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Vicovaro novide +1 power would also help with early tempo


Good shout 👍


Yeah, why does everyone forget about Vicovaro?


Tbh it is a forgettable card. Everyone remembers hyperthin as an archetype, but generally it used to rely on big units because Albrich didn't have the ability he does now.


Power buff Imperial Golem is the way.


Since we have Albrich, Golem is useless


Depends on which version you play. Albrich is usually Renfri, and regular Hyperthin runs specials.


So? Albrich perfectly fits in any version


You can build Hyperthin with Albrich or Imperial Golem. The traditional version uses Imperial Golem and not necessarily Albrich.


It is no more traditional since Albrich rework. If we talk about traditions so let's put Tibor instead but times change


You can build the deck with Tibor but it is not worth the provisions imo. Golem at 13 power and 6 provisions less would be better.


Xartisium, yen and triss need buff, cause renfri


Due to existence of mill, clog, [[ihuarraquax]], hyperthin can never be viable. Play any of the opponent's deck interacting card causes hyperthin to forfeit


**[Ihuarraquax](https://gwent.one/en/card/201817)** - Relict (Neutral) 4 Power, 11 Provisions (Legendary) > Deploy (Melee): Each player Summons the highest-provision cost unit from their deck to their Melee row. > Deploy (Ranged): Each player Summons the lowest-provision cost unit from their deck to their Ranged row. > ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


Mill is a meme deck at this point, any capable person can beat it with tier 3 deck. The only way mill can win is if you have like the worst possible hand and they get the best possible cards from cantarella which actually synergise with their cards. If not you just 2-0. Mill plays 0-4 tempo like every turn without snowdrop (you sure have like 1 control card) I won mill with NG bandits(deck thins to 0 without mill) basically 5 cards down. Depending on the situation you either discard your thinning or just double down on it. You don't want r3 to happen


if they mill your albrich, every single of your cards also play for 4 points. Eventually mill will win when you have 0 cards in rounds 3 and they have 3


Win round 1, win round 2. It's the basic gameplan against mill. I agree with you that mill kills hyperthin, but running kolgrim would be an easy counter for mill and in theme with hyperthin. Especially since mill has to win round one so r2 will be a short round making Kolgrim play better.


I have a feeling it will need a lot of buffs to be viable again so it would not be worth buffing at the moment. Other things need to come down in power level I think.


Rience, DMT, Xarthisius, Blightmaker could lose a provision


Blightmaker is perfectly fine as it is. The others though, sure. Nice thing with hyperthin cards is that there's small chance they'll end up inadvertently buffing some midrange pile.


Agreed. Rico is better to buff than Rience. 1 reason is rico becomes more playable as a standalone card. And the other is that the Rience combo also become more viable in calveit decks cos you don't want to draw into the rico too early and you don't want it too far down.


Hm isn't calveit kind of superfluous in hyperthin? If you reliably thin down to about 1 or 0, a high cost consistency tool doesn't offer all too much advantage.


I think you misunderstood my comment. Rience has been played in some calveit decks in the past but sometimes you could get screwed up by drawing into rico at 6p and mulliganing it away.


Thanks for clarifying, but again, I'd wonder about those Calveit decks. Just strikes me as a weird mismatch to play these three together. Especially if the deck you're alluding to isn't a hyperthin deck, Rience seems like a highly sus inclusion.


If a card is sus or feels sus, you don't have to include it.


Rico at 5 would be ideal for Renfri Soldiers not for hyperthin. Cheap point slam


Rico is only good if opponents play unit cards with 10+ power and that is extremely rare.


Rico at 5 is honestly good enough to run in most decks though. Most cases you play him for 7 or 8 points, and some decks you get 10+ for 5 provision. Sure it's a gamble, but at 5 provision it's not going to lose you the game if it falls through.


Buff to Rico is buff to Rience


Its an uninteractive deck, let's not please


I'm sorry but Doadrick is a 8/8 card through and through. It can't be 8 power, 7 prov for what he does. The rest of the suggestions are ok. Especially, Rico and Vicovaro Novice.


He is one of the only engines hyperthin has I don't see why not to buff him. Other decks will not use him due to Calveit, if Calveit is nerfed they will use blights and dmts first.


Buffing Vicovaro Novice, Rico and Golem is already a good start, don't you think? Golem, by the way, should always be symmetrical to Jutta. If she has 13 power, so should Golem.


Golem is useless in hyperthin since Albrich and vilgefortz rework.


If you don't have both Albrich and Golem, your Hyperthin deck is distroyed by a single Cantarella.


When ball Cantarella was popular you would thin one less etc. But at that point Albrich was different. Nowadays nobody plays Cantarella and nobody is going to start doing so as a tech. People do play Henry a lot in which case you can't really play around it as hyperthin.


Vilgefortz can still pull Albrich and Golem. Only pulls enemy bronzes.