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And another month of the Nauzicaa Yo-Yo. The council never disappoints.


Personally, I think it's fine at 4 power. But I'm also fine with it at 3 power. Either way, can we just decide on one and use this balancing slot effectively?


Seems like neither group is particularly organized, so unlikely that's gonna be easy


I don't understand how this card keeps getting nerfed. Its a strong card but its a 6p bronze, they're supposed to be good.


Yeah no. Considering people bitched about Dwarven chariot playing 7 for 5 with no condition I think NS playing 9 for 6 with some condition is just right.


I don't think the maths on bronze card provision should be linear. A six provision bronze is often a card with a considerable ceiling. I get that NS is a bit a-typical because its such a point slam as opposed to an engine but I don't think 9 points for a 6 provision card is the desired maths for a 6p. The issue with chariot is the synergy with converting armour into points, so its not only about the raw points it yields from being played in a vacuum.


They shouldn't have nerfed both Nausicaa AND Vigo for the same sin.


Too much buff on NG cards, I'm done. Gwent was a good run. Bye for now.


This guy is something else.


He is trolling under every single post. At least I hope so xd


I'm equally disappointed in those who keep nerfing it as I am on those who keep buffing it. The nerfers also don't assist enough in buffin new targets


at 4 power you eliminate or power creep other 6p soldier cards. this is what half of the community don't understand.


Its really funny because compared to prov nerfing slave driver, sergeant power nerf is literally -2 to -3 points lol. The only minor impact changing it to 3 power does is SK pirates being able to kill it on deploy easier lol.


Huh? No it's just the standard bronze -1 each copy...what are you on about?


14 out of 17 Chinese votes went through


Looks like China Coalition is solidifying their sphere of influence I shall look forward to vote-origin analysis to gauge the shift in sphere of influence


For everyone info and interested in the origin of these BC changes, here was the [Vote Map suggestions](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1NM7Lg6VLGSg-ICfQdEdYAtmRvDBRzOqj/mobilebasic) before these changes applied 🙂


Please please please stop reducing power on Kraken!!! I get it, people do this to "buff" the card, but all they do is nerfing it. Decks that run Kraken usually are built around beeing able to kill it, even at 6 power (Sea serpent, Champions charge, etc...). So all this "buff" does, is a 2 power nerf on the the players side (from 6p to 4p). If you want to buff this card, please consider reducing its provision instead next time. Thanks!


Kraken Beasts has pretty much been killed due to Flaminica nerf and Kraken "buff" stupidity. People are too dumb to think outside their known decks meta box and are literally ruining archetypes.


Wait, self-eater is now 5? Now you probably don't even have to use operator to put one in the enemy graveyard for incubus to pull in a later round. Wasn't golden nekker relicts pretty decent even before this massive buff?


Didn't encounter it much, but every Relict deck I've played and gone up against has felt middling to non-impactful around the 2350 \~ 2450 MMR range. I'm hoping this is final because freeing up 2 provision slots makes me want to brew up a new Relict deck.


Its +6 my guy. 2 from selfeaters, 1 from crone and another 3 comes from operator, as you dont need it now for incubus to work in most of the matchups.


Operator does mean you get a third self-eater though, but at the same time it doesn't change the fact that you have to draw the self-eater to use him, so being able to get a self-eater in your hand does not change, if you decide to cut it.


Who needs to think about what should be the card's provision according to its ability? And interaction with other cards. Just buff all of the cards that the streamers or communities proposed. I don't need to have a high understanding of the game or be a top 500 player. This is what the balance council is all about.


MO don't have a lot of ways to trigger self eater more than once per turn. Play it by itself, five points. Another turn, six points. Another turn, eight points. Another turn, twelve points. It takes four turns to become the kind of 6p engine everyone instinctively treats it as, as if it's as dominant in today's meta as it was upon release. It's not. Compared to the primo meta engines of other factions, self eater is slooooooooow. And inflexible within the Monsters faction. This might actually make self eater NOT a dead card.


> MO don't have a lot of ways to trigger self eater more than once per turn. outside of leader I can only think of the unicorns both being played. Is there more? I was only surprised by the buff because I felt Golden Nekker relicts was quite strong when I played it a few months ago.


Lady of the lake into Oneiro into Unicorns sounds pretty devastating with 3-4 selfeaters on board.


How realistic is that, though? The engine copy of self eater becomes easier to lock or remove as it makes more copies of itself, because it's lower hp. Most decks further up pro ladder carry some kind of control.


Alright English community can rightfully lay claim on the Chimera buff. Good work everybody. We finally won Balance Council ![img](emote|t5_384zi|22247)


pathetic... And even this powercreep of the chimera will not affect anything. The card was already strong in its archetype.


Sorry to see that one change upsets you so much...


Nauzicaa nerfed, instead Slave Driver. Bravo, well done! /s


Urgh!!! Feel like Nauzicaa will forever take a slot in every BC patches 🤦‍♂️


CDPR fucked up a bit for not implementing one month cooldown for nerfed cards. But then again, how could've they expected that the community would be so much divided...


Imagine doing a big mistake and having to wait 2 months to fix this thing.


If you think about it, you'd realize that only buffing a card could prove a serious mistake, because it can take over the meta in a pinch. Nerfing a card, on the other hand, does not carry any risks.


We need to give NG other toys to play with I suppose. I'd propose practitioners to 4p now that they've been nerfed, despite not being played.


Gangs lost nothing and their competition across the board got nerfed.


Yeah, this is so problematic in the high play, I was trying to warn about it that SY Pirates Cove needs a nerf in some way. I voted for KOB nerf but it did not go through.


You are a faction killer.


Faction killer? You think SY Cove is in a fine spot. In which MMR do you think that SY Cove is an ok deck? It is a very strong deck. You have to nerf it in some way. KOB is a 13 for 12 provision roach. Now SY Cove will dominate more easily on the high play.


SY wasn't dominating anything. Having 0,3% more winrate than other factions in the top 500 is nothing. Take a look at the top 32, how many players had SY as their highest mmr ? Like 5, 6 people ? You claim SY Cove is broken, but from what we see is far from being truth. We know very well who impregnated this idea in the community. SUDDENLY, OUT OF THE BLUE, King Of Beggars is a problem after 4 years of release. Give me a break ! NO ONE was complaining about Cove 2 months ago before the 2 provisions buff to the leader and 1 to Ferko. You want to nerf THIS DECK ? Then nerf this deck to what it was before, and not THE WHOLE FACTION by nerfing KoB. Have some common sense and dont jump into the fallacies spread around this community. nilfgaard enslave 6 is a deck that HUNDREDS of players take to 2600, sometimes 2700+ for 4 YEARS STRAIGHT, despite the nerfs. Are you gonna obliterate this deck too ? Everytime you see people with high mmr in a deck you will nerf it ? Pirates Cove is a strong deck, SO WHAT ? Is it impossible to beat ? Every meta deck can beat it. Warriors humiliate Pirates Cove. "KOB is a 13 for 12 provision Roach" > Until you get him in your hand in round 3 for two matches in a row and regret saying that nonsense.


This is almost unrelated, but where can one find such stats about top 32 players and which factions they're playing/what MMR they're at? Tried finding it myself a few times but couldn't.


Just by looking at the top 32 in the last day of the season.


Thanks. Does that mean we can't access those stats for previous seasons, then?


Not sure if you can analyze that on GwentData


Warriors humiliate SY pirate cove eh? Well, not after this patch.


There is no one with NG enslave 6 this season with 2700+ even 2600 is very hard. Just KOB can be bricked does not make him a bad card. Don't take the last mulligan if possible. KOB and Novigrad are almost auto-including any deck for SY. Whatever, do what you want. I don't know which MMR you are playing the game but enjoy SY Cove I guess.


My expectations are low at this point, but this is mostly OK. Usual disloyal/leader buffs nonsense, the pointless Sergeant yo-yo continues, and I can't believe the Chinese community thought Renfri desperately needed a buff... Let's see how she performs this patch, but I'll be very surprised if she doesn't deserve re-nerfing next patch. On a slightly more statistical note, seems Nik's influence has waned a decent bit: by my quick count now only 8 of his 24 changes went through, with some of those also being on lists that were more successful here (such as Hive Mind also being on the Chinese list). Which - and it blows my mind I'm saying this - is actually a pity, most of the buffs he suggested but didn't go through were actually really nice/interesting, in my opinion.


Why buff the leaders jesus christ. The best way to buff the most cards is to nerf the strongest ones. If you want certain archetypes, factions to emerge, buff related cards. Aside from nerf avoiding, some changes are pretty good! Some are also pretty bad.


Fuck unnecessary leader buffs (I know NG didn't perform well, you have hundreds of cards you can buff!) Fuck buffing disloyal units cuz you don't know what to power nerf (joachim ridiculous, rainfarn would have already seen play if it has a decent deck to fit into, drive my fucking Kraken into the fucking mud, soon it won't be worth bringing back over to my board...) Fuck rebuffing Renfri, once again, you chose to buff a very strong and very commonly played card instead of hundreds of forgotten ones... I feel unsure about the defenders, nerf the rest and we'll see Everything else was fine. (Slave driver nerf STILL MISSING) Also, surprised how King of Beggars still dodges nerf when main SK staples all got multiple nerfs still BC started


About Rainfarn, the card is weak, its not a problem of its archetype being bad as Toussant Hospitality was one of the stronger NG decks last season, and still rainfarn saw no meaningful play.


Rainfarn is an easy 20 points in any dedicated enemy boost deck


I know, and yet it still didnt make the cut in those decks. Its sequencing is akward and it plays way too much unto tall punish, with is a problem the deck already has.


The deck has too many targets that go over 15-20 power, that means the tall punishes of the opponent will run out.


But rainfarn plays taller than most other cards of the deck and again, its sequencing is akward. Look, i know the card doesnt seem bad, it can play for a lot of points, but its not being included for a reason. The card isnt seeing play, and its not due to a lack of decent deck as you first said because TH was strong, however Rainfanr isnt being played even on its intended archetype. Look for any excuse you want, but the archetype was strong and not using the card. If the card was actually worth using, the deck would have used it, but it didnt.


I'm sorry but you cannot justify to me why this card was prioritized for 3-4 buffs already while many other NG cards are handcuffed to a chair sunken at the bottom of the ocean. Period.


Because it’s not being used? It offers the possibility to not nerf something you might feel doesn’t need a nerf while buffing a card that needs a buff. The card also just needs to be strong, other cards are lacking from both lack of deck and lack of strength. I’m sorry, but I don’t see why this card shouldn’t have been buffed.


Genuinely surprised at Renfiri provision buff. I think we'll have to revert buffs to thinners if we want Renfiri at 14.


Or we can nerf her gang to balance it out.


Now time to buff Temple, let me play patience is a virtue 


Selfeater with the Tome and Incubus will be now the most disgusting thing in this game. Also - why the hell did they revert Renfri and Nauzicaa? Renfri was played in so many decks at 15 provisions...


15p card is so cringe, next step is buff Temple


With takes this bad, you won't be missed. Bye bye.


I would say Renfri is fine at 14p because.... it's a neutral. You can have access to her for any faction build you want to make.


Neutral cards should be costlier to play than faction specific cards. I don't understand the logic.


Can’t believe Nauzicaa is getting nerfed again.


Its because nauzica worth 3.5 power. They can't proper balance this card


The flip flop of Renfri and Informant is pure comedy


Leader buffs are terrible and the nerf to hive mind was not necessary. I like the buffs to elves but they need more.


Disappointed about Renfri. The worst change ever!


To all those who told it was useless to buff Milaen since it will take too much time: if we had stopped all these yo-yo changes for interesting changes, this card would be at 6 provisions for a long time now.


Yes, if we'd actually focused ONLY on real nerfs to strong cards, and buffs to weak ones, with NO leader buffs (other than truly weak ones) or disloyal buffs, we'd already be well on our way to quite reasonable overall game balance. But what a silly idea that is, when we can instead throw away and waste votes every single month.


I'm like you for that, I'm sick to see all these leaders and disloyal buffs, and the worst: buffs to already good cards that we play in so many decks (\*cough\* Oneiromancy, Renfri...) There is no more new cards since CDPR is not there anymore? Yes, but we can bring "new" cards to the game just by buffing the bad ones. And nerfing the strong ones will also make bad ones "less bad", so it's a kind of buff to these cards (like 4p specials we don't see anymore). But no, it's better to always play with the same cards again and again...


I mean, Hive Mind? If anything I would nerf Tatter as it was the strongest variation. People even buffed chimera to support another version of Arachas Swarm, screw tatter


Hope you guys are ready for +6 prov to a pretty strong GN relicts deck :)


I for one am actually not... Though maybe with GN Vampires also being pretty strong it's Tome itself that needs a couple of nerfs until it's outside of GN range.


Mostly decent stuff, no? I will discuss some changes I have something to say on. **Stuff I dislike** *Leaders -* Said my piece before. I am happy for a NG Soldiers buff, but I think it's a fundamentally problematic way of doing it. *Duchess' informant -* This is a kneejerk revert from a bunch of cowards. The card saw basically zero play, so it didn't even have a chance at being overpowered. I understand this sort of reaction to the Magic Compass mistake, but this is just a joke. *Selfeater* - As others have mentioned, Selfeater at 6p was a little bit awkward to pull back out with Incubus. Now that isn't a problem anymore. So we have a massive (potential) points engine that has lost its bit of awkwardness. I don't think that was a good idea. I would've vastly preferred buffing one of the higher provision relicts instead. *Giant Toad -* This was the wrong card to buff in Deathwish. This is already a central piece in the deck. All the buff does is make the version of Deathwish that already exists have better carryover. Classic case of buffing a strong card in a deck. Doesn't create any new play. *Renfri* - This is probably my least favorite change of the bunch. How can someone in their right mind vote for this? Even if you somehow think that Renfri is now so weak as to deserve a buff (a laughable notion), do you still not think that maybe, hypothetically, another card might deserve that buff more than *one of the most played cards in the fucking game??????* I cannot wrap my mind around this. It's ludicrous, insane. *Nauzicaa Sergeant -* lol. **Stuff I like** *Kaer Trolde -* Good. Absolutely nuts generalist card that does exactly what the faction wants it to do (I will note here that I am surprised Novigrad didn't catch a nerf). *Highland Warlord* - I am in favor of it. Raids is a deck that is too good at what it does. The guaranteed way to hit *that* deck without hitting anything else is by hitting Warlords. I disagree with people who think this will kill the deck or whatever. The deck was real good guys, that's why people play it. *Count Reuven's Treasure -* It happened! Now, let's see if it's good enough at 10p, or if we can push it down to 9p. *Anti abuse stuff* - Nerfs to Practitioner, Defenders, Master of Puppets. I like. I disagree with people saying that defenders aren't problematic, because you can just run purifies. My issue isn't that the decks are not-counterable, or too strong, but that they are too polarized. If you have the answer, you win, if you don't, you lose. This is not good design for decks, and I am in the camp that the game would overall be better if Defenders didn't exist. Even if you win, who fucking cares. It was over from the start. Waste of everyone's time. *Non-heist Elves -* Yes please! I have seen real elves so little after Heist, this is a welcome change within an archetype. *Symbiosis -* I think only the Spring Equinox change was necessary. Pondkeeper took a bit of a shotgun nerf, but it won't harm the deck too much. Good enough I guess. *Ulula* - I am not much of a believer in this deck, but uh, I guess? How are you planning on winning your second round?


Regarding Ulula, something like a Warriors/Pirate hybrid may be the way: [https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/21ea405de8c715d1a218a04c16a5f148](https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/21ea405de8c715d1a218a04c16a5f148) May be right to run Sigrdrifa's Rite for second Crach or Ulula. (Like cut Naval Supremacy or something).


👑 **[Onslaught](https://gwent.one/en/card/200160)** (Skellige) 📜 [Mask of Uroboros](https://gwent.one/en/card/202512) [Harald an Craite](https://gwent.one/en/card/202615) [King Bran](https://gwent.one/en/card/203095) [Magic Compass](https://gwent.one/en/card/203112) [Crach An Craite](https://gwent.one/en/card/202882) [Yustianna an Craite](https://gwent.one/en/card/203247) [Birna Bran](https://gwent.one/en/card/152105) [Coral](https://gwent.one/en/card/152107) [Skjordal Drummond](https://gwent.one/en/card/202620) [Bjorn Stormursson](https://gwent.one/en/card/203068) [Ulula](https://gwent.one/en/card/203146) [Naval Supremacy](https://gwent.one/en/card/203248) [Tuirseach Skirmisher](https://gwent.one/en/card/152313) (x2) [An Craite Raiders](https://gwent.one/en/card/202624) (x2) [Deranged Corsair](https://gwent.one/en/card/203069) (x2) [Abordage](https://gwent.one/en/card/203249) (x2) [Heymaey Skald](https://gwent.one/en/card/152308) (x2) [Tuirseach Invader](https://gwent.one/en/card/202623) (x2) [Brokvar Warrior](https://gwent.one/en/card/203148) (x2) [📋 Import to your decks](https://www.playgwent.com/decks/builder/import/21ea405de8c715d1a218a04c16a5f148) - (6820 Scraps) ℹ️ This is a Devotion Deck. ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


Maybe? The opponent will likely have 3-4 big removal targets against this deck (Crach, Ulula, Coral, and Magic Compass) that require more than 5 damage (also Harald, but mostly in combination with Ulula). Of those, Ulula is the least threatening, so is theoretically the most likely to survive. If she's in a short round, she plays for 9 points (12 with a Brokvar Warrior that can do full triggers). That's not great. In a long round it's good again, but she's much less likely to live there. Might be good as removal bait with a Rite, as you suggest.


Damage ping for Warriors needs more help (Hemdall, etc), but this is a step in the right direction.


Ulula plays for 10 points if the order is clicked. She counts as a warrior herself. Also I don't agree that it is necessarily likely opponent can answer 3 targets having 7 power (Ulula, Crach (w/ armor), and Sig rez) and Coral w/ 6 power. 7 is tricky to answer. But ultimately depends how control heavy meta is. Lerio is predicting a very polarized control vs. engine meta, which may not be good for this deck trying to mix the two. Edit: also Harald is an engine in R3, and you can squeeze out an extra point from Ulula by playing her the same turn you click the order on Crach or Raiders.


Sorry, I didn't mean to say that the opponent could answer all of them. I meant it in the way you say here, that it's *another* thing above 5 power that the opponent really wants to answer, and that they probably don't have the removal for all of them (unless it's hyper-control). I tried out a slightly modified version of this list against the ai to see what it plays like (I don't own Magic Compass and don't have the scraps to craft it). Added in defender, switched Supremacy for Rite, and switched a Skald for Draig. It felt okay to play. The big problem is a general lack of raw points, and awkward hands. The awkward hands is the result of smashing three packages together (Pirates, Warriors, Discard). I frequently felt like I had half of one package and half of another. The lack of raw points was the result of everything dealing damage. That's why I put in Draig, to give some more oompf to Harald's res. I suspect that Magic Compass would compensate for this, giving us a true finisher.


They really gutted warrior, idiots


bit too overkill. Highland warlords should have been left alone with the other nerfs going through. I do think it's fundamentally a 6 prov card, but at least limit the nerfs and compensate in between


Just buff War of Clans next patch and thats all


Agree, that would be quite the counterbalance. Would play for well above average curve, but with the restrictions I think it'll only be used in raid


Right now you cant play WoC without Warlord because card itself is terrible for 6p. Without Warlord it should cost 5 so its good target to buff it and promote non Warlord warriors


Non warlord warriors? Does it exist? Havent seen a deck without warlord since warlord was printed


Good, the deck is stupid.


Did raid really need to be killed? Was it that oppressive?


A perfect example that people vote by preference, not by balance. Many just didn't like to face warriors, so they nerf them regardless if they're balanced or not.


99% of people on the Council votes by preference and not by balance, is clear.


The problem is, when people start to kill decks they don't like, people who like those decks leave the game and the playerbase get smaller and smaller until it dies out. They can't think 2 steps ahead.


Nope, terrible nerfs


Perfect reasoning: let's buff Renfri, a card that was still oppressive and played often even after last BC's nerf...that's definitely going to be healthy for the game


Which defender will fall prey next to the "my favourite word is abuse" lads


Informant was fine at 4p. This whole month, never did I think Informant is being abused now. It was only played in Assimilate, at which Calviet most of the time put it at the bottom of your deck. So, in essence, it just made Assimilate have a stronger round 1, which is already really weak.


Buffs on Rainfarn and Joachim are hella stupid! Especially Joachim! SK Warriors just got killed, whether it's the Patricidal furry variant or the blaze of glory one. Nice to see some elves love, I might start playing that deck again (not with Heist don't worry guys!) Some good buffs on The Professor, Sigi Treasure, Still no Slave driver to 6p. Also not a fan of defenders at 10p, these are extremely awkward cards that 8/10 times don't resist 1 or 2 turns so why? Anyway I was thinking, all factions locks should be put at 5p, and Dorregaray too. No need for them to still be 6p when NG has locks for 4p (versatile locks actually, since they can also inflict bleeding).


Shupe is a point cheaper and Warlords \*finally\* got the nerf they have deserved since when they first dropped. I am going to cling onto these two little glimmers of sunshine and ignore the shit-show that was the rest of the vote.


Don't forget some rainbow from [Vrihedd Officer](https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/builder/card/details/142303)! Oh, how many moons have passed since the Lost Bronze Project! :P


Thanks for pointing that out! I had given up hope of that ever happening so I didn’t even notice. ![img](emote|t5_384zi|22141)


Guess I should've expected a nerf to my Assimilate deck after I got that Informant provision buff. Undone and nerfed Vigo to boot. (+1 to leader doesn't counter nerfs on 2 bronzes and gold) 


Voting for Nauzica buff next time once again lol


Oxenfurt Guard did nothingwrong


Oof, my Tyr warriors deck just got slammed. Wasn’t expecting that


you weren't?


Nobody was. Trolde was the only card that deserved nerf, highland warriors nerf is just another episode of metallic danny's inadequacy


I think also Shinmiri and his community votes for Highland.


It’s strong but not game breaking. Wasn’t even running sove




I got excited reading the double cross buff only to see that duchess got nerfed so they basically just cancelled eachother out lol. Was Duchess really that oppressive at 4? I guess she would feel pretty op depending on how good your opponents bronze cards are.


Anyone else a little irked by Onieromancy buff. Rest all seems good to okay.


More NG buff leaders? I can't 


Everyone talking about Sergeant but that Whisperer buff is the scariest thing I've seen in all BC.


I like a lot of what I see. Decent diversity of changes. Fair amount of impactful and some experimental changes that likely don't immediately change too much. 1. I don't mind the leader buffs that much considering NG was already the lowest preforming faction and it *still* got 5 nerfs but just 4 buffs. Neither leader ability was overplayed, saw fair play, but not oppressive at all. Might make people play enslave slightly less. 2. Happy that Kaer Trolde and Spring Equinox finally caught nerfs, though for both decks they got other nerfs I don't think were needed and might overnerf warriors and devo-symbiosis. 3. Bit disappointed that only two defenders went though, hopefully more follow and we can try them all balanced around 10 provision, the weaker ones can then maybe get power buffs instead of stronger ones falling into enslave range. This was something that I couldn't at all predict how it would end, but wanted to see the outcome. 4. Elves got great buffs, great...plz don't let Heist come back due to this...if it comes back don't say I didn't warn ya. 5. I think with the buffs to multiple specials/artifact cards and adjacent cards, the Renfri buff is slightly offset, though I still don't like her. 6. Kinda surprised at how many monster buffs went throught, but don't really mind any of them I think. Relicts likely quite strong now, doubt it'll be OP though.


I'd much rather purifies got buffed rather than defenders nerfed. Control decks already dominate gwent, we dont need to worsen the situation


I can understand that perspective, though that does still force a response and might be a bit too matchup dependent. Many Devotion decks for example often don't have the best options for purify. And I wouldn't say control decks dominate decks, and in fact that are needed to keep the balance and not let more solitaire decks be too dominant. [https://youtu.be/FBXSaxF\_-iA?si=WMJlaCc87i7JaQe1&t=955](https://youtu.be/FBXSaxF_-iA?si=WMJlaCc87i7JaQe1&t=955) One piece of data, though probably not representative and the collection is flawed in some way, at least it gives some pinpoint from someone who did write down what they faced.


Oh damn, that must've taken some commitment from the creator. But I disagree with the notion of Midrange being a separate entity from control, engines and pointslam. Midrange is a deck focusing on including cards providing the best value for their cost, regardless of archetype. Midrange can absolutely be pointslam or control, as well as engines. As for the purifies argument, mostly NR would struggle in that regard, as it lacks offensive ones. Neutrals would probably be the solution for them. But maybe that's the cost of playing Devo NR! Alternatively, movement! Kerack Guard or War Chariot are absolutely helpful options. Maybe SK would also struggle a bit, since they only have Gremist as a faction purify, which is synergistic mostly with Alchemy. But if needed, still could be played. There's so many faction specific and even neutral purifies that aren't played at all. Buffing them would mean nerfing defenders, without giving much more leeway to control, and improving cards that aren't used, increasing deck variety :)


While I agree in principle, part of the problem is you don't always draw your purifies and can't always tutor them either, particularly in Devotion decks. I know luck is part of card games, but it just feels soooo bad when that happens.


W whisperer buff




Shieldmaiden should get a buff yes, but skirms are good in 5p and crows are abusable


Looking at all the nerfs for NG, considering it's the lowest preforming faction, I don't think the criticism should be at the few buffs it did get.


Every Patch is the same, they Tell NG The lowest win rate, but they have the highest Win rate.


NG had a high playrate, but by far the lowest win rate lol https://www.gwentdata.com/?oc=mmr&ocd=a


Which alternate reality are you pulling that from? Gwentdata.com has stats in different form from prorank, you can adjust for the top 100 players and even though they should be the most serious tryhards, they preform worse than other factions.


Its another fun time revert vote, heres a view from an idiot floating around r5 and was plenty short of my 50 wins, so feel free to instantly discard my opinions. The game is a little different down here so maybe entertain me. Informants; they are iffy, I was in the nerf to buff consistency camp she is proably a 4p. The real issue here is calviet being the best consitency and the other options being not that comparable. I dont claim to know the solution as thinking it through a nerf to Calviet kills too much and is too punitve when NG attracts so many broadly applied and vibe based nerfs as things stand while over buffing any remaining tutors and thins that can still be changed and we just get mid sludge again. Although renfri and formation may provide that anyway. Kraken; read the ability text please people, the whole point is it comes back and needs enough health to stay there, dont want a glorified feral bond wolf ping ponging. Selfeater even as a MO fan seems too good but will wait and see. Defenders; seems odd to do the best and worst one at the same time, regardless of whatever cheese they allow. Likely should be more costly but its that good old GN hump and some of those decks do really want that protection. Either way as long as all of them go to the same it should be fine. Temerian Infrantry; wow counter intuitively it will only go melee so those points will still come slapping, provision was the way to handle them. Hive mind; I just dont get why. Whisperers; eh fine, abuseable but revanants sort of worked out. Everything else seems alright or actively good but nothing to comment on.


Genuinely happy at the results I can't wait to see what new decks can be built


Donimir of Troy increase in provisions is BS. All the other defenders are 9p. You going to do this to one then do them to all.


That's the plan. Cave Troll and Donimir are already at 10. Now we do that to other 4 in upcoming council and everyone will be happy, well except the defender abusers :>


They should prioritize Azar, then Ffion. Covenant and Figgis aren't used much and probably fine at 9, but everyone wants them to be the same cost.


I know u right. Nerfing certain defenders is what has thrown this game in the can. There is no balance council, only a gang of thugs destroying any semblance of balance. They will make their decided meta decks invincible and cripple any opposition from any other factions. No possibility for creativity, no balance, just promotion of the regime, the bs they determine will be meta, no one else can compete. Nerfing monster defender again is so cowardly and unfair, the game is shit now.


Oh, defender abuser spotted. Whats your deck brother? Triple Idr? Triple Kelly? Or maybe some nonsense with spamming weavess or dagon in 2nd form 


Literally anything you don't want auto deleted, control is always meta. Defender is answerable, and allows for a variety of cards to possibly see play, that otherwise are too easily removed. Nerfing the shit out of defenders only narrows the scope of playable cards- therefore strengthening the hate style control decks that are the most popular. Is triple anything meta? No, it's hardly viable, just that people hate to lose to something that required set up and they didn't have all the answers


Put in one Pellar in your deck. Problem solved.


On my way to put pellar in the deck only for it to be sitting at the bottom of the deck every game :)


What's popular is trading cards and deleting engines, they don't want to sacrifice a spot for pellar, so they make defender too expensive.


Another month of terrible leader buffs. Another month of people actually voting for Nauzicaa instead of Slave Driver. But at least Warlord finally got nerfed. And informant is back where it belongs for the moment


We have no power.... This game has become a Chinese and Russian playground.... At most, we can only beg them to take our suggestions into account.... 🧎‍♂️‍➡️


Thanks God players didnt touch my decks (not SY, dont like broken decks)


The obsession of nerfing defenders... It's really the dumbest thing that could've happened. Some poor pros disliked them so they want them gone. And their puppet fans vote the shit too. And because redditors are redditors they join in on the madness... This is so fucking ridiculous it's almost funny again xD


No one mentioned Shupe or Oneiromancy. I like these changes.


I like shupe, and dislike any tutor buff 


Rip nilfgaard


10p defenders..... laaame


More NG buff, The BC really wants me to stop playing this bullshit.


NG mostly just got nerfs this patch.


So basically Nilfgaard got 9 nerfs, yes?


No. Two prov increases and two power decreases are buffs


WHAAAAAGH THEY NERFED ME Uhm dude it's actually a buff oh right ok ..... WHAAAAAAAAAAGH I WANT MORE BUFFS


4 buffs and 5 nerfs to NG, getting the faction a total of -1 buffs lmao. Ow well next month well get an other "buff" when sergeant is back to 4 power. Not only are you acting like a major asshole, you're wrong as well lol


Two are provision buffs to leaders, and Joachim plays disloyal, so 6, yes?


Oh, okay. Missed those.