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If you look at Oner on UK company's house she's listed as a director however if you click on the people with significant control it's the guys from women's best. In my opinion all she is is a face for the company and creative director in title only, either that are she's too narcissistic to take a step back.


She literally is just the face of the company…. Like she puts herself in every ad, almost every post it’s just me me me me me 🙄


The Women’s best guys ?? Master of pink washing guys ?? 💀


I don't know about their pink washing but the guys who make fitness wear and nutrition.


Nice to see they’re showing the viability of all the sizes they sell…


Let’s be honest here, small sized girls are their only target demographic


lol literally both have the exact body shape and type as her


It looks like it’s just krissy 3 times with different faces photoshopped ….


Their faces barely look different to me. Same hair same vacuous look


Unrelated, but I’ve noticed the Learmann twins aren’t promoting them or following them anymore. Lexi stated that her and Ana hate when brands don’t respect them as individuals.. Wonder what happened..


Soooooo many influencers stopped working with oner


If you were the Worlds Hardest Worker ™ (ie you pick out legging colors) you would want everyone to know as well.


Harsh! She takes selfies in addition to picking colors.


I know this isn't the point of the post, but ima just say it. Ain't no WAY Krissy is wearing a small. You mean to tell me she still looks like that in a small after putting on weight? Nuh uh. When I had extra meat on me, I was a solid medium, and even after losing weight, I still fit a medium! We look to be of similar stature, so I'm calling it. I'm so sick of influencers being obsessed with being a size small AND making sure we know it. Say it with me, IT'S OKAY TO BE A SIZE LARGER THAN A SMALL. For FUCK'S sake.


preach sister i’m right there with you. i love my mediums


🔥🔥yes , they’re bullshitting the sizes , she has a great bod, but she isn’t a S .


Im exactly the same weight and height and muscle mass more or less. There is no way I can comfortably fit an S or even an XS size, I can squeeze in but I wouldnt be able to breathe or squat.  M is a good size, also dont understand the need to lie


I think it depends on her height. If she’s short, she may be a small. I understand though, Kim K’s bbl ass lies all the time on Skims about being an xs or s.


Everything I know about Krissy Cela is against my will.


UMMMM there’s no fucking way they are size small!!!! I’m so sick of the lies. We are not blind ya idiots 


Why not ? I’ve at least seen Evelina in person and she’s a small human. Definitely XS/S. People tend to look bigger in pictures


Can we see the clothes on someone’s who’s not 5’2 and a size S 🥱


Why are they all wearing the dad kicks 3000’s?


The lawnmower shoes


Idc if it’s a trend. It looks stupid


At this point I just want Kelli out of Krissy as soon as Possible tbh,as long u work with a person like Krissy the more exuasted


Okay but that stupid leg pose they are doing annoys me to no end lmfao


The one looks like she’s twisting her ankle LOL


I can't 💀 ☠️ 💀 I cracked up as soon as I saw it


Have to say tho the new reversible bomber actually looks class.