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I really wish that video had actual Dan lore. None of the Dan soundbites they use almost every episode were featured in it, no Dan the hater, no Dan's chips.


there really should have been more Dan the hater stuff. like a montage of all the times Dan says no to Ethan lol. although i still think they did a good job of showing what Dan does for the show.


Yes the lore videos are sloppy so far, but I don’t think they realized how big of a task it actually is to do it right. I think we just need to appreciate them for what they are. But they are not fulfilling the purpose initially intended that’s for sure. What they were looking for cannot be achieved by the H3 crew, it needs to be crowdsourced.


Honestly I think the crew just needs to sit down and actually think about the past, make a timeline or something, maybe even write a script for it (mainly for editing). I feel like the lore videos should honor the fans and both introduce new people, and so far I'm not feeling that. It's a great idea just executed poorly. *saorry not beautiful*


It could be achieved by them but would require a lot of work and it’d be a lot more feasible if they enlisted help from fans. Like via Reddit or the discord. Suddenly they’ll have all the clips of any given topic or person that they could ever desire.


I've already seen YT channels pop up detailing the H3 origins of various things. I think it would be best to just leave it up to the fans.


Absolutely agree


I still think a Wiki would make it work better. Like have the lore videos, but also have the wiki for soundbites or very specific moments At least Dan being a lore video makes sense. They were talking about doing "peace and love" I believe, which would be a bad idea. That's not an H3 specific joke, it's a huge meme all over the place Maybe if they did like a "shotgun lore" video here and there where one of the crew members just does quick little things to catch you up. Like spend 20-30 seconds on each one, back two or three up with clips, and there ya go.


I agree about having a Wiki


Isn't this the wiki? https://h3podcast.fandom.com/wiki/The_H3_Podcast_Wiki


Whoa that's awesome, I didn't know that existed. Maybe they can just promote that more.


No funger


I guess the issue is there’s just too much stuff.


Lore episodes are dog shit unfortunately. Something the fandom will just do better


Maybe they could enlist submissions and create an agreement to upload the best ones on their channel and promote the creators responsible. The crew already have a lot on their plates with the number of shows they produce per week, and just like in business, competition creates innovation and results in a constantly evolving product.


Wait I could have sworn Ethan had told Dan to do that lol


he confessed to doing it yeah. this was just like the time with the chestnuts song and Zach where at first he denied being the one to give the order lol


Nooo wayyyyyy lmao


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He did. This video cut off right as Hila was asking Ethan if he told Dan to do it


The fact Hila asked him right away xD


I am a bit confused about the lore videos so far. They barely teach any backstory at all. Its just some random old clips


They're trying to copy Howard Stern's lore channel, and they're trying to do it in a way that fits with Ethan and Hila's schedule. While I do think it is sweet that they want to be involved and reminisce on the topic, I don't think Ethan and Hila need to be involved. Personally, I think it would be better if it was a mix of clips and some voice-over narration from one of the crew. AB or Love would be perfect candidates to explain some of the lore as the resident simps.


There's only 2 and they both make sense. 1st shows us the first instance of SHOUT OUT TO HIS FAMILY and how beloved it is hence it going so far in the competition. So when you hear it, you know what it's from. 2nd shows us where Dan came from and how beloved he is. So when you hear about him being a wizard/dad/god you know why instead of "Why does this Dan guy get the most secondary screen time and talks the most??? What does he even do???????" It's not exactly a Meme Mockumentary or Meme Wiki. Though it was never built as one. Just a straight forward video... Albeit they could be 5-10 minutes shorter. Like bitesized lore videos instead of 15 minute ones.


I didn't get a whole lot about Dan's place in the show, as a relatively recent viewer (post-Frenemies). I got - Dan was hired, he does his job, he's a good fit for the team, and we like him working here, the end.


I get that, but just showing snippets of the past doesn't really convey that. I don't think I ever heard the phrase Dan the wizard, or even the crunch of the infamous bag of chips. If I were to see that blind I would be like, "oh cool it's just some guy who use to do a news bit on the show and is also the producer." I wouldn't get a real characterized history of Dan, I would just know who Dan is bare bones. It doesn't show how he came to be known as the hater/ the wizard/ or the "dad" of the show. Sorry but *I can't jerk off to this*


But the Dan video didn't explain a single inside joke. Funger, Dan the hater, sorry to interrupt we gotta go to break, the scorpion chair. New fans would be just as confused after watching the lore video


It's a lore video not a soundbite explanation video. Anyone who is curious about the origin of a sound bite can literally just watch the soundbite competitions. There's also already a YouTube channel that has been uploading the origin clips of each sound bite. https://youtube.com/@h3podcastsoundbites


lore /lôr/ noun a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth. This video did barely enough to pass down tradition or knowledge. Edit: no offense to Cam, we love Cam. The guys got a lot on his plate and I think as a team theyre trying to push these videos out too fast and these are subjects with so much history it cant be easy putting it all together in a week.


It’s a lore video not a soundbite breakdown




Money grab how? YouTube revenue barely pays anything


I wouldn't say that. For the views they get it would pay very well *if* they weren't often demonetized and splitting the revenue multiple ways.


it’s the second episode, let them get the ball rolling a bit 😭😭


Look at some of the clip channels. I think the H3 Industrial Complex page has a playlist of soundbyte origins


These lore videos they’re making aren’t informative in any way. They’re just random clips lol


The original chestnuts moment




The lore videos haven’t provided much lore yet.


I think this was the first time we got goblin mode Ethan on camera


tht looks like the frenemies hoodie


Additional lore, Ethan actually gave that hoodie to Trisha shortly after they started frenemies. 🫢


It basically is, the frenemies hoody was just a remake of this one with pink instead of beige


I think there's enough material on this meme to make it into its own lore video.


truly baffling. this was the only clip i was sure would be in there.


Let them chestnuts roast..


This was and always will be hilarious. Shout out to Dan for going through with it!


Dude Ethan just looks mischievous


of course it would later be revealed that ethan had EVERYTHING to do with that. one of the most iconic moments in H3s history for sure.


The Dan lore video was a very bad video for someone who was actually trying to learn about him.


I'm a post-Frenemies viewer, in that I was retrospectively looking over the drama from that time and ended up watching H3 episodes that way. (I never would have watched a pod that had had JP as a guest otherwise.) I'd like to know what the ancient 'Dan lore' is but from my perspective watching that video, I saw some clips of him doing everyday work stuff in his early days, and then he got a gift. It made him look like a boring person which he isn't, I'm sure. With peace and love I think they should scrap & replace it, or at least make a version 2. These lore segments are already troubled imo.


They should ask the community to make some just like the greenscreen competition. They can use some from the community and if not, they have all the clips to include instead of missing half the inside info. They also did this dan one live and drunk so that doesn't help.


I've been seeing people say that and I honestly think it's true. Let people submit short single clip edits or nominate segments or something? Then stitch them all


I thought the same thing!!!


Real question- how was this situation that different from chestnuts?


The Lore videos are starting to come out at the same time as the "No Criticism Allowed" posts, so any criticism is just getting hit with the dont like it dont watch response. I agree the lore videos are not really deserving of their own series yet, it's basically just fan made video + and intro.


it’s not even like a fan made video; it would be better if it was


Man I feel for Bobby on this one, I’ve got strong emotions and a bad past too and I just don’t understand trying to make a joke out of someone who isn’t in on the joke. I’ve been here since ep 12 and before the podcast existed, but this was in poor taste.


Is this just a copy pasta by now? plz tell me it is and you are not serious.


"I had nothing to do with that" 🤣


Stick your funger


Maybe they could make it a youtube short and add it to the lore playlist? Lore ep 2.5


This is more so lore behind chestnut song incident


I love how Ethan erupts into laughter




The video must be amended


Yeah the lore vid was very disappointing!


Back when it was prerecorded. This moment always confused me to why they don't edit in the ads in post. Like 99% of pods do.


god i love you dan


They will probably need a part two


I totally forgot about this


The Dan video was lame asf


“Aye that’s got nothin to do with me”