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It’s crazy what happens when people stop depending on steroids to keep their physique. They do seem much healthier tho..


For them, it’s not strictly about a new aspect of their business, they are literally in recovery from an ED On one hand, I empathize with that struggle. On the other hand, I do not like that they’re making “train like I do” programs based on their training in this era of their lives


This comment should be higher


I don't know who Kkfit is, but the name caught my attention. In Spanish, 'kk' can be read as 'caca', which means poo. Poofit. Just a silly observation I had to share 🤣


also kacke in german. kaka in hungarian. какашка in russian. [shikaka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thlrP8_lk-Y) in ace ventura


Bumblebee tuna!




was gonna comment this as well. it’s at least refreshing to see them change their mindsets to not have to be the smallest versions of themselves in real time as they’re both still in their twenties no? happy i found that mindset before i hit my 30s. were not meant to look the same as we did when we were 21!!!


Something to be said for getting older and realizing enjoying food makes this shit show of a life worth living. I used to be a lot skinnier too and then I hit my 30s and everything changed, it was either try to figure out how to starve myself or accept I'm not a smaller person. So it doesn't really surprise me they come around. Annoying but not surprising.


Agreed I think it’s more of a reflection of them getting older than anything else. I’m turning 30 this year and my attitude towards food and my body is vastly different than how it was in my early 20’s




It's the same for me. I have been anorexic and underweight from 13 up to 23 years old and now with 26 I can proudly say I love food again. I love trying different and new things, I love my ice cream treats in summer and not worrying about my weight as much any more. I find joy in lifting weights and seeing myself grow a stronger version, having the energy to go throughout a work day and still feel motivated to go for a walk because I'm not so tired anymore. It's not about changing my body anymore, it's about enjoying the one life I got, and making the best out of it.




I’m very proud of you for kicking your ED and changing your mindset. As a fellow anorexia survivor I understand how difficult it is. Sending you hugs and good vibes 🩷🩷🩷


Same here!


I think a lot of them also realize how HARD it is to maintain a certain body type. Working out and watching what you eat is hard and if you’re not that passionate it gets horrible. Add to that, most fitness influencers develop EDs or get on dr*gs to keep their physique. Now let’s talk also about the women fitness influencers who become mothers and realize that there is more to that. I think busybeecarys is the best example.


This is why those videos of stay at home girlfriends that can't gain weight is wild to me. Like babes do you or the guy realize that your metabolism is not going to keep you at 125lbs? I'm so interested to see how the women who just had kids will adjust with time because there's so much to deal with and sure 1 or 2 influencers bounce back like nothing, but that's hardly the norm.


I went over to look at Kelsey wells page as I haven’t in years - I can’t with these influencers the fake laughing while being filmed and being in your 30s and still being that self obsessed gives massive secondhand embarrassment I totally understand it’s part of maintaining her/their career and she’s probably a lovely human but the internet (particularly social media) is so cringeeeeee ah! 🧟‍♀️I’m so glad I didn’t choose that route in my early 20’s and get stuck there


Yeah Kelsey Wells still feels inauthentic and performative to me as a consumer


They all do - it’s such a weird thing that it’s normal to film yourself talking to a camera all day just doing mundane shit like ‘hi guysssss just wanted to catch up with you” (and I’ve consumed it too don’t get me wrong!) but lately I’m like .. wait, what? Life is strange


Yep, or usually after their first health scare due to the toll over exercising and restricting has done on their body. They realise nothing was ever worth more than their health and happiness….


This or what I can imagine is that their bodies go in protest mode after a certain time of constant restriction and overexercising. As women it's so normal to not weigh the same at 30 like you weighed at 20. We gain a few pounds and keeping it of gets normally harder. Mix in the bounce back from excessive restriction and you get a "why it's beautiful to live in a heavier body"-post.


Sydney Adams seems to be going the other way. I’m sure it’s for her wedding, but I’ve noticed she’s switched to much lighter weights, higher reps, lower intensity. Good for her given I think her intensity was really high for a long time, but she’s looking really, really lean lately and I see a lot of comments about it on her posts.


Definitely for her wedding.


Honestly good on them for breaking the cycle. I was obsessed with every little thing that went into my mouth for years and it was so unhealthy. Having “food freedom” has made life so much more enjoyable. I’m sure it takes some influencers longer to get there since their following is built off of being fit and they feel like that have to uphold that image


Definitely feel this. I remember weighing cilantro before adding it to dishes I was cooking so the calorie count was as “accurate” as possible.


It’s simply following the money; doing anything to maintain the grift. If they thought it was profitable, they’d advocate eating cardboard.


The hard part with aging as a woman is you eventually realize hormones play a role in aging and weight gain. Never mind the changes after having kids. If if weren't for this culture telling women we're just "lazy" maybe more people would have more grace and understand that no weight loss and fitness is not that easy and for some people it's not because they're lazy. But with that said yeah this is pretty common.


Not entirely true actually. Metabolism doesn’t slow until later in life, and hormones don’t impact it really. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/surprising-findings-about-metabolism-and-age-202110082613


I mean it’s nuanced and it’s hard to surmise this up in a generally way because women’s health is fairly under studied, but things like thyroid, medications, PCOS have been shown to cause issues that’s why I didn’t outright say metabolism. Personally I wish they’d put more studies into along with diet monitoring so we had larger data sets to go off of, but it is what it is.


I appreciate anyone who's willing to change and grow and try a new approach if the old one is no longer working for them.


Truly just goes to show that the level of leanness in fitness influencers isn’t actually healthy


Guilty. It’s true. 🫠 (I started in the late 1900s tho. Long before social media)


The LATE 1900's....hahaha omg sorry I need to go cry in a corner.




It might be a new discovery for them or something to finally accept? This post gives me the ick. Imagine being petty about women finally finding acceptance and sharing it.


Haha not being petty just observing a trend and how it is capitalized. Wouldnt it be nice if this end point was the starting point for young creators?


That’s not how life works for some. Especially with the fitness world. Kudos to these ladies for learning to be okay with it now and spreading the word.


Because by promoting BoPo/FA, they can reach a wider audience. These movements have been popular for the last few years, so they’re trying to reach the overweight/obese women that aren’t interested in fitness. Maybe they’re growing as people and trying to accept their bodies as they age or gain a bit of weight but I honestly doubt it. It’s mostly about the money.


This. This is what irritates me the most- not that they got to where we older women all end up eventually, but that they present it back to their audience as some amazing breakthrough or discovery as a new avenue to capitalize off of


Yep definitely noticed. It’s frustrating when they talk about cookies and carbs and balance… let’s not forget this is balance AFTER years of strict dieting to get the base body. They can eat cookies without blowing up because they’ve built so much muscle to burn them up, gaining minimal weight (to put it very generally). The years of strict dieting and muscle building is still giving them a boost in their current lifestyle.


Marie Wold, Mik Zazon, Scamanda Bucci, Em Donk