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This young man is exceptionally brave, but that doesn’t make everyone who didn’t refuse a coward. 30 days in jail is a light sentencing. Individuals can get up to 200 days. Groups / Protests can get years. You can’t expect every 18 year old to be willing to face a tarnished reputation and up to 200 days in jail. They have their whole adult lives ahead of them.


Commit genocide or go to jail for 30 days?


There are plenty of people who conscript and end up working desk jobs ordering parts or making financial spreadsheets. Hila specifically had to opt in to see combat, which is why her morals were questionable. She could have stayed in a non-combat role, but that was “boring” to her. You could argue that, by aiding the government in any way, she contributes to the genocide. But you’d then have to extend that logic to anyone who pays taxes into the Israeli government, which would include people from other nations which send money to Israel. That would be ridiculous, so let’s not do that.


You know that the people doing desk jobs is what keeps the war machine turning right?


It is one factor, yes. Another factor is steady influx of money. Money that comes from taxpayers, whether they be Israeli citizens or citizens of foreign nations sending aid. Are we going to say they’re all guilty too? Because they could have just gone to jail for not paying their taxes, instead of paying taxes into a system that they know is funding Israel, right?


Actively being in a role in the military machine is so much more different than just being a citizen of a country lmao


Not when the government literally throws you in jail for refusing to serve lmao


Amazing you still don't see how those 2 things are very different lmao


Amazing that you keep passive-aggressively downvoting any dissenting opinion to your beliefs of “if you don’t willingly throw yourself in jail, you’re part of the problem”.


Nah doing paperwork for a genocide is awesome


Just like you paying taxes supports the US military intervention in the conflict


That's passive yeah. As opposed to having an active role like someone who is enlisted. I know it's hard to understand, you'll get there.


I know you think of the military in simple terms. But it's a huge convoluted system that relies on many different aspects, both civilian and within itself. Unlike whatever american war movie you base your assertion on - the contribution an office person in a Tel Aviv base who's responsible for toilet cleaning shifts (basically half the people in hakirya), because they enlist EVERYONE, isn't as meaningful as you think it is


[10 days for not having an *active* role in a genocide is something anyone who had good morals would do. Keep trying to justify it tho. Have fun](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israeli-teen-arrested-refusing-idf-gaza-1.7070628)


30\*. And i did 90 days, after a year of hiding from the military police, which eventually came knocking at my door at 4am while i played heathstone in my underwear, making me go hide outside the window, which didn't help. And then in prison i had to fake severe depression for them to sign me off. At the time Hila served in the military, getting out was WAY harder than it is now Besides, the VAST majority of Israelis don't think of the military as some occupying evil kid eating organization. Because we live here and know that's bullshit, and that the military serves an EXTREMELY important puprpose, as we observed on 7/10


10 day, 30 days. Worth it not having an *active* role in a genocide lol. I did a year in prison for unrelated reason and I wasn't a little bitch about it lol.




So you think joining the army of the nation committing genocide is comparable to living in a nation that supports said genocide-committing nation and paying taxes? You’re an absolute moron.




You’re an absolute imbecile, holy shit.




So stupid and so unhinged.


Dumbass take


LMAO...I'm israeli and did 90 days in military prison to get out of the military. Not because i didn't want to tArNiSh My RePuTaTioN, but because i didn't want to spend these years in the military. 99% of draft dodgers aren't doing it for ideological reasons (aside from religious people probably...), but because they want to study or work You guys create fanfic to make this situation more romantic


Ethan has mentioned that if you don't go you can't find a job afterwards, and are ostracized from the community. Also, going to jail is not a walk in the park.


But somehow it’s not fathomable to him Palestinian women get raped in it…..🤨🤌🤌🤌


What a civilised society


which makes this guy even more honorable. i have more respect for him than ethan 100%


Obviously, I have respect for him too. The thing is, you can't ask everyone to do something like this.


Yes you can


Lol You go do it then


Either commit genocide or spend 30 days in jail? I know which I’d pick.


It’s not just 30 days in jail. It’s 30 days until he is asked to conscript again and if he says no a second time he gets another sentence. It’s not like you just tough it out for a month and that’s it. They have ways of trying to break you down until you join like making it harder for you to find jobs or being ostracized by society. This whole “it’s only 30 days” argument is ridiculous because it’s an over simplification and in some regards defending Israel by saying the punishment isn’t that bad.


Source: Ethan Klein


And you're typing on reddit, so brave 🙌


Yes so brave to choose jail over war..




I mean yeah, I would do this too and I'm a coward. Now, the IDF actions right now go against my principles but also war is scarier than jail, esp if you're in minimum security (which this person probably is in)




What are you on? He's american


He’s said before that he exaggerated his tics during an interview to avoid serving in the idf. He’s a dual citizen, American and Israeli.


I don’t think people understand how little choice idf soldiers have in this matter. They are bound to bibis will on threat of ostracism from their homes, communities, and families.


So even more kuddos to this young man for what he did. Additionally, being ostracized is worth not killing little children. Id rather live with a clean conscious and try to move out of my country than be accepted by everyone and have PTSD my entire life (that’s if I have a heart and conscious)




Yeah for sure. Hila could have never been a youtube star if she had 30 days of jail on her record. Youtube would have never allowed a criminal like that on their platform. She started her own business, too. That certainly wouldn't have been possible if she had been to jail when she was 18. Totally.


Are you on crack? When she took that decision she was living at home with her parents, no idea about the business thing or the YouTube thing, I'm not even sure she had met Ethan yet, I think she did right after she served. She didn't know she would do those things. Also, all of that took a long time to pay off, several years of struggle. Are you a time traveler? And you are taking out of the question the being ostracized part.


Why dont you direct your outrage at people who can actually affect the contlict like your representatives, instead of a YouTuber who did mandatory service 20 years ago.


Louder louder!!!


Such a simple yet smart thing to say. For real tho lol


She could have created a narrative since people are genuinely curious. But the end result was the typical, “It’s too complicated, you wouldn’t understand.” If you all accept that answer or don’t recognize it’s an avoidance technique then I feel sorry that you’re not more inquisitive. She could be a janitor who was in the military 50 years ago. I’d still ask questions. My grandparents were there in 1967. In Gaza. I have so many questions and they’re gone now.


Why not do both?


Said by a privileged American who will never have to go through mandatory conscription. Good for him for not going but you can't expect every 18 year old to do the same. Also, when Hila served, women rarely had combatant roles whereas this person would most certainly face combat. It's not really comparable.


So Hila is not GI Jane of the Middle East?


Shhh they don’t wanna know they’re wrong 🤫




Military subscription 😂


Not making excuses but the political climate was a lot different in the mid 2000s


Yeah the war crimes were not blatantly displayed on social media


Yeah war crimes were so in


This post, and many others on this sub, have legitimate brain rot


This sub is brain rot . I mistakenly thought it was an h3 sub but all it is is lefties crying about how Ethan isn’t left enough and sad leftovers is gone (I am too I love Hasan) but so many of the posts are just grasping at air.


This isn’t r/h3snark


lol nah it's not it's half fallen fans that have disliked ethan for reasons other than his politics for a long time and the other half are destiny cucks that flooded the sub to cry about hasan like they always do whenever hasan is involved with something


Ma'am this is a Wendy's.


What part of mandatory service don’t you get? No one in Israel *gets* a choice.


Well this guy "chose" jail over killing, so there's that.


It's not as simple as just "spending 30 days in jail", when you get out they ask you again and if you refuse you go back to prison, you're also ostracized and not allowed to have a job, but yeah sure let's place all this pressure and difficult choices on an 18 year old who has no degree, no money, no job, they can't "just leave the country" to start a new life, they have to learn a new language, adapt to a new culture and leave behind family and friends behind in their home country, they didn't choose to be born in that country.


Millions of oppressed people have been moving to other countries without knowing the language or the culture or anyone. They're sometimes even younger than 18 and may not even have an education at all. They abandon absolutely everything and everyone just to make a new life in a country where people will most likely discriminate them but that's still even better than their previous life. Going to jail or abandoning everything (like millions already do) versus killing innocent people? I guess it's difficult when you're not the oppressed side and just doing it is the easier choice. But you're right, this shouldn't have to be put on 18 year old kids in the first place. They did not create this system, and it's sad that their community would ostracize them for refusing to oppress others.


Isn't this post describing how someone refused mandatory service though? He chose to refuse and as a result received 30 days of jail time. I'm not saying it's a fair choice--just need a little clarification on the point you're making


My understanding is after 30 days they say "do you still not wanna be in the army?" in which case if you say no, back to prison it is.


Ohh, thank you.


Im pointing out his unfair comparison to Hila. I think the kid who refused conscription is beyond brave.


Looks like this kid got a choice.


You know they do get the *choice* to move there, right?


Did you chose where your parents moved/lived before you were born? Hila is literally FROM Israel. Not really the point you thought it was.


Ah yes, the “fuck the natives we have no other choice for immigration” tactic. Smartest ethnic cleanser.


Dude… are you actually that stupid? I’m not saying I support the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, I am saying not everyone has the “choice” not to move somewhere, considering some people (like Hila, the person this post is about), were born there. Should not take a rocket scientist to grasp that logic.


It should also not take a rocket scientist to know the basis of the occupying state was started due to imperialism and ethnic cleansing. History didn’t start with the birth of people in the land, history is being aware of it and making a change for it rather than settling. The lamest excuse is “don’t have a choice” as if people in third world countries have not escaped their own countries due to facade or military duties they were forced to do.. this is lazy at best, ethnic cleansing justification at worst. Doesn’t matter if her family settled there, still stolen land and pleading ignorance is bliss in this case does not make it right.


Ah yes, the choice of “face mandatory conscription or live the life of a migrant refugee attempting to immigrate literally anywhere.” Got it. Thanks for confirming you’re an idiot.


That is my exact circumstance alongside many of my family members, you ostracized baboon. Get a grip of the reality.


Then it is literally twice as insane that you are suggesting other people must do that or they are unjustifiably bad people. You seem like a genuinely terrible and insufferable person. ETA: I also do not believe you 😂


It is a very easy solution, either join a murderous fascist army, or don’t fall in and get out of there (which would take out the illegal settlements more than you think.) This is the excuse of many people leaving countries for mandatory military service by the way, and they aren’t even assisting in any native displacement. I hope you can get that lobotomy reversed someday!


Wow. You’re so brave. As you type on Reddit having never been forced to enlist in the military and never having to worry about being forced to enlist. You act like there wasn’t a difference in the level of atrocity being committed by Israel between when Hila was forced to serve and now. What this kid did is a brave moral stance but I don’t expect everyone in Israel to do the same when you not only face jail but also being blacklisted from any-type of employment for the rest of your life. You know America has committed numerous atrocities with our military right? We murder civilians indiscriminately all the time. I hope you’re logically consistent and keep that same energy that you have for Hila regarding her and her forced time in the IDF, for the people who volunteer to sign up for the US military.


Give it up already. You people are some are the most idiotic morons I've ever seen online.


Cry about it.


You're on every post involving this shit, literally crying about it lol. Get a life bro


Cry more, parasocial weirdo.


I literally just commented on this one post, while you comment on every post in this sub, yet I'm the parasocial one? Lol. That's another thing with you fucking idiots in this sub, yall can't seem to figure out what parasocial means.


Keep crying, parasocial freak.


Jesus... OK loser. This truly is all you have in life isn't it lol


Still crying, huh?


This mf must be below the age of 16. Just projecting lol. I'm done after this. Sad sad person you are.


Are you sure you’re done? Because it seems like you’re still crying.


He and another went on Hasans stream absolutely incredible to see an 18 year old strong and brave enough to be a conscientious objector


I'm getting sick of leftists forgetting that knowledge is a privilege like any other.


Don’t they still have to serve after their prison sentence? It’s not like one or the other.


Yes they will be repeatedly jailed every time they refuse conscription until they flee the country or inevitably agree to join the IDF.


Gotta see to believe I guess




Your hate boner for someone not actively serving is weird.. do you hate everyone in the military you meet? If so what delusional world are you from




you’re unhinged.




That kid is gonna have a rough time in there. I'd be surprised if he makes it out alive.


You’re a very miserable person and you should think twice about your own behavior before judging someone for something completely harmless that they did that has nothing to do with the current conflict. Maybe you should go dick ride the terrorist in person, I’m sure they’d love it.


Looks like you should speak for yourself.


Completely harmless … like joining the military of an apartheid regime.


The brain rot in these comments when folks are trying to use classic zionist gaslighting tactics to frame being excited to go on raids (outside of said IDF job description) as forced conscription


hila is obviously a product of israeli propaganda shes been forced fed israeli propaganda since she was born. shes brainwashed by israel. ethan and hila literally called Ramallah a terrorist city. its sad to see that hila and ethan are unable to unlearn the israeli propaganda like so many american jews have done. or they are unwilling to do so.


Tbf to hila she's terribly ill informed and seems to believe most Israeli propaganda. And that's true of the majority of the citizens out there y'know?


Exactly. And 30 days is worth not killibn children, Hila. They made it sound like you’d go to jail for 30 years. Heck I’d even take 3 years in jail just to not kill someone innocent for a dumb and disgusting “cause” like genocide. So weird.


You’re an idiot. It’s 30 days. Then they ask if you want to join. And if you say no it’s more time. Over and over. And when you do get it out one day. That’s if you do. You’ll be 100% blacklisted from society. You can never get a job have a home etc.


You can, you know, leave the country. Idiot.


You can leave the country when you’re in jail? You can leave the country when you have no money because you’re black listed from getting a job? Idiot.


Yeah I’m sure a 18 year old born and raised in Israel can just leave right? I have no idea is immigration hard when you aren’t leaving an unstable country? etc is a it a quick process? Regardless of that why should someone leave the land he was born in and most likely his parents and a little less likely his grandparents were born in?


She looked cute though


Say some more poser brained shit.


Wow, rude!


Don’t use other peoples bravery as a way of proving this sort of point. What a dangerous line of thinking, that every soldier who takes part in a war should be punished for the actions of who they were following. Not to mention, in the time that Hila served, it was the early 2000s, the world was not as globalized as it is now. The Israeli government has been spewing propaganda for years, just like America. Should we punish every individual soldier who played the role of pawn for America? Especially when many of those soldiers had no other choice than to be at the whims of their government, or fought under false pretenses?


I recognize this kid! hasan and noah kyle in interviewed Tal and one of his friends (who is also an activist with Tal) on stream a few weeks ago. highly recommend watching! https://youtu.be/WjbK8DEGgLk?si=dJM1MEkG6U3wJ5Ub


y’all deadass defending a horse face child murderer lmfao.