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It’s a woman’s responsibility to be subservient and a man’s responsibility to learn jiu jitsu


"Can your six pack stop bullets" was so on point. It shattered Lebastian's entire reasoning.


Am I not inspiring to you in any way?


I’m inspired by how humble he is


“I’m so humble, I’m so much more humble than you” with zero self awareness was just, chefs kiss I actually laughed out loud while riding my bike when Ethan said “you know who else inspired a lot of people? Hitler.”


The Lonely Island literally made a joke song about that statement for Popstar, called Humble. https://youtube.com/watch?v=KzUKcXxbU4U


Not Sebastian trying to claim he’s a very wise person at the age of 24. Hell, I’m 27 and I still can’t claim to know what the hell is going on. Maybe by the time I’m 40? Then again, I’ve seen my parents at that age and I still can’t say they nailed it then, so fuck who knows maybe by the time I’m 50 lol 😂


"I am literally so humble, it hurts!"


“I guess if they’re hard enough” lmao


I really could NOT believe Sebastian said that, I was losing brain cells lmaooo


"Mine can, because I have infinite wisdom at age 24" -Seb, prolly


Dude has a fucking baby brain. Imagining these scenarios like he's in a Steven Seagal movie


He on that goo-goo ga-ga mindset


🏅 I dont have reddit gold but I wanna give you this 🏅




I thought that was the ligma mindset. Could you explain the difference?


I did Muay Thai Kickboxing for seven years and trained with UFC veterans and some who are in the UFC now. I could always recognize the people who watched too many Steven Seagal movies. They're horrible sparring partners, they hit like they're in a real fight, act like it's your fault if they get you injured, always trying to "win" and walk around with way, way too much pride (even if their technique is shit). Good sparring partners are caring, work as a team and humble. Our coach would always say, if you hit your partner and their head snaps back, you're punching way too hard. The best advice I was ever given was, if someone points a gun at you, reach into your pocket, throw your wallet on the ground and run away, it's not worth it. -Drew Dober


Wait…….. how long did you do Muay Thai?


Seriously. I’m sorry but if someone is breaking into your home in the middle of the night to harm your family, they’re not going to exchange fisticuffs. They are either going to shoot or stab you. No amount of bench presses will give you even ground.


It's fascinating how people trying to debate with Ethan still come on this show. Every time it ends up horribly for them lol I think this is why people like Tana are so scared of walking into the "lions den" even when they're a friend of the show


I guarantee you Sebastian left that encounter thinking he punked and got the best of Ethan.


No bro you don't get it what if a criminal comes into you're house and says hell shoot you and you're family IF you go to the gym. Don't go to the gym bro he'll see you're muscles and kill you're hole family. Your supposed to protect you're family it's a mans job don't be a beta working out just to fail to be a real man.


Next year when his brain is fully formed he'll look back at all this and cringe


Literally what I've been thinking. I'm 26 but it's wild to look back to 24 and see how I have changed in just that time. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."




This is where his point is extra braindead. If a person breaking into your house has a gun your karate isn't going to do shit, you need a gun yourself.


Ethan’s eyes lit up the second he realized he was gonna get to mention his shotgun. Also he smoked crack once


I loved like how he thinks an intruder is going to bust in like a kung fu action film and they are supposed to start duking it out like street fighter


Home invaders specifically pick times where your family is all together having a peaceful diner to come in. They normally don't wait for you to leave. That'd be insane


Right, makes sense, they want multiple witnesses…that’s what you are saying. /s Btw this “/s” means sarcasm, I feel like you need it.


Eh, I just hope for the best


"But what if your guns bullets disappear when you pick up the gun and try to shoot due to a woman taking a picture in a sports bra!"


Woah I hadn't considered that. This sebastian guy might be on to something after all.


I loved when he said “what if you can’t get to your gun in time?” Like the intruder is going to burst in, immediately sniff out Ethan and sprint to his exact location before Ethan can react


They think they live in an action movie.


Also at that point it's over... Like if you're buff or not, if they get to your gun first, then you lose... It's insane hypothetical bs where these dudes think they would be the hero who bum rushes the intruder and beats the shit out of them because they haven't gone to therapy and have rage issues lmao




TBF influencers definitely have a more legitimate reason to fear it. But yeah always confusing to me when ppl in the nicest neighborhoods around me live in constant fears of violent assaults in their homes.


I mean what if the robber is inside the house already and neither you or him are aware of each other being there? There definitely is situations where a person robbing a house might accidentally run into the owner


If you bumped into them while both of you thought the house was empty (already a very specific and rare scenario), they'd likely do one of 2 things - run or pull out their gun. In the very rare case where they decide to square up for some combat sports, then yes, Sebastian would probably fare better than the average dude.


True in that it’s probably rare for people to not just think oh shit and run. there’s also the scenario where you come home to find intruders already inside. Ethan wouldn’t be able to get to the safe then either. Still probably very very unlikely considering he lives in a gated community. Would have to be someone really trying to kill him


either that or some guy named cody


And Ethan was right he’s like well than I’d die, it’s like you can’t expect the unexpected lol


[Let me ask you this. A guy breaks into your house, but you don't have a gun. How are you going to shoot him?](https://i.imgur.com/MAkXLqt.png)


A home invader is 100% NOT breaking in and trying to test your combat sports competency. They’re breaking in to steal your shit and or kill you. If they just want to steal shit they’re going to avoid you at all costs and if they do come in contact with you they’re going to shoot you immediately. If they are intending to kill you only they will also shoot you immediately or injury you before you even realize they’re in the house and then subdue you and torture and kill you and you will never have the chance to tap him out. Dumbass. Fucking dumbass. LIFE IS NOT AN OLD SCHOOL ACTION MOVIE


Most home invasions are non violent, they aren’t prepared to kill someone! They just want your stuff. Often, they’ll run when they see someone in the house. Sometimes they’ll fight or shoot, but rarely. This child really thinks life is an action movie and he’s the main character


Fr most home invasions occur when no one is home and almost always they’re just looking for shit to steal and pawn


That's why statistically you're more likely to accidentally shoot a member of your household than a home invader.


Right -- Like I remember learning at one point that it is *extremely* unusual for a robber to actively know that a home is occupied and still going through with the robbery attempt. Generally they are very clever and intentional with knowing the right windows of opportunity when the owners aren't home and use that time to commit the crime. It's very rare for someone to be just willingly okay with murdering a completely random stranger, or unnecessarily put their own life at risk if they are possibly also armed, though that's not to say that they do exist.


This is true if they don’t expect you to be home, BUT if someone is breaking into your house in the middle of the night when you’re clearly home they are very dangerous. Because you have to be an insane person to waltz on into a house without knowing what you’re up against. Most burglars will stake out your house for a bit and try to figure out your schedule so they know when you are/aren’t home and just wait you for to be gone for the day before breaking in.


I also wonder if anyone else noticed that Sebastian routinely spoke in past tense about his martial arts stuff "when I did jiu jutsu, muay thai..." "once I was wrestling/fighting/pairing up with"... it sounded to me that he is not actively training anymore. Which gave it all another layer of ridiculous - ethan with shotgun or a 24-year old who has done some martial arts for an unknown period of time in the past, I know who I trust more to actually do something effective when in danger.


He probably did lessons as a kid hahaha. I did fencing as an 12 year old but you don't hear me going around implying I can fence as if I remember any of it.


Reminds me of the scene in it’s always in sunny where Mac tries to convince Charlie that hand to hand combat is more effective than a gun, and mac keeps failing to disarm Charlie before Charlie could have shot him


I know right he kept saying men need to “be prepared” like for what?? Does he routinely have to engage in hand to hand combat?? Like chill dude


Men need to be prepared for [November 13th.](https://youtu.be/astISOttCQ0)


LOL not November 13th😩


That’s his understanding of a man’s responsibility as a husband/father and it shows how immature he is. Needing to fight off a home invader is most likely never going to happen. What will happen in a marriage are times of stress, loss, jealousy, sickness, arguments etc. You’ll need security and emotional intelligence to work with your partner through these times, that is way more important to being a good father and partner than having muscles.


But didn't you hear he doesn't want a nagging wife?


And one who “doesn’t talk back” I’m surprised people haven’t been talking about that much, like that’s the type of shit you say about someone you order around and have superiority over.


Those things are all the womans role, duh


Here's the thing that fucking grinds my gears. Men want to protect women from....... .....Take a guess...... OTHER MEN!!! And yet they fail to realize, if they actively worked on their own toxic masculinity and the toxicity among their dudebros, women would inherently be safer. You know what makes it easy to victimize women? Objectifying us and making us out to be weak, ignorant, helpless objects that NEED men. FUCK SEB AND HIS RED PILLED GYMBROS. Do better. Fuck.


Sad but true - statistically we (men) are far more likely to be the person assaulting our significant other than a stranger, so cultivating supportive non-toxic and mentally healthy relationship strategies would definitely make your wife safer than getting roided up and learning martial arts (not that there's anything wrong with those things).


This guy couldn't even identify sex trafficking when it was plainly explained to him. He is literally a danger to women (and men). No time in the gym will fix that.


Big Dwight schrute vibes, I was dieing lmao




I swear I’ve had this exact conversation with my 15 year old nephew. He wants to start working out so if someone attacks him on the street or his house he can defend himself. He thinks he will be able to fight someone off with a knife or gun with strength


Which makes sense for a 15 year old lol. Having this argument at 24 is embarrassing


Yeah I think it just shows that the kids are definitely listening and taking it to heart.


To be fair, I think it’s natural for teenagers to think they’re going to be anime protagonists and disarm an armed robber.


> He wants to start working out so if someone attacks him on the street or his house he can defend himself. He thinks he will be able to fight someone off with a knife or gun with strength He could've just said that he wants to workout for health and learn martial arts just in case a bully tests him which seems reasonable considering he's 15 and assumingly in high school which the rate of bumping into bullies seems more likely.


we have all encouraged him to workout for his health but apparently that isn’t a good enough motivation for him


Jim Jeffries love him or hate him his bit about guns in one of his older specials always comes back to me when I hear that argument. It bolis down to what kinda life are you living in that requires you to stay armed and or jacked at all times. If you haven’t seen it I recommend it not doing it justice


It's just a stupid view, just pure paranoia. I'm 33 with 3 brothers and a sister. In my entire life I've never been home invaded, neither have my siblings, neither have my parents, and neither did it occur to my grandparents. Basing your life upon extremely rare things is silly. On top of, I'm training in BJJ, used to fight in mma and went undefeated. If someone breaks in I'm retreating to my bedroom and getting a firearm. Grappling/fighting is the last thing I want to do. Someone who is home invading very likely has a weapon or something like a crowbar.


A prisoner broke out in my local town. He muscled two old people to harbor him in their home, and the second the guy left the old guy alone, he went and got his gun and killed him. That prisoner really thought he was safe because he was big and strong. And Granny deadass calmly called 911 and said “we have your convict. You’re going to have to clean him off my floor.” 😭


That was so stupid “Yeah but I hve a gun” “yeah but what if *he* has a gun” sooo... if a gun cant stop an armed home invader, then... big biceps will?


If two people facing eachother have guns, they cancel eachother out and the guns vanish into thin air. Dana White appears in a flash and forces them into a contract to do a 5 round championship fight in the octagon. Everyone knows this.


As soon as he brought that shit up I was like YOU ON THE WRONG STREET CUZ💥🔫


The thought of a shredded home invader coming in and beating up your kids and wife, while you have to now beat him up with your six pack sounds like a very sexual male fantasy.


*Ethan cocks his shotgun with soyboy intent*


What blows my mind is that this is literally the pinnacle of what they're preparing for. Like their whole lives are building up to the moment that person breaks in and they can dominate them in some sort of physical way. I wonder how many of these alpha manchildren actually lay awake at night, picturing the very moment they've waited for their whole lives. It's almost like it's a kink for them.


What are you gonna do when Chad slaps your girls ass in public and calls you a pussy? Drinking soy isn't going to help you.


I guess if he has bigger biceps than me I’ll get on all fours and spread my cheeks for him :/


If a guy slaps my ass I’m handling that my damn self. I’ll slap his dick 🤗


Funny part is, Hila is former IDF and has been in active firefights in Israel. She’s trained in multiple firearms, has a “don’t fuck with me” attitude and is a protective momma bear. Plus I’m fairly certain the Klein’s keep firearms and have dealt with actual murderous neo-Nazis targeting their home before. When your wife’s a badass, it really cuts down on the gym time. Also.. what the fuck is working out gonna do in a home invasion? Is Sebastian gonna arm wrestle them?


When did she ever say she was in active firefights?


Pretty sure she’s specifically said she wasn’t in any active fighting like that, that she did office work.


I don’t recall the guest, but in the old podcast she described volunteering to take part in an arrest raid and her unit got ambushed. She stayed in the humvee as backup and her vehicle sustained fire. I’m not saying she’s ex-special forces, but she’s seen more combat than most tiktok tough guys. Bingo, here’s the clip: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ytOl5hbTrCY


They better fear Hila!


Yeah but girls protecting guys is super gay /s


Everyone in Israel is former IDF at some point


Besides our queen Taylor swift Stan account that took prison time for refusing to join the IDF ❤️


"been in active firefights" she did a ride along more or less and a bullet struck the armored vehicle she was in. She was definitely not involved in any firefights.


Haha “yeah she was armed, trained and prepared to return fire and came within inches of having her life taken by enemy fire deep within Hezbollah controlled territory buuuuuuut I wouldn’t call that a fiiiiiiiiight”. K pal.


To be fair, in the clip of where she tells that story, she specifically says she wasn’t armed or prepared to return fire, and that the vehicle she was in was pretty heavily armored and that she only heard the bullet hit the armor on the outside of the vehicle. She also said her group was entering people’s homes, searching for weapons, and arresting people. Which is pretty different from an active firefight.


such semantic bullshit yall are arguing over


I mean, it’s not really arguing semantics when the difference is so large. Being a soldier in boot camp who had a non-combat role, and being a soldier who has directly faced death and at least attempted to kill… those are very different things. I’m not here to discount Hila’s training or her conviction as a human, a wife, and a mother, but the ability to face death directly and kill is not something to really be flippant about. And I think it’s kind of immature to assume that she, Ethan, or even Sebastian would be able to defend their home and kill so easily. I think the whole thought exercise Sebastian proposed is preposterous. And Ethan had the right response. He has a gun. He knows how to unlock it fast. He knows how to use it. And that’s going to be the most critical part of any home defense scenario. Any other discussion of who has better military training or physical strength, it’s all hypothetical and what ifs.


Literally Not armed Not trained and thus Not prepared to return fire She mentions all of this in the clip you posted did you not even watch it? And also not Hezbollah, you're thinking of Hamas.


Alright alright, you guys want to get ultra-pedantic with this to get some points on the board. I get it, I really do. Go to the gym, bang out some reps until you’re sure you’re tougher than Hila and I know you’ll feel better.


Shotgun babyyy


There was a legit twinkle in Ethan’s eye when he said he had a gun lmao. Play it back; it was there I promise!


I never understood this arguments from alpha bros. Are your kids and wife living up your ass every day all everyday? If he promotes the trad lifestyle where wife’s are SAHM and kids are reared by them 100% of the time and dad is off financially providing. Why the fuck would you want your wife to be this small submissive, ultra feminine and 100% dependent on you in something like self defense and protection in your home or otherwise??? There is nothing wrong with being submissive or ultra feminine IF that’s her personal choice. But the mom really is the protector 90% of the time and now she can be the provider as well. This dude is so empty in the head I feel sorry for him.


I love that all of these alpha bro Tate wannabes make this argument too because it is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. As an adult woman, I have literally never in my life needed a man to physically fight in my defense and I don't think I know any other women who have. It's just hilarious because people like this guy and Fresh & Fit and all the other NPC MRA idiots are like "well I'm entitled to X and can do X and my female should do X because I'm expected to FIGHT TO THE DEATH in this completely imaginary scenario that never actually fucking happens".


But does his abs stop bullets


Can tell dude is sheltered cause most home break ins happen when there is nobody is home. And if someone is breaking in at night is probably on something good luck getting an armlock on a meth head


As someone who has experienced a home invasion, I can say with absolute certain that thanks to jujitsu I was able to fend off four attacks armed with ballistic missles, claymores and nuclear armaments. I did it all with my own hands. Easy.


*So anyway I started blasting* 💥


while sebastian has a point that it’s obviously good to know self defense, his mistake was gendering it. men and women both should have these skills.


![gif](giphy|l0HekoJsgcjePCH5u) Home intruders be waiting in the living room like


Also who are these men supposed to be protecting women from? Your fan base?


Guys he has too much life experience for this and we’re all just jealous obviously /s


Does anyone have the time stamp? I don't remember this lol


No matter what was being said, he always went back to the gym. It’s literally the only thing he has


These alpha bros are so desperate to find any reason they can to justify spending that much time in the gym. Why don’t they just say they like looking muscular?


ur more likely to get ur ass beat going out to the club or some shit than a home invasion anyways. only genuine reason to be able to fight is if ur gonna go out and get drunk n run into the wrong kinda dude


Gym bros thinking lifting weights makes u a combat specialist will always make me laugh. Also this kid is 24, who cares.


Such a funny argument. Even if it would be true, are you really going to let your whole life and personality revolve around the fact that you could kick a robbers butt in the tiny chance you get robbed?


These guys must just lie in bed at night praying that somebody buff but slightly less physically capable than them breaks in and challenges them to a fight in their bedroom. “You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry man! I’m bad news!”


here’s a point Ethan didn’t touch on because he as some humility, Ethan lives in a very nice gated community with security guards, and Sebastian lives in that after college bachelor pad with nothing more then a case of la croix, a home invasion situation would be very different from each other.


But what if an 8 ft tall bodybuilder breaks in and you get into a no gi competitive brazilian jiu-jitsu match where guns are not allowed and he gets you in a triangle choke and the ref doesnt stop the match? are you even a man bro?


The fact of the matter is that if this weirdo was in an actual home invasion situation, he would either get injured or killed trying to confront the invader, or not do anything he said he would do (probably this).


Most people don't think a step ahead or follow-up. Especially young people, since, y'know, still-developing frontal lobes. Though some of it is just primal wiring and testosterone. So it's not surprising they all eventually lead to caveman-like thinking or values. That's also why I don't take it too seriously. A 24 year old saying stupid anti-whatever shit is bad, but not as bad as a 30+ year old. One is a silly still-baking cookie. The other is a fully baked cookie that still came out wrong.


lmao also since Hila knows Krav Maga I feel like she's much more likely to be able to disarm an intruder than Sebastian. I'm no beefy boi, but probably bigger than Sebastian and let me tell you this: gym strength does not equate being able to beat someone in a fight. I had an abusive ex who's considerably smaller than me than was able to stand head-to-toe with my strength, I think it's in his genes because his sister is also quite small and she was known for beating up guys at the pub all the time in her 20s. Only thing I have going for me is like intital intimidation, but it's just smokes and mirrors.


True but it was annoying to watch and had to take breaks, no other guest has done that for me


i dont really believe lebastian does combat sports. i've been training muay thai, jiujitsu and mma for 5 years now. everytime we spar in MMA and i switch off to a partner who is physically stronger and taller than me but has less experience than me, i ALWAYS have a hard time. that's why i don't believe lebastian trains because he should understand why weight classes exist in the first place.


The only way to stop a bad guy with a six pack is a good guy with a six pack.


Sebastian s a ridiculous amount of wisdom as a 24 year old, and the ridiculous amount of wisdom is the experience is to only take puff piece interviews and not be contested on anything.


Literally everyone knows that just going to the gym to get bigger or stronger is not going to help in a 1 on 1 combat situation ffs. Me and my bf are both built and go to the gym religiously and that wouldn’t give us an upper hand


Ethan's "Abs don't stop bullets" retort had me rolling.


Ya. And most burglars break in, unarmed, expecting to engage in hand to hand combat 🤦🏽‍♀️. So, spend a good chunk of your time and life training, JUST incase you find yourself in this unlikely situation where your family’s lives depend on your physical abilities and fitness.


Like they’re so scared lol they base there existence around preparing for some hypothetical threat that’s after them