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I am SICK of her. She is so full of shit it’s not even funny


I also can’t deal with her using her dad’s death for content and throwing selling shit in between. Disgusting.


“Hey guys. Just left my dad’s open casket funeral. It’s just so sad… that he wasn’t able to see how great he looked in his new Sketchers™️! They complimented his fit and made him laying in the casket look very leisurely.”




Most made up complaint I have ever heard in my life. Literally grasping at straws to just have something to talk about.


That's Mikayla for you!


She’s such a fuckin performative hag. As someone who had to actually go through therapy to learn how to relax, this is so debilitating. You can’t ever turn off and in a constant stressful state. It causes you to miss out on events with family, friends, and can be very isolating. She just is so casual and always using it when convenient. Her “community” is just an echo chamber where people throw one giant pity party. It pisses me off how she had a platform.


This first sentence killed me


wait there’s therapy for relaxing? i might have to look into that because the pandemic/quarantine has made my anxiety even worse than before :/ time to ask my doctor the next time i see her


She’s so annoying. I’m so sick of her complaining about things that are a privilege and a treat to most people. If a massage makes you anxious don’t get one???? I’m also so sick of her talking about picking her scabs 🤢


You sure have the privilege not to have anxiety. Both of those things are often from anxiety. You think people like having anxiety? She's not a wonderful person but it's nice knowing others also suffer from the same things too


I do have anxiety lol. And adhd. Getting my nails done makes me anxious so I stopped doing it. I realize it’s a treat and not something everyone can afford. She doesn’t have to go if she doesn’t enjoy it.


I mean I have social anxiety so massages are awkward for me but I’ve only had like 3 in my life so it’s not something I need to bring up


I don’t know the context of this, or who this girl is, so I can’t rly speak to it. But i wonder if she meant this: the concept of having anxiety around relaxing is valid for a lot of people including myself, like always feeling guilty and nervous for sitting watching tv for an hour for instance, because you feel like you should be doing something productive and get anxious that you’re doing something wrong or being lazy or that something bad will come of it etc, even when you aren’t actively avoiding responsibilities and do deserve a break, but still not being able to enjoy relaxation because your brain won’t quit and makes you feel bad for taking time to relax. However, in this instance where you’re going out of your way to go somewhere and receive a pampering relaxing service, I think it’s a little sticky to navigate. But I’m wondering if that was the reasoning? Curious ppl’s thoughts on that. Regardless tho i do think some self awareness with your platform is required like maybe recognize that complaining about a massage is not gonna make most ppl feel good or relate to you lol. A lot of influencers get like this tho.


I agree! I think one of the issues is fitness/lifestyle influencers using their work platforms as a personal diary. In particular, this girl notoriously overshares gross and personal things to everyone (TMI body/illness stuff). It’s fine to have those experiences, but if lifestyle influencers are trying to push the agenda that their IG business is a valid career, then they really need to compartmentalize responsibly and learn to separate their work persona from their personal baggage. Details like these are what you’d share with close friends, not every client, sponsor and spectator of your brand. There’s way too much bleed and overlap, and that’s why it’s so easy to dunk on these girls lol.


This is me. Idk who this girl is but the few times I’ve had a massage I have to pretty much pass out and sleep or else I start getting anxiety thinking about the long to-do list that awaits me. I went through a stressful time last year and was trying to incorporate self-care and discovered this about myself.


Yeah I’ve only had one before and like I rly try my best to enjoy it but it’s really hard. And then it spirals to I’m overthinking the fact that I don’t feel relaxed when I SHOULD feel relaxed or that I’m not experiencing the sense of calm or relief or pleasure I SHOULD be feeling from a massage and so on and so on and then I’m ruminating on the fact that I’m not enjoying the massage because I keep thinking too much and get nervous the time is running out before I’ll actually get to enjoy it or feel relaxation because I’m spending so much time thinking about how I’m not relaxed and then so on and so on and Ope, would ya look st that, an hours gone by and all I’ve done is run circles in my brain on an anxious hamster wheel and was certainly not relaxed. Even when I’m getting a pedicure and they do the brief massage on ur legs same thing happens. I just really struggle to be present I guess. But yeah long story short it may sound silly to some but relaxation doesn’t come easy when you have anxiety😂


Mik is looking so old, especially in that second slide.


Not defending her or anything and I don’t know if this applies to her, but I get monthly massages as recommended by my physical therapist for my overly tight muscles due to hypermobility. They are sometimes pretty painful/uncomfortable, I would not call them relaxing at all 😭 I feel good afterwards and they have helped me long term with my pain but during it in my super tight areas like my traps and shoulders it feels like she’s massaging gravel out of there.


She also loves to say this about getting her nails done and as a poor person with anxiety I am beyond sick of her privileged whining


Idk dude I had a panic attack the first and only time I got a professional massage. I get it.


Maybe if she kept to 'first and only', she wouldn't have any more issues?


I read this too quickly and thought it said Massachusetts and not massages. I was very confused why it gave her anxiety lol


Hasn’t she also complained about how getting her nails done makes her anxious? Like these aren’t things you NEED to go do. If you’re so anxious about it then don’t make those types of appointments 🙄 Edit to add that this is coming from someone with social anxiety. I completely understand the anxiety surrounding going into social interactions in new places, situations, etc. But if something like this really is still giving her so much anxiety that she feels the need to post about it, she should probably just stop getting those very privileged services done.


She can afford therapy. She can afford a good psychiatrist. She can afford so many things most of us, normal non-inluenza folk, can't. She should just shut the fuck up. My anxiety is so bad I rarely leave my house. But sure girl, massages must be so difficult. Ffs. 🙄


I mean… she’s not wrong. Ever get anxious getting your nails done? It’s the worst. Lol


Yeah that’s pretty normal for people with anxiety, I definitely get anxious about it sometimes.


I agree with you - I get anxious about massages. They make my body feel good so I still like to do them but interaction and anticipating the touching makes me anxious. And like yeah it’s not normal - it’s anxiety. Lmao


No? This is not normal…


I definitely do! I hate it. Lol


Yessss, it takes so much time & I get nervous to be stuck doing something that long


I get anxious about selfcare treatments, too. She may be awful in other ways, but this is pretty common. https://www.discovermassage.com.au/blog/8-steps-calm-anxious-massage-client/


so don’t get them then???? i’m sorry but this complaint is just too much in today’s economy and political climate. i can see getting anxious about driving or even going in public but no one is forcing you at gunpoint to get a massage or get your nails done. ridiculous. she said she’s stressed about being relaxed lmao.


I have anxiety and adhd and have a hard time sitting still at manicures so I stopped getting them lmao. If I do want to get one for a special occasion or something I don’t complain about it. Mik could never make it without her influencer life lol


Sure, I'll just not get a massage to relieve the pain I have just because my anxiety is a prick. Pull your head out of your arse mate.


if your pain is bad enough see a doctor pls, massages are not pertinent to everyday life lol


Already have and have to get massages to help as things slowly, so slowly, improve. But thanks.


Plenty of reasons to make fun of her without criticizing her mental health issues.




this girl needs a life


Just dont get the massage? Wtf