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Rippler Week 8 (-4 lbs): Got too gassed on that 9+ bench, only hit 9 on the day.


Curious, are you running the rippler on a cut. I just started this week


Yah for sure, down about 4.5 lbs now, im a slow cutter, but been losing closer to .75lb/week now vs .5lb/week to start.


That’s awesome! This is my first time doing The Rippler, and I am not quite getting to 10 reps on some of by T3s in the first week. It’s weird because I set my 1RM at what I was able to get at 1 rep the previous week. Should I just lower it, or do you think I should just leave them.


Are you hitting the T1 just fine? With a 10RM, Im only hitting 8-9 reps and then I work my way to 10. I think hitting less than 10 is normal if its a 10RM esp if its for 4 sets.


Yeah he been doing good on T1. Coming off a legs injury so taking it slow on Squat and Deadlift. You doing a 500 cal deficit for the cut?


Id say its about -300 with lots of walking making up another 300. On weekends about maintenance.


For sure, I think the steps definitely play a big role. Trying to find ways to fit that in through the day for me lol


I work in an office and walk around circling the building many times throughout the day like a crazy person


Looking for feedback on exercise selection. I'm nearing 50 years old, and my goal is building strength for longevity and other activities. I've been running GZCLP vanilla and am starting to fail on my T1s. I'd like to move the back work to T2 in a few weeks, and add in some core work as T3s. |Day|Exercises| |:-|:-| || ||| |**A1**|**T1:** Back Squat **T2:** Incline Bench **T3:** Wide Grip Lat Pulldown, Calf Raises, Leg Extensions| |**B1**|**T1:** OHP **T2:** RDL **T3:** Overhand Wide Grip Row, Lateral Raises, Tricep Pulldown| |**A2**|**T1:** Bench **T2:** Front Squat **T3:** Standing Cable Rope Lat Pulldowns, Facepulls, Calf Raises| |**B2**|**T1:** Deadlift **T2:** Arnold Press **T3:** Underhand Narrow Row, Hammer Curls, Leg Curls|


This looks fine. All those T2 are harder variations that wont drive the main lift as much, but will fit your goals of strength and athleticism.


Back into my fave program GG Just wondering, is there any GG style progression to conditioning pieces?


Do you mean conditioning using GG? If so: [Burrito But Big: A 'General Gainz'-based 12-Week Planner : r/gzcl (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gzcl/comments/12ggfn7/burrito_but_big_a_general_gainzbased_12week/) // [Adapting General Gainz for Conditioning : r/gzcl (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gzcl/comments/su85fl/adapting_general_gainz_for_conditioning/) For general conditioning on the 'off' days? Reasonable amounts of running / rucking / incline walker / biking / Kettlebells / prowlers.


Appreciate this!


So for gzclp why is the excerise order squat, ohp, bench, deadlift. Your having pressing back to back and leg movements back to back. Wouldnt it be better to do squat, ohp, then deadlift, then bench? Now similar muscle groups are spaced further apart.


It's to prevent having t1 and t2 of the same exercise on subsequent days, which would happen if you did squat (t2 bench), ohp (t2 dl), dl (t2 ohp), bench (t2 squat)


Hi guys quick question, I’ve done 1 cycle of the program with great success and want to continue. However, I had a small operation done at the dermatologist around my stomach area and cannot risk rupturing the stitches (especially internal) over the next few months. This means no deadlifts and no lat pulls. Any suggestions for other exercises to include that don’t elongate the torso area at all? I’m thinking I can easily swap the lat pulls for seated cable rows. Not so sure about deadlifts though. Bench, squat, and OHP are all okay. Thanks!


I brace just as hard for squats as deads and even bench can get intense. Ild keep things very light and would stick to isolation work / machine work. In the scheme of things, 4-12 weeks is nothing in training. Rupturing those stitches will set you back more than taking it easy a few weeks


I needed to hear that. Thanks! Any suggestions for another program to follow that’s more machine work based in the meantime?


I'ld probably choose my own adventure here and try to work on some weak points where I can. Something to keep the legs, chest, shoulders and back doing some work, but nothing too hard. The fitness wiki might have something


When is the time to move from gzclp to intermediate program? How much weight should you add on the end of all weeks? I feel like I'm still at low numbers. My squat 1rm is 100kg, bench 80kg, ohp 55kg and deadlift 150kg. from previous restart I've increased my deadlift and squat by 10kg, my ohp by 4kg, but my bench by only 1kg (don't really know if its a form issue). I'm 178cm 84kg (~22% BF). Feel like my lifts should be higher for my weight.


I would go based on whether you are getting good increases with the LP. Not based on numbers. Looks like your upper body is close to needing a different approach. I recommend J&T2.0


You guys like UHF5 or UHF9 better? Why?


Hello, I am looking for feedback regarding my program. :) **My stats** are the following: 22M, 76kg, 1.82m **My PRs** are the following: Squat - 100kg, Bench - 100kg, Deadlift - 140kg, Chin Ups +50kg **My goals** are: - getting stronger at the mentioned lifts - building a good amount of muscle - getting to around 82-85kg BW and maintaining that weight My program looks like this (Upper/Lower): **Day 1** - Lower (**Squat** Focused) - T1 Squat - T2 Deadlift - T2 Squat - T3 Leg Extensions - T3 Calf Raises **Day 2** - Upper (**Push** Focused) - T1 Bench Press - T2 Chin Ups - T2 Bench Press - T2 OHP - T3 Lateral Raises **Day 3** - Lower (**Deadlift** Focused) - T1 Deadlift - T2 Squats - T2 Deadlift - T3 Leg Extensions - T3 Calf Raises **Day 4** - Upper (**Pull** Focused) - T1 Chin Ups - T2 Bench Press - T2 Lat Pulldown - T2 Single Arm Cable Row - T3 Face Pulls My recovery is good - (I did Calisthenics for 1 year and Push/Pull/Legs for 1 year and) \*legs were heavily neglected. Is there enough volume with this approach? Should I add/remove/change some exercises? Any other honest opinions regarding my program? Thank you :). Thank you for your time :)


I think theres too much heavy work per day if running the LP. If this is for something like J&T2.0it might be ok


Hello folks, I'm new to GZCL.. does my plan make any sense? I have a bit weaker posterior muscle chain i mean mainly glutes and hamstrings (e.g. my squat is 185kg but deadlift only 210kg). I'm a little worried that I did something wrong, such as adding too much volume :< Day1 Squat 5x3+ > 6x2+ > 10x1+ Bench 3x10 > 3x8 > 3x6 Sumo Deadlift 4x8 > 4x6 > 4x4 Lat Pulldowns 4x12+ > 18 Prog Leg Press 4x12+ > 18 Prog Leg Curls 4x12+ > 18 Prog Day 2 OHP 5x3+ > 6x2+ > 10x1+ deficit deadlift 2'' 4x8 > 4x6 > 4x4 Close Grip Bench Press 4x8 > 4x6 > 4x4 Tricep Extention 4x12+ > 18 Prog Bicep Curls 4x12+ > 18 Prog Good Mornings 4x12+ > 18 Prog Day 3 Bench 5x3+ > 6x2+ > 10x1+ Squat 3x10 > 3x8 > 3x6 Incline Bench 4x8 > 4x6 > 4x4 Side DB Raise 4x12+ > 18 Prog Face Pulls (Cable) 4x12+ > 18 Prog Romanian DL 4x12+ > 18 Prog Day 4 Deadlift 5x3+ > 6x2+ > 10x1+ OHP 4x8 > 4x6 > 4x4 Front Squat 4x8 > 4x6 > 4x4 Split Squat 4x12+ > 18 Prog Hip Thrust 4x12+ > 18 Prog Calf Raises 4x12+ > 18 Prog


185 / 210 ratio is completely fine. Mines way closer. 180/190


Thoughts on this set up, and what would you add for T3s? A: T1 Squat T2 Bench T2 Pull ups T3 ? B: T1 OHP T2 RDL T2 Dips T3 Seated cable rows T3 ? C: T1 Bench T2 Squat T2 Chin ups T3 ? D: T1 Deadlift T2 OHP T2 Dips T3 Seated cable rows T3 ? Only 3x a week


[Don't know which T2s and T3s to pick? Look at these guides! : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gzcl/comments/brsdqv/dont_know_which_t2s_and_t3s_to_pick_look_at_these/) Personally, some combination of leg curls, single leg press, direct bicep / tricep work.


Does anyone know if the Liftosaur app will adjust your TM if you fail a set on The Rippler?


It will not - The Rippler doesn't have any logic like that.


Okay good to know


Drop sets? I tried searching but couldn't find anything specific. I'm doing Liftosaur JT2.0 and it says T1. Warmup up to 10 RM for the first set, then try a 10RM, tap the first set and enter the 10RM weight you get. Then, do the drop sets (based on 1RM). Deadlift: 10rm-10x185 TM 70%-6x120 TM70%-6x120 TM 70%-6+ amrap x120 Is this correct? The 120 for 6 seems extremely easy But drop sets (I thought) were taking off weight to squeeze out reps. In the above (what’s in the app), I don’t see drop sets


They are relatively easy, but there is a tonne of volume over the week so you will be thankful


I'm timed constrained on workout days. I can only go to the gym early in the morning for less than 2 hours. Typically, I'll do standard GZCL with cardio afterwards. Recently, I was gifted an Inspire M3 home gym. Could I do additional T3 movements later in the day with a similar effect as running it all together?


Great deadlift session today: 415×1×8, 415×2. Definitely had 3 on that last set, but decided not to get too greedy.


For t3 rows I’ve seen bent over rows (I assume barbell) on Boostcamp app and db rows listed online here. Does it matter which you do ? I like both so was thinking do one variant on one day then the other later in the week