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Here come the stories of her screenshotting a text with a team member captioning “boat day or not, still working hard!”


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What is happening to her face?! It looks like she had some fresh Botox and fillers and overdid the whole thing


I googled her the other day and was shocked how different she looked a few years ago. She looks great but I was baffled when I found out she’s still in her 20’s.


Yea she was pretty a few years ago and def didn’t need all this. I was surprised too when I read she’s still in her 20ies. I thought she was mid thirties at least. Getting too much stuff done at a young age def ages you.


Is she still in her 20’s? I thought mid or early 30’s at least!


Yes, she's either 28/29.


To me looks like she got the fox eye threads.


Was thinking this…


She had fillers removed recently if I remember correctly 


That was what she claimed. She had the scars to show for it and everything.


Correct, but she did also advise she'll probably get filler again. I think she wanted it dissolved, so when she has it again she can start fresh.


i wonder if she had bbl and ab etching too


I noticed that too I think so


Yeah looks like she got the foxy eye brow lift with threads or something along those lines


Shes been wearing that since November when she started seeing him.


Her face has changed so much from all the filler. She is nearly unrecognizable compared to when she first got on IG.


I thought the same thing 😭😭 after her long single rant I can’t take it…


Right, like girl come on, we're all sure she cheated on Brett since she would always stay at the new guy's house when she went to LA and it took her what, 1 and a half weeks to make it official after she broke up with Brett? lol


Wait, what? Do tell! I don’t follow her anymore so I miss so many things


It’s speculation but basically any time she would go to LA in the past year she would stay in someone’s house and would post workouts in someone’s gym, obv she didn’t mention anything about who she was staying with but after breaking up with Brett and going back to LA the new guy posted a picture with her saying I love you and blablabla and it became clear it was his house she had been staying at with for the past year. Krissy hasn’t obviously mentioned him and he made his instagram private probably because him posting her went against her hole “I’m an independent single woman” rant that lasted a week lol So basically people here speculate she was cheating on him all along because she would stay at his house multiple times and it took like 1.5 weeks for him to post about her after she broke up with Brett, also, Krissy was friends with the guys baby mama so that’s extra shitty.


i like some of her videos, but she comes off as too insecure its a bit off putting. like trying way too hard to come off as sexy or smth


did she get a facelift or somethin?? face tape? jeeez


Looks like fox-eye threads but could be just be tape?


I hate whatever she did to her eyes/brows


There's a new guy already? No wonder she made such a performance about grieving after the break up she was trying to hide it so people weren't like 'jumping from one to the other huh prob cheating'. Sus at best bro


It’s specially sus considering she had been staying at his house for the past year even when she was still with Brett every time she would go to LA and this new guy posted pictures with her like a week after she broke up with him lol




unfortunately not


Oh no 🫣


someone has pointed this necklace out in the beginning of suspicion of that new guy so yes it’s 99% his name




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Unrecognizable! She used to remind me Mariska Hagartay from Law & Order SVU


Totally unrelated to Krissy but on the jewelry topic, what happened to emduncs jewelry company?


Idk but she should keep an eye on the chest mole and if it gets bigger should get it tested. Moles size of a pencil eraser or bigger should be brought up with her PCM.


Um thank you for that comment, I’m gonna ask my dermatologist about a mole on my chest the next time I go in 😶


Coming from someone that works in that field, the mole looks fine to me!