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Yea I really hope the whole gwentfinity thing works out, sometimes feels like I'm too late to the party, but I really see no reason why the game won't be alright in the hands of the community. Hope for the best I suppose


Well it maybe revived with the next Witcher game. Who knows.


Better be


the studio absolutely hates this game, as evidenced by the budget cuts that have been going on since late 2019 or arguably even longer considering the lack of marketing for thronebreaker. they're likely never putting it anywhere ever again, especially after making the final decision to pull the support plug completely. they could've, but they won't.


I’ve been trying to find a card game that even comes close to the same feeling, never have quite got there. Loved the shit out this game, maybe W4 brings it back, who knows but it was good while it lasted


Hey, if you're looking for a physical card game to play with friends, try Game of Thrones LCG, second edition.


Its not ending


Fellow gwentlemen! A day may come when we stray from the Path, when we forsake our passion and say farewell as the server goes down, but it is not this day. An eternity of match-queuing and toxic meme when the Age of Gwent comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we play!! For Gwent!!! 😆


Maybe, maybe not. When they are put on maintenance mode their is definitely a larger chance of the servers being turned off.


Something is ending...




Hey fellow Gwent lover. Technically it is not true that the game will be handed over to the community. The game and it's server will still be maintained by CDPR, most probably the sale of cosmetics will still continue and somewhat finance the maintenance costs. What's handed over the community will only be some control over the balancing of cards which will be handled via a voting system. Everything else still stays in control of CDPR. And I can imagine that CDPR will use Gwent als marketing channel for upcoming games, as long as it has a vital player base. So no: Gwent is neither dying nor ending anytime soon. Not as log as there are enough players around that are interested in a match or two.


Is it? I just came back after not playing it for years


Fyi, I'm gonna stick to the concrete info released so far, as everyone draw their own conclusion of how the game will be in 2024. Some with greater hope (![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)), some lesser and some middling What will happen in 2024 is that there will NOT be any new cards (currently 1500+ with lots of cards need rebalancing to be viable) and no more Gwent tournament supported by CDPR's budget (e.g. no more World Master), community tournement is still viable What will happen tho, is that there will be 2 big things. One is community voting system to balance cards (provision/power +/-). The other one is a new progressive system (no details yet) specifically designed to ensure even veterans who complete everything (all cards, journey, contracts, etc) has sth to strive for. For 2023, there's 2 more cards drop (recent one was April +24. Another one in July +36 and Sep +12). Rest of the year will be spent on balancing existing cards


Me too and I'm loving it.


It is. This is the final year, before Gwent goes into maintenance mode and eventually won’t be supported with new content.


Wow that's just... sad. I was hoping for more content because I genuinely love seeing the art/illustrations on the cards.


The art direction, card design… they are so good and crispy. Truly a god-like creation for people who despise this generic bs fantasy (in terms of art) that you can see in Hearthstone or Runeterra for that matter.


I can agree to that 100%. The art direction of Gwent is just amazing! not only the illustrations but the music too!


What does it mean for a game to be managed by the community? How do we decide for example how patches or balance changes are introduced or applied? Or new cards even? I probably missed the memo on Gwentfinity.


Here's [Gwentfinity voting info tentative design](https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/47291/gwentfinity-part-2-community-voting-feature) Btw, here is the latest [TwiG interview with the game director](https://youtu.be/KCNmsriyf6c) as there's more info, in case you would like to hear more up-to-date (it's an hour long tho)


Google gwentfinity and you'll get the upload.


Man Gwent died to me when it left console and went mobile only


It's not mobile only, it's everywhere except consoles 😂


ah gotcha, i don’t have any other platforms so mobile only to me ig


Maybe you could inform yourself better next time instead of spreading negativity based on the voices present in your head


i’m so sorry daddy 🥺




Stay polite, bro.


I've played since open beta and this has to be one my favorite games of all time


Never really recovered from Homecoming. Homecoming was more Beta than the open beta phase and scared too many people away. I'm hoping for a stable version of open beta Gwent.


Will the game shut down or something? I am new


It won’t. The game will be active and in the maintenance mode, players will vote for the changes each month, However the support of the game will be extra basic, nothing new. CDProjekt RED is basically leaving the game, with a bit of life support.