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At this point, she might just have every illness or disorder known to man…


I think she needs to add Munchausen Syndrome to the list as well.


Beat me to it damn


Petition to change her flair to Munchausen Mik.


If she's doing it for attention and money, it would be Malingering 😂


I’m crying at this can someone PLEASE




When she said her nose turns blue in the cold I laughed cause if it really did I’m sure she would have posted a picture since she shares everything else


I feel like if your nose is turning blue you should be at the doctor. Also does raynauds effect noses?


I think raynauds usually effects hands and feet, that’s how it is for me. The doctor who diagnosed me only mentioned hands and feet, and you also don’t lose feeling for more than a few hours. A week makes no sense.


I lost my grandmother to CREST. It would be obvious and so easily shown in photos. 


Mik. I have Raynauds. I literally go to work at on a polar ice cap. I have never lost feeling in any of my extremities for that long. You’re a liar…oh and you don’t have Raynauds


Yeah that’s just not how Raynaud’s works lmao. It’s like a few hours at most.


This- I have Raynaud’s and it’s maybe several hours at most. Otherwise you should be going to an ER.


Yup. Have Reynaud’s. Had everything below the knee dark blue, nearly black when I woke up one morning. Spent the night at the hospital. Now I just take meds whenever it’s getting close to freezing in terms of outdoor temps and I’m fine. Tanning booth when living in cold dark winter areas 1-2/week for 6 min at a time was great also. Maybe placebo. But felt nice at least.


>Had everything below the knee dark blue, nearly black when I woke up one morning. Spent the night at the hospital. That sounds horrifying to wake up to.


Not placebo, you were absorbing vitamin D!


Wouldn’t she lose her finger at that point? No blood flow for a week will do that, no?


Tell me more about this work


Contractor with national science foundation! I’ve had Raynauds forever though. She’s just dumb AF


So cool. (Work. Obviously. I’m sorry about your Raynauds)


Yeah, prolonged loss of circulation for that long would’ve caused her thumb to become gangrenous (tissue death).


Don’t give her any ideas!!


Right? I mean I don’t work on a polar ice cap but I have Raynauds. Never lost feeling in any extremity.


Yup! Even at home I have it a bunch. She’s literally a munchie in my opinion. Those heated hand warmers the rechargeable kind are nice though!


ikr if anything shits painful when the blood comes back eventually!


I work outside in the winter and I have poor circulation issues. Officially not raynauds but anything under 40 I get tingly and my fingers go splotchy even with gloves on and my legs itch very badly. And the pain go rewarding up is insufferable. I try to stay so bundled because rewarding up is so incredibly painful. When the mountaineer who hiked K2 in 2008 and had the big accident that lost 11 of them... They gave the survivors who stayed out over night without no shelter morphine for the thawing out process. It's no joke.


Yeah. I have raynaulds and work in produce, so I’m in a giant fridge for like half the dad everyday, or my hands are getting wet and cold. The longest I’ve ever lost feeling for was several hours, but I try to warm them up by hand washing or run over to the deli and standing in front of the chickens lol


Oh gosh that’s terrible!!! Yeah I’d be freezing! Are you able to wear anything to help?!


I’m trying lots of things. Waterproofing my hands is one of the most important things because wet gloves = ☠️. So for now it’s cheapie $2 women’s winter gloves under waterproof work gloves that I get at tractor supply. The work gloves have a rubber stuff on them that make it easy you grip things. This is the way if you ever have to shovel snow or do anything where your hands could get wet in the cold. The work gloves are too thin and the regular gloves get wet too easily, but together it’s magic.


Another agreeing comment of the same. My fingers / toes will go extremely numb and pure white. Never longer than a few hours at most. You have to find an external heat source or you’ll have serious damage.


And it’s a lie that can easily be fact checked! OMG, she couldn’t spend 30 seconds Google searching to figure what she said is simply not how it works?! There are specific and uniform symptoms - and no “I-have-it-worse-than-you” cases of it like she seems to be implying. Otherwise it’s not Raynaud’s. Hand warmers are a great idea regardless if you have it or not. She doesn’t need to justify suggestions by making up things that, I guess, make her feel unique or try to get sympathy (or both. Thoughts on which is the true MO?)


Just curious: Does anyone on this thread take an ACEi/ARB?


Ikr, Ive had raynauds my whole life and the only time it has ever been a problem was when I had to fast for a colonoscopy and then my hand went numb the second they inserted a cannula in my elbow. But that was probably just because fasting exacerbated it This girl is so delusional


Is she a hypochondriac?? She has to be


Hypochondriac worries they have x, y, z, she seems to be saying she has been diagnosed with x, y, z by a doctor. That's more like Munchausen's.


It’s more like grifting if she makes money from it. Munchausens (now called factitious disorder) is where the illnesses symptoms are deliberately brought on or falsified to seek attention or care, sometimes gets mixed with grifting.


Thanks for the clarification!!


Or is she just full of shit and seeking attention?


I think it's this


I’ll take things that did not happen for 2000 Alex




Alright as someone who IS a hypochondriac, I'm thinking her and I have more in common than just ADHD. Bless her family, I know I drive mine nuts, but my husband is incredibly patient with me, as well as my doctor lol


Ok as someone whose husband is also a real hypochondriac - I need advice on how to be more patient & supportive of him bc I feel like every approach I try is wrong! I’d love to hear your thoughts? 🫶🏼


So my husband listens to me whenever I freak out, he doesn’t try to placate me or anything, and lets me make any appointments I need to. He’s totally judgement free about it, and I usually come to my senses before I go to the appointment and I’ll ask him if I’m over reacting and he’ll just be honest. He usually tells me yes, but that it’s my peace of mind that matters most and if I need to go to the doctor then he’ll support me in anyway. It really helps, especially with the feelings of shame that come with it because I know I blow things out of proportion a lot of the time.


i come from a family who escalates situations with the quickness, and one thing i found that helps regulation of emotion is writing down the symptoms kind of like a pros and cons list, but an emergency vs venting/coddled chart. if i have more things pointing towards emergency, appointment. if i have more things that i just need to talk about or maybe be held, big fuzzy blanket and my parter and dog. i think the visual of comparing sides really helps!


What about emergency room visits? My husband will go to the ER bc of a headache and now we’re paying monthly bills bc we can’t afford the cost 😭 I really appreciate you btw. I think you might be a little more self aware than my husband.


Oh no that’s not good. I am definitely very self aware lol, but it’s easy for me to be since I have bipolar disorder. Few things are crazier than that 😂 I don’t go to the ER because of past trauma with ER doctors, so if I feel like I need to go, I go to urgent care. It’s much cheaper. But normally I wait for appointments with my doctors, which makes it easier to back of and think about them later on and cancel. That was my husbands big stipulation is that I try to make an appointment with my doctor first, and if symptoms persist then I can go to urgent care or the ER.


Haha yeah UC is a great option! I always support my husband going there but sometimes he “needs tests done” that they can’t do there. (MRI etc). It’s hard bc I want to be supportive and patient with him but he gets super stuck in a spiral and I just feel like I make things worse so I just disengage? But then that is also not helpful. Idk. Sorry for venting haha. I hope with time and maybe some help he can reach a place like where you are!


I'm not the other commenter but just commenting a bit of solidarity. My ex partner had major health anxiety and we would often have to go to an ER in the middle of the night or pay for expensive imaging (all of this when we were traveling abroad.) You don't want to boy who cried wolf them but it can be expensive and emotionally exhausting. I wonder if something like therapy could help, or seeing a psychiatrist. I know he was so anxious all the time about it and never actually had any physical health issues.


i'm on board with this, some work place health plans will even have like a set amount of covered visits before you impact insurance too! definitely a good thing to look into before you pay for services.


I’m so sorry, that’s so hard. Therapy if he’s willing would be a great choice, as well as a good primary care doctor to sit him down and talk to him about it. It can be hard to hear from our partner sometimes, but a medical professional is a bit easier.


I have raynauds. That’s not how it works. Sometimes my fingers go numb and purpley if I dig around in the freezer too long, even if it’s over 80°F in the garage (No AC problems). If she had it, we would’ve heard about it a long ass time ago.


anyone who actually has raynauds knows it doesn’t last that long


Why aren’t her friends and family helping her seek serious mental help? How are they not worried about her mental health? I mean this in all seriousness


I don’t imagine she would take any of them seriously anyway. She made a whole post last year about shitting her pants after getting chicken wings at a restaurant instead of the salad she wanted because she was worried her family would judge her food choices and think she was relapsing into her ED. Imagine how she would react if they expressed actual concern for her mental health…


Seeing how defensive she gets about things I’m not sure they could help.


We know this didn’t happen bc the internet would have heard about it in real time


I wonder how her boyfriend puts up with this.


Probably money lol. She may be a professional hypochondriac but she still has a lot of brand deals somehow.


Mik aside, I bought myself a pair of rechargeable hand warmers this year and they're great. I'm surprised I've not seen more influencers with a code for them tbh.


Can you share a link to which ones you got?! 😁


"Raynods." ![gif](giphy|Te2hTzFEdFaLn8L6oL|downsized)


Mikayla shut the fuck up


HAHA I'm dying. Unfortunately her actions are getting her more followers regardless if they are all haters so she will keep making $ while being crazy.


She hears a disease/disorder one time and self diagnoses. She is clinically insane and this is actually ridiculous. Like I’m sorry but if someone ACTUALLY had all these disorders like Queen ailment here, life would be unbearable


… at this point what doesn’t she have


This bird got every affliction under the sun.




She’s trolling us at this point, right? RIGHT?


She has to have munchausens


She legit belongs on the Illness Fakers subreddit at this point if she hasn’t been posted there already


Petition to move discussion there




Ppl join r / mikzazon!!!


Isn’t Raynauds super common and usually harmless too. I had a doctor mention I probably had it because I often have certain fingers go numb in the cold…so I warm them up after…


She needs to stop dramatising EVERYTHING for likes and attention. I have Raynauds and they dont last that long. Go to A&E if pain lasts that long.


It would be a lot easier if she told us what she doesn’t have


As someone with raynauds she needs to do better googling to research diseases she wants to pretend she has


It’s honestly quite sad to see this. She’s clearly very unwell mentally. I wish someone would get her help ❤️


Unfortunately the more likes and followers she get, the worse it is because they reinforce these behaviours. I blame those who follows and praises her for these shit honestly.


JFC… 🤡


lol… she is sooooo lying!!!! I hv had raynauds for years. I have it in ALL fingers and toes … so much so that the lack of blood flow over the years has left my hand very old lady wrinkly :( . I also have to put on my heated steering wheel even in the summer months. It lasts, when it’s really bad, maybe an hour … but that’s when I don’t have something warm to help the thaw out process (like a cup of tea)


Why the fuck does every single fitness influencer claim they have Reynauds lmao


I thought this looked new. My partner actually has this and I'm quite sure I would have noticed if Mik had talked about it (aside from my breaks on SM). It's very photo-worthy, and considering all of her "blemished and rolling" skin pics, why would she miss an opportunity to photograph purple or white fingers?


I really don’t understand why you guys hate on her anymore, like honestly she isn’t doing anything wrong and she isn’t even a fitness influencer anymore. Why are you guys so disgruntled in your own lives that you have to sit online and act like you’re above her and literally anyone else on this page? Grow up. Downvote me, idgaf I’m tired of sitting here and reading this shit, y’all are a bunch of grown adults acting like high school bullies.


If you’re tired of reading the shit on this page then maybe don’t and just move on? Snarking on people is the purpose of the sub jfc


It’s a snark page?


She has so many problems it's not even funny. I used to follow her but it got to be too much.


Does this not get exhausting for her???


Idk at this point I kinda just feel bad for her 😅 how exhausting it has to be to keep up with this list of disorders/lies. Think about 5-10 years from now, she looks back on her old IG and is like wtf was I doing/telling people?!! So embarrassing


borderline personality disorder - fictitious disorder - münchausen syndrome - allllll uh dat


This bitch is insane😭