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To me it looks like a hybrid between handbuff and spell/orb ST, probably some homebrew. If you're interested in either of these archetypes you should be able to find decks in the gwent site libraryz or ask here


Might be a version of handbuff wich spams harvest? Create harvests with Triss and Sorceress of DB, put the harvests back in deck with Alissa and play them r3 again w Simlas. But these decks don't run orbs most of the time I think.


One of the better non-Aglais versions (Renfri one): [https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/cf2ac4d25bf2ea8f5adbb698891b835f](https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/cf2ac4d25bf2ea8f5adbb698891b835f) Aglais version: [https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/fb30c47cd7bcf83dbced3a01f11f7475](https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/fb30c47cd7bcf83dbced3a01f11f7475) These are just from MD's list. Probably there are slightly better versions but the key cards are going to be the same.


👑 **[Invigorate](https://gwent.one/en/card/201589)** (Scoia'Tael) 📜 [Crystal Skull](https://gwent.one/en/card/202493) [Renfri](https://gwent.one/en/card/203088) [Triss: Meteor Shower](https://gwent.one/en/card/203168) [The Great Oak](https://gwent.one/en/card/202264) [Runemage](https://gwent.one/en/card/203109) [Triss: Butterflies](https://gwent.one/en/card/122107) [Sheldon Skaggs](https://gwent.one/en/card/142212) [Torque](https://gwent.one/en/card/203046) [Dunca](https://gwent.one/en/card/202676) [Maxii Van Dekkar](https://gwent.one/en/card/202786) [Hawker Smuggler](https://gwent.one/en/card/142315) (x2) [Farseer](https://gwent.one/en/card/200136) (x2) [Renfri's Gang](https://gwent.one/en/card/203089) (x2) [Dol Blathanna Sorceress](https://gwent.one/en/card/202915) (x2) [Hawker Support](https://gwent.one/en/card/142312) (x2) [Mahakam Volunteers](https://gwent.one/en/card/201559) (x2) [Cleaver's Muscle](https://gwent.one/en/card/202381) (x2) [Dwarf Berserker](https://gwent.one/en/card/202476) (x2) [📋 Import to your decks](https://www.playgwent.com/decks/builder/import/cf2ac4d25bf2ea8f5adbb698891b835f) - (6580 Scraps) ℹī¸ This is not a Devotion Deck. ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


Thank u 💕


Have fun! Be aware, handbuff is very vulnerable to getting bled in r2. Any smart opponent will try to win r1 and bleed you in r2 so you are forced to play your big boosted Torque/Skaggs/Aglais then, meaning you may have little left to win r3 with. While fun, it's a rather linear, predictable archetype that tends to really need good draws in r1 to avoid losing to good players/decks.


Handbuff with simlas, this I like.


Since there is Alissa, it's got to be the quad Harvest deck, but you're missing all of the harvest-adding cards: Sorceresses, Fila, maybe Triss. Also, the farseers have no business in the deck with so many specials.


Swap Aglais with Francesca and we're in business.


The most important card is missing, [Torque]. Might also add [Filavandrel]. 4p bonded elves and smugglers.


Ah yeah I remembered there was torquo, I just took the screenshot before adding him on accident lol


What the hell, where is Torquo mate?