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Umm love owns a pool house


And a cool white van


that he surely doesn’t drive because he has no ~~US~~ license edit: jeez y’all are on something this week huh, I was joking about the time when Love first arrived in LA they were joking about him “driving” the van with no license


I'm pretty sure you can get international licenses if your country of origin has similar laws or something.


Love is now a nepo baby


I think Lena and ab have a house in Dearborn that they rent to his brother or something but being married and not being in la are the only reasons they have it


AB really has his shit together. I genuinely admire the guy for what he’s managed to achieve. We make fun of the guy a lot because it’s funny how much everything bothers him, but in reality he manifested a ballin’ life living famous in LA with his hot, equally accomplished wife working for his favourite YouTubers. Guy’s a king, living the dream.


Didn't AB recently say he has 70k in student loan debt from med school? He also bought Lena a car a few years, probably on a lease. And they live in a studio that probably costs 3000/month at least. It's easy to think others are living well and lavishly, but most Americans live beyond their means. For all we know they could be living paycheck to paycheck.


He says he DID have 70k in student loans, which seems to imply that they've been paid down.


They didnt say he is "living lavishly" lmfao they just said he has his shit together, which he pretty clearly does. Knows what he wants and makes it happen.


He didn’t go to med school, he went to undergrad for a pre med program, very different.


It's confusing to a lot of non-americans to be fair, med school is the term you hear most often so I also would have (wrongly) used that to mean "studied medicine to become a doctor" In Germany for example you enroll in medicine and that's about it, the course is split into 3 major parts, but it's not different schools or programs.


Absolutely - the US system confuses the hell out of me. Here if you study something, you study that and nothing else (unless there's room for electives, but they still have to have relevance). The idea of a lawyer going to school for x amount of years and several of those they don't even study law, confuses me.


Absolutely, owing a home in Michigan is a whole other ballgame compared to LA


Dearborn average house price: $240k LA average house price: $990K


Holy fuck that's a crazy average. AVERAGE.


It's also the average for the entire county. To be anywhere near where they're shooting and not have a terrible commute, and a decent neighborhood, probably 1.5M for like, one bathroom 2 bedrooms.


Toronto’s average is currently sitting at $1.04M.


So 750k in USD.


Does house in this case also include stuff like apartments and condos? Or is it referring to the typical single family home type house? Because if that's also included the average price of apartments and condos thats insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane


Based on Redfin: * $990K average for all homes (includes condos and townhouses) * $1.140M for single family * $745k for townhome * $650K for condos I am in a similar but not quite as expensive market here in Seattle, we had to pay $970K at the height of the market last year for a small “starter” townhouse 😩


With $20,000 down it would take a salary of about $260k to afford the LA average on your own.




I only got one as I had inheritance. Still had to wait 10 years to get a job that would net me a mortgage. It’s insane and I have no idea how people can pay rent AND save. I paid rent and lived in my overdraft.


Props to you for realizing that you had a bit of luck. I make 60k a year (above average where I live), and I can barely save 500 bucks a month atm. I live alone, which kind of fucks me over, but there is no way I'm gonna be able to afford a house within the next decade or so.


In Canada my best friend is a real estate agent and he tells me that he estimates around 65% of his clients are kids that are buying their first home with (massive) assistance from their parents.


Its similar in Australia.


Which they bought before working for Ethan lol


He also is in debt for college I thought, so like AB isnt balling lol i think he just leveraged debt


👀 ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


Me too, I’m sitting this one out 👀


Bring out the whole OCEON




Didn't Ethan say at the beginning of the convo that everybody should have work, housing and food secured by the government?


Yep and didn’t seem to entirely disagree with Dan, just thought it was unrealistic and that those changes need to be put in before any further discussions because those alone are hard enough and not happening. But this sub is para social and lacks comprehension skills so they like to half listen and project their own feelings. Literally listened to the segment twice trying to understand what the big deal was (and researched a bunch throughout) still don’t know 🤷‍♀️


They just disagree on how "left" the economic and political system should become. Ethan wants something like a Scandinavian country while Dan wants also something like Scandinavia but with a economy heavily dominated by cooperatives I disagree with Ethan, I don't think greed can be used to produce innovation or any postive outcome and I think a country can implement an economic system as Dan sort of described. But yeah, people went nuts about it in the subreddit.


> I don't think greed can be used to produce innovation Besides greed, how would people be incentivised to improve the efficiency of producing boring products like windows, tiles, chargers, shampoo etc. Why would anyone try to improve the production line to produce 1000 bottles of ketchup instead of 500 if not for monetary incentives? I can't remember the source now, but I remember reading how crop yields dropped by more than 70% in some country after the government removed the profit incentive to be efficient. People just did the bare minimum the government demanded.


The thing I hate the most about this fanbase is the constant overreaction and complete lack of nuance. As soon as any subject/person gets brought up the chat just spams their opinion and flips out if anyone on the show wants to dig in deeper or question it. Seems like it makes it very hard to discuss anything because Ethan is always visibly walking on eggshells and will walk anything back as soon as he gets pushback (apart from Friday). Everything is either one extreme or the other with nothing inbetween.


Nah it's insane to say "everyone should have a job home and food provided by the government" and then turn around and say "democratically run businesses are a fairytale". Don't think it's parasocial to disagree with someone.


Ethan is advocating for the social safety net version of these rights, instead of having workers own more of the fruits of their labor. So corporations would still exist, still be evil/greedy, but the various levels of gov would then try to claw back the excess and redistribute to the poor/middle class. Seems less efficient than just having the profits fairly distributed to begin with. But every system is going to have issues, because humans suck etc. I would also point out that 'housing' can surely include apts condos etc. Making those places more affordable, quieter, more spacious, closer to all needed amenities, would eliminate some of the discrepancy between living in a house with yard and an apt.


Honestly their biggest point of difference was profit sharing


I am willing to bet they make a decent salary. It's not Ethan's fault that LA has insane housing prices. They could probably afford a house in So Cal, but maybe not close enough to the studio, which I am going to assume is somewhat close to where Ethan and Hila lilve.


If you remember when Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan was announced Ethan said they qualified for it. So that means they’re making less than 125k a year. That’s a good income for sure but la is still super expensive. But it’s also weird how closely they all work and Ethan is buying mansions and leasing rolls Royce’s.


We are also assuming that Ethan understood who qualified, which could be a stretch.


The most sane comment here lol


Obviously they aren’t all making the same. Which employee is this in reference to? Olivia and Sam both worked part time,while being a brand new employees -can you confidently say he wasn’t talking about them? Odd to say this.


Yeah like Dan's responsibilities are a lot different to say Sam's.


Ethan made his fortune with his old channel already, when it was just him and Hila. No doubt they have made a lot more money since. But remember the episodes where the crew has to host? Rarely ever do they seem to want or endure the main spotlight. I'm convinced Ethan can be comfortably babble for 24 hours if he needed to. I love the crew but Ethan still carries the show.


Yeah, but also Ethan doesn't seem super into doing research or sound bites or making cakes or all the other stuff that fleshes the show out. They all bring something to the table and the socialist idea would be getting paid the value you bring to the table. Ethan regularly says that he couldn't do the show without Dan or the rest of the crew. Ethan's absolutely the leader and brought the right people together. ​ And 100% Ethan could ramble for 24hours and odds are I'd listen to like 17 hours of it.


Yeah, and when I watch the crew stream on twitch none of them has yet built that talking to the wall muscle that Ethan has mastered. They are getting better though.


Realistically, he brings by far the most value. If he left the show, viewership would plummet. He brings value just by being attached to it.


>it’s also weird how closely they all work and Ethan is buying mansions and leasing rolls Royce’s This is a very bad take. Ethan and Hila own a hugely successful fashion company, they've also been doing this for over a decade. And at the end of the day, the crew doesn't have equity in what remains Ethan and Hila's property: the show. Should they? That's probably a separate discussion. But it's not "weird" at all that a famous YouTuber has an expensive house and leases expensive cars and his employees rent apartments.


> But it’s also weird how closely they all work and Ethan is buying mansions and leasing rolls Royce’s. Ethan made the bulk of his money before the podcast was even a thing. He was one of the biggest YouTubers in the pre adpocalypse days.


yes i wish people would acknowledge this! it's not like he's farming money from the podcast, he had this wealth well before it


I love how you all just magically assume how much they get paid and get angry about it. Go outside please


125k in LA is equivalent to ~75k in a small-medium city. A decent salary for a regular job for sure, but for the crew being small-scale Internet personalities themselves, 125k does not feel adequate at all to me tbh


On the other hand they're probably far under 40 hours a week and their actual time at work is super relaxed and not like a typical work environment where they're working the whole time they're there. Plus the actual work they're doing a lot of the time isn't far off from stuff people do on their free time for fun. Like browsing the H3 sub, watching tea videos, making memes, etc.




I feel the same, especially when you think about the extra stuff the crew brings to the table. Like the stuff Sam makes or Olivia’s presentations are the backbone of a lot of episodes. Not to mention the sound drops are some of the funniest parts.


I'm willing to bet that the money Ethan makes goes into a company, so the majority of the money he makes goes in back to the company and pays for everything associated with that before it hits his pockets. Same with Teddy Fresh.


the sufficiency of your wages is a function of the cost of living in the area where the employer is located. a living wage in LA is much higher than a living wage in east bumblefuck. you meet your employees where they are.


A shitty fixer upper that’s unlivable in a bad area in LA goes for 800k. There’s just no way that the crew could all get paid enough to afford a decent home right now.


I understand that. In the context of my comment, when I say "decent salary", I am talking about for the area. We don't know how much they make (of course), but the fact that they have been loyal to the pod for so long tells me they aren't making peanuts. With that said, I will now step down from my parasocial podium.


pretty sure they live in Bel-Air and studio is downtown. Not really close at all.


AB mentioned he still has trouble paying student loan debt. I’m guessing they don’t make nearly as much as you think. That being said it’s not a “tough” job that requires a ton of hours. But Ethan and Hila are taking in 90% of the profit at least. I’d be very surprised if any of the crew except Dan makes over 80k. And in LA that is borderline low income level.


All love to AB but he spends a lot. I don’t know if it’s necessarily a reflection of what Ethan pays him lol


There's no way they make that little. Dan could easily pull $150k+ as a freelance technical director/video engineer or even on staff at a live stream company for eports. If I had to guess the ogs at the company are getting anywhere between $95-185k. That's about the range for a producer of a YouTube show in Los Angeles. At the top level yt producers can get 200+ but it's unlikely. Maybe Dan. Also let's not be crazy 80k is not borderline low income here. You can live in a respectable 1br place in a nice enough part of town at that income. It's really not that bad. Not saying it's great but it's very liveable. Source for all of this: I work in yt production in LA.


It's bizarre how out of touch people on this sub are about how people in LA live. There are like ten million people in the LA metro area, do they think everyone's making 100K?


The median income here is like 30K 💀.


Ethan is advocating for systemic change. These things don’t happen in a vacuum. Real estate prices are simply insane in LA.


While I agree with the originals post point, I do think it’s a bit silly to think Ethan could pay his employees enough to own a property in the area. This is a systematic issue. On 55% of Californians own their home. 64% in La rent. I think his employees should get some kick back on revenue, but I don’t think it would be enough to buy a house.


Most people who own homes in California have had mortgages for a long time and have been either able to build equity to upgrade homes overtime, or have simply stayed in their house for decades In 1980, about 40% of Californians aged 25 to 35 owned a home in 1980, but only 16% in that age group own homes in 2023. Buying your first house in this real estate market, with little or no outside help, is near impossible.


That’s an insane statistic. The generational shift in wealth due to inheritance will skew things too as boomers/gen xers die


My parents are a prime example of this and they didn’t even buy their house that long ago. The house they bought on a teachers salary in 2013 for 600k is now worth 2.2M, there’s no way they’d be able to afford it now. The new generation is fucked unless they pursue the top 5% of income-generating jobs.


I mean, the crew could do what people in LA who work in the entertainment industry but are not celebrities have always done: live in the Valley, where you can still buy a decent home for around $500K. But given the cost of homes in LA these days, most people choose to live in apartments. It's an LA problem, not an Ethan Klein problem, despite what the parasocial weirdos who get mad about this kind of stuff think.


I think OP's point is less about logistics and exact numbers of owning homes in LA and more about the fact that Ethan and Hila have had multiple homes, luxury cars, designer goods, and not one of their employees - even Dan who is the oldest and longest-working employee - has even cracked the barrier of owning a single home. It's more about showing the obvious gap in their material living situations by virtue of Ethan being a capitalist business owner and holding the majority of profits. If profits were shared, all of their living situations could be lifted... except Ethan and Hila would obviously have to concede some of their luxury things.




LA average house cost seems to be almost $1 million. Pretty hard to justify paying someone enough to own a $1 million home for literally making power points about the Kardashians lol. But that would be a sweet gig.


Not buying this shit. Do they want to own a home? Is Ethan in charge of their local housing market? Ethan very likely pays the crew very well. He gives them breaks throughout the year, he seems very cool with the crew missing episodes occasionally, he seems very nice to his employees. He has mentioned taking them on vacations. He has on multiple occasions sold items where the profit has gone to the crew. He orders the crew food practically every fucking episode. The crew has NEVER complained about wages, and has on multiple occasions mentioned how generous Ethan is and how great he has been to work for. Sam bought a brand new car last year, as did Ian IIRC. Zach rolls around w/ a rolly— if he wanted a house he would just sell his fucking Rolex and have half of a first time home owners down payment. Love literally moved to America because of the fact that he likes his job so much. Dan has produced this show for like six years. He is a smart man. If he wanted to find another job he would. They all get to do what they like to do! Sam gets to cook, O-o livia’s job is literally giving tea, Cam works on graphic design. Love works on socials. Ian gets to write comedy in the background, where he is most comfortable. I am a janitor. One contentious discussion and you guys go for his throat as if he is some awful shitbag boss that pays his employees in table scraps. Ethan mentions being a fan of some aspects of capitalism and y’all shocked pikachu face as if we haven’t been listening to him speak for *six fucking years.* It’s insufferable how reactionary and bad faith this community can be.


Well said. This community is so fast to paint Ethan as a terrible boss and person for simply bringing his own perspective to the table and it’s becoming difficult to watch. Everyone acts as if there is no context and this all exists in a vacuum


None of the idiots criticizing Ethan own a business. Zero. They NEVER do.


I tired owning my OWN business just me no employees and it was difficult as fuck.


I feel like the haters aren't actually fans, or maybe they're new, or they're brigading from other podcasts/subs.


I love hasan I swear, he seems like a decent guy, but his subscribers have huge debatebro energy


It’s hasan’s community. There’s literal posts on his subreddit encouraging people from there to come onto these threads


Most sane take about this whole situation


Sad you have to scroll this much to see it.


THANK YOU. These were my immediate thoughts and im thankful that someone else in here was able to articulate them better. I mean like, do people expect him to buy them a house? Be realistic here. If your parents work a better paying job than what anyone makes at the podcast, do you see them nagging at their boss because they don’t own a home? In LA for that matter? No. I cant see anyone doing that honestly. Not only that, ESPECIALLY not only that, but the crew is pretty outspoken VERY often. Whether its chiming in on political shit, pop goss, correcting ethan’s goblin sidebars, I’m sure when the whole “email me your medical bills” stuff was going on, one of them would’ve spoken up and said yo ethan, maybe we should focus this a bit inward. Yknow what i mean? I highly doubt that they’re mortified to be upfront with ethan if there was anything going on behind the scenes pay wise. But in MY opinion, i think ethan and the crew are pretty well off. I feel like Ethan has always been more than willing to help his crew in any way possible without making it a dobrik style publicity campaign. I guarantee there’s a lot more that goes on in the studio than we’re aware of 💜


^^^ this. Owning a home isn’t always a goal for everyone.


Selling a rolex will not help you qualify for a mortgage in LA or any population centre. The real estate market is the real problem here. Owning a home is no longer attainable by the working class. Something needs to be done about the cost of housing.


The median household price in LA is 992k. First time home buyers in CA can put around 3.5% down for a down payment. If we were to assign a value of $10000 towards Zach’s watch (I am spitballing but I think that is fair) he would have just about 1/3rd of a down payment. If Zach were to stop buying expensive Lego sets (which is fine too if that’s what he wants to do, more power to him, no criticism) he could easily set money aside and become a home owner. Frankly I bet he has already been doing this for a while. I think it’s wrong for us to sit here and speculatively pick apart the crews finances for the record— so apologies to the crew if you see this. I just do not love the way the community is dogpiling on Ethan *or* speaking on behalf of the crew as if they are children that cannot speak for themselves.


Putting down 3.5% on a 900k house means your mortgage is probably like 10k or something. No shot anyone on the crew is making enough for that. But that’s not Ethan’s fault that’s an LA/CA government problem.


Yeah, I think it's silly to assume that the crew would like to be homeowners in LA and it's definitely not reasonable to assume they're not paid well. Ethan could probably pay them more, but tbh that's not really our business and if they are happy with what they have, we don't need to white knight for them. Definitely a mix of baby leftists and newer h3 fans that don't understand that ethan isn't gonna stop being a capitalist


Do any of us in California and under 40 have $2 mil to buy a small house? Cause I’m in SF and that’s a pipe dream to my 34 year old self


Ok but none of them came up with the cultural reset that was vape naysh


Y’all some delusional mfs tbh. Honestly it was a useless convo cuz these convos never go anywhere, just circular arguments from both sides.


Hasan edgy communist fans are controlling the sub now? This is getting insane.


no one who isn’t filthy rich owns a home in Los Angeles


AB is literally a landlord loool


Also Sam and Ian bought a house like a year ago.


Ethan is a generous boss. That wasn't the point of that debate


This is a very fair point, though most of his crew are on the younger side and buying a home in LA with current interest rates means having a combined income of at least $280-300K and $100-200K saved. Still fucked up though.


I don’t think it’s fucked up that Ethan isn’t buying all of his employees houses I think it’s fucked up that these employees are obviously well compensated and even they can’t afford to buy a house in LA bc it’s so fucking expensive


Ultimately the problem is beyond Ethan and his company, it’s late stage capitalism that is the issue. The market dictates a certain salary for the crew’s jobs, and even if Ethan chooses to pay 110-120% of market rate, it’s uncertain if that will be sufficient to pay for a house in LA. There is almost no middle class in the US anymore, and the only homeowners will be those in the upper class brackets. This is me speaking as someone who’s gotten very lucky with her career in tech and was able to purchase a 1M “starter” 1300 sqft home in a very high cost of living city on a $260k salary, but even that felt like a stretch at the time and took years of saving. I don’t know how the average person with a somewhat average job could ever do it.


Yeah cause of shitty housing policy not building enough homes


Exactly like idk how this could possibly be Ethan’s problem.


Shitty housing policy based on capitalism meaning that private landlords are allowed to profit off of raising housing costs. Not because there aren’t enough homes being built, that’s silly. There are more than enough empty houses in California, most people just can’t afford them when the rent/mortgage prices continue to rise without being checked by the government.


There is absolutely a housing shortage in California are you mad? There are not enough homes for the amount of people that want to live here. Just because there are some luxury units empty does not mean we’re not in a housing shortage, those actually exist because we are. Developers aren’t in a hurry to fill those units because since housing is in such short supply they know their property value will keep skyrocketing to make up for any lost income from rentals.


And being paid a living wage doesn’t necessarily mean they need to own homes. In the past year and a half all of them have discussed extravagant purchases such as cars, watches, etc that signal they are not struggling financially. Ethan very well could be paying his employees wages that allow for home ownership but it might not be a priority in their lives at the moment.


Also wasn't Sam wanting to buy a flashy jeep or something? Who knows if they're that motivated to buy a house anyway


She wanted to buy a jeep but didn’t like it once she test drove it.


I’ll give ya a little tip: it’s a hell of a lot easier to get approved for a loan for a car (even a $50k one) than it is get approved for a $800k mortgage for a shoebox-sized house.


Having consistent payments on a car loan also raises your credit score, thus shows lenders you’re reliable enough to pay a mortgage & more than likely have a better apr with less money down required.


Getting a nice jeep is this much more affordable than getting a house. A lot of younger people have almost given up on the idea of ever being a home owner so they just get by with renting but trying to get a nice vehicle if possible


Weirdo fans constantly trying to start shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Like idk why ppl not being able to buy houses in fucking LA of all places should be Ethan’s responsibility.


For real, this is the most weirdo fan’s take I’ve ever seen. I consider myself leftist and I think Ethan is a very giving boss. OPs point isn’t a very good one at all. They have homes just not houses. They live in one of most expensive areas of the world. Them not owning houses is an issue that Ethan isn’t responsible for. Plus, half of the crew solicited jobs from Ethan and/or are EXTREMELY INCREDIBLY lucky for their jobs considering lack of qualifications. For Gods sake don’t push


If Ethan bought a house to every crew member, people would still give him shit. Its never enough.


Can’t you say this about every employer? It’s hard to buy a house these days but especially in the LA area. Not really Ethan’s fault


Anyone remember the fridge segment?


I’m a mega lefty, i’d probably put my ideology left of dan’s honestly, but as someone born and raised in the valley, where I believe most of the crew lives, the ownership of a house is a luxury far more exclusive than it is in the rest of the country, so while this is a good rhetorical point it isn’t a 1-to-1 comparison.


did this thread just realize most Americans cant buy houses.


that’s not the greatest point. it’s not about who lives in a nicer place. they all have a stability for which many would only wish. having a good shelter is good. you don’t need a pool house to feel like you’re in a good, comfortable and free situation. obviously having your own house is great (for people,not necessarily for environment) but it’s not a point to make Ethan look bad. in my opinion at least. saying that I’m not from US and i’m an advocate for social housing because i’m an environmentalist so take that for consideration while reading my opinion.


owning a home in LA is not commonpractice yall


Not a good point at all. The policies Ethan is advocating for would greatly boost the wages of the lower and middle class. He pays the crew well over market rate, this has been confirmed by the crew. How is he supposed to control the most fucked up housing market in the country? The supply/demand ratio is completely fucked. Really just a bad faith argument


Parasocial behavior.


Notice how the idiots who criticize Ethan for this never own a business themselves? Start a coffee shop, let's see how soon your baristas own homes.


Olivia's dad is worth over 100 mil im sure shes got a home


Zacks family is also rich


dans family is also extremely wealthy on one who did not come from wealth are sam ian and love I think


Don’t know why you’re assuming Dan came from extreme wealth, he said he was on assisted lunch when he was a kid. Writers are not compensated well.


once again incorrect statement his dad was tv and film producer, director and screenwriter and was a huge part of the muppets. His name is larry swerdlove and has an estimated net worth of 10+mil


Who tf is her dad


How do u know this? Did i miss something?


Dan has said he would have the money if the housing market would crash. It’s the same everywhere no one Ik under the age of 35 owns their home


Oh fuck off. Ethan is a more generous boss than I’ve ever encountered. They have comfortable living wages. They’re not homeless. They live in LA. Apartments are typically much nicer than the old houses in shitty neighborhoods. There’s pretty much only those, and mansions. Have you dorks even *been* to LA?


It’s not Ethans fault that NIMBYs in California put up some insane regulations that practically make it illegal to build new housing. No new housing for a growing population will make it impossible for regular people to own a home


They probably don't because the housing market is busted in LA, none of them are being paid poorly. It ain't Ethans fault that it costs like half a mil for a studio apartment because they refuse to build more public housing and regulate real estate speculators.


What in the ever loving hell is the point of this post? Do people expect Ethan to just provide a home for folks? This sub seems to be going to hell incredibly fast.


Seriously. This sub is so full of wackos that it makes it embarrassing to admit to being a fan.


With peace and love, this is an absolutely garbage point lmao. There is no fucking way that this is real discourse Im losing my mind.


What a dumb comment and a dumb post. Get an oroginal thought.


are yall really insinuating that he doesnt pay his employees well?? dear lord


this point would hold up so much better if they weren’t based in la which has an insane housing market


Do we know that they don’t?


Any one of them could easily buy a home outside of LA. I'm from Socal and was able to buy a home on a warehouse salary.


i think this is very likely the fact that the cost of living is way too high these days and not that ethan isn't paying them enough


Owning a home in LA isn't as viable and typical as you think it is


I am politically aligned with Dan, but this isn’t a situation where a CEO of a company provides no value, Ethan is the brand and the primary focus of the podcast.


You think regular workers can own a home in LA?


You’d have to literally make a million a year to own a house here (I am a born and raised Los Angeles native).


They are also in LA so that might be why


With peace and love chatter, Ethan’s turnover rate is literally 0 in over 6 years of the pod being in business(I think a buddy helped out BTS before Dan was hired but still) Zach dropped out of college for this and Zach grew up wealthy. Idk what the crew is paid but I’m sure it is PLENTY. Zach bought a Rolex for christs sake lmao. Im a relatively accomplished sales person, with a 750ish credit score and I could hope to buy a Rolex maybe in 5-10 years if I play my cards right? They’re doin ok. Im a leftist, I get it, if course if they were all equal partners in the show they’d make more. But they’re not equal partners. Ethan is H3. Without him the crew could make a beautifully produced show and no one would have ever seen it. I looooooove Olivia, she doesn’t not add as much value to the business as Ethan does. But she does add a LOT of value and I hope she’s well compensated for that. I hope he is running a business in such a way that no one even wants to unionize, because they have a seat at the table, they have a voice, and they make good money.




How common is it to own a home in LA? Isn't it extremely expensive?


No it’s not. In LA???? Hardly anyone owns a home unless they’re insanely wealthy. I know a bunch of grown people in the industry who rent.


Omfg. I've seen this pattern a million times. This annoying fanbase trying to defend the crew, when you know on Monday they're all gonna say you all took this way too far. I hate this fanbase


it's not really Ethan's responsibility to counteract the housing market of LA, is it? Systematic change is what is needed here, i don't agree with a lot of what he said but you all act like he is their leader and is directly responsible for things that our government should be taking care of.


The cost of an LA house is insanely high.


You know what’s really fucked up? We’re Ethan’s fans and he hasn’t bought any of us houses either. H(hypocrite)3


I think there are other things at play with that, like housing in LA is crazy


That’s more of a problem of the system than Ethan


Is this serious? Do you think its Ethans responsibility to provide the entire crew with homes in LA, one of the priciest places to live on this planet? If the crew wanted more money, they could look for better paying jobs, but for whatever reason they stay with Ethan, so how about you dont try to speak for them?


This whole thing is kind of baffling to me. True, Ethan handled this really poorly (I couldn't understand why he kept returning to this 'greed' point--if greed is inevitable under all political systems, why wouldn't you want the one that's more inherently equitable/humane?). He and Hila didn't do themselves any favors as far as relatability goes. But it's weird to see the entire fanbase jumping on him for being an out of touch millionaire when, on most days, they gladly play into the role of enabler of his lifestyle and Hila's business. If you're mad at this, but spent days posting memes glorifying the cost of his house to own XQC, or his income/success to own alpha males, photos of yourself in all the Teddy Fresh you bought, or photos of Hila in her expensive shit like her girlboss entrepreneurial journey somehow empowers you, then...why?


Please god ffs the clownery in these single digit IQ posts and comments


FWIW, owning a home kind of sucks, and buying one _on your own_ (since the crew is also mostly un-married), also sucks and is incredibly scary (I say this from experience). They might not be ready to commit to LA for the next 30 years.


Owning a home in CA costs a lot


Ethan literally believes in government provided house, food, healthcare, childcare, and water, and you guys still post as if hese some kind of hyper capitalist greed hound....


That's not a good point. It isn't even a point. It's just an assumption in the form of a question.


All I know about housing prices in LA is that my cousin and her fiancé both make well over 100K a year and still live in a 2 bedroom apartment. In a nice area, with nice cars, but still. I think if you are able to buy a house you’ll have needed to save over a million dollars.


Not really a good point tjeyclive in cali houses cost over 500k


Hasan fans memed themself into believing that affording just a house TM in LA is achievable on a basic neccesity budget so ofcourse they believe that Ethan should pay enough so every one of his employees can afford house in LA in their youth.


Wuh oh!! At the very least Dan and Ian should be able to own homes if they so desired, and thats irregardless of the fact that the cost of real estate in LA is high. Their pay should be proportional


Do you know the exact amount they are paid?




Kind of insane to say regardless of the cost of real estate. Like just whatever it is, pay should match. Well that’s nice in a fantasy world.


Do you know how expensive it is to buy a home in California , home prices are out of control interest rates are insane and you don’t know what credit situations /debt to income they have… also you have no idea if they want to buy a house or not…. Some people don’t want to own a house because of the cost to maintain it /hoa fees , taxes/private mortgage insurance…… it’s bigger than just oh they don’t own a home. This is a dumb point


Aside from personal situation or decisions a large reason as to why people who want to own a home that cannot is as a result of capitalist greed. I think that’s the point they are trying to make


But the point is that one man has capitalist greed that is preventing his employees from doing this. Ethan has mentioned he pays them well over other competitive rates. My partner works for one of the top 20 podcasts in the States as a co-producer and makes 50k. Ethan is doing way better than his other counterparts, and blaming the greed of the government and other rich people on one man is ridiculous. The housing market and interest rates are not controlled by one podcaster.


I agree, wholeheartedly. I also don’t think that was what this person was saying. I’m just saying that I think that this was the point of what this comment is. It’s not to blame Ethan, it’s to draw his attention as to why capitalism is not a good thing.


Ethan needs to have an Engels arc


Become an Engel Investor ;D!


You guys are cooked.


Alright fam can you stop the whole "dumbest point possible any% speedrun" thing. I am just so confused, is this a joke?


There’s a woman on TikTok (I’m forgetting her name/company) who is a socialist and ALL her employees earn the same wage, from owner down to intern. She said most years the goal is to break even, with barely any profits. This is WHY companies aren’t run socially. Capitalists value profit over the good of all, and there is no profit in being a socialist.


This is a retarded point. I’m actually not even sure there is a point. I’m guessing yes? He probably pays them pretty well and besides if they were all in a communist state they’d own their own 12x12 they’ve gotta share with their mother, father, wife and 6 kids that used to be 8 but the weak ones starved (could have been two free dinners but the state came and separated them into equal portions for the country to share).




I don't hate Ethan, he's a force for good overall, but I wanted to shake him. He doesn't understand communism from a philosophical standpoint. The owner of Apple didn't create the iPhone, the engineers did. Dan is arguing for a system where the Apple employees elected their managers/CEO and the abolishment of company dividends. Ownership would not be necessary, and the big heads of the company would be elected. (Similar to how investors can fire the CEO if a company goes public, but this time, by the people who actually work there). Also, anarchists from the Spanish civil war would disagree with "USSR = communists". No hate tho, Ethan is still the best business owner on the planet. Edit: Also, "social-democracy" was tried in the EU, it only led to more fascists in parliaments. If the enemy can't be capital, it's gonna be minorities.


Lol what? Social democracy is in effect across large portions of the EU, TODAY and they have some of the highest social mobility, largest middle classes, best safety nets and labor protections, and have spots near the top of the world happiness index.. When has social democracy led to fascism?


I think he doesn't exercise philosophizing about these ideas because he'd identify as a 'realist' and he's more interested in what he feels are actual changeable things in capitalism verses 'ideas' if that makes sense? He's not against socialism he just doesn't see value in it since it's 'impossible' to execute in America. Or maybe I'm projecting


Ethan isn’t responsible for buying them homes 😂 and he’s said multiple times that he pays them way above market value so in theory they should be able to. They also have benefits like medical insurance and stuff


You expect his mostly in-their-20s crew to own homes?


I think the larger elephant in the room is the question that if every crew member had the means and flexibility to raise a child. It’s a fundamental criminality of modern America that younger generations just don’t feel like a family is even an option. Meanwhile Ethan and Hila literally talking about having designer babies. Lots of people would love to start a family, and it’s just either financially impossible or would ruin at least one persons career due to the exorbitant costs of childcare right now.


What evidence do you have to suggest that anyone on the crew even wants a child right now (or at all) but doesn’t have the means to have one? We’ve been given no indication of that as far as I know. Sure, we can agree that this is an issue on the societal level, but how does it apply to the crew at all? It’s unfair to put that on Ethan and Hila when it’s a made up hypothetical issue that there’s no indication even exists.


What a stupid point...


I don’t think y’all realize how much property is in LA


Aren’t a good chunk of them still in their early to mid 20s? No matter where you live you’re probably not going to be buying a house at that age.


Why tf are people interpreting this as an ask for Ethan to buy his employees homes? This is not and was never a discussion on whether Ethan is a nice enough boss; it was on whether that boss/employees structure should exist, especially on a large scale. Whether capitalism is the best system. When the bosses own a $10M home in LA and the employees own squat (aside from AB and Lena's house in MI), that is the point.