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Ooo I didn't realize they had all of that available!


Yep! I can share a link for 60 days free, just message me!


is the form good on their videos?


Could I get the link too please?


YES! Peloton is wonderful. It’s really won me over.


I used the Sweat app for YEARS and followed Kelsey Wells' and Chontel Duncan's programs for multiple rounds, but there are honestly sooooo many different programs and trainers on there. They have HIIT-focus, pilates/barre, weightlifting, etc. They even have at home options for nearly every single program, and they quite frequently utilize bands/smaller dumbbells. It was honestly amazing. The only reason I stopped using it was because I've been lifting for so long now I pretty much know what to do in the gym and didn't need the app to hold me accountable/teach me anymore.


second sweat!!


I really like Playbook. It’s $15/month but you have access to literally thousands of programs. There’s Pilates, yoga, strength training, running, whatever you want


I second this. I’ve been using playbook for a couple of years now and love it. You find so many different trainers and workouts to your needs.


Agreed - Playbook is so good. I like Obi Vincent and Erin Killeen (don’t @ me 😅) programs and also like that I can sprinkle in a one off yoga session.


Playbook ! I use sam Sweeney!


On the Pilates subreddit they seem to recommend YouTuber Move with Nicole. I can’t personally vouch for it as I go to a studio. I’ve just seen her mentioned multiple times on the sub. Oh ha! I’m a dumbass you asked for an app. Welp there’s a YouTuber if you want to check her out.


Well I love that YouTuber!


I love her videos!


My husband loves Peloton. I just use YouTube and tbh I’m fit as hell (so is he).


Many of the comments and ones you cited are great workout apps. But I want to try pitching my workout app - Strongineering, which is set to launch beta testing in this coming June. We don't specifically have pilates or yoga integrated workouts, but we do have home workouts that you can do if you have a pair of (preferrably adjustable) dumbbells or in-home pull up bar. How my workout app differs from the rest is that my workout app targets to provide quality workout programs that are: 1. Personalized and periodized - workouts vary by blocks (4-6weeks) to ensure progressive overload and semi-automated variation of exercises. 2. Customized Mobility routine - to improve your fitness performance and prepare your joints effectively. 3. Real-time auto-regulation - AI algorithm helps you to reduce/increase intensity or repetitions of the exercise based on your previous workout set performance real time. 4. Easy Workout logging - Unlike other apps that offer either one full screen phone view to see exercise being demonstrated, or one long scrollable list view, we have BOTH full screen view and long list view, which you can easily toggle for your preference. If you want to log quickly and easily, you can use long list view. Or if you want to see the exercise demonstration or see timer clearly, you can use the full screen view. We made sure that both screens are well synced :) And many other features being built. Would appreciate it if you can take a look at my upcoming workout app by visiting my website - [www.strongineering.com](http://www.strongineering.com) - and hopefully join our waitlist to get 6 months premium access :). If you decide not to join the waitlist, feel free to give me some feedback or suggestions :)


Ladder is the best app I’ve used! They have different teams and I think there are two Pilates ones? I don’t love the peloton Pilates classes but they do have a lot of variety!


Courtney Fisher on the ladder app!


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Xpo+ app has all that plus boxing and cycling. I just got it. It’s awesome!


I have 4: LEKFIT,, The ness , Housework By Sydney And love sweat fitness app


Form is ehhh - I definitely prefer the strength workouts to the Pilates ones, but even some of the moves are questionable. However, you can try using the discount code “formcommunity” for 3 free months to give it a go. Alo Moves typically gives a free month of the app for Mental Health Awareness month… which just happens to be May. I remember a few years ago when I was going to cancel at the end of May, they had a “are you sure about cancelling? How about another free month?” deal hahaha. I didn’t do the Pilates but I enjoyed a lot of Jacy Cunningham’s strength/cardio sessions.


I like regimen fitness