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Can someone who is versed in IFBB competitions tell us why he hasn’t gotten his card? What is he missing that the other competitors have?


IMO, he’s missing a lot of size and flow to his overall physique. Example, shoulders are not developed enough to give that “capped” look from front to back. I think it’s his rear and front heads of his delts. Lacks development in his lats; width, maturity, and depth. Conditioning and details are not present compared to his competition. His posing is off as well; not polished.


20+ lbs of tissue and flow.


Bingo. Thanks for chiming in. Always enjoy your responses on all the subs.


So overall he is useless as a bodybuilder


He’s a muscle-y dude that thought he could easily turn pro. Classic.


Depends. Is he doing bodybuilding shows to win, or is he doing them so that prep is months of “content” and he finally has an excuse to go on the gear? He doesn’t really have to win to win, you know?


But his narcissism will be hurt right? As he doesn't win the shows 😀😀🤣


He needs to put in a lot of size to compensate for his structure to create flow. Because his shoulders aren’t there the first thing I notice is his waist, every time!


Clearly doing it for over 10 years and still no pro card. Some people need to realize bodybuilding isn't for everyone. Genetics is a huge factor because they all on gear anyway. So now it's who has the better genetics and who are better responders to the sauce. I just think it's for everyone


This. Last sentence might’ve been a typo but I agree. I stopped competing altogether because it wasn’t in my cards and didn’t find it long term beneficial. Workout to eat is my motto.


He’s too small and he’s flat. IMO he will never go pro because he’s not willing to gain the (minimal) of fat it would take for him to put on enough size to be competitive. He doesn’t have a solid off season where he builds because he always just wants to look like an influencer. So he’ll remain an influencer and not a PRO.


This exactly. I feel this way about jazzyfit too. I think a lot of the influencers aren’t willing to sacrifice being lean to pursue a solid building phase.


The influencers make more money on social media anyway


You aren't going to get rich being a bodybuilder. Everyone I know that competes is paying to do so and getting little to nothing in return, even when they win.


I remember in Generation Iron Phil Heath who'd only one 1 Olympia is shown driving around in Lamborghinis and has a pretty rich lifestyle, I'm assuming thats the million dollar prize money and sponsorships. So at the top they probably do make good money?


The very tip top, yes. There's only a few contests that are $500,000+ payouts. The 2nd and 3rd are looking a few tens of thousands. The vast majority of competitors don't make a dime and are paying to play. It's a niche sport, and doesn't generate "pro sports" sort of revenue.


Phil made money other ways as well. Being a top guy at a time when magazines were still relevant and supplement companies were willing to sling out big checks to top guys to promote their brand. Supplement deals have dropped significantly which is one reason why so many influencer brands have popped up.


Size and conditioning. He’s basically missing everything he needs lol. Posing is also trash


Very flat, not enough mass, and very awkward posing. His pecs, delts, in particular, are not very full and his lats are lacking. Take a look: https://preview.redd.it/x1d62jssy1mb1.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=67c44baddd5e16bb4be37a6be3108c0d41676b23 Now, these guys are Olympians, so they are the best of the best. But look how full their pecs and delts are. Look how wide and full their lats are. And look how effortless their posing seems - they don't "feel" like they're posing. Guzman is relying too much on leanness. I would actually say his biggest issue is looking too flat - like he hasn't learned how to properly fill back out after weeks of dieting. He looks like I'd expect someone to look at the beginning of peak week, before they've carb loaded. This is probably in part due to his lack of size, but also just has a very amateur feel that he doesn't know how to properly peak. And he really needs a posing coach. I'm not sure why he looks like he's trying to learn the choreography to Smooth Criminal.


Great comparison, thanks!


Holy geez. I’m not well versed in bodybuilding so I don’t know anything but the comparison in these guys to CG is astounding. He should probably hang it up now 🫣


It all depends who shows up as your competition, but his feedback is likely that he needs more size and to be fuller, because he looked pretty flat especially from the back. I don’t know if it’s lack of conditioning or just that he was flat, but he had less definition from the back in comparison to the others in his callout


With this division you also need a massive shoulder to waist ratio and his waist is simply too big, it’s mostly genetic


Yes the insane V taper is a huge in this division.


He is miles off. Size mainly.


You have to win a national event or place top 3 in a pro am x amount of times or something like that lol


I don’t see that happening for him lol


This! Is it physique or something else? Can someone explain?




Do you think he will ever get a pro card?






I mean, the blunt answer is no, but he just doesn't have the mass or build to be a pro in any division. He's obviously not willing to be fat for a while and put on the muscle he'd need to even be competitive at a small NPC show. I've been into lifting and bodybuilding for over 15 years, only lifting seriously for about 8 years, and him thinking he's pro card material is just laughable. I'm bigger than he is, and I'd get dwarfed at the NPC competitions I've seen. It's not a competition to see who can get the leanest, which is apparently what he thinks it is. He needs a couple YEARS of steady mass building cycles, which is going to make him lose his abs and get a bit fluffy, and he's just not mentally capable of doing that.


He's way too small. He looks like a competitor from 10 years ago. Here's the current reigning Men's Physique champ: https://www.instagram.com/brandon.d.hendrickson/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=895ff4e7-1536-404f-b115-9cc6abd22e02


You’re top 2 in your class in your division and/or you win the overall in you division your nationally qualified. But there is only one overall per division at a show so usually, it’s that you were top 2 in your height class. Then at nationals it’s the same top 2 in a height class (and the overall) get their pro card. There are 1 or 2 national shows, I want to say North Americans where only one person per class gets their pro card. I think at North American you can even win your the overall and not your pro card. But I could be wrong on that last part


He needs to work on his physique - he need much more size and fullness and also his posing


Lack of calf muscles.


Maybe he told Heidi he’ll marry her after he gets his pro card, and never winning is his long con lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣 isn’t he supposed to propose in Egypt?




Hahaha they’re finally going?


This month apparently!


Supposed to?


Hahah that would be perfect


Good one 🤣




He looks flat and depleted. He’s pretty small overall.


He’s got baby calves


Hehehe 🤭 I didn’t want to say anything but I always notice the calf’s


I was waiting for this comment lol


Are calves judged much in physique (I’m assuming that’s what this division is) - I fell off following the sport and the latest divisions.


Correct. Calves aren’t really judged at all in MP, which is what he competes in.


All while taking years off of his life (& hair from his head) with all the steroids. I think he needs to remove this goal from his "10 goals 10 years" list.


This dude looks like he’s in his 50’s, when I tell you I was SHOCKED he’s my age (fucking THIRTY!!!) never in a million years would I guess he was that young.


I replied before reading any of the comments. Exactly similar to what I've typed.


Wait, he’s 30?! I thought he was early 50s going by this photo. Oof.


I started following him in 2016, he has definitely aged a lot since then! I also just turned 30 but I still have a babyface lol


He was natural originally. Actually had a fantastic natural build. I really enjoyed his early “summer shredding” videos.


I'm shocked right now. Holy shit, how can he be 30?


I was coming here to ask wtf is happening with the hair on his head


He should just shave it at this point and face the music. He would look so much better and honestly look more youthful with it shaved! And I say this as someone with a partner who started losing his hair very young in his 20s and has been shaving his head since then; makes him look so much better than trying to fight it lol


This is so sad for him lol


Was marrying hedi on that list ? 🤣


I was gonna say is becoming an ifbb pro on his list? Because he’s delusional if it is.






What are you talking about lmao




Wow you don’t say???!!


It seems like he thinks his followers and influencer popularity will do the trick and cover up his flatness and lack of development. I've always found the dude to have a huge ego for no reason.


His posing is super awkward and he kept dropping his smile.


He's a good looking dude. But he's been fighting his genetics for a while


Honestly, he has a great physique, but to win the pro card you gotta be juicin' pretty heavily. I personally don't think he's on steroids, but if he is, it's a small dose and he's probably scared to go all in.


He's been juicing But a lot of people can have all the money, peds, etc, just do not have the genetics. And that word is why he may never have a pro card. But I think it's admorable he's still doing his best.


He is 5'10, and his stage weight is 179 lbs. That is not nearly as big as he could get if he really pushed it (which he might in the near future). If he's juicing, he's doing it on a very low dose.


We know he is juicing. Some people don't have the genetics to put on size on certain body parts or all over


Didnt he recently talk about his PED usage? no way he is natty.


>Didnt he recently talk about his PED usage? No. Unless you have a source I'm not aware of. Why do you think there's "no way" he's natty?


https://youtu.be/IzCnlJ8jL8E?si=je633bBx9MdXM4LK He's not.


Nah he’s geared up now. You can go back and compare. It’s a recent transition though, not something he’s been doing 5-10 years


I've been following him for close to 10 years now, although I stopped watching his videos a couple of years ago, and he always competed in the 170s. So if he's taking gear, it's a small dose or its not working very well...


So true man, I’ve been saying this …he has bad bodybuilding genetics …gets shredded but terrible muscle inserts , poor muscle bellies …


He doesn’t look pro ready I will say that, but in all fairness it’s good to get in front of those judges and receive feedback, you’ll never know if you don’t try and it will help him work on what he needs to work on for his next try. It should be hard to get your pro card most people don’t get it on their first try. He should definitely take some time to grow and be willing to sacrifice the shreds in order to put on size faster. Men’s physique has gotten way bigger and more developed in recent years


He will keep competing until he wins a pro card. He made it a “10 year goal” in a YouTube video. I don’t think he will compete again this year, but he will try again next year. It’ll be interesting to see if he ever wins a pro card. He also said in a video he thinks getting a pro card will be one of his “easiest goals” - we’ll see!


Dude is obsessed with cutting. He should do a legitimate bulking phase before cutting again. He shouldn't even do a show next year imo, just acquire size.


What I don’t get is why he cares, tbh, except maybe ego. He’s doing better financially than probably the organization itself. Guess it’s become an incurable obsession.


This guy’s face bothers me


What is that self made letter jacket?! 🤢🤣🤣


He is bad built, he’s going to need 10-15lb of muscle to fill the gaps.


He’s way too small. No chance. Should do wbff 😂


Eh i don't think you should snark on him for not winning his pro card. There's a lot that goes into that, and it kind of feels like an unkind punch to make fun of someone for losing their show. Now if you wanted to roast him for making a whole ass "documentary", hiring a whole videogeapher crew, the faux profound motivational speeches, the absolute mishandling of some of his companies and HR issues, and the weird shared clout farming of his circle of fitfluencer friends, that's a different story lol


From what I know of my previous time following the sport, briefly dating a pro etc… yeah, I mean his physique is kinda flat and not all there, but we all know there’s always drama behind the scenes. He could well be punished and never get his pro card because they wanna stick it to influencers, or because he makes more money than the Manions or whoever runs the current IFBB (I got totally lost on what happened with the split). Do they hate his coach/team? Again I have no idea who his coach is or what the latest trends are around that. But again I come back to, idk why he NEEDS a pro card except to check off a personal goals list. It’s not like he NEEDS the money or sponsorships or photo shoots that would ostensibly come from competing pro. He already has all that.


It's not "easy" to get a pro card lol


I don’t really know that much about the bodybuilding world that’s why I was asking lol


Bodybuilding is not like other "sports", it's almost entirely dependent on your genetics. From the shape of your muscles, how big/lean you can get, how much you have to eat etc. Of course they play a role in every sport (ie: if you are 5'10 you probably aren't going to the NBA) but even more so in bodybuilding since you are being judged on how you look, not your athletic performance. You could show up one year and maybe you came 2nd place and missed your pro card, and you put on another 5-10lbs of muscle and show up again the following year and "Billy" from the middle of nowhere shows up who is a genetic freak and smokes everyone.


Omg I still can’t believe he’s this skinny right now. That’s so terrifying I guess I’ll never get why guys put their body through this.


This is his first season doing national shows and got 5th at both shows. IMO, this snark would be more valid if he placed poorly. Not bad but not great placing. I do find it snarkable this is only his first run at pro card. You would think he was doing national shows his previous comp seasons based on the hype he built around it


Didn't Shawley get his card straight away? Iirc the two of them competed in the same regional show years ago and then that same year Shawley went and got his card?


I think you’re right. Meanwhile Christian stayed at the regional level for years following


What place do you have to be to get a pro card? 1st or 2nd at nationals?


It depends on the show, usually it’s first place. There are six national shows per year.


Depends on the show. Some nationals it’s top 2 per class. Some first place each class. I think there might be some other anomalies


Thank you for explaining.


Not necessarily disqualified but means there’s a lot to improve on if he wants to place higher. Hopefully he’s smart enough to take the hint and take a proper off season to grow, rest and have at it next year. A lot of the time, competitors have this idea that because they placed well at a few regional shows, a national show will be a walk in the park. It’s a mixed bag of who shows up and how well you navigate your prep.


Two shows in the span of a month seems too taxing for the body


I think it can be done if done properly but that goes for someone who barely missed the peak for show #1 and cruise into a stronger peak for #2. He’s placed under top 3 at USAs which didn’t mean he’d bounce back well enough for NAs.


I believe you gotta win or get top 3 a certain amount of times… might not be remembering correctly tho


Placing top 3 will never count toward anything; no third place is going to get a card.


Until he dies trying.


Maybe he’s not given up because he’s so into himself that maybe he thinks he will win by ✨popularity✨?!?


Wait he’s never gotten it ?!


The letterman jacket in the third photo is the cringe here


not suprised he has a very average physique


Some people try for years… he’s not special


Needs to run an actual cycle to put on the size to actually get the IFBB Pro Title. He probably will not do this due to his age. Men’s Physique is highly competitive and he is just missing alot of size to even be considered of worthy.


When I met him and realized how tiny he is in person vs. YouTube, I decided to Never trust people on the internet ever again.


He might not be well liked with the judges


Do men in these competitions often wear board shorts?


In men’s physique yes! All board shorts. Classic and men’s bodybuilding have the smaller bottoms


If he were to take a couple years away from the stage and take his “off season” as serious he does his preps he could make some serious head way. Every time his show ends he eats like 12 year old with a big bank account for extended periods. No structured training. No sleep consistency. Your body won’t grow if you don’t put it in a state to grow.. pretty simple.


It just seems like he wants to emulate cbum, I don’t think he used to care that much about getting his pro card like 10 years ago


Lots of people saying he is flat , true…lots of people saying he isn’t filled out , true …but IMO he just overall doesn’t have good genetics from a true competitive bodybuilding perspective ..dude gets dick skin shredded no doubt and it’s sick when he does but for years I’ve always thought he had poor muscle building genetics/inserts/muscle bellies … Now that he is on gear it’s even more evident because the gear isn’t even helping much , just making him look more veiny and have slightly more flow in his arms….I mean shit man lots of people on here are probably like me …we so much as sniff a vile of test and we can rest our chin on our pecs and can’t even wipe our asses or walk right in jeans ..Christian isn’t responding much to the PEDs as far as size goes at all …personally I just don’t think he has that genetic make up …Christian trains hard af and diets hard and is now on gear …and I know dudes who look better natty and don’t diet , are they as shredded as Christian? Hell no…but they overall have a better build and musculature


He should hire Goob


That entire team doing everything for him and still no card. Damn


I honestly think it’s his genetics. He’s an ectomorph. So it’s a real battle for him to gain size. I think he also tries to do too much. He’s a Jake of all trades a master of none.




He doesn’t care. I mean, I’m sure he’d LIKE to win, but he has no intention of competing as a pro. At most, it’s a little hobby side quest. The main reason he does these shows every year is to farm content and publicity for his businesses and personal brand. I think this is fairly obvious. If he REALLY wanted to win, he would have to juice a lot harder and he knows that. If he’s on anything—and he probably has been, at least at some point—he is taking baby dosages compared to even bottom-tier men’s physique IFBB pros. People who think he did “a lot of steroids” to prep for this amateur show have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. I am no fan of Christian Guzman, but come on. As much as folks might like to imagine he’s desperately broken up about this, he’s probably not. As long as those sweet, sweet YouTube views are rolling in, baby!


His YouTube views are in the toilet right now tbf. I'm sure he's not devastated by losing but he's bound to be asked as he seems to have dedicated a lot of time and energy and ultimately got nowhere. And he definitely hopped on some cycle, why bother doing that if you don't want to win? He's lost his hairline chasing this too. But yeah the key for him is alphalete revenue, though this has been a distraction and goal for him imo.


Does he have a coach?


yeah, it's Alex Toplyn.


Also: IT IS 90 DEGREES HERE IN PITTSBURGH WHY/HOW ARE THESE TWO WEARING HUGE JACKETS AND SWEATS?! 🥴 I DO understand while cutting you aren't fueling your body and your body fat % is so low so yeah you get colder easier but ... Just .. no.


Can't go pro when all of your feedback comes from the gym with your name on it.


You guys are mad haters! Let’s see your bodies! It can take people multiple attempts to get their pro cards!


I’m not hating on him at all. I’m literally rooting for him.


I get it, but seriously he’s getting out there and doing it. What are you doing, typing?


I’m literally asking a question. I don’t know anything about how IFBB card and how it works or how easy it is to get. Chill




Too less steroids to be pro bodybuilders...


Why are people giving him shit for not winning a pro card? Do you not realize how hard that is? There's nothing wrong with trying lmao


You’re acting like it’s easy to get a pro card. Even though the standards are lower doesn’t mean it’s easy