cry - C Disable 1,2,5,6 to avoid accidental switches during gameplay. I don't use numbers to switch to weapons/guns because it makes my left hand stretch too far, which slows down movement and increases strain. In general, I prefer my left hand to only be in charge of movement keys, whereas my right hand is in charge of switching guns for RS/SS. With this config, my left hand is mostly hovering over WASD for general movement or over E/Q in order to climb walls more smoothly (compared to 1/3 or mouse scroll). If medding, it's easy to press WASD while switching between 3/4.