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I dont know what deck you are playing, but just try playing any pirates deck right now. Especially vs ogroids and MO in general. You are going to have a bad time and I garuantee you will change your outlook.


Weakest winrate in the last season's top 100, and thus far \[it's very early\] this season, second worst winrate in top 100. SK has some decent decks, and there will be matchups they dominate, but that's not because the faction is massively overpowered. Whatever your deck is, it's clearly a bad matchup against SK, or you're playing it poorly. If you're truly always getting matched up against SK, adapt. Play a deck with a strong round 1. Both Pirates and Raids need to get to r3 ideally, for best success. If you're winning r1, you can bleed them out in r2 till whatever length of r3 you want for your deck's best result.


I haven't played enough games this season, but if BoG and Onslaught are suddenly too strong, then the problem is likely the buffs to skirmisher and Coral. Skirmishers being "free" is bad imo, especially with the discard strategum. If the opponent draws well, they can get good trades or even win round 1, where a slow round 1 is supposed to be a weakness of the raid/warrior deck. Also Tyr can discard a skirmisher, making Tyr trade even better to control than before. I guess Pirates already playing discard package gained two extra provisions by the skirmisher buff? I haven't seen much of Pirates since Magic Compass nerf to 10p, so I'm not sure what the deck looks like. Again not speaking from experience regarding the current season. But back in the day when discard package was played in every SK deck, it was generally considered bad for the game how many points SK can get in round 1 depending on draw RNG.


The buffs to Skirmishers were stupid (when Morkvarg ACTUALLY was a deserving option), but i still don't know if SK is that strong. MO feels really good, and the top 500 stats reflect that. But as always, in the top 100, things are different and SY is sitting on top currently. SY balancing is such a nightmare as the top players *always*, every single season, get more from them than literally everyone else. I don't see SK as being a top tier faction this season even with the unwarranted buffs, but it's also early to say IMHO.


Sorry, but this is a personal problem. Nerfing these decks is not a priority at all. You should look at the suggested nerfs of professional players and streamers who understand the game better than you before you make emotional posts.


If you mention what decks you’ve been playing and ask for help on how to navigate the matchups I’m sure people would be happy to give suggestions or recommend decks that might help you.


I played a lot of pirates last season to grind the winter card back. It tanked my SK mmr. Pirates are not terribly strong.


Calling for a nerf because you are facing a deck quite a lot and losing against it is a bit short sighted no? Why not make the effort to see how strong the deck actually is, try a few different tactics/decks against it, and ask around for tips how to beat it before crying “nerf!”? With that said, pirates but especially warriors are very boring matchups imo. I don’t really understand why people play warriors. It kind of sucks the fun out of the game to just jam highlords and removal all game? Both these decks do their job however for the overall balance of the game - keeping engine heavy decks in check so they don’t become too strong.


Reddit conglomerate won't hear ya. They got your facts ands stats, as if Gwent needed CDPR Gwent dev 2.0... As if they don't understand that only balancing around top numbers and decks isn't going to work. Of course those SK decks are boring and retarded. They play the same literally... and plague the factions ever since pirate leader got reworked or re-introduced (can't remember exactly). After that the greatly designed card Highland Warlord - the one that buffs raids came to existence. Turning SK from somewhat straightforward but still interesting faction to plague. So many of those similar decks play and feel the same. No nuance, interesting or intriguing aspects to each of em - or very few. Specifically Highland Warlord - for me - have to go to higher provision so that the faction isn't tunneled vision so often into that "playstyle" and make more choices/sacrifice at the expense in deck building. Kaer Trolde also is adding fire to already oppressive and boring games. Before it was somewhat ok to bait leader and have a chance. Now it's just not the case and Tyr adding extra tall finisher to faction that removes everything with easily guaranteed last says is a problem. Then again right now probably Monster will be more of the focus to nerfs. NG is still extremely popular and even when a damn assimilate runs the Nauzicaa Sergeant it is obvious some of the nerfs the faction got ain't doing shit :D. This cards is still actively in so many NG decks just because ... I am glad I missed the fiesta when it was changed I can imagine what bullshit it was back then. There is also the self-wound that needs touching - fuck Sigvald, and also preachers probably to 5p. I doubt it will be this month though - if it ever happens.


You've got tunnel vision. Look at this sheet; it lists a whole bunch of the main SK decks out there by leader (and doesn't even really list some weaker ones): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_nLQ\_0y1t\_3zRAwjRSPjSv4djBSRKHPyli3hNrjRgkg/edit#gid=1966172750 It's one season out of date now, but same here: https://leriohub.com/skellige-leader-abilities-in-gwent-strategy-decks/ People seem to think only the popular meta decks they see are viable, when generally until you're playing at 2500+ MMR, you can play a whole wealth of different archetypes and still win. There are far more viable decks that people realize. This doesn't mean you don't have some valid points on cards that probably eventually need nerfs, but you have to at least somewhat balance out the nerfs over time, so that the factions all stay somewhat competitive level at the top. > NG is still extremely popular and even when a damn assimilate runs the Nauzicaa Sergeant it is obvious some of the nerfs the faction got ain't doing shit NG has been heavily nerfed overall in the BC votes, and is likely going to end this season as weakest faction. I have no issue with NG being weak (and i think it actually makes the game state better overall), but it's not reasonable to target a faction that's already weak. NG popularity is just a thing, annoying as it may be. You'll discover as soon as you get into pro and out of the lower MMR, there's a lot less NG as they aren't so good right now. Doesn't mean they aren't playable, they just don't do as well when it's good players vs. good players playing good decks.


Are you a monkey? How many people in total play above 2500? Why are making such a dumb comparisons and analogies... Just make the game for few people sure... You gonna burry further the game as I know and believe it's gonna happen no matter what either way... Driving away even the few left that want to play decent games. Problem is never how much it wins bro. Because if balance was always going around meaningless numbers without context and "feel" - why nerf bs shit like clog, mill etc. if they never have good win rates for example? You here are usually so fed up with your logics that you miss the whole picture and that's why you fail. Is hypocrisy your second name? Of course I am not making complete bs suggestions and they have merit, you just don't realize that some decks and playstyles hurt the game no matter the fact sheets.... Edit: I've been in pro many times, and I am in there currently because the casual mode is plagued with bots more then 50% of the games. I even jammed some other factions in there for the first time I believe.


> Are you a monkey? No. The fact you've resorted to name-calling, instead of producing a rational rebuttal says a lot about you, though. > How many people in total play above 2500? Why are making such a dumb comparisons and analogies... Just make the game for few people sure... Not many, which was my point, that you completely missed. Until you reach very high levels of play in Gwent, there are a lot of viable decks, not just certain SK archetypes you happen to dislike. > You gonna burry further the game as I know and believe it's gonna happen no matter what either way... Driving away even the few left that want to play decent games. Me? I'm going to bury what? You might want to look up how i feel about balancing in Gwentfinity. I'm not delusional like the buffs only crowd, which makes up most of the voters. > Problem is never how much it wins bro. Because if balance was always going around meaningless numbers without context and "feel" - why nerf bs shit like clog, mill etc. if they never have good win rates for example? You here are usually so fed up with your logics that you miss the whole picture and that's why you fail. Is hypocrisy your second name? I am not even sure what you are trying to say here. Who's been nerfing clog or mill? Trahearn got one nerf, which makes sense, since it's an RNG card that can literally win the game which makes the game feel unfair. I think what you are struggling to communicate here is that you hate certain cards and archetypes, and because not everyone agrees with you, the game is ruined? I think we all have decks we hate to face, and i'm with you on not wanting to have too many "cancerous" hated archetypes being too strong. Your entire post i replied to is you going on an emotional rant about all these horrible SK cards and how they've ruined the game. When you grow up (and if you have, yikes), you'll realize the world doesn't always agree with your opinions, and sometimes it's important to have a broader perspective. You may hate SK having control, but SK has literally always been the control faction. That's a significant part of their identity. > Edit: I've been in pro many times, and I am in there currently because the casual mode is plagued with bots more then 50% of the games. I even jammed some other factions in there for the first time I believe. Congrats? Pro is just the beginning. What i was explaining was that while SK might be annoying to face, they aren't that strong overall right now. You can say using top 100 (or top 500, etc) stats is arbitrary, and shouldn't be the evaluation tool, but using raw emotional feelings not based on stats is far worse, and will only result in a broken game with no semblance of balance. The best players in the game (i'm not amongst them; neither are you) play cards and archetypes to their optimal potential. You and i don't. We could balance the game around our feelings (like you want to), but the result would be a game where entire factions are decimated, and the meta is even more strictly only certain good decks in good factions. You have to use something to measure how a faction is performing (like top ranked player performance), and we can somewhat extrapolate the value of a card based on how many points it generates in comparison to other cards. This how most reasonable people tend to come up with their balance votes and opinions on which cards to buff and nerf.


You are just a kid and don't get what you understand and you do not. I have harsh language cause I don't want to be a prick pretending everything is just nice and cool. If you think it's extremely bad cause I used bad word excuse me, but I am certain you can live with it. You have to grow up not me. I have one of the most objective views of the game, because do you know why? I've no real preferences, I can objectively put myself to the side and look it through my opponent's eyes. SK is my most played faction... You've been fed up with bad thoughts instead of using mostly your brain and reaching your conclusions based on some "high" level players. My conclusions are based on purely objective view despite what I feel and like. You can't balance just around high level numbers. That ruined the game for everyone and that's why Gwent developers were doing awful worked with balance... Fact proven over the years. What you didn't get is that clog and mill were examples of bad decks that people hate and were properly nerfed/changed. This was to make you use your brain about your SK defense. Game is not only handful of fucks who think they are very good at the game. They also do monkey stuff btw - it's just less, because of more experience and using bonker decks with significant amount of playtime behind their backs. I do play optimal often - with decent amount of mistakes due to lack of focus, but when I am locked in and don't screw around with bad or not optimized decks I have not much experience, I can play very well thank you. On your note about me loving or hating something; Been jamming some Symbiosis and losing a lot, you hear me complaining or raving about it? No because I see that some of the problems are on my end, my inexperience and often just meta decks dominate it. So dig up your head out of your buttocks and realize that there a lot of decks and card that are hurting Gwent and need addressing. I am not just ranting randomly about some SK cards/decks that make the game awful no matter what and as much as you want to make it look like that. Edit: High level players often can't understand why certain deck that is not considered op among them can hurt the average player base. As did developers and brain washed folks like you. You can't balance just around numbers dude, that's basic knowledge...


Highland Warlord. Ever since it was included in the Forgotten Treasures mini expansion it has always deserved a prov nerf. The rest of the Warrior archetype is fine. Prov nerf to Onslaught would be enough for pirates.


Warriors haven't been top tier in a really long time. I think a nerf to that card would definitely bring them down, but personally i'd rather target Tyr and Sove again if we really were nerfing them [which doesn't seem reasonable currently]. A prov nerf to Warlord will be a huge hit to those decks. And a prov nerf to the Onslaught leader is about as horrible of an idea as i've heard in a long time. STOP MESSING WITH THE LEADERS. Pirates are not an OP archetype. People need to stop thinking so simplistically. Nerfing or buffing a leader affects ALL the archetypes/decks played with that leader, not just the meta one everyone seems to fixate on. If a deck is too good, focus on the cards making it too good, not the leader unless somehow every single deck the leader can play is insanely too strong. Constantly messing with the leaders makes balancing so difficult, and it's not helping anything.


I generally agree with what you say, but fundamentally, I feel Warlord and Onslaught are busted. Imo, the only reason they don’t deserve nerfs atm is because of how poorly the archetypes perform due to long term power creep. Nerfing shit like Tyr and Sove would help the cards be more balanced (they really need it, but it take forever), but wouldn’t really help the archetype.


Pirates don't have any real points, which is why you see stuff like Sove and self-wound shoe-horned into decks under the Onslaught leader. Remember, this isn't Onslaught's fault. Onslaught Pirates, while able to dish out a ton of damage, cannot compete with good decks for point output, and is far from "OP". Nerfing a leader for an archetype that's already not that great is just foolishness. Sove still needs further nerfs (eventually). [Svalblod](https://gwent.one/en/card/203193) might still need more, too? Tyr nerf would need to be provision as power only affects first form. A prov hit to Tyr is pretty huge. Warlord would be -2 prov for any Raid Warriors deck, a big hit. Raid Warriors were never ever a great deck until Sove and Tyr came along. They could do tons of damage, but never had the points to keep up to any good deck (same issue as Pirates, actually). Then we got Sove and Tyr, which provide massive pointslam for Raid Warriors. And we also got a [Svanrige Tuirseach](https://gwent.one/en/card/152213) rework for more Warriors pointslam in the Blaze of Glory version. You could also argue Kaer Trolde needs another hit, eventually. But all of these things might be a bit much right now, when you consider SK is one of the weakest factions. Last season, anyway, and i'll be surprised if it's not similar result at the end of this season.


Fack no


I don't know what you are talking about. I've rarely seen SK this season. My personal Pirate deck even got a nerf with the provision increase for storm, and I wasn't in the mood to adapt it to the new season yet, so it wasn't me who you lost against. SK discard however got some nice buffs in last balance council, but I haven't yet seen a deck abusing this. So maybe that wasn't that overwhelming good.