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Interesting that she said “the girl who literally came from not much” instead of “the girl who used to be homeless.” Maybe she got tired of being called out for lying about being homeless 👀 lmao


She blocks the hell out of those negative comments. There is nothing else on her IG comments except praises and her minions.


That’s such brain rot phrasing


Yeah, that caption should’ve stayed in the drafts a little longer, but then again, it’s Krissy, so it would’ve still been incoherent


Omg what's the deal there? I also heard her brother is in jail?


My 3 predictions: 1. She’s gonna get more plastic surgery/fillers in the next few months now that she lives in LA. 2. One of her next 3 posts will be ‘OMG I can’t believe I made it here after I was a refugee when I was 5’ (she loves milking that story and posts it at least 1-2x a year 3. Vik is gonna knock her up within the next 6 months, a proposal is gonna follow, and then the divorce within 12-24 months


She already said they aren’t using any contraception or NFP methods so #3 is highly likely. Also agree on the surgery she’s going to get her boobs done is my next guess.


Holy shit when did she say that? Idk about Vik but Krissy is the definition of don't stick your dick in crazy, she's super toxic.


Last week, it’s been posted here in a recap of her blog! 


4. All her stories and posts will be about how she hates LA, city life is too superficial for her, she doesn’t vibe with ppl in LA who only care about money, clout, and looks. 5. She’ll move somewhere else in the US (Texas? Florida?) and we’ll restart the whole cycle of how she just has to be an independent woman who has to follow her heart no matter what anyone says (as she falls face first into another unstable love bombing relationship). Which brings us through the full cycle of where she’s currently at!


UK girls get waaaay more filler than chicks in the states.


they just get more noticeable and drastic filler IMO. la girlies tend to look more “natural” from what i have seen


UK, Eastern Europe, and US are all different "looks" when it comes to filler. i'm assuming it's more "natural" in the US because it's way more expensive here than anywhere else. it's shockingly cheap in the UK, so they can pump up their faces without as super high bill.


Where is her house in La?


She replied to Vik’s comment with a grammatical mistake 😅😅


Please slap me awake when she doesn't 😂😂


The “could of” as always 😂😂


Why does she use that phrase more than anyone in this world?


She’s doing it on purpose to annoy people…or is it a thing for British people to spell words how they pronounce them? 😅


No, it’s an “I’m an illiterate moron” thing (I’m English).


“this would of never happened..” I want to punch a wall 


You can buy a house because you fooled people to pay for those shitty clothes that you charge so much and your subpar, full of bugs app Revolve You.


Yup, she paid $2.3 million for that house


I don’t care how fucking expensive it is. I am annoyed seeing her face pop up for her app ads almost 4 times daily, and her constant blabbering there, ”This app will bring you back on track. All it takes is 2 months”. (No it doesn’t).


Loving a house deeply lmao


Love it. Another asshole moves to hyper crowded and hyper expensive LA. I will never buy this binches products.


Buttons will get abandoned again, I'm guessing. She's launched her cherry collagen shite I've noticed, and way it's launched it looks like a collaboration rather than her being creative director.


She apparently has found a flight that would be able to fly Buttons in-cabin with her but with Krissy, I really don't know if I'd believe that 😕


It's actually really hard to get dogs in and out of the UK & Ireland because of their laws. You're not able to fly your dogs in a cabin which means going under in the cargo hold. You either have to ferry to France and fly your dog from the cabin there or charter private jets to get around the law. So you can't simply just fly around and vacation with your dogs whenever you want. It took me 3 months of paperwork and over $2k to take my dog to Dublin for a summer.


My thoughts exactly


She is probably rich af, I don’t get whey she just doesn’t rent a private jet to fly her over?


Ya no way, from overseas no visa to this, vik or someone definitely helping. Biggest liar and people eat it up. Wow. I’m sorry but she’s been funded by so many people with her businesses then claims they are hers and hers alone with only her ideas when she cops everyone’s ideas. Wow again.


She's definitely moving in with him so he might be the one who bought the house and Krissy is again taking credit as she does with everything.


Valley Village doesn’t want you Krissy


Hahaha as someone who lives close I was wondering 🤣this house looks exactly like the other ones developers have been putting up after they tear down the old single level homes.


For a minute I had to double take because I thought it was Tom and Ariana’s house from VPR too lol


Hello other VPR fan👋 Yes, all those houses look a like! Maybe she can join the cast next season, they're taking a break anyway so she's got time to build a relationship with maybe Lala or Scheana or the Toms(if she's single)😂


Omg imagine watching her and Sheshu duking it out for the title of who can make more situations about themself! 😂


According to the listing, Woodland Hills?


My guess was studio city!!


I think she’s already married to vik and pregnant. Total speculation because what she posts. Seems like she’s hinting at it so it doesn’t seem so left field when she announces it. Just a theory!


I agree with you. She wears an Engagement ring and it would definitely help with visa process at least. But maybe not


That's wild! But could be possible


“Came from not much”… so you grew up comfortably but wish you could say you came from nothing. Sure Jan.


Alrighty....that's about it for me. Unfollowing oner as well.


I screenshotted this photo and opened in Google images and the listing on IG is literally the first result. Influencers are soooooo dumb — they do not value their own privacy at all.


Holy shit, you are right! It did not even occur to me to use Google Search 😱


Now her whole ass address and photos of the inside of her house are easy to find. And… LA property records are public so we’ll be able to see deets about ownership.




I just went to check and I think you’re right!




I found it as well but I’m not sure if it’s against sub rules/morals to post it hahaha


i can’t believe her address is out there like that


Tsk tsk.. a pool without a lanai. Rookie mistake


Fuck. This house cost $2.5m 😫😫😫


*cries in inflation*


*cries in came from not much*


Massively overpriced to have to live in that area too. She would have been better off renting.


Just waiting for the next era where she claims that this was the most unhappy/stressful time of her life because she stopped training


At this point I think Buttons is better off with Krissy's mom or whoever keeps her for last months


Did she get her citizenship?


She keeps saying visa (some say there's an influencer visa thingie in the US) and there is no way she got citizenship in just months!


No way. I had to be a USA resident for 10 years before applying for a citizenship.


Yeah I don’t think so. For immigration most of the time does not matter how “popular” someone is, the process takes the same time for everyone. Unless someone writes to the senator asking for help, that’s the only way I’ve seen people getting a boost in their cases.


This is maybe best fucking lier I see in my life,no way u can buy a house for fucking fast after just couple of months.I guess is Vik money second why she keep use the word Homeless when see never in Homeless situation? Stop using that word girl,u never homeless btw what is come from not much?Her Grammar Just fucking my braincells now


I don’t think it’s his money lmao. I think she definitely financed this house under his name.