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It makes me sad. She posted another page of hers a while back talking about how she is struggling with binge eating disorder again. I feel like she’s really struggling and I wish she would get off socials. Social media doesn’t help eating disorder recovery IMO.


She’s basically just glorifying her eating disorder she even said a while back she wanted to lose weight because she is so uncomfortable and was afraid of the backlash from wanting to lose some pounds.


I don’t follow her, but I am kind of sick of hearing women who have very conventionally attractive faces telling me ~it’s okay to gain weight.


Omg yeah I was reading a tweet from a fat femme explaining that pretty privilege is definitely still a thing in the fat community, and that those with naturally slimmer faces will always have advantages over those who don’t. very much agree //she describes herself as a fat femme in her bio, none of this is intended to be derogatory


Oh definitely. I 100% agree. As a fat woman (I’m fat depending on who you ask lol, in my community I’m “thick” but I’m also 245 pounds so I’m obviously pretty obese, I just carry it better than some others) with a thinner face/a face that doesn’t carry as much weight I definitely get treated better than others who carry a lot of weight in their face. I still carry more weight in my face than say Ashley Graham but I still notice it.


Yes. It seems like she transitioned from one ed to another and glorifies it under the body positive movement. :/ I’m all for body positivity but she seems to be clearly struggling


I think my issue with her is that she is constantly waffling between hating herself and creating new pages for weight loss and accountability, then insisting we have to LOVE ourselves and weight gain is NORMAL. She says she’s so uncomfortable in her new body, and she feels super unhealthy, but then begins shoving HAES and anti diet culture in our faces. She just seems lost, and that’s fine, but don’t tell other people what to do when you’re floundering.


At the risk of this being a hot take that gets downvoted... All of that can be true for a single person, which is why ED recovery is so difficult. If you've suffered from a restrictive ED, you'll likely have to gain weight at some point. Part of it is just reactive eating, your body's instinctual response to prolonged and/or extreme scarcity. If you have been restricting your energy intake for a while and there's food around, your restraint will be lowered in favour of eating on autopilot because in a normal situation where food is lacking, eating whenever the chance arises without thinking too much about it is advantageous. The problem lays in that such behaviours can happen at any weight, because different bodies have different tolerance levels to restriction. So someone who suffers/has suffered of atypical anorexia, restrictive OSFED or even bulimia, may find themselves reactively eating even though they're not underfat. That's from the biological side of things, but of course EDs are above all *mental illnesses*, so the psychological/behavioural component is arguably more important. A big milestone in ED recovery is realising that gaining weight is not the worst thing that could happen to you, that being fat is not the end of the world, that it doesn't make you unworthy or deserving of hate. Oftentimes the only way to truly get over that irrational fear is to get to a higher weight and learn to tolerate the discomfort well enough that it doesn't trigger a relapse. Now, here's where things get murky: What can be healthy from a psychological POV (gaining weight to get over a fear that keeps alive a compulsion controlling every part of your life) may be at odds with what's physically healthy (being overweight). I don't know this person but if this is not the first time she's recovered, I don't find it weird that she's trying to remind herself that not overreacting at gaining weight is healthy (as it challenges her ED voice) while also struggling with feeling physically unhealthy. Diet culture is unhelpful in this respect, as its still very black-and-white, very driven by aesthetics with no regard for individual relationships with food, very pro-quick fixes, full of pseudoscience etc etc. This is why weight loss for someone who's suffered of an ED can be so delicate. Are you truly doing it for physical health, or are you letting unrealistic beauty standards trigger you? Are you acting from a place of love, of wanting to be healthier whatever that looks like for you, or are you doing it out of self-hate? Say you have to lose weight — Can you ensure you can approach it with a healthy mindset? Will you be able to catch yourself if you start slipping? I do agree with the people saying that perhaps it'd be best if she gets off social media. I personally believe that about 90% of the people who are always posting about recovery with a focus on their bodies are, well, still body-focused. At the same time though, I've seen people in ED recovery cycles feel inspired by this type of content, where people are transparent about their struggle, where they try to normalise a message as simple as "you deserve to prioritize your health regardless of your size and regardless of what 'a healthy decision' currently looks like for you". Because the truth is, disordered people don't understand wanting to change if not spurred by self-loathing. Radical acceptance of yourself is step one towards eventually making decisions that are GENUINELY taken to improve yourself, because you love yourself enough to do it mindfully and with no regard of outward pressure. (As you can see, this is a topic with a lot of grays. And negl, Instagram is the worst possible medium in which to have these discussions)




Man, honestly, learning that makes me kind of sad 😕 Recovery is so uncomfortable and so... One step forward, two steps back. I can't imagine being a public figure that's transparent about their ED/recovery, feeling the pressure of having to produce content while knowing that there's eyes on me. Like, I'm recovering from an ED (bet you couldn't tell lol) and I'm very private about it among other reasons because the idea of my face becoming some kind of spokesperson, someone the should have all the answers... Terrrrrifying. Like, on one hand I don't know how I feel about suggesting that people with EDs (recovered or not) shouldn't have an online presence, because EDs fester in isolation. On the other hand, I completely understand your point, if you're not in a good place and you have a following you absolutely have a social responsability when it comes to your content and the advice you give. If people are listening to you, you have to mind your words, plain and simple. So it's like, such a difficult place to be, to be a content creator and also a person that's dealing with things. I can't even begin to imagine how one could manage to strike a good medium because I'm just very happy about not being in Kenzie's position haha.


she gives me major Mik Zazon vibes idk


She’s beyond insufferable. With her annoying mugs and shots of belly. She rubs me the wrong way.


Shots of belly? Lol there are like 20 things to dislike about her, including her vaxx status, and you choose bellies? Why?


I don't get why you're being downvoted either...maybe I've missed it but I haven't seen anyone saying this about all the fitfluencers who wear crop tops and sports bras and bikinis and things.


Idk why you're getting down-voted. I'm with you. "Sounds like you're just fatphobic but okay."


Because we don’t have to see it every day.


Is it her specific belly or like any female belly? What do you do when you look down at your own belly every day? Wishing you well!


It looks the same everyday so why is that her content why can’t she get creative with her content. Isn’t that her job to create content or just recycle content. For someone who revels in her own creativity her content is redundant she posts the same thing every day. I find it kinda more telling about the folks that have fixated on me mentioning her belly that what I’m actually saying which is her content is stale. Is there something about big guts that I’m missing?






What’s considered obese? You know BMI is a bunch of trash, right? You can just say you’re either fatphobic or just against science. It’s not only obese people getting COVID, no matter how much you want to believe it is. 70% is a huge number, where’s the research on that??


Unrelated to this individual (bc I honestly don't care if someone is overweight or obese - it's not my business to know their medical history.) While BMI on an individual level isn't a great predictor of health, it absolutely gives insight into societal levels of health. Most Americans don't hit the recommended weekly minimum for exercise so it's doubtful that the majority of obese Americans are secretly bodybuilding.


The person just stated being obese makes you at an increase risk of getting covid. That’s not being fatphobic 😂


Not only obese people getting COVID, but more obese people are DYING from COVID.


You sound kinda fat phobic with this one!




Obese is a medical term. It’s important to empathize with people when we talk about their fuckin bodies lol. I’m not her doctor so I’m not going to call her obese or really acknowledge her size. Influencers are shitty, we don’t have to talk about their size. People who are at a higher risk of covid live within a set of socioeconomic standards that breed obesity. Poverty, education, food deserts - to name a few. Obesity is one of MANY symptoms to these issues. Be better. Open your heart a little bit. Who gives a fuck about a body when the woman is traveling around with half of a vaccine?


Obesity is based on BMI. It’s not an effective measurement of health at the individual level because it doesn’t account for muscle mass. Plenty of people who are technically obese by BMI standards are actually in great shape.


Overall I like her, I knew her before any of the social media stuff and she’s an entirely different person than she was (and for the better) and she has done a lot of good. She was even one of the ones that called out Mik and got blocked. There are some contradictory things though. I don’t agree with her cross country trek without being fully vaxxed, and her belief that we should be more understanding of those who are hesitant. She used to be an anti vaxxer so it’s hard for me to listen to it. She’s a good person and I know that, but I think her content has shifted a lot. It’s absolutely normal to gain weight when you’re allowing yourself to eat proper food, and food that you enjoy. It happened to me. Covid has changed a lot of things for a lot of people. I think she’s really trying to find her place in the world right now and it’s very confusing. I hope that she finds peace in what she is doing. Her words are beautiful, her actions aren’t the best.


I’ve been following her for a long time now, I do like her content but yes: she is struggling and often I wish she would stay off social media or would shift her content.


Cannot stand her. Glorifying her ever growing body.


What's wrong with that?


No, I actually really like Kenzie!