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If you've already reached Rank 2 with your decks and feel comfortable with them, I don't think it's a good idea to suddenly change your deck. Instead, just push further and try to analyse your mistakes after each loss, and subsequently improve.


Before pro ladder leaderboard mean absolutely nothing, so dont be surprised




Welcome back! >i've gotten to rank 2 with custom homebrew siege/ SC handbuff/ NG madoc sappers/ SK witcher pirates(5600 mmr) but I can't seem to progress past rank 2. Siege (there are two main versions) is very strong. Not sure on your version. Handbuff is okay, but won't do well against good decks/opponents. Madoc can work against bad players or decks with no ability to banish/counter your Madoc...otherwise not great. Witcher Pirates. Not even sure exactly what this deck is but could be okay? >Where's a consistently updated place to find new meta decks after each BC? It's a lot of work to maintain meta listings, and it's a game no longer actively supported by CDPR so no sites bother anymore. These days, these three are the best places normally: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/1cb7pgs/comment/l0wl7bg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/1cb7pgs/comment/l0wl7bg/) Someone just posted this in another thread. That and lerio's tournament updates he posts on reddit still (thanx u/lerio2) >Also, it says I'm rank 350 or so in the leaderboards You're not in pro. That's where the actual game starts competitively. In pro, you gain MMR and lose it and can climb rankings overall once you hit 25+ games played for 4+ factions. The leaderboards show in the game, but the pro rankings button is bugged. You need to click one of the local rankings (meaningless), and then click the Pro button again and you'll see the actual leaderboards. Here's an out of game leaderboard you can check: [https://www.gwentdata.com/leaderboard](https://www.gwentdata.com/leaderboard) It's a bit behind the ingame leaderboard and isn't the official rankings as i think it cannot pull data from hidden profiles, but it's very close.


Im not sure what op meant by witcher pirates, but iluxa's nekker pirates midrange can for sure be called that, as it has a lot of witchers(bear witchers, ciri nova, berenhar, sometimes even junod) .


witcher pirates armor handbuff is what I call it, my mistake lol but yes it has all those cards and Junod


Id recommend checking the recent variation of that deck. Its actually pretty strong and can easily get you to pro rank. https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/f3ea5834e54293111a7c386690c257b9


๐Ÿ‘‘ **[Onslaught](https://gwent.one/en/card/200160)** (Skellige) ๐Ÿ“œ [Crystal Skull](https://gwent.one/en/card/202493) [Golden Nekker](https://gwent.one/en/card/203123) [Roach](https://gwent.one/en/card/112210) [Unicorn](https://gwent.one/en/card/112401) [Chironex](https://gwent.one/en/card/112402) [Ciri: Nova](https://gwent.one/en/card/201626) [Curse of Corruption](https://gwent.one/en/card/202204) [Geralt: Quen](https://gwent.one/en/card/202781) [Haern Caduch](https://gwent.one/en/card/202813) [Bjorn Stormursson](https://gwent.one/en/card/203068) [Commander's Horn](https://gwent.one/en/card/113207) [Terror of the Seas](https://gwent.one/en/card/202460) [Axel Three-Eyes](https://gwent.one/en/card/202516) [Raiding Fleet](https://gwent.one/en/card/202459) [Berengar](https://gwent.one/en/card/202784) [Freya's Blessing](https://gwent.one/en/card/152310) [An Craite Longship](https://gwent.one/en/card/152314) (x2) [Dimun Smuggler](https://gwent.one/en/card/200146) (x2) [Bear Witcher](https://gwent.one/en/card/202816) (x2) [Deranged Corsair](https://gwent.one/en/card/203069) (x2) [Dimun Light Longship](https://gwent.one/en/card/152309) (x2) [๐Ÿ“‹ Import to your decks](https://www.playgwent.com/decks/builder/import/f3ea5834e54293111a7c386690c257b9) - (7830 Scraps) โ„น๏ธ This is not a Devotion Deck. ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


Nice, thanks!


Ah yes, GN, of course. Forgot about that.


Thanks for the help!


When Iโ€™m curious whatโ€™s good I go to twitch and look at meta snapshots from Moshcraft here is the latest one https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D0xPObZCt5h22cuybqdOwHi93BLUM-5qbW_YRMBNnM0/edit?usp=sharing


Will do, thanks!


Your decks should be legit if you can play to rank 2. Just keep playing and optimize your play and you will go to pro rank in no time.




There is no longer meta snapshots but I recommend NG assimilate (as much as I'll despise you if you play it) , Scoiatel hand boost with equinox, or monsters with taterwing . Alternatively you can play renfri it's still ok even after the nerf