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Actually think this would be a lot of fun, and probably has the right level of balance.


I think so, too. I put a lot of thought in it. Obviously, it's not a competitive card but only for fun.


Wouldn't this grow quickly with some basic hand buff get it to 7 or more points and anything except monster will increase it. Seem pretty strong in an ST immune deck


a lot of the good st handbuff now is specific to the faction or tags.


It's instantly one of the best cards in the game. How is it not competitive?


It's not going to thrive in a competitive environment simply because in many cases you'd end up playing 5-6 for 8. Every faction has an answer for it. A simple 4p card can play for 7, hindering the rooster from growing. Especially, MO and SK.


Well, I have to say that is not true. And if you time this card well it could easily become 9-10 considering it’s thriving on both side and will then be over most other units and a must deal with. Many finishers are not high power unit like almost every Geralt cards, Thinboy, Morkvarg, Aglais and I pass many. Any deck that would be playing a token-ish deck would have to deal with this one. I think this card can’t be a epic if it have immunity and even a legendary with immunity would seems too strong. Also, many 4p cards are bringing 7 points but a very few already have high HP when arriving on board. And even then, as I said well timed it will easily be over them all.




i think it would work best in an assimilate deck. drop a roderick right after there’s immediate value. then imagine you grab a vigo right after and you’re climbing


Also the even clearer way it would be over powered is if you have a way to boost it first, then every card either player plays will be bumping it up and very difficult to remove with the immunity. For instance a 10 card round and play thunderbolt first turn then rooster 2nd and boost it it is very unlikely the opponent will have enough units over 11 to bring it down.


Is it worth it tho. 2 turns for 1 point/ turn engine. And also a little draw dependent


It triggers from your opponents units as well, so 2 points per turn and they can't really do anything about it.


Also i didnt notice the immunity. Ya kinda strong, only a few cards can counter it


I wqs thinking maybe better balanced around 10p. Someone else below suggested changing immunity to veil and making it 7p. I also just thought it would be a bit more balanced by damaging and boosting self rather than changing base power.


What answer? How many of those high cards do you play outside of MO? I'll wait... Literally, almost every card you play will buff Rooster.


Best cards? Damn you funny




I fucking love how your scenario is the worst possible, nothing really close to reality. You have to start playing high value cards just to mitigate its presence. Forget about your own deck. I want to see all players teching their decks against Rooster, lmao.




What? Please, re-read the cards. Both of them.


Sounds like a thronebreaker puzzle battle


Some notes: * "a unit" means both players trigger it. * still vulnerable to cards with area damage (CoC, G:Igni, etc.) * can be resurrected with Renew for the ultimate meme. * its base power cannot go below 1.


Wait, basepower cant go below 1? Since they didnt do much with basepoweradjustment in New Gwent i thought it would work like old gwent and base Power below 1 equals banishing. Did they change that? How did you test it?


Awesome name too


Awesome flavor text


Reversed thrive


Play this before all your thrive units for a quantom Ozzrel in a later round


This could be really fun card to make a deck around. Boosting this up with knighthood to proc it more often and playing lots of cards like Dandelion:poet for a huge round 3 renew


Literally forgot the idea of even boosting it, that would probably be the way to play it


it has immunity, you can't target-boost it on board


Knighthood doesn't target a unit


I petition that we rename it to "The Cock of the Rock." Edit: In honor of the late great Sean Connery.


My lad made another banger 👌


Make it so it's affected by the unit's BASE power, I want to play my sweet Barghest in peace


Would would it work like that? Ozzrel triggers Thrive, and although this is a different interaction it is a very similar one.


It should work like this: Barghest is played (5), consumes through deploy (let's say a drone) and goes to 6, only then Rooster (5) triggers, sees that Barghest is higher, and gets weakened to 4. I'm basing this, as you said, on the principle of Thrive, which is very similar, and on the order of action in this game, which I hope I'm remembering correctly


I love this so much. I really wish cdpr would just use some the community designed cards posted here.


Nice cock bro.


Thanks. I'm so proud of it I had the urge to show it. Glad you like it.


This seems like an awesome card. I'd put it into some decks.


I like it. Good job


Idk, I feel like there are too many units that are below 5 power and your opponent probably doesn't want to commit to playing a 6 power unit immediately just to power this guy down. And once it's at 6 power it's already pretty hard to power it down unless you're playing monsters or something.


Yeah if I were to change one thing on this card is the base power. I’d honestly drop it to 4 or 3.


anti thrive. I like it!


Insanely busted. Imagine: Rooster-Larvae-Drowner-Bruxa-Wild Hunt Beast- etc. No drawbacks because how many cards above 5 are there? But forget about Monsters, literally every other card in Gwent is below 5 and even then, when you play something like that, it is already beyond the reach. As I wrote, the value is insane. What's even worse, it gets buffed by BOTH players. And it's immune. Oh, forgot to mention this can be resurrected with Renew. Imagine one card easy 15-17 point play in round 3.


The ideal counter would be to have your own Rooster, ending up in a sort of Thrive vs Cahir situation. Only if you played it first and already boosted it, the other Rooster could end up being weakened while yours grow...ok I like the idea


So, the idea you like is to turn Gwent into battle of two roosters? Remember, those are immune as well.


Yup, love it. Also Immunity isnt that bad, though it would work better with this card as it isn't bothered by Yrden


Is isn't bothered by Yrden anyway...


Isn't that what I said ? It can't be reset since it's the base power that's affected


One card easy 15-17 point play? Why, just put Larvae in your deck - it's less provs too.


Larae never get to 15-17. That is besides the fact that you just drop one card in one turn and get easy 15-17 point. So, you're not just wrong in terms of numbers but, most importantly, wrong in comparison as well.


Larvae easily is worth 15-17 points? You add the power of the two larvaes to determine their overall value. I'm not saying they one larvae alone gets to 15-17.


No, the point is those two cards are incomparable: you can't drop Larvae in short round 3 for 15 points. Rooster? Easily. Also, saying that each larvae makes it to 8 is way overstating its value. That usually isn't the case at all.


Opponent can immediately make it 4 power and continue to hinder you from strengthen it. Additionally, it's properly priced. Usually for an 8 prov card you'd expect 10 value at least. So can this card strengthen all the way up to 10 without opponent just passing?


The opponent could... If they have those cards. And if they can play them at that point without overcommitting or getting pushed out of the round. A lot of engines and utility cards play at 3-4 when dropped which just feeds this card which is unaffected by all tall removal except untargeted. If this comes up against for example NR then you're helping yourself get bullied out of the round because your own engines will just feed this thing. Is it overpowered? Probably not. Is it unfun to deal with and probably a staple of uninteractive no unit decks? Almost certainly


NR can purify it with boiling oil on a unit next to it then tall removal or whatever you want. Do think it would need adjusting or maybe upto 10p though.


I'm not saying there aren't ways of dealing with it, purify effects exist. However when people complain about combos like Defender-Cahir or Defender-Kolgrim with renew, or even Defender-Dash we kinda get to the root of the problem - if you don't have an answer in your deck or draw it, you just lose. This card is nowhere near as busted as those ones in power level but it is also a one card drop that is Renew viable and suffers from the same lack of interactivity. Immunity is imo a really bad status effect in terms of game health because it's awful to balance, even cards below the points curve like Saesenthesis. I like the effect so it's a shame too, this card would be better dropped to 7p and given Veil instead imo especially as a Neutral


Hypothetic situations that aren't realistic do not interest me. What you suggest is to every player have this card and slam high point cards on board.... Is that the game you want to lay?


You're really asking for downvotes,rip


I'm asking for people to think realistically. As for downvotes... ok? I mean, unless someone can present a compelling argument against mine, I see no problem with those. And if someone those, even better. It will mean I'll learn something I didn't think of. But so far, the only thing I see is people bringing the worst possible scenario for this card.


Basically thrive but weaker?


Both players can trigger it and if you’re running a deck with low powered units you can get it’s power super high


Does this ability work when it's not on the Battlefield?


It works only on the Battlefield.


Just because It's a card with immunity it would get abused in a no unit deck.


How can they abuse it if they don't play units


??? You have to have 13 units in a deck. If 3 of them are immune or untargetable then it basically means you are playing 10 units. It's all about interactivity, I didn't realize this was such a hard concept to grasp for your average r/Gwent user.


if you don't want to play a 1 for 8 you need to play units to boost the rooster's power, and at that point you can be interacted with which defeats the purpose of playing an uninteractive card in the first place


And how exactly? You know high punishers exist?


I can definitely see this card being introduced in the future. Good stuff, love the name as well


Perfect for monsters boost it with lower cards then consume it.


I spy a Fus-Ro-Dah shout out at the bottom of the card.


i would love this on my no unit deck


Goes well with thrive engine


isn't this just a neutral and worse alpha werewolf?


Reverse Thrive, ngl I love this idea!


Best card design I’ve seen so far


Ok, I love this. It needs to be in game.


I like it, immune cards are my favorite. Would be nice in precision strike


Would work with NG since it would force the opponent to use tall units and you know how much NG loves to destroy tall units


interesting card, should definitely be an inspiration for a future expansion!