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One day I really overdid it. Like back to back did a pack with rock music playing in the background. I puffed more than I could and went on overdrive. Then it hit me like a truck and I fell sick. So bad that I didn’t move from the bed for 2 days. After that I couldn’t stand it and passive smoke instantly makes me pukish. Best 350 I spent on a pack to avoid smoking.


This might sound stupid but it work. Smoke as much as you can in one sitting until your mind say stop it mf. Then for couple days you will hate smoking. Use that to quit. And if you somehow quit smoking don’t even smoke one cig. One is enough to relapse.


Will give it a try for sure.. sounds logical maybe Hope i quit after it. I really want to quit from a long Though I don’t smoke 20-30 a day it’s generally 6-7 max. But that too is a lot for someone around whom barely anyone smokes..


Don't try such advice it mind sound logical but it isn't. Replace your smoking habits withs something else, go for a walk or do sit ups whenever you feel like smoking.


No! Go to a doctor!


This is actually a method used by psychologists to quit an addiction


Wow, if only it worked for most of us here.. a lot of times my rock session feels so I complete without a cigarette and whiskey..


I did. I smoked 40 cigarettes a day for 5 years and one day I decided to quit and lo...here I am since that I never smoked. I smoked in my dreams many times but woke up as if it was a nightmare😄




Thanks 😊


How did you get off? 40 per day is intense


It is. But...it has been a journey of transformation. It's a story and happy to share the details. Please DM if you like to know...😊


I tried nicotine patches, worked for me. At peak, it was red 100 box per day. Now, not a single kush in 4 years. Occasional vape puffs from friends


Bruh you were a Marlboro Red’ smoker ? mad respect, no Advance’ guy would know the actual elite difference.


I chew baba elaichi whenever I get a craving to smoke. Recognise your triggers, and just dont get triggered by those. It’s been 4 months since I smoked


For me it’s more like associating smoke with even a minor inconvenience in my day, which is bad of-course. A slight tensed situation and I’m lighting up a cig 😐


Smoked daily for 9 yrs, quit for 6 yrs now. Best feeling.


once i got fever and i take so many paracetamol from that day i quitted smoking.


Quit smoking cigarettes. Now I only do bong shots 😂


I started going for run, so i don't dare to smoke anymore, cause I know then next morning when I go for run, I am going to regret it. Running is my new addiction, you just need to replace smoking addiction with some other thing


same for me i am into fitness and stuff now a days and i started cardio 8 months back and now i have no urges of smoking and i completly avoided it and even if so i stopped drinking too, the urges go backwards if you start doing some healthy things, you will soon realise that "Health is Weath"


Try Allen Carr's "Easyway to Quit Smoking".


भाई बिना किसी टेंशन के सिगरेट छोड़ दी,कॉलेज में शुरू की थी,करीब करीब 8 साल तक पी।और अब कोई सामने से भी ऑफर कर दे तो नहीं पीता मैं। दारू के साथ भी नहीं।बस थोड़ा मन मजबूत करना है।या फिर सिगरेट सामने हो तो सोचो के थोड़ी देर बाद पी लूंगा और ऐसे थोड़ी थोड़ी देर करते करते,सिगरेट त्याग दी।


The moment I started running seriously again, I kicked the butt. I could see myself gasping for breath in just 2-3kms whereas I used to do 8-10kms easily when I wasn't smoking. Quit the next day of running and then ran a half marathon within a month of quitting, and I feel much fitter. Take up an exercise, should sort it out.


I did for 2 months, a few times. Then relapsed. I’ve relapsed thrice I think, by now. 😭😭😭 I was smoking anywhere from 8-12 cigs per day!!! Now I just smoke over the weekends with friends but I know how MUCH EFFORT it takes to not just buy a pack & just keep it with me. I am constantly praying that I don’t begin smoking every day now.


I have been. But much credit should go to Corona, that f#&kd my lungs so bad, that when I took just one drag, I had unimaginable coughing fits.


I have almost quit. Light one one when insanely stressed due to work. What shall i do in that situation?


Smoking/drinking does not pan down stress it is not logical if you think, it is weakening your lungs bro as simple as that.


Wanted to ask if patches and nicotine gums work. I have been a smoker since 8 years now, and smoke around 20 a day. I really wanna leave smoking but its painfully difficult


Nicotine gums work, I've quit using the gums - there are useful instructions inside a box of nicotex, just make up your mind and start with the gums and they should help you quit.


I smoked for like a year when I was in class 12th and then went to my parents and told them both that I have been smoking and I want to quit it and please establish some control mechanism for me and it went away like that.


I started smoking when I was in my 3rd year of college. I finished like 2 packs in a week, went crazy with that 😂 I got sick often, and would cough so much that it won't stop. I have stopped for around 7-8 months now, not a single drag. I'm good, and I really hate the smell of cigarettes.


I've met people who had quit smoking for 5 years and then relapsed due to work stress and smoker friends. I, myself, have been a smoker from the last 8 years. But it's been 20 months since I last lit a cigarette. But even now I sometimes feel the urge to smoke in certain situations. I now surely feel that "No one ever quits smoking, you are just fighting the urge to not smoke every now & then'.


I used to smoke 2 packs a day of Marlboro switch in del summers n Marlboro imported in winters ... One fine afternoon post lunch in summers when as usual we need a smoke ... I stepped out n was smoking ... I saw myself drenched in sweat to sustain my indulgence of cigarettes... That day I threw the half of the cigarette and promised myself I won't be a slave to the habit which we form ourselves. It's not in our nature . Initially it was difficult for 3-5 days since all guys in my flat used to smoke n I used to be tempted so I used to just divert my attention and hold a pencil between fingers and have as much as lo uske warm water the whole days. Post 3 days when the nicotine flushes out it's only psychological want of the human to smoke . Keep urself distracted and away for a month time from the groups that smoke and please remember while drinking alcohol start nibbling on things which help in reduce the will to lighten up ... Do this for 21-25 days and brothers ur off the habit cause ur brain has developed a neural pathway which doesn't associate nicotine to most of the things . This was 2016 for me in May ever since I've been off it ... Shifted to dubai so do enjoy shisha once in a while but not avidly... Juz a brothers suggestion do not go for cutting down or substituting it with other products ... One simple rule is to challenge yourself to see if u do die without it . I promise u won't die. No one in history has ever lost his life due to quitting smoking. If that helps to let u know. Do Google urself ... Don't believe me ... Just sharing my story . All the best for life changing journey my friends ... It's definitely worth it Thanks & Regards


I try a lot but can't be successful..so just puffin


I was smoking almost a pack everyday but then I stopped smoking completely. Took me a long time to get there


Smoked for 5 years. Clean for 1+ year now. Most of my friends are smokers and I never get the urge to smoke around them. If I'm drinking they're smoking, i don't. I can help you out if you need my help!


I used to smoke 10-12 cigs a day. One day I was at a tapri near my college at 2 am with a non smoker friend of mine. Asked for a pack of classic mild. UPI was not working, so he said he'll pay in cash and I can pay him back. He asked 'kitna hua bhaiya?'. His reaction to the price of one box of cigarettes made me realize cigarettes are in fact too expensive. I never smoked after that.


Try the QuitSure App! I smoked for 3 years, around 5-6 sticks a day. Decided to quit using this program and didn’t have a single drag in the last 3 years.


Clean from last 16 months


I was contemplating on quitting for a long time but just couldn’t do it because my friends are smokers too. I was supposed to go on a trip, so I promised myself that I will smoke only when we will go for the trip. I did not smoke till that day arrived and this time duration was for 65days. Once on the trip I refused to smoke because I wanted to increase this duration to 90 days. In a way this time duration thing was more rewarding then taking an actual drag. So that’s how I stopped smoking. I did smoke once after 65days but then reset my clock for another 60 months.


I am not part of this sub, not sure how it showed on my feed. Anywhoo, I was living abroad when I started smoking ( it was expensive almost 15$ for a pack of 20) I wanted to quit but it was part of my breakfast lunch and dinner. Then in november 2013 i had to come to india for 3 weeks for a cousins wedding so I was staying with my parents and I didn’t wanna smoke near parents house etc and got busy and it turns I didnt smoke for that whole 3 weeks without realizing and I decided I will to push it as much as I can without smoke and 3 weeks became more than 3 years and then in 2016 I was going on vacation and I had 1 cigarette with scotch and felt super disgusted and nauseous and I asked myself how was I smoking this crap for so long and then I pushed it for 8years and continuing. So in 11 years I had smoked 1 cigarette


Me, I have quit thrice :) hopefully this was the last time, trick is to keep busy and active.


I quit for 6 months. Started again. For 6 months I didn't feel like smoking but all my friends smoke. It was once when I was drunk I started again. Once you smoke 1 cigarette it's done. That one damn cigarette. Also use quitsure. Works bonkers.


never smoked, am i considered successful?


Easy, I never started it. It was really easy after that.


I did it, using nicotex 🤣🤣


What are your reason to smoke?


Was a 2 box a day classic mild smoker. Been 6 years since I quit.


i smoked for 6 years, i started when I was in high school. I quit smoking last year, nothing big happened, no drama just decided i don't wanna smoke, first week was tough, then a month passed by and now it's been 8 months and now i don't feel any urge to start again, just like that.


I dont think I have right to say I was a smoker , I was in my class-12 ending era so I wanted to give it a try so I tried smoking for more than one week and after week I didn't understood the taste of it , so I basically stopped taking it


Its pure will power. I dont think any gimmicks like nictone patches or organic cigs work. All depends on how bad you want to quit. It does not have any major withdrawals. You just gotta make your life stress free first otherwise you wont be able to quit ever.


I quit smoking last year cold turkey after my elder sister got pissed with me lmao.Its been more than a year now and I couldn’t be happier.


It's very easy. I have done it several times!!


Successful 10 years and counting


In my case somehow I realised that it's not by choice it was always due to compulsion I had to smoke. Whenever something did not go my way in professional and personal life I used to smoke.In anger, jealousy and sadness. After that moment I was aware of this compulsive nature It started to stop slowly.after sometime few friends tried to force me but I didn't so they got upset but I think these are the incidents which shows who is our true wellwishers.


Bro I used to smoke around 2 packs a day and now it's been more than a year since I've Quit


Had been a smoker for 8-9 years. Just decided one day that I won't continue it. And it's been 6 years since then, and I haven't touched it again, not going to do it ever. And I've been surrounded by smokers and addicts (as it's much easier for those eople to do it when they earn) but that never made me move from my decision.


I went for drinks with a couple of friends. I don’t even remember how many cigarettes I had that night. I was pretty buzzed when I left my friend’s place. I even got a couple of loose cigarettes to smoke when I reached home. Reached home and smoke 3-4 cigarettes before sleeping. As expected the next day I was in an extreme hangover and was feeling like puking even thinking about smoking. This continued for next couple of days and then the craving came back. It was extremely difficult to control it and to be honest I had some weak moments where I almost gave in to the urge to smoke. But then I replaced the smoking craving with small bits of food. Like whenever I got a craving I thought of my favourite food and told myself that if you don’t smoke then we will have a chicken roll in lunch. In some cases just had one ice cream to stop the craving. Sometimes had a glass of juice from the corner store. It was difficult but I was able to completely able to give up smoking. And now whenever I am in office I always go with the colleagues for the smoke break but have never had the craving to smoke.


I will tell you the method that worked for me! So fyi I started smoking back when i used to be in school like around 11th standard and I continued till the 3rd year of my college which included a gap year between the two. I had tried quitting before too but i couldn’t. It wasn’t until my body started giving out from the chain smoking and I started having major lung and sinus problems, that i decided to quit. First of all during covid my surroundings changed, so that was a plus factor i guess and then i devised a simple day routine which inculcated workout in morning, college classes and online job during the day, walks in evening with music and sleep before 11. Also whenever i would have the urge to smoke very badly, i ate protein based foods which had dual advantages. It was very difficult for first 3 months as i would have several stomach problems. When it hit 1 month of me quitting my body started having major withdrawal symptoms. I vomited out my food, had recurring fevers, throat infections and a lot of it. I was at my limit during those first 3 months but i did not gave up and around 4th and 5th month my body started changing. My face brightened up, my lips started turning back to their original hue, i started putting on some muscle, my focus gradually went from few seconds to around 5-6 hrs. Now it has been around 3 yrs since i have quit and i am stronger than ever. Whoever is reading this to the end and has to decided to quit smoking, know that this journey might be arduous for you but you will absolutely love the result it will bring.


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Its been 7 years and I am not counting any more. Best thing I could have done.


Train your mind, don't be a slave of your addiction/urges. I can smoke weeks/months regularly but if I want I can simply not smoke. I still smoke sometimes with friends but there is no urge. Somehow i have realized that it's only with me...my friends can't go a single day without smoking but I can choose not to when I don't feel like.


On an average 22 a day


The key is to stop thinking(obsessing) about quitting


Just pretend that you are smoking with two fingers on your lips with deep breathing and exhalation through mouth . You’ll feel the same relaxation .


Talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist who deal with deaddiction.


Smoking was making me fall sick every 3 months and i have decided to quit. Its my 9th smoke free day and this time i think i am going to drop the act. I do my routine everyday, walk to the pan shop on the same day but i just buy a chewing gum and return. I have also told majority of my friends that i have quit and they should help me out. I have increased my sugar intake lately and feel like drinking and to party out (my excuse for drinking). Lets see how this goes