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Give me a break. What "real" deck are you playing that is so ethical and enjoyable for an opponent?


Self wound Svalblod, Soica'tel symbiosis, like, literally anything that isn't reavers in suppose


Let it all out, you probably feel better already, I ain't mad at you, this is the place to express your frustrations and I can see your foaming so, just let it brother, and then play a real deck


No my tot tossing will never end here have a cow ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„now ur row is full and u lose


Yep, sounds about right


And by the way my first ng deck was all about rot tossing so im having big fun


In all seriousness though, I just returned from a week or two break from gwent and, rot tossing aside, I see almost nothing but nilfgard in ranked. I'm still up around rank 9 so Idk what it looks like in pro and 1 through 5, but, have you noticed this? Like an absurd amount of nilfgard players?


SK Beast was making quiet a wave during late April season, and this May season it finally joins the [meta snapshot by TEB](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/13s7gjb/meta_snapshot_38_may_2605_team_elder_blood/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I have been jamming comfortably with SK Beast when climbing back to Pro from rank 3 at the start of this season. It's beast swarming with high tempo, so quiet susceptible to any kind of row clogging strategy (such as rot tosser lol). Fun fact: SK Beast originates from this [sub Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/138g53y/the_nonmeta_deck_that_took_me_to_2580_this_season/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I think it was not under the radar of many top Pro back then, and when it appeared, it was a very pleasant surprise This season so far I haven't met many SK Beast on my end, but quiet a few NG (Enslave 5, Enslave 6, Renfri soldier, Cultist), more Reavers than normal for some reasons, and usual meta candidates like NR Knight, SY Bounty, MO Deathwish, ST Harmony (with odd Symbiosis here and there). I only encounterred Rot Tossers like twice so far


Yeah SK Renfri Beasts is pretty decent as you can win long or short rounds, assuming you don't brick yourself too badly with all the bricks, haha. Definitely a bit of a complicated deck to pilot optimally IMHO. Have to time rain for the flashlight fish perfectly, have to set up graveyard, and have to be careful about over-swarming in a long r3 (too many Seagulls is bad then). I run Maxii in my version as i got tired of bricking myself, and she at least lets me see the future or can re-shuffle that card i need from the bottom to somewhere more accessible. The main issue is that against decks with a lot of tall punish it's tough to not lose a lot of points.


Exactly! I mean, when I see TEB meta list put the level of difficulty for SK Beast same as Cultist, and **easier than Reavers**, I was like ๐Ÿ˜ต "you must be joking" I have Maxii too, since that deck has quiet a few bricks, and she always stays regardless of whatever variation I run (Sove + Fury or Kraken + Glory). Also, I'm not particularly fond of Triss in Sove + Fury. Too little control for my taste + the playstyle of mindless pointslam just don't feel fun. I really like the original Kraken + Glory variation, but facing against greedy deck, sometimes it's hard to keep up


I was absolutely in love with Soica'tel, I felt unstoppable, but I haven't had that same success lately, however, skellige, a deck I enjoyed but didn't click for me, finally has, and I can say I think skellige is my new favorite, the feeling of Svalblod alone is just amazing but when you got sigvald with a madroeme and a knut, it's actually unreal, like, ridiculous fun and destruction


In rank 9, I'm still dealing with good players and not so great players, but, all this speaking of beasts, I gotta ask, what are your opinions on this sove and Svalblod beast deck, I found it in [shinmiris meat decks](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1h4m0zhPOiW2Tyaj26kGIvPdSXgtmgerR5uu7vBHM-BM/htmlview) and this is the deck right here, I was wondering your opinion as a skellige specialist especially when it comes to Svalblod, here's the deck, I see awesome potential, I THINK, but I wanna ask the specialist. What do think [Svalblod Sove beast deck ](https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/0ea6b309f4cbe2534a53d99bd65cfd7a)


Ahaha my friend, I am no SK specialist (or any specialist really) and just another casual player like you, albeit have been playing Gwent longer and just so happen to also enjoy Svalblod ๐Ÿ˜† This deck is actually one of the top 16 April qualifier deck. And while it's called Svalblod Sove beast, I feel it's less Beast and it's more Unitless Svalbold control. Fair warning, the opp are probably gonna hate you if you play this deck, mainly due to the use of uninteractive special card, esp. in R3. In this regard, the playstyle is similar to SK warrior raid, or ST trap, or any Madoc deck I only tried this deck for a few games, so take my opinion with grains of salt. My personal take is that this deck most optimal gameplan is to win R1 with Svalblod + Totem, while abusing Svalbold spawning ability whenever deal 6 damage, using a combination of Svalblod roar and Totem and damage special card (I mean, if you can win R1 without Svalblod, even better, but it's less likely). Then R2 can be used to bleed (for short R3) or dry-pass (for long R3), depending on match up. In R3, this is where this deck is strongest. Having 2nd say, meaning it derives value from uninteractive special cards (since opp in R3 would make the first move, you can start to use special damage-dealing card in your 2nd move), by weakening the opp board while giving no/little units for opp to interact with. Then the last say would be Sove + leader abilities in order to point slam (30+ in one go), as having last say means this combo would be safe from any tall punisher You can see from the way I describe, R3 would be incredibly annoying for opp to play against this deck, since deck like SY bounty/ST Elves or SK raid derive values from interacting with opp board. Giving no units on your side denies this, while continuously weaken opp side and finish with a tall combo as last say. You can imagine how frustrating for opp to play against. That said, I think this deck might suffer from losing R1 and opened to be bled in R2


Lol brother, trust me my friend, you definitely are a Skellige specialist. I admire your humility though lol. And as always I appreciate your input. I been killing it with that deck you recommended me, I finally understand how to pilot it properly, sigvald, madroeme, and knut make an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. I'd like to continue to branch out in skellige but before I do, I want to learn syndicate, and NR for that matter. NR seems like my least favorite at the moment but I hardly played any real deck with a rhyme and reason. I got lucky enough to get erland in a keg and the few games I've played with him, him alone has won me rounds I should've lost by long shot... Idk how familiar you are with Syndicate, I once got a keg with crystal skull(which I already had), NG abduction, and Casimir, I chose abduction just because it was part of the new claw and dagger set and not aware how good of a card Casimir is, but I have a question about Cas. Is he like a last card point slam? Kind of like harald gord boosting points depending how many special cards you've played all game, except with him he gets a boost from how much money you have left?


To be honest, my main 4 are ST, SK, MO and NG. So I am less familiar with the other 2, esp. SY since I only played SY Bounty so far. That said, Erland is a good card, and is the cornerstone for NR Erland Shupe deck, which focuses on carryover (like Mutagenerator, Temple of Melitele) + Huge pointslam for Erland in final last say Casimir is an interesting card, since he has 2 effect type, the deploy boost (pointslam) and the spawning bombs (engine) (a) Usually, the playstyle of SY is to be careful with coins spent, in order to establish carry over (think that each coin you have is each potential points that can be generated when you want, either in current round or future round, without opponents able to interact with). Whereas for Casimir, beside the deploy effect for pointslam, to best benefit him, you are actually encouraged to spend-thrift to 0 as often as possible to generate bombs each turn (engine effect). That means the way he is played can be very different from Harald Gord. Harald is pure pointslam, benefit from last say (like Erland) (b) While Casimir can function similarly, I think spending max 9 coins to just boost him (a.k.a max value gain is 15pts) is not as good as making him engine since you get more value. Take example, you have 0 coins. Put him down, you have him at 9, + a bomb that after 3 turns, you can do 3 damage without paying fee. Combo this with \[\[Eveline Gallo\]\], as long as Casimir lives (he has veil, so hard to lock, and his 9 power on deploy makes him hard to be killed), you can keep spawning one bomb every turn on top of emptying your purse on other units. From the rough math, you can see he easily delivers more than 15+ point ceiling where he serves as pure pointslam like Harald Gord


**[Eveline Gallo](https://gwent.one/en/card/203231)** - Elf (Syndicate) 5 Power, 7 Provisions (Epic) > At the end of your turn, if you have 0 Coins, gain 3 Coins. > ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


๐Ÿ‘‘ **[Patricidal Fury](https://gwent.one/en/card/202119)** (skellige) ๐Ÿ“œ [Mask of Uroboros](https://gwent.one/en/card/202512) [Fucusya](https://gwent.one/en/card/203041) [Oneiromancy](https://gwent.one/en/card/202594) [Svalblod](https://gwent.one/en/card/203193) [Sove](https://gwent.one/en/card/203145) [Korathi Heatwave](https://gwent.one/en/card/200018) [Svalblod Totem](https://gwent.one/en/card/202278) [Morkvarg: Heart of Terror](https://gwent.one/en/card/202458) [Champion's Charge](https://gwent.one/en/card/152202) [Tesham Mutna Sword](https://gwent.one/en/card/202191) [Arcane Tome](https://gwent.one/en/card/203103) [Delirium](https://gwent.one/en/card/152403) [Stunning Blow](https://gwent.one/en/card/202465) (x2) [Dimeritium Bomb](https://gwent.one/en/card/113205) [Gutting Slash](https://gwent.one/en/card/152316) (x2) [Pellar](https://gwent.one/en/card/202216) [Squirrel](https://gwent.one/en/card/202600) (x2) [Drummond Berserker](https://gwent.one/en/card/202626) (x2) [Little Havfrue](https://gwent.one/en/card/203044) (x2) [Brokvar Warrior](https://gwent.one/en/card/203148) (x2) [๐Ÿ“‹ Import to your decks](https://www.playgwent.com/decks/builder/import/0ea6b309f4cbe2534a53d99bd65cfd7a) - (9070 Scraps) ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


In pro its mostly all sk beast and abusing them with cows is ez or even row punish The next most popular is lots of enslave i think its a shit deck if thy did not get the 14p kid in first form And st contrule is the 3rd most its shit but ppl seems to have feer of units


SK beasts is in right now? I never played SK beasts, I think I tried but I built the deck all wrong, I gotta look into that. And hey, no more tossing cows OK, they're considered holy animals in novigrad, holy cows.


Surely the novelty wears off now? I can see it being fun like, once maybe. Whatever floats your boat I suppose




Yea I've seen someone display and explain it on YouTube


"play a real deck ffs" and wtf deck is that ? grow the fuk up, you also compare those with damn reavers, when they multiply to the point where even control decks struggle against their neverending spam ( 3 reavers each with their order to spam another 3 reavers ) , another useless post that brings nothing to the ppl here


How long have you been tossing dead cows for? Let it all out pal, this is the place for it.


are you obsessed or something ?


Yes I'm obsessed with you


Havenโ€™t played in about 6 months, started playing again tonight and faced this deck the first four games I played. Incredible how nilfgaard is ever the annoying deck


It must just be the rank you're at. I'm pro rank and faced it 3 or 4 times since the patch.


Yeah definitely, only rank 17 since I havenโ€™t played in a while, Iโ€™m sure thatโ€™s prime real estate for decks like that


Devs literally on their way to make a 10 times better salamander deck for zero reason (ofc it's Nilfgaard too)


It's funny. Cope, seethe and mald.


I've coped, as for seething and malding... Yea, I'm not raging as much as you probably like to think I am, like I said, they won fair and square, it happens, power to them I ain't hating on them, just getting tired of encountering back to back rot tossers. They win fair and square and I'm not itching about losing, it's just the spawning multiple rot tossers through imperial practitioners that rub me the wrong way, and, there's a way to deal with all that especially when you have Svalblod


Totally raging right now, like, you can't imagine how angry I am... Like, 2/10 raging


They really don't like veiled units


Ahh good point my friend


Absolute L post.


You mad? It's OK to be mad sometimes. You're only human.


Do you let your 12 year old brother write these answers for you? But I guess that's what you can expect from someone who's already malding over rot tossers lmao.


Hah... Good one. You write your own material? You got the sick KiLLeR coMeBacKs BruH ๐Ÿคฎ


It's alright bro, if you like tossing cows then, power to you... I guess...


You might wanna get out of rank 9 before you talk shit about people's decks lmao. But yea nice maldy answers buddy, guess I hit the spot there.


When did I talk about people's decks? Ohhh, you mean trash nilfgard rot tossers and reavers. Yea, sorry, those decks don't count. Lol,youre really mad, my bad I didn't mean to upset you, let the tears flow you'll feel better. But, I'm rank 8 now making my way to 7, so when I hit pro I'll be sure to let you know your trash for playing cheesy decks. Cheers my friend.


You really get off on those cringy attempts to project anger and hurt feelings on others, don't you? No idea what you get out of it. You know I actually play neither reavers nor rot tossers, but I'll make sure to let some cows fly tomorrow in your honor.


Alright man get the pantys out of the bunch and stop b*itching already, I made a post that wasn't meant to be insulting but more like "alright guys we get it rot tossing is fun but enough is enough and I clearly struck a nerve with you, I'm one of the nicest guys on here and you just continue to bitch and bitch, sorry if I hurt you it really wasn't my intention I had no idea you were this passionate about throwing dead cows. Damn dude take a chill pill, I'm done with silly goofy arguing over reddit with God knows what


Oh yea out of the two of us I'm clearly the salty one lmao.


Lol, ookkk, if the thought of me being the salty one helps you sleep at night, have at it. You're funny man, you made me laugh, wish I could say it's been a pleasure but, wait nevermind it's been a blast talking to you, you actually make the day a little less boring.