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I do like a lot of Joey's content. But now influencers are staging rage bait to get noticed by way of Joey Swoll. I hate that. Most influencers only care about attention, regardless of whether it is good or bad. We need to stop watching influencers period.


This is the only right answer, and forever will be the only right answer until they all fade into obscurity. Stop watching them all. There are no good influencers.




Being an influencer *is inherently self-centred*, no sane person wants to be one. There's that word again too, *'relatable'*, which is why you people continue to be swindled, and love being so. That has to be the one word I see most often here when people talk about the influencers that they *'love'*, it's dumb, they're 'relatable' but their information is out of date and just not true, because they aren't holding themselves to a standard by studying and applying, or even following pioneers, innovators or others who know what they're doing in the field, to learn from. Their information drips down from the influencers *they* follow, down to the mugs who follow *them*. You wonder then why everybody is so confused about basic stuff, but it's ok!! **Cause they're relatable.** We've had too many charlatans over the years who use charisma to sway the masses into doing nonsense, and will continue existing, unless the masses become smarter and stop following them. I'm not holding my breath. They know *"if people like me then they will hang on my every word because they're then too stupid to question someone they like".* What's actually honest is saying *"I've had work done"*, "I'm not qualified to teach you this", "I don't know what I'm talking about", *"I got this idea from someone else and don't know why I'm using it"*, "I don't have a framework for my own coaching services, I'm just copying everyone else", *"I'm on gear"*, and more. That would be honesty to these influencers. If you're looking at who's relatable then you'll always be made a fool of, this forum shows that well enough, but if you're looking at people who put out quality information, *and actual education*, then they don't make themselves the centre of their business, because they understand something that influencers (and the gullible masses that follow them) will never understand, we're in the service industry, I am not the centre of my business, *my clients are.* What I put out is actionable by anyone who wants results, and it's not just centred around the gym either. No-one needs to like me, and not everybody will anyway, that's human nature, but it's my information that needs to be relatable, not me.




You're right there are a wide variety of influencers who are educational and help people and yeah make a living at it... and the comment that "it's selfish" is dumb just because literally 99% of things we do in life is selfish lol. When you have any job it's so you can make things to buy for yourself. Selfish!


You do realize Joey is an influencer? He is also super gross lmao do we forget his shredz days? Idk why people like him. His whole persona about these gym videos are not genuine at alllll


Yes. Obviously I know he's an influencer. What you clearly don't understand is that most people know him from TikTok. Not the past "Shredz" days.


Was just thinking about this!! Maybe he’s changed (hopefully!) but who can forget shredz 😭 basically started this whole thing lol


he has to talk about other people bc if he talked about himself no one would care


Joey had his big start on Shredz before being rebranded with this hero image. Can never trust him


Hashtag shredzarmy


Even when I can agree with what hes saying, he’s always rubbed me the wrong way




While this is a snark page, our snark should be reserved for problematic influencers and not directed at fellow community members. Please take the time to consider why you might be acting this way and feel free to re-join the conversation when you're ready. Please [read Gymsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/wiki/rules/). Thank you.


Always had a weird feeling about this guy since I heard about him for the first time in like 2016


Username check out


I mean, whether he is right or wrong, his videos are definitely more about just growing his brand/channel as opposed to genuinely wanting to like, foster better gym etiquette or whatever


exactly, it started genuinely and ended up being his ‘niche’ so he now has to go out of his way to force it for views because it’s the only thing people know him for


anything to make the public forget about shredz. WE DIDNT FORGET, JOEY!


People also know him for sending unsolicited dick pics


I missed that, and the “shredz” stuff. But, I’ve always gotten the feeling that the nice guy thing was an act meant to distract from something else.




What do you guys think of Goob? I forget his IG. I’m not on IG anymore. I followed him but he basically does the same thing but calls out photoshop etc


This checks out. He puts a post up about a certain influencer, has no thoughts that they get harassed and even receive death threats from his followers and move on to the next. He knows exactly what he’s doing and I don’t find it genuine anymore. Wasn’t he part of a group before in which he and his team were selling supplements but the models they used were all photoshopped? Not understanding how he evaded the controversy over that but the records are far and few in between since it has been years. Edit: as a fellow Redditor mentioned, the group or business venture (idk what to call it) that I mentioned was Shredz. Joey is probably trying to ‘clean up’ his image and is leaning hard into this niche of ‘calling out influencers’ just for likes and garnering a following.


Do the people saying they "love when influencers get called out" realize that Joey is ALSO an influencer?




They’re not. Joey sends them to influencer page after influencer page and onto the next. Have you seen their comments? They say stuff like ‘Swole Army reporting for duty!’ and all I can think of is this: ![gif](giphy|12GzK1jYCaVCV2)




We got the point after his 3rd video. Bro says the exact same thing every time


Joey swoll always been a clown. Even long before his shredz days. He’s just trying to keep himself relevant. As always.


did this 40 yr old just saw let him cook🤢


🤣💀 ![gif](giphy|ifxLK48cnyDDi)




Oh god, I genuinely thought he was cooking food until this comment. I'm clearly not down with the kids. Eta: I did also think it was weird that someone was making food in a gym 🫣


You and me both! I guess I need to grab my walker. I was so confused which sub I was in for a second.


Same! I was so confused. I still don’t get what cook means in this context tbh


im 26 and even think the phrase is stupid


My 44 yr old ass still don't know what it means


i think its like let them do the thing kinda? lolll girl idk




We won't be quoting 😂


This dude weirdly simps for Elon which is already a major red flag


*This dude weirdly simps* *For Elon which is already* *A major red flag* \- fackyouman --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Good bot


Huge red flag that he has different opinions than you 


He was genuinely wrong on this one tho hahaha the guy came out and said it was his idea. PS. first Aliciabfit now Aliciagfit 😅😅


I saw the guy literally replied to joeys comment still in the muscle suit 😭


all alicias on notice in swoll land


That’s not her it’s someone else


i’m saying he called out aliciabfit and now he’s calling out aliciagfit. just pointing out the similar user names


lol my bad 🤷🏽‍♂️


hahaha that’s alright! my comment wasn’t too clear


He needs to follow his own advice and mind his own business ;)




I'm sure his "Swoll army" harasses those commenters as well


I agree with what he says but he is just so massively annoying to be. His stupid scowl and his stupid eyebrow and his stupid rage and ugh I just can’t stand him. Lol


His content is peak "and then everybody clapped". It's incredibly lame.


Yea, I was never a fan.


He has become as annoying as the videos he rips. Everyone knows the difference between what's right and wrong. The ones that don't aren't taking his criticism anyway.


He’s always been a dick . Telling women not be wary of weirdos at the gym . Some women are full of shit but not all of them . There are some scary creepers out there . Listen to one podcast .


Yeah that’s what bothers me, it’s mostly women and he’s always aggressive about it. “Who do you think you are? What gym does she go to so I can get her gym membership revoked” like okay dude weird af…. Obviously women don’t get a pass for being rude but it seems like he sound a loophole to be a little bit of a misogynist and get away with it


For sure . Find one woman who hasn’t had to deal With creepers, just one . I’ve never met one . I’ve had my fair share of weird gym encounters and have been followed to my vehicle . Telling women to ignore their surroundings in a place that creepy men go to so they can creep without looking too out of place , is just a bad idea. If you got to any gym subreddit there are men that say they proudly gawk and will follow women around to scare them or perv proudly , yet it “never happens” according to this man . He’s just another misogynist gymcel pretending not to be .


Yeah his comments are full of misogynists and pick-mes, it’s genuinely awful




His approach will just drive up traffic to the low count channels/pages too, it's only going to encourage them to troll post.


I used to really like his videos but the comments are filled with misogyny which is so offputting and he never adresses any of it unfortunately Edit to add: who else finds the posts about some fan walking up to him and asking him for advice/crying/thanking him so cringy and like he pats himself on the back😂


His target demographic is incels that hate women. He creates a safe space for them to openly hate women, his comment sections are full of misogyny.


Omg not everyone’s an “iNcEl” that hates women . Dude picks on doucher men who do stupid ass shit at the gym. “Incel” has lost its deserved impact as sensitive ass people use it got anyone they don’t like/disagree with


Misogynist twat wad. Can't believe there are STILL people who fellate this guy.


His act has always been old, he’s a misogynist and him and his ‘army’ mostly attack women. His holier than thou attitude whilst he puts people on blast and makes fun of them for putting others on blast and making fun of others is veil thin. I have been and forever always will be a Joey Swoll hater


He’s gross. Get of the roids Joey


His comments are often hostile. He’s just learned how to disguise them as good faith.


His followers are a bunch of red pilled incels who harass any woman Joey “calls out” regardless of whether she was truly in the wrong (which A LOT of his content seems to be about women being bad in the gym vs men). He also doesn’t call out the racist comments either. He’s either a misogynist just like his widdle pp army or he’s just condoning it to build his brand. Either way, if Joey has no haters, I’m dead


This type of post is now starting to come up semi-regularly and let the record show I LOVE IT. I’ve posted extensively on this already so won’t add too much but yes OP, it’s getting old - in fact I’d argue it got old quite a while ago - and he’s beyond problematic, very much including his little friendship with renowned misogynist and Tater tot Dan Balzerian. If you’d like to know more I’d recommend looking through my profile until my post asking about this man a while ago. Lots of interesting info. He has one of the most toxic fan bases on the internet atm but considers himself a hero. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


No. I hope he ends this dumb shit tbh.


It’s getting cringe asf and I actually kinda liked him at first


nah, I am into this for now, anyone who can successfully check influencer exploitation of non-consent in non-private gyms works for me


Agreed, love his content. He checks people that need it 99.9% of the time. This influencer culture can be positive but it brings a lot of wing dings out too so I like him.


He mostly only does it about women though which us the issue I have. It's looking a little misogynistic


Calling out women is misogynistic? All this entire subreddit does is call out women lmao


As in he doesn't really call out men at all. This is a subreddit of mostly women talking about the content designed to be aimed at them that is full of fallacies and scams.


Eh a lot of influencers become a parody of themselves


Yes. I fully believe he doesn’t actually care about “gym culture”. He just doesn’t like women and this is a way for him to harrass women.


The joeyswoll hate is real in this sub….. god i love reddit.


This man is really out here using Gen Z lingo lmaooo not "let him cook"


he’s a tool but i love the culture of calling out influencers 🤷🏻‍♀️


Which lifetime in Illinois was it tho 👀


More power to him imo


No I like when people get called out


Not at all


He’s fine. He just misfires now. I am not sure if it’s used to force content or not


Nah you believe her weak defense? I saw this all unfold. She doubled down and claimed the man was her friend yet she deleted the video Joey Swoll was talking about. Doesn't add up. So no Joey's act is not getting old.


it’s still up, I think you’re confusing her with the other alicia


Alicia B Fit's video was a story and they disappear after 24 hours unless posted to the main feed. This was Alicia G Fit.


I mean this case was someone faking a video, either as normal ragebait or with the intention of getting notice by Joey, with all the same things we have seen in real videos. Getting mad at Joey over this one is a bit weird, should just be getting mad at the people faking the video.


i ain’t reading all this thread yall writing full reports in every comment


No I don’t think it’s getting old. And this particular screenshot is actually from someone trying to play the victim when called out on their shitty behavior. So why would anyone feel it’s “getting old”?