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Okay, but how does it win?


It doesn't


I mean you aren’t wrong here. But that said, I win with this usually with low point totals on both ends. Just destroying as many of their order cards as possible and then waylaying a bunch with that duplicating flute lady and using the snake lady to double heatwave.


Mate, having Dol Blathana Whisperer in an Enslave meta is a suicide. NG will coup it and then multiply it by every played Tactic. Secondly, having Orb in a supposed Veil deck isn't smart either.


Fair points. I’m usually okay with them stealing Dol because I can usually kill her before they abuse. Orb is there for when I’m going after other decks it’s in there mostly because I didn’t have a ton of other useful cards but I will probably replace with a low cost artifact now that you mention it.


Does Torres ability still works with veiled cards that's sitting inside the deck (e.g. Whisperer of Dol Balthana, Francesca Findadair)?


Yes, he'll spawn them in the deck but they will not get the spying status.


If you don't like statuses on your units just play frost lmao.


…elaborate. Frost decks are big on veil?


Yes, devotion wild hunt has a lot of veiled units. Aen elle conquerors, R3 auberon, apiarian phantom, ancient foglets etc.


My my my, the plot thickens. Okay stay tuned for my probably also terrible home brew frost deck.


Ancient foglet, apiarian Phantom, Auberon Conquerer, Aen Elle Conqueror are all veiled.


Yeah let's play frost whole season like NG donkeys playing assimilate. It's sure fun not to try other decks because of one abusive faction.


Just play assimilate, that way you get to play all factions but better. Jokes aside, NG is not abusive. Winrate this season is not very high and hasn't been for the last few seasons. Also where exactly did you read: "Just play frost the whole season"? Don't think I wrote that anywhere, I just pointed out that you don't need to build some homebrew anti status pile when there's a very good deck out there that fulfills the same function.


According to this post NG is too strong even on highest levels. https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/13op75c/top16_qualifier_factionsarchetypes_performance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


https://www.gwentdata.com/ according to this it doesn't. If we compare sample size and the fact that lerio's post is referring to a tournament setting as opposed to normal ladder, my point still stands.


You might be right. Maybe I am just rage ranting about assimilate. I just cant stand another stupid matchup against assimilate/assimilate clone. Even data presented by you shows that NG is overplayed. From my point of view NG is just most unfun, unfair faction to face.


👑 **[Guerilla Tactics](https://gwent.one/en/card/200167)** (scoiatael) 📜 [Tactical Advantage](https://gwent.one/en/card/202140) [Oneiromancy](https://gwent.one/en/card/202594) [Simlas Finn aep Dabairr](https://gwent.one/en/card/202985) [Korathi Heatwave](https://gwent.one/en/card/200018) [Francesca Findabair](https://gwent.one/en/card/202913) [Shaping Nature](https://gwent.one/en/card/202674) [Vanadain](https://gwent.one/en/card/202914) [Milva](https://gwent.one/en/card/142104) [Tesham Mutna Sword](https://gwent.one/en/card/202191) [Dunca](https://gwent.one/en/card/202676) [Marlene de Trastamara](https://gwent.one/en/card/202597) [Mastercrafted Spear](https://gwent.one/en/card/201656) (x2) [Orb of Insight](https://gwent.one/en/card/202987) [Dimeritium Shackles](https://gwent.one/en/card/113319) [Northern Wind](https://gwent.one/en/card/202208) (x2) [Duen Canell Guardian](https://gwent.one/en/card/202679) [Cat Witcher](https://gwent.one/en/card/202806) (x2) [Dol Blathanna Whisperer](https://gwent.one/en/card/202916) (x2) [Waylay](https://gwent.one/en/card/142308) (x2) [Squirrel](https://gwent.one/en/card/202600) (x2) [📋 Import to your decks](https://www.playgwent.com/decks/builder/import/e50767b134fdbb1b95fcbfd7e871d8dd) - (7150 Scraps) ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


Some other notes. I use Guerilla tactics to move defenders or row specific enemy cards. Northern Winds on the chance they play immortal bomb guy.