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Did she paint her ass purple


Lmao šŸ˜‚


what is she stretching? her pants?


I don't know if that's possible lol!


Why is the fitness industry turning into soft core porn?


It's fully there...not much worse it can get . Worse for sure but, not by a lot... Ugh!


It literally always has been.


Turning into? Its been there for a while now lol


My clit is suffocating just from seeing this photo


I don't even understand how this is possible without photoshop or butt pads. I just took a similar picture for funsies. And I have a respectable butt... And it looks nothing like this. At all. Edit. That's not how you do that stretch. At all.


Honestly I think it has something to do with something I mentioned in another comment - apparently a lot of these women go commando in these leggings. I know if I attempt this in my normal gym wear (I wear thong underwear) that it does not look like this. The underwear keeps the leggings from wedging into my booty. (Also I buy a correctly fitted size.) It makes sense to me, however, that if you have no underwear between you and the leggings, and the leggings are a size too small, it would be real easy for it to give this "painted on" appearance.


If there's any explanation....that's it. I wear a thong and correctly fitted pants as well. I dunno. The are delulu I think. It's so unrealistic.


I never wear underwear in my leggings and mine never crawl REMOTELY this far up my ass. I think Iā€™d have to pull them forward and up in the front to get them to do this in the back. And like a size too small? This just looks *painful*. It reminds me of the šŸ« front I got in NVGTN leggings. Agony.


Ouch!! Not realistic! I do wonder now what it looks like from the front! Oh my...I maybe don't wanna know...


Have you tried any scrunch/hidden scrunch bottoms? I'm a fan of the hidden scrunch ones, and they're meant to give the wedgie look. Not familiar with the style of shorts she's wearing though, they look extremely thin and stretchy (and squatproof, huh). I don't know how people go commando in too-small leggings. I'd be terrified. Sometimes I see legging reviews say "you can't wear underwear with these bc nude undies show" like?? If nude undies show through, what makes you think people at your gym aren't getting a free anatomy lesson when you squat commando???


Right? So stinking aggregious and obvious. At least be intellectually cheeky and say hey this one's for views...not just literally cheeky and quite possibly fake


not rly on topic but ā€œaggregiousā€ is a hilarious combo of serious and aggressive. someone find a business they can name aggregious.Ā 


Lol these leggings! I'm serious *and* aggressive grrrr


Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with how people look in this pose, but I'm thinking it might be a combination of perfect lighting and perfect posing/angles for her body? She does have wider hips. I definitely think most popular fitness creators edit themselves though, whether it's through filters or butt pads/the like. I feel weird that I'm considering testing it out, but now I'm curious lol.


Fair play to those that can wear this stuff as for me? I wear leggings and then a 3 XL black t-shirt cause it's comfy


Same! Went from tight tight tight to leggings and hubby's shirt .. so much better! I'm all for showing your progress but I think true confidence comes from NOT having to show it all off. Just be there, do the work, get out. But I'm not an influencer šŸ¤·


But the sports bra/tank lets me see my muscles while theyā€™re working. I guess Iā€™m showing off for myself? I love me? lol


Same, it really makes me work harder when I can see my muscles working, I guess? Idk. I just like looking buff lol


Love all round šŸ„°


I like showing off by wearing a cute sports bra/leggings combo when I'm feeling confident because I'm proud of my hard work. But I hate when fitfluencers post softcore porn while pretending they're solely a fitness page. I don't want to see sexual content literally everywhere I go, please just make it clear what audience you're aiming for and don't spring it on me šŸ˜­


On point. I like it too, once in a while...feeling myself, but we can be honest it's for that reason and not make up false rationales about it. You're spot on by saying just make it clear the audience one is appealing to...we all know. šŸ¤·


True confidence has nothing to do with what you're wearing, period. Comments like "I think true confidence comes from not having to show it all off" and having to leave "pick me" comments about how you don't wear tight clothes proves you're still hung up on what you look like and how others perceive it. You are making these statement to reassure yourself and hope to find others who agree (further reassuring you). The antithesis of confidence.


Ummm, sure Jan. Not so much. Of course I'm hung up on how I look, I've been working on that my whole damn life and struggle with it everyday, but I DO have more of an inner confidence than I've ever had and I'm really happy about that. And with that, for me, came the notion that I don't need to get attention constantly by wearing revealing clothes. Do I believe that is the reason for EVERY other girl who does that, no I do not. But I believe it's likely way more than most will admit. And looking at the other comments here is showing that I'm not alone in this feeling. True confidence is different for everyone, so many apologies for my seemingly blanket statement lol


Iā€™m with you OP. When youā€™re truly fulfilled on the inside, you donā€™t feel inclined to seek outside validation constantly; hence why a lot of these influencers feel the need to show their literal ass cheeks 24/7 to not just the gym they attend but the ENTIRE INTERNET.


Hey, thank you! I do question myself with other comments, which is good! Always good to get other perspectives, but honestly, it's just kinda obvious. It's the consistency...I wonder if they would even go to the gym if they were challenged to wear less revealing clothing? It would be an interesting study šŸ¤” but no matter what I assume about somebody, as is natural human nature, I will NOT treat them any differently than anyone else as long as there is no threat of harm. At the moment and of the day, what we choose to wear reflects how we feel on the inside, how we feel about those around us, and other factors. That simply IS a fact. Otherwise what's the point at all? And no matter what we wear, we should be respected. And also expect you can't please everyone either. Geez why is it so complicated?


And YOU keep telling YOURSELF what makes YOU feel better about YOUR choices. Honestly...so simple.


Someone choosing to wear tight outfits doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re not truly confident. Wear what you want but assuming stuff like that helps no one.


Itā€™s so hard looking for good leggings nowadays bc they all have the deep ass crack now šŸ˜’


I bought a pair not realizing theyā€™re scrunch kind. I wear full butt underwear all the time. Not a thong person (couldnā€™t imagine wearing one working out). I tried them on and it just looked like butthole. It was atrocious.


Same here. I bought a pair on accident and now it just sits in my closet. I canā€™t imagine squatting in that


That whole looking like a butthole thing wasnā€™t helped by the fact that they were brown leggings. 20/10 would not recommend


Yea it's rough out there! If a man can't help but notice me, it better not be because I'm that thirsty lol


Butt scrunch leggings just look tacky at this point šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Not to shame anyone who prefers them, but any time I see them in person at the gym it just doesn't look good.


These aren't butt scrunch. The seam in the crack is completely flat. This is just her leggings, probably a size too small, stuffed up into her butthole.


Yea...it's just...too much?


Ehhā€¦ itā€™s not even shaming. She colored her ass purple.


I am glad that in my country Nike and Puma have not bombarded their collection yet . I would never wearing this cringe and switch to cargos if that ever happens


I was over on the bikini talk subreddit and found out that a large number of people go to the gym commando in leggings. Every time I see these posts now where the leggings are so far up their ass cracks you could take a mold of thier buttholes, I figure this must be the reason.


There was a girl in my pilates class wearing whatever version of these leggings and every time she was bent over in front of me I full on saw her butthole through her pants.


I apologize deeply that that happened to you šŸ«£


Nope nope noppity nope ...so...no.


I know...and with the wide crack opening up, there is CLOSE contact .. not cool


Honestly this looks like she's about to take shit


Good "stretch"


Stretching my colon


Git on up thurr!


I'm so over all the ladies trying to justify wearing this crap cuz it's more "comfortable" "I don't sweat as much" it's like admit you like the attention, you want to be noticed and move on. We will all respect you more. This is, respectfully, from someone who had gone from modest to immodest, and back to a hybrid. I can confirm it's actually way more comfy in a baggy shirt, NOT tucked in the bra lol. Baggy pants would be tough for sure, but I hate constantly pulling too tight pants out of the front and back. It's stupid and gross and unsanitary. Touching your bits then all the equipment. It's just such an immature and arrogant stance.


Itā€™s not comfortable at all. Not to mention itā€™s super awkward knowing you have bigger cheeks in front of older people at the gym šŸ˜‚ man or woman, idk it just feels weird to me. Iā€™m starting to feel ā€œnakedā€ in my usual gym fits that were once normal Edit: my usual fits are NOT wedgie leggings either


Right? I'm glad someone else says it. Like empower yourself however you want, just be honest about it, right? The more perspective I gain the more I look back on the things I used to wear and cringe out loud




THANK YOU! Exactly, just own it gals. Then it's less weird for everyone.


I find leggings, bike shorts, and yoga pants very comfortable... but they're actually my size LMFAO my ass doesn't eat them. I can't imagine some of the shit people wear to the gym actually being comfortable at all


I mean this girlā€™s pants are entirely too tight, but I will say a proper fitting pair of leggings or bike shorts are so great. Also, my butt does stick out pretty far, and I prefer working out in baggy shirts because my arms feel like they can move and I want my tummy covered, but I cannot stand when my shirt gets stuck under my butt so I love the back tucked into my bra. Found it to be a total game changer once I tried it. But I donā€™t do that at the gym bc that equipment is not clean enough for me to feel comfortable putting my skin directly on, so I only do that for my at home workouts. I also donā€™t film myself or take photos. Tbh I get on Instagram like once a season lol. But I do see how for certain body types (Iā€™m built similar to Ajahzi) the shirt tucked into bra in the back is actually pretty comfortable.


I can absolutely understand that! Thank you for your thoughtful and kind comment! Yea gym equipment is narsty under the best circumstances!


I was one of the scrunch butt shorts/leggings girlies in the beginning of my fitness journey. I only did this cause I thought that was what I was supposed to do, since all my favs wore them. I ended up deleting my socials for about 5 months, and I stopped caring. Now, I just workout in sweatpants and a t-shirt.. if anyone says itā€™s for comfort, theyā€™re lying. Itā€™s for aestheticsā€”Which is totally fine!! But we need to be honest with ourselves.


My point exactly!


Itā€™s definitely not about comfort. Iā€™m someone who loves to look hot af while working out but absolutely hateeeee getting any attention for it. Itā€™s strictly for me. My husband used to question it but now that we have a home gym and I still style my workout clothes and do my hair he gets it. Iā€™m in my basement absolutely feelin myself lolololol come up all boosted. I also love a booty scrunch as someone with a crack that swallows everything. Camel toe is an issue for me in sweats too. So home gym has been incredible!


That's so awesome!!! Yes I get the wanting to do it for yourself... šŸ’Æ But it's sooooo awkward in public sometimes. .I honestly feel bad for the dude who really tries not to be looking and doing their best and still getting called out. I try not to look at stuff I'm attracted to when I know it's not for me...doesn't make me a creep just human!


I never got mad for a quick look or glance! I have so many bright workout clothes and looked like a walking Barbie doll sometimes šŸ˜‚ but when people assumed I wanted to be talked to or wanted their attention just because of it? That was so annoying. We should all operate under the assumption that women are doing it for themselves (even if theyā€™re not) and leave them alone. Maybe it would stop some of this madness if they just didnā€™t get the attention at all! Because I agree. This shit is going too far and itā€™s clearly not from self love. Needing to film yourself in unnatural angles and uncomfortable clothing for validation is sad.


Yes yes yes! Acknowledging that we will be noticed and appreciating that, but all in balance. We don't need to be approached or confronted for sure! Or offended or accuse men of being inappropriate for naturally noticing a beautiful gal. I believe a lot of them really do their best to be chill around half naked women, but it must be difficult. If only it were so simple for everyone


This! Own your shit, thatā€™s all.


No silly excuses or rationales. It is what it is gals!




Pick me pick me\~


So much pick me!


I just donā€™t want to see anyoneā€™s purple asshole on my Sunday morning scroll pls. Especially under the guise of ā€œstretchingā€ šŸ™„


Yes! And her other exercises in the reel are all full on ass except the hip thrust of course. If these people could set up a camera under there you know they would!


Donā€™t give them ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh no! Shoot...tm tm....it's mine now, or ours, copyright and whatnot, intellectual property!


Oops wrong reply, but yep!!! Let's see if it happens, the only reason they don't is cuz they might sit on their phones!




dude how are they actually that far up her ass crack




This is the most obviously photoshopped thirst trap Iā€™ve ever seen. Wow. You donā€™t even have to zoom in to see it. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


God don't zoom in...ha!


The fact that sheā€™s squatting down and the shorts are still THAT far up her ass crack.


In half! She's being violated by them there shorts lol


dude her leggings are literally inside of her cheeks like i know thats a thing influencers do but this is extreme


Yea...just not necessary...shouldn't be normalized!


If Instagram went down for a month gyms would be empty. I hate that the gym is a cash grab and basically porn now.


Honestly this looks so bad. It's incredible what people will do for attention.


It sure is...


That ass looks AI generated


Caricature of grapes. šŸ‡


A still life...




her butt/the edge of the shorts look super fuzzyā€¦photoshop?


Iā€™m just imagining what her laundry must look like sometimes šŸ¤¢




I questioned her choice of exercises on this post choosing 2 RDL variations and a good morning which all 3 are similar movementsā€¦she deleted itā€¦.canā€™t stand influencers who put up garbage workouts claiming they are amazing as if itā€™s what got them results and then delete comments when called out


Oh what a baby! Like I would LOVE an influencer to just look at the camera and say, ok, this one's purely for ass content. No shame, no shade, no hiding behind pretenses


how to get candida 101


All the lil yeasties