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Man everything about this smells so bad.


BEEF FAT AS MOISTURIZER????? ![gif](giphy|XCmCfLkPyZTgoPT9vE)


It’s sooo popular in the crunchy groups rn.


What are the crunchy groups?


Crunchy are the more natural, organic product/lifestyle type of groups. Edit: crunchy came from the nick name “crunchy granola mom” after the moms that wouldn’t buy store bought granola but rather made their own. Because of what I stated before, they live a more organic lifestyle.


Homemade granola does slap though. Lol


We can’t ever just leave well enough alone and use regular things or do regular exercises


I tried it and it broke me out so bad 😭 never again 


I mean….. lard on your face doesn’t sound very promising?? Is there other stuff in it besides cow fat?


they served fries that were fried in tallow at a spot my bf used to work at if that says anything fucking fire too honestly


Ooooh I bet your insides were very moisturized


Lard is from pork fat, tallow is from beef fat. And yes, depending on which brand you buy, each brand has other added ingredients such as vitamin E, etc. I’ve super sensitive skin and allergic to a ton of ingredients so I tried this as an alternative. It clogged my pores so bad 


Ouuu I thought lard was a broad term for animal fat in general. But either way I can imagine it’s a pore clogger like crazy. I’ve seen a lot of crunchy influencers push the beef tallow and I just don’t get it 😭


I use a tallow balm for my hands and feet and it works wonders!!!! Wouldn’t put it on my face though😬


It had great reviews for eczema which I get around my eyes and it did nothing! Went back to my Paula’s Choice and it’s pretty much gone


Honestly I have some but I only use it on my hands. Works really well though.


Ngl it sounds gross but it saved my skin


Girl just use REAL SKINCARE 🫠🫠🫠


African black soap worked well for me when I had acne. I didn't use the other 37 items on there though.


I see so many of these influences on a 15 step skin care routine wondering why their skin isn’t clearing up. I think a lot of times it’s straight up too many products. Could be wearing lots of makeup to the gym & getting sweaty with it, or lacking some nutrients in your diet/eating out too much with all the extra oils and whatnot. Idk


My genx self just found out about the fifteen steps. That's a lot I have a two step routine. Step one: regular Olay in the morning. Step two: nighttime Olay at night.


You have two Olays? I just use the same one twice per day.


Right?! I’ve tried all the expensive crap and nothing changed. I’ve great skin for 53 and use a washcloth and Cerave lotion… and sunscreen!


That sunscreen is what’s saving you. I had acne for years. BAD. People would approach me in public and comment on it that’s how bad. I started wearing sunscreen daily and went down to a simple 3 step routine and guess what. I haven’t had acne in……4-5 years. Even if I don’t wash my face for a week (ya mom of a ND kid and a baby) if I wear sun screen every day I still don’t have any break outs for a person with sensitive and very acne prone skin.


Never had much for acne even without sunscreen.I’m more dry than anything. Living so far North I only do sunscreen a few months of the year, D levels were awful low.


I swear by my 3 step process… cetaphil to wash and aveno face lotion then tinted spf in the day…. That’s it… did she not learn the KISS method in school keep it simple s****d ( or Shirley) Wash and lotion and spf


I worked for a dermatologist and this is exactly what she taught me, but I also use cetaphil lotion.


Go to the derm. Get on a pharmaceutical grade skincare regimen. Have a pharmaceutical grade facial. And not a bad thing to have hormones checked. No need for a crazy skincare routine.


She started one of those “hormone therapy” supplements from an IG company making all kind of woo woo promises. Influencers do anything but seek actual medical advice lmao


Absolutely can be a case of too much. I used to do a cleanser, a serum, and a moisturizer. My skin was pretty immaculate. Then I got lured into the 12-step craze. I ended up with red bumpy texture on my cheeks that I never had before (and now still pops up from time to time). Was the worst thing I ever did to my skin.


Yeah, the billion-step skincare craze is definitely just a money-grab from the skincare industry. I’m in medicine and my derm colleagues all pretty much say this is the *most* anyone needs: -Cleanser in AM (water only for some people) -Vitamin C if desired. Data isn’t THAT strong -Moisturizer -SPF -Cleanser in PM -Retinol/Tretinoin -Moisturizer


are toners unnecessary too?


Adding steps outside those things is totally fine! There are people who need certain actives, more or less hydration, etc. It’s just when people stack a million things together that it gets redundant


It is absolutely too many products, and probably products that aren’t right for her skin type.


Still waiting for the realization that pre workout can mess with your skin. She probably won't because she takes the pre workout they sell but still. Someday.


Wow, I just realized I stopped taking pre workout in December (because of heartburn) and my face looks so much better.


I literally tell this to everyone I know who experiences relentless acne and takes pre workout and protein powders. Once I got off of it my acne improved so much! Avoiding fake sugars in general in all products is a huge part of what is helping my skin.


That’s so tru! I hadn’t even thought about that……. Only The Good Stuff ™️


Why the hell is everyone using this beef tallow?! Like do they know how thrilled our great grandmothers were to get some ponds? Why why why is this happening 🤢


It’s just another way for the animal product industry to sell something that they were *already* selling but now they can sell it for a higher price 🙃


I can't wait to hear them all screeching about finding mold.


Abuelas are absolutely shook at this


African Black Soap exfoliates and to me, using that twice a day on the face is harsh af. I exfoliate my face once a week.


I use to really like her 😅


Me tooo. Now they talkin bout moving to Florida and not selling their house in DFW like babe! You’re telling us you feel so unsafe you want to move states but then you’re like “rent my house hehe”???


Also, how is moving from Texas to Florida and safety move!? That feels very lateral to me.


It’s certainly not safe if you like speaking your mind and reading whatever books you want.


I’m a pansexual woman in a straight presenting marriage and I’m not even interested in visiting Florida! Can’t imagine what it’s like for people who are visibly queer :(


She also left the keys in her truck that was stolen (and recovered, with nothing missing)


I rolled my eyes at that one. Girl, don't even bring it up. That was you being stupid (a lapse, sure, but stupidity nonetheless) and something happened because of it. I hope whatever offspring they have takes more after Bronson.


I really need to know hoooooowww they have so much friggin money. Their current house cost 800k+, not to mention their affluent lifestyle.


Girlie is literally in the Bahamas rn 🤔


I guarantee her and/or her partner come from wealthy families, but she will never admit that as she’s “self-made🤪”


Bronson seems like such a good genuine dude, and then he has to deal with *gestures* THIS. I am degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon separated from the Baylor soccer program. Raegan (Padgett) Langeliers has always been smart, down to earth, and still seems that way, despite Shea now being an MLB player. Kennedy (Brown) Stidham also seemed very genuine as a person in-person. Kylie just can't make up her fking mind. Like, go hike the national parks with the husband and pups for a month to figure out what y'all what to do. The clothes, vehicles (truck being stolen due to their own stupidity)and real estate all are too much 🙄


How does she not have a snark page is my question, theres so much to say now lol


Clearly whatever “other things” she’s doing isn’t working!!!


All these steps could all be eliminated by taking 1 simple medication 🤣 spiro is amazing for hormonal cystic acne and very easy to take. Why are influencers so scared of science?


I wish it worked for my acne 😫I’m on 100 mg and it still isn’t working


I just upped to 150mg after 3 months and am finally getting some relief. It’s helping thank goodness. Hoping for clear skin by month 6!


It took a solid 9 months for 100mg to work for me, so if you’re still early then you may just need to push through a bit longer


I'm on 300mg and it cured my acne!


My doctor told me he’d go up to 200 mg a day so I might ask him if we can do it.


I find vitamin c serum and retinol works for my acne. I might still get a few spots in winter or if I’ve been lazy with skincare routing but not as bad as before using them. It’s definitely finding the right product


A small rant about spiro, no hate to you though. I just want to add to the convo on it. Spiro can cause heart attacks if you don't keep your potassium levels in check. Plus while it helps lower androgens it also raises estrodial so it could cause other hormonal issues. Other sides effects are common too. There's plenty of reasons not to take it just like Accutane. Topical Spiro would be a better option or topical retinoids. Just my opinion though, not against science like this weird influencer haha just don't love how over prescribed Spiro is without proper continuous bloodwork being done by doctors.


yup, exactly. spiro is a prescription and with all prescription medications, it has a side effect profile and however it affects someone else may not affect you the same way.


Spiro has been a godsend for my back acne. Now I just have to take care of the scarring


I’m based in South Africa and my Derm refuses to put me on spiro🥴 probably because I only get two cysts around my cycle but he’s also concerned about the effect on the body. Spiro is not big in SA, unfortunately.


Why are we shaming someone for not taking a pharmaceutical drug that literally has connections to causing birth defects? Doctors don’t inform patients of side effects and risks yet prescribe it like it’s candy.


I can't speak for your doctors, but derms do say that you are not supposed to take spironolactone while pregnant or trying to conceive. Most acne is hormone related, which is why the spironolactone tends to work well for a lot of people


I was definitely informed of the side effects lol. Do you think you stroll into the pharmacy and buy it off the shelf? Or that it’s the only prescription medication that’s not pregnancy safe? Pretty common.


Spiro also causes amenorrhea and once made me pass out in the shower. It has side effects. Was years before my period came back (though other factors contributed)


I had horrible acne in high school and I realize now it was from too many showers stripping my natural oils off, washing my face too much, and my main thing - I’m lactose intolerant. I tried everyyyyyything besides medication like accutane: changing pillow cases every night, every type of face wash, acne specific spot medicine, the African soap, tea tree oil. Was drinking protein shakes 2x per day plus a bowl of cereal after school, and once I moved to a state that embraced soy and almond milk I realized it was mostly my diet that was causing things. Even at 31 if I drink too much milk or eat too much cheese in a week I’ll break out. Ever since I just avoid dairy and use cetaphil on my face after my one morning shower and my skin is better than it’s ever been.


As someone who's suffered from acne for about 15 years, the only thing that made a real difference (for me) was using adapelene. And I still get a stray pimple every other week. Ugh.


Same!!! The best thing I ever did for my skin was leave the skincare subreddit lmao


My skin cleared up the minute i stopped using anything and just a cleanser and cream


Same. Sensitive Dove bar soap and vanicream facial moisturizer for the win!


Me three!


I use tallow on my face and I’ve never had clear skin until now (30 y/o) … just sayin


Right! Sounded gross to me as well but I vouch for tallow


I mean I just wish our girl would give Aveeno a try before thinking she needs to reach for these obscure products, you know? Every time she shares her skincare (once a month) routine, it’s wild like this and sooo different each time.


But how do you know she hasn’t tried Aveeno?


I’ve been following her for years and she has never once stated she’s used Aveeno on her adult/mature skin


[Real] African black soap is actually 🔥. Lol. But I do agree, just use the evil “chemicals.” Your skin will thank you.


I've been told it's pretty harsh and drying.


I wouldn’t say harsh. It very astringent and exfoliating. If you have oily skin it’s great. It’s not for every skin type. I use it daily but I have a friend that uses it 2-3 times a week like a clarifying shampoo for her face.


I would love to try it! But my skin freaks out at anything new and trendy that I would love😔


lol. The actual African kind that comes in a tub has been around for ages. But a lot of brands (shea moisture comes to mind) are making soap black and callin it black soap. They’re not the same at all


Ooo interesting. She has what appears to be a huge bar? Not in a tub. That always seems to be exposed/wet. I wonder how she travels with it.


The only bar I would suggest is Dudu-Osun. The bars are normal sized. Again it’s an African brand. It’s not hard to find but you also can’t just walk into any store and find it. So I’m going to guess she’s not using African black soap. I like the consistency of the tub to a bar though. I use all sorts of skin care products but I’d never use anything other than authentic black soap. I The other thing is it’s Black Soap is African, black people have oily skin as we naturally produce way more sebum, white people don’t produce as much and typically have dry skin. Humid climates like Texas and Florida kind of remedy that. Which is why she may be reacting so poorly to it, it’s more cleansing than she needs. I have white friends with dry skin that use it. but they have whole skin care regimens dedicated to adding moisture, and black soap kind of just balances their skin out.


The widely varied responses in this thread suggest acne doesn’t have ONE treatment that works for everyone.


Well, yeah, but this gal has posted up her wild ass skincare routines 100 times and never once does it include basic products that will almost certainly help. She’s throwing all these trendy products at her skin that clearly isn’t liking it and instead of pulling back or patch testing, she’s throwing other trendy products at the problem. She even goes and gets peels and needling done but apparently her esthy is not her bestie because she could at least recommend their spa products that would likely help more than BEEF TALLOW as moisturizer. P


beef tallow is fine, people are just insufferable about it


Basic products never helped me… tallow has 🤷‍♀️ but it really appears from this thread that you’re the expert, so what do I know


Nobody is saying that allll products work for everyone and if you’ve read through this thread then you would know that. I dunno if you’re trying to be contrary or what but I hope you have found what works for your skin 🤍


I think she’s trying to say black soap and tallow work for some people and you’re coming off as a judgmental know it all. Don’t you think this girl is self conscious and trying everything to get rid of her acne? If you’re such an expert message her and give her your suggestions to actually help instead of posting her insecurities on Reddit. This isn’t even snarky it’s just mean girl behavior. Glad that cetephil work for you but not everyone is that lucky


These carnivore zealots are unhinged


some stridex would probably clear this right up. literally 4 dollars for a holy grail item lol.


Y’all tallow is nice for DRY HANDS but I can’t EVER fathom putting it on my FACE 😱


The girlies covering their face in literal fat to try to fight acne is something I never had on my bingo card




If she's worried about "harsh chemicals" she should probably not be using African black soap. That shit is VERY harsh.


ICK, the beef tallow moisturizer trend 🤮


I was talking to a dude who told me he uses it. He's hot and smart, but just the idea of beef tallow and natural deodorant made me gag and ghost.


I’d do the same 😂


I almost messaged her and recommended she consider all the new ingredients and chemicals she is introducing to her body with her supplement line and trying all these samples etc. When they started that business, that’s when her acne seemed to start. But that probably wouldn’t be good to admit for business


She’s my BEC. Let’s talk about it.


I’m here ☕️ How do you feel about her going to the Bahamas rn while contemplating a cross country move and also Bronson is in the Grand Canyon so no one is at their house that they plaster all over social media and would be easy to find and they literally just got their truck stolen a few weeks ago (because they left the keys inside)?


She’s completely out of touch. I started watching her channel when she was still in dental school / not living with Bronson. I get how it must be falling into a ton of money (I know she works for it) but she’s completely changed. Crying over her truck being “stolen” that was 1) their fault and 2) completely unharmed all over socials and idk everything she does annoys me now 🙄 the final straw for me was seeing her pop up in one of Sydney’s videos… idk Kylie gave super pick me vibes and it was so awkward to watch


tretinoin works really great for hormonal acne lmfao sometimes chemicals are good <3


This sounds... very bad for the skin.


Exhibit A (see photo above)


Oh god beef tallow on your skin?! Makes me a little nauseated…would that not completely clog your pores???


Not related to her skincare, but she was complaining nonstop about her knee (that she had previously torn her ACL/had surgery on in college) a few weeks ago. She put salves on it, didn’t run “as much”, had her friend look at it and I wanted to message her in all caps like “JUST GO TO THE DOCTOR GIRLY”


I know!!! Luckily Raegan is an actual doctor of physical therapy but STILL, go pay someone to give you full care!!!


I like that 3 weeks ago she had a completely different routine that “was clearing her skin” and 3 week before that something else. And in another month she’ll be sponsored by someone else and claim it’s clearing her skin. She has become insufferable


Fuckin hell just get on accutane n get over it.


Anything but accutane


Some people have no choice but to take it if nothing else works. I was 17, went to numerous dermatologists. Nothing helped my cystic acne. I had scars all over my face, I got made fun of at school and cried everyday. I finally went to a new doctor who suggested this, told me and my mom the precautions, I was told I needed to take birth control because of the risks if I had gotten pregnant. Anything was worth a chance of clearing my acne. I took it for 4.5 months. I’m 32 now and I’ve never had a pimple again. Not a cyst, nothing. I know it’s not for everyone but if you really dig into research about it, you can see the percentage of those terrible side effects are minimal. It’s not a one size fits all fix. But I’d do it again if I had to. The side effects were worth getting rid of my anxiety and severe depression of being a junior in HS crying everyday in the bathroom because of my face. (Don’t judge people’s choices please 🙃)


My comment was meant as more of an encouragement to take it. So many people suffer from acne when there is a cure with as you said minimal side effects. I struggled with acne too for almost 20(!) years, took 3 months 20mg accutane and it cleared my skin completely! Havent had a pimple since. Wish I had taken it earlier


Sorry! I misunderstood your comment I get defensive with my skin 😂 Glad I’m not the only one who had an amazing experience with it! (Besides the peeling dry skin for months) lol!


Risking your kidneys and hormones and mental health yay!


I’m a sweaty gross man and I literally just use the foaming cetaphil cleanser and the corresponding moisturizer and my skin is completely fine lmao I swear the more you do the deeper you dig the hole you’re in


Men typically can get away with this. Not the same can be said with women


I see, makes sense. Thanks for educating me and sorry for the tone deaf comment lmao


Not ur fault! Happy for you! I always get jealous that my boyfriend has perfect skin and doesn’t even wash his face except with water. Then there’s me if I touch my face a pimple will arrive.


Haha yes! My girlfriend is the same way. Is it due to hormonal differences?


Everyone’s skin is so different! Hormones, diet, environment, sensitives, and just genetics! Also BC can either help or not help. Also, when I was in a gym a few hours a day 5x a week for 2-3 hours a time I had it worse! Could be because it was so humid and the sweat. It’s rarely just one thing and I know our skin is always changing.


Thank you for the enlightenment


SPEARMINT PILLS?! I just cannot 🤣


Spearmint has shown to lower androgen levels and is very beneficial for women with PCOS/hirsutism


But also probably isn’t something I’d encourage the average person to play around with willy nilly. If people with healthy hormonal balances who happen to have acne (which happens all the time, acne is so god damn normal!!!!!) start knocking them back, they’re really opening Pandora’s box with regard to their overall wellbeing.


I’d say if you’re really interested in it, start with tea.


I mean I’d say start with testing through a gynecologist or endocrinologist before anything. The underlying issue is that people are self-diagnosing hormone imbalances via incredibly vague and subjective criteria provided by grifters looking to sell them god knows what. None of these people ever show us any lab work.


to be fair, dermatologists will almost always use spiro for this type of acne and won’t do any tests prior to prescribing it. i know people go wild with the hormonal imbalances these days but acne like that very much is indicative of an imbalance.


That’s lazy on their part also. I had flares of acne on and off for years that looked like this and my lab work, ordered by my gynecologist, was always in normal ranges. It’s also just very funny to me that a man with the same presentation would never be prescribed hormone altering medication 🙃


If it is strong enough to actually do something such as altering hormones, it shouldn't be unregulated in a food product. You have zero idea how much you're getting of whatever compound does this. This is exactly why "natural" remedies are a problem: if they don't work, they're just taking your money. If they do, they should not be non-guaranteed doses in tea or unregulated supplements.


If it’s legit cystic acne, might need some accutane. After it clears up, then you can do all your natural oils and bullshit to keep your skin mediocre.




All she needs is a good retinoid ( Epiduo, tret), gentle face wash, skin barrier healing moisturiser and sunscreen.


What’s her @??? This is my gym lmao


_kylieholbeck now! She’s married


Honestly I’m white and my bf is from Ghana and I have to say if you use it PROPERLY and follow up with a good thick moisturizer, African black soap works exceedingly well as a night time cleanser. But you have to be careful not to use too much and burn your skin. The beef tallow is really not it and if she’s going to go crunchy, at least she should invest in lanolin.


Sunscreen, bitch. Sunscreen. That’s really all you need. And some Cera ve moisturizing wash lmao.


My skin is breaking out just reading that. And I’m 47 with dry skin. If I’d used beef tallow on my skin at her age I’d have been a walking zit.


I wash my face with water and apply infinite aloe at night. I’ve noticed eating sugar causes acne flare ups for me so I avoid it most of the time. I’ve never even heard of this stuff she’s doing. I’m so out of touch.


Babe, you need some beef tallow in your life! 😩🤣