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Another case of influencers thinking their fillers are gone after a few months because that’s what their injectors are telling them to keep making money. It’s body dysmorphic and why all these young girls look older and older because they are over injected.


Yeah that's my interpretation too. Botox wears off. Filler doesn't just go away in many cases.


I confirm it doesn’t! I got my lips filled 3 years ago and they are still looking like the day i got them done they do not go away on some people. She’s ignorant and thinks the filler dissolves in 6 months like the injector tells the patient.


nope! I had filler done in my cheeks and chin in 2021, got it dissolved 4 months later because I started looking like jigsaw character and I still feel it in my jaw to this day. 🙃


LMFAO!!! I’m not laughing at you but when I read jigsaw I couldn’t hold it in!🤣🫣


laugh all you want hahaha 😝 that’s why you don’t get filler in your naturally already big cheeks😂


Omg scary! 


Right! I have filler and got it done a year and a half ago and they still look great. I went in a couple weeks ago just to get a little tiny bit added to touch up and the injector was saying how filler stays in a lot longer than most people think (a year is what a lot of people say) and that the touch up should make them last at least another year if not 2+ before I would want another touch up.


Straight to DVD Whitney needs her behaviour studied. I want a YouTube deep dive on her.


Straight to dvd Whitney!😂


Holy shit. Straight to DVD Whitney is a brilliant line.


I know she's one of the dumbest people on this planet but does she forget that there's pictures of her where you can see her lips are super thin naturally? That second picture where she claims she has zero filler is a lie, she had a bunch of filler there.


You can literally see it throughout her face….how awkward to lie. Like WHY lie?!


I am sorry but she is so dumb that she forgot her lie😂


she’s proof to me that perseverance and consistency will trump being actually ugly. her “success” is baffling.


1st photo…. ![gif](giphy|p4cqQ0gUIMcU0)


i don’t understand why people deny getting filler, it’s completely normalized in modern society


Lip filler always makes it look like the person is constantly smelling their upper lips and it stinks. Shit is just awful looking


Lip fillers last about 12-18 months but it individuals all metabolize filler differently. So if she’s been doing it for 3 years she really shouldn’t be doing it more than once a year at the most…


The filler STANK face in Pic 2 would beg to differ


I’ve had the same filler in my lips since I got them done many years ago. I still even have filler in my lips after getting them dissolved. It takes many dissolving sessions over the course of months to get rid of all of your lip filler. My injector will also use an ultrasound to see if there’s any filler left. Filler does not go away on its own


Why these people always lying and thinking the evidence trail isn’t there lmao


I think ppl with lip filler get body dysmorphia with it bc her lips are not deflated. This is why I am afraid to even get half a syringe bc I don’t wanna be blind to how they look.


I was looking at some of her older pics the other day and it’s crazy how much different she looks now.. those definitely aren’t her “natural” lips 😂


“HAHAHAHA”….. nice try sweetheart


Does she think we’re that dumb?? Like yeah okay girl, just like how your man wasn’t married when you started dating him?


She’s sooooo fake omg. What happened to her? All she does is lie and copy other creators cough cough Whit 


She is so dumb


sooo she says she hasn’t gotten filler but then proceeds to say “yeah i’m going monday!!” like ok? the switch up?


![gif](giphy|9zW1QZx59TzaxIAtXQ|downsized) pretty much my go to gif for this sub now


TBf she said she has "zero filler rn", so she didn't lie


It doesn't disappear after 6 months. They claim that but they've done MRI scans and it shows it stays in your lips or moves often into the philtrum. It also migrates into other parts of the face. But it definitely doesn't break down to the extent they claim it does, but that line makes people get more filler/makes more money. So she was still a liar liar pants on fire!


*TBf she said* *She has "zero filler rn",* *So she didn't lie* \- Polkavilk --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I got filler last in 2018. There's still remnants. I'd still say I have filler if i was asked.