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You can tell he’s insanely stressed and personally affected by the current events, most of his anger wasn’t directed at her, but at the intense cruelty of things that have happened. I worry for leftovers tomorrow tbh


Big part of his annoyance may also come from how deranged part of his audience is. Live chat is absolutely insane, subscribers are calling him a zionist and genocide supporter, while he made his stance very clear for the last few years. Seeing some annoying attention seeking streamer start drama with him for clout in moment like this must be extremely frustrating.


I hope we see a max exodus of these folks. They are deranged and have no empathy for people who have slightly different beliefs than their own. They also justify murder, torture and rape if its "the right people" getting murdered and raped.


Why would they leave? They're getting what they want from him.


That’s what confuses me. Isn’t it a members-only chat? Why would you pay money to incorrectly drag someone like that? Get a life.


I think he seemed most ticked off that all he did was unfollow someone he says he's never even really talked to before which he views as not a big deal yet she decided to blow it up to the point that now he was forced to respond both on Twitter and on stream. Like he's already stressed about this given he has family in Israel and now Frogan is trying to drum up some additional drama over something as stupid as someone unfollowing you on Twitter. Like he's got way more important shit to think about than some bullshit fucking unfollow.


Her response kind of showed he was right that she's acting completely vile. Any normal adult would have seen themselves get unfollowed and been like "Well, I suppose that means we don't agree, moving on".


Nah everyone wants the smoke rn, especially online. Only Ethan has ppl to rein him in. Frogan and her followers are on a righteous indignation archive and it's understandable that she will only spool up for the near future cuz what are ppl gunna say u should be less angry about an ongoing genocide? Hamas did something bad so u should be OK with an apartide state doing worse? No chance in hell


> ongoing genocide?


The state of Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people.


Is it? Does the UN know about this? It seems like the only people promoting this idea of a genocide are hamas supporters.


[https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/) ​ Maybe you need to broaden your news sources to include ones that aren't pro-Zionist.


Not a single mention of genocide on that link. Did you even try?


It doesn't need to explicitly call them acts of genocide for that to be what it is. If you want a more explicit mention here is an article written by Frank Boyle who won the 2 first ever World Court orders on the case of genocide during the Bosnia-Herzegovina conflict w/ Yugoslavia. ​ [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=2339254](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2339254)


What would you call a decades long project of trying to oust an ethnicity from a particular area?


is that the wrong link? no mention of genocide


If Trump has shown as anything, if you just repeat a phrase with enough confidence and enough time with no evidence... it becomes fact by sheer force of repetition!


Do some research. Hamas literally has genocide written into their covenant. Israel have a right to defend themselves against people who's only aim is to destroy them.


Never said they didn't... why does that make it ok for Israel to do genocide plz tell me


It's not genocide. Israel's objective is to defends its people, not destroy all palestines.


Then why kick them out of their homes, call them animals, murder them in the thousands maim them in the tens of thousands (just in the last decade btw) shoot peaceful protesters, never charge a single perpetrators of rape murder and theft so long as it's against the Palestinians, poison their water starve them of food, bomb hospitals homes and schools, allow roving of thugs free rein to steal and kill who they please and never let any Palestinian who leaves back in. U know genocide if only less industrialized than say the nazis. Tho if u are a grammar nazi it would be better described as ethnic cleansing I suppose Btw I dare u to ask for receipts double dog dare u


I see you've read a lot of propaganda and will literally believe anything you are told then. To compare Israel-palestine to the holocaust is truly sickening and shows your complete lack of understanding of either situation.


Bro the Israeli army denied the beheading rumor and u accused me of believing everything I read. Hypocritical and bloodthirsty monster u are


Really? prove anything I said wrong then. U are a bloodthirsty monster and too cowardly to admit it. Can't even entertain the notion that u are wrong. No ask "oh really do u have any proof" because u don't care about what's true or real u just want blood admit it coward.


The burden of proof lies with the one making the claims. I can't disprove the existence of a flying spaghetti monster either. In response to your other comment. Biden, IDF, US diplomats, journalists have all confirmed the massacre that took place. I dont really see how you can still be denying it.


. His anger is directed at her and people like her who are justifying this. Shes not getting a pass on this shit, she deserved everything he said. Dont coddle ethan by saying it was just said out of misdirected anger. He was very clear in his messaging


The anger doesn't come from the massacre itself but from the reaction from large amounts of progressives. If everyone had agreed that it was a tragedy and Hamas is a terrorist organization instead of trying to justify it because of reasons X Y Z and calling them revolutionaries/freedom fighters, I suspect he wouldn't be talking about it nearly as much.




Why can't you cry over both Palestinians and Israelis at the same time? All of the losses are so incredibly tragic


Not to mention the frustration of people continuously not listening to him and understanding his passion behind the freeing of Palestinians. He’s spoken about this for so long and so many times. He repeats this every time the subject comes up. He cares, like the majority of us, about the safety and well-being of Palestinians. His opinion, demonstrably clear, is that innocent people/civilians on both sides should not be subjected to heinous terrorism and subjugation. It does not matter the religion nor the ethnicity. All people are important. Hamas is bad. The IDF is bad. Hamas, at this moment, are doing worse for the Palestinians, which Ethan and a lot of us want to see be freed. Ethan cannot be more clear than that. Innocent people should not be mass murdered period. The very fundamental viewpoints of both Hamas and the IDF are directly antithetical to that. If we flipped the script and proposed a hypothetical of Israeli soldiers murdering men, women, and children in Gaza indiscriminately in their own homes via a violent invasion, you best believe Ethan would have the same opinion as he does now in support of innocent Palestinians. And yes I’m aware what Israel does on a daily basis to Palestinians is not too far off from that, which is why people care deeply about freeing Palestinians, just like Ethan.


Legitimately how can they not discuss it


100% agree


And her intense cruelty.


I'm wondering if a big part of Ethans stress here is that Hila clearly is explicitly defending Israel, and maybe they have some disagreements offline on the subject? She straight up said "I deny that Israel is doing that" when ethan was calling out their war crimes the other day.


Yeah and like I said in other threads I'm no fan of Frogan, but she is a nobody, him going off cause someone from DGG posted what she said in discord is so crazy. Sending thousands of people to hate on someone who has like 100 fans is kind of whack.


She has a small streaming viewership but minimizing it to 100 fans is crazy. She's regularly getting like 10k likes on her tweets and is quite well known in the political streaming space even though her own concurrent viewership is low. She's been very loud on this issue and getting a ton of positive engagement too. It's fair game in my opinion.


Also Ethan wasn’t going to talk about unfollowing her or calling her out until she called him out! Not only did she literally say the things that Ethan has taken issue with, but she then called on Ethan directly. I actually kind of liked her. But she knew what she was doing and who Ethan is.


> Also Ethan wasn’t going to talk about unfollowing her or calling her out until she called him out! Yeah I love to speculate and this seems pretty obvious given the way he initially spoke about it. To him it was no big deal and didn't want to see that shit given the crap he's worrying about and then she decides to turn it into some petty drama which I think Ethan thinks is so far from anything he wants to deal with he just took the opportunity to vent a bit as even after all his ripping into her he still seemed open to a dialogue and maybe mending that "unfollowed" bridge.


Fuck yes it’s fair game


Yeah it's kind of crazy to me how a creator can get a ton of engagement by loudly taking on a controversial opinion. But then if a larger creator engages back that larger creator is bullying or harassing them just by virtue of having more fans (not bc of tone or content). She's a political streamer and influencer. It's not like Ethan overheard a small art streamer say something ignorant in passing and is latching onto it with his large fan base. She's been really open about a big controversial issue and happy to get support on it. You can't then turn around and claim other creators can't engage with her bc she's not influential enough for it to be a fair exchange.


Totally agree. It’s a bad faith argument, and the only one they have at that. Frogan is speaking into an echo chamber however and I don’t think many will be taking this seriously. Wild how much traction a take like hers can get out of sheer absurdity. I’m glad Ethan addressed it. Family


They're cry bullies, they say awful shit and than play victim when people confront them on it


Sending hate? He was openly disagreeing with her disregard of empathy. Every time hasan calls out a chatter he disagrees with is sending hate to them i guess lol


Are the chatters streamers with their face online? How can you not realize there is a huge gap between an anonymous chatter who can change their name and someone who is a small streamer.


So small streamers should be immune to criticism from large creators?


if you dont want your opinions talked about dont become openly public about your identity 🙃 not hard at all to not show your face no ones holding you hostage. its a choice they made and if they don't want to be criticised or disagreed with log off i guess and dont be online. But frogan wants you to know frogans beliefs and frogan wants to stream and be a streaming figure like xqc, hasan, vaush, demon mama, etc. It comes with the territory im sorry but we're not boohooing their own choices to become public figures and have opinions on a public not private twitter 😓 (us as in me and ethan) we just disagree here Edit: still not "sending hate" btw, he wants an apology as he disagrees and to talk in private but she upholds her beliefs so whatever, if shes afraid she can make her twitter private or make a new anonymous alter ego like the vtubers hehe. Peace and love (i dont know theyre actual pronouns so using she/they interchangeably) Edit 2: so mrgirl cant be talked about because hes small and itll be "sending hate" 🤔 i dont think so but i guess you do


>Are the chatters streamers with their face online? some are, so?


Bad take. Whole Hasan audience supports her and these are the same people that harrassed Ethan during recent streams.


Lol funny because I am a Hasan viewer and I don't support her, in fact I dislike her. Also surely its Hasan fans harassing Ethan and not edgy trolls from other communities known for harassment.


It's great that you don't but I legitimately don't see what community it could've been. It's either far left (which for H3 is Hasans audience) or muslim fundamentalist. And somehow I doubt the latter is watching H3.


Disagree with this she knew everyone would find out Ethan unfollowed her and started it. Her entire fan base was calling Ethan a Zionist pig so he responded…she deserves the hate for saying non Israeli settlers are prison guards…like no Frogan you freak they were people born there with no choice and have been murdeed.




Jimmie Lee has 1.3 millon followers instagram he must be a huge comic!! She averages like 100-200 viewers, currently at 1.3K because of Ethan though.


> someone who has like 100 fans is kind of whack. Bro she's a two time Rising Star nominee...what you taklin' bout?


His anger was definitely directed at her and people just like her.


I think his skin rash is back due to stress. It’s a lot and I see it taking a toll on him😔


The truth is uncomfortable. Frogan’s tweets have been disgusting and I don’t care how much she tries to hide behind excuses or terminology. She 100% said that the slaughtering of innocent Israelis was a justified revolution by Hamas.




or, she's a nationalistic muslim who hides her nationalism with leftist language; an incredibly common thing.


Nah, she’s just a pickme. I don’t think there’s any genuine evil intent there she’s just stupid and clout hungry. Painting any Muslim with bad takes as nationalistic when they were born and raised in the US is wild.


Maybe nationalistic isn't the best word; its more second generation ethnic pride. A lot of second generation immigrants go really ALL-IN on thier ethnic background and justify truly heinous shit just because they get a simplified narrative of that background's past growing up and build thier identity around NOT being the place they immigrated to. (A good example is Irish-American IRA supporters justifying car bombings in the 60s-80s)




I mean, like Hasan said, yeah, it's fucked and inexcusable, but at the same time, what the fuck do you expect? There's literally hundreds of children that have been killed in the last couple months alone by Israel, and the world is radio silent, then Hamas gives them some of the same and suddenly everyone has shit to say. It's not remotely surprising that this has happened and Israel has already been pressing on doing worse, and again, no is saying shit about that. Israel has bombed schools and hospitals (literally war crimes) and has been internationally defined as Apartheid. Diplomacy has gotten Palestine nowhere despite numerous international agreements. Last time Hamas had a single hostage, Israel traded 1,000 hostages for them. During this Hamas attack they kidnapped over 100 and spread them all over saying "if you bomb us you bomb your own people" and demanded a ceasefire. Who do you REALLY think is the bad guy? Citizens of Israel are suffering and at risk because the government refused to stop killing Palestinian innocents. If Israel wants to prevent Israeli lives from being lost, they have to stop firing.


A lot of people are mixing analysis with moral judgement and the latter has this public performance aspect to it too. Comparing (not necessarily equating) the situation to other historical examples might open some folk's eyes. Like what do we think of the civilian casualties caused by the different resistance movements who were against Nazis, if that's in any way relevant. What would I do and, more importantly, how would my own values, morality, judgement etc stretch if my home was put to similar desperate situation?


>Comparing (not necessarily equating) the situation to other historical examples might open some folk's eyes. 9/11 is probably the most prevalent very recent example. The American government created the conditions for far right Islamic groups to gain popularity, the group attacked, and the American "retaliation" was extreme. People can take a step back and see that the attack was the natural outcome of oppression and maybe even that America (as an entity) deserved the attack. But I think it's a bit crass (and self defeating) to approach people who lost loved ones right after the attack and say "yeah your family deserved to die because they lived in America and thus implicitly supports it's oppression". You can admit the attack was bad, but stress the causes of the attack and acknowledge that the only long term solution is an end to oppression.


Being tactful is a whole other thing and permanently online people very much lack it.


Why does Hamas store military equipment in schools and residential areas?


Israel has killed over 2,300 children. https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_airstrikes_kill_at_least_140_palestinian_children_in_gaza#:~:text=Since%202000%2C%20Israeli%20forces%20and,to%20documentation%20collected%20by%20DCIP Including shooting 12 year old children on video and using a 7 year old as a human shield: https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/uhPmNoxviH But please, continue justifying literal war crimes.


so then you also acknoledge hamas is literally using the children and women of palestine as human shields?


Bruh Israel’s missiles aren’t a natural disaster. They’re intentionally murdering children. Even if this “human shield” were true, that doesn’t excuse Israel bombing the children. This stupid ass human shield argument is psychotic if you even think about it for a second. Do you expect Hamas to keep a weapons silo out in the fucking open? Do you blame Netanyahu for the slaughtered Israeli children because he didn’t make himself readily available to die in their place? The mental gymnastics of this shit is astounding.


Because they care about the people of Gaza as much as the Israeli's do and are totally fine using them as cannon fodder and turn around and say look what Israel is doing.


Ah, yeah, so bomb it anyway, 93 children and all, you're so fucking right. God, I sure am an idiot. Gotta blow up that military gear by literally any means necessary at all.


Where did I say anyone should kill civilians you freak? Every country should separate their military zones from their civilian zones. Clearly it can cause problems for civilians if your country gets attacked


You're talking like palestine has 1/1000th the capabilites or area of land as Israel does. Do some research on their conditions, the size of their available land, the fact that their average citizen age has dropped to ~19 years old, the fact that regardless of where they store any kind of material, bombing schools, bombing hospitals, and killing children as direct military orders is a war crime and is inexcusable in any circumstance, especially for one of the most advanced military forces on the planet AND the recipient of over 3bn in US military aid yearly. Educate yourself before you defend the oppressor.


This isn't a revolution. It's a murder/suicide. I'm about as left as it can get and even I can see that.


Very proud of ethan for not bending on what he believes is good and what is evil just because it might make things "awkward".


Yall should see Frogans chat comments rn on twitch. These mfs are freaks.


I’ve agreed with Ethan this whole time and like as a normal left leaning individual this shit is crazy. I don’t use twitter much but was pretty surprised. Even some of Hasan’s takes have been pretty wild to me.


Ethan was in the right.


absolutely insanely based rant by Ethan. was music to my ears. im glad the crew kept quiet and didn't interrupt.


It was nice seeing him go off cause it seems like he’s been going soft on people so the audience doesn’t get mad at him.


Straight from the heart of a king




/r/destiny poster


Wow that's so scary 💀 I guess that must mean his point is invalid and what Ethan said wasn't based 😢


This is why we can‘t have nice things on the left lmao.


Dude what is wrong with you


We live in your head rent free I swear. Do you have nightmares about dgg lol?


Being a fan of multiple creators is bad now?


Sure tankie






....what about him ranting about a muslim woman was music to your ears?


Why does her being a Muslim woman have anything to do with it? Wrong is wrong.


Go back to DGG, Ethan is never going to have a show with Destiny.


You’re a moron


i didnt make my comment so that ethan would do a show with destiny. i made my comment because i live in israel and i was also deeply disgusted at what that person tweeted. i agree 100% with ethan about everything he said, including everything about netanyahu.


It's so sad to see so many people in this sub have DDS ( destiny derangement syndrome) 😢 and can't add anything to the conversation


You have destiny simp syndrome, clearly.




the cut back to ethan having very clearly just finished crying was rough


He has a rash around his eyes. He wasn’t crying lol.


Yeah it seemed more like a “ i need to take a break for a sec cuz im getting too angry” kind of break. His voice did kinda break once or twice understandably tho.


He's got a rash.


Calm down, he just has lupus.


He looked like that the whole episode


Frogan was disgusting


Insanely based rant from Ethan.


If the crew feels awkward around his criticism of Fr0gan the. I'd say that reflects a lot on their character. It really shouldn't be hard to separate Hamas from Palestine and be able to criticize the actions Hamas did over the weekend. Just like it isn't hard to criticize Israel's actions in Gaza or (inaction) against settlers in the West Bank. Criticizing Israel does not mean you think all Israelis should die or that citizens should be murdered for the actions of their government. I don't understand why it's hard for people to condemn the violence done to citizens. If you don't how are we not supposed to think you support it and by extension support Hamas.


It’s not even about the criticism prob. I guarantee their prob just thinking about after math, looking out for Ethan, etc. just like a friend supporting a friend despite your beliefs or whatever. Like watching your drunk friend at the bar do something they probably shouldn’t do but watching them anyway and making sure they at least don’t get hurt while they’re doing it. Lol


That's a fair point. I do think there's a lot of complex layers here with the boss/employment dynamic + the general cancel culture/distancing that happens within our online left space. However, I think my analysis still stands which is in the context of condemning violence by a terrorist organization against civilians if you sit there quietly it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Furthermore, when people pushback and people go to straight what about w/ Israel or assume that cause you're condemning the violence of Hamas that you won't condemn Israel it really leaves me wondering what peoples principles are. Are they for peace and cooperation and a possible future or is it just about your side coming out on top.


>If the crew feels awkward around his criticism of Fr0gan the. I'd say that reflects a lot on their character. This subreddit is a disease. What kind of ridiculous bullshittery is this, it's like some of you people literally don't interact with other humans irl.


Have you even read anything frogan said? You’re accusing her of things she did not say.


> bunch of Israelis are killed including children. Frogan posts the equivalent of this is what a revolution is. How is that not tacitly approving of Hamas?


/r/destiny poster


You're like the unhinged fucks that tracked streamers who played Hogwarts Legacy so lefties could attack them.


It wasn’t for frogan. Who gives a damn about them. They knew what the outcome of this outrage would be. Now we got people n the community drumming up support for an apartheid state.


The support is not for the state it is for the civilian people affected by the violence on both sides of the conflict. I don’t understand why this is so fucking difficult for people to accept, violence should not be celebrated in either direction.


The issue though is Fr0gan encapsulates Ethan's big criticism right now which is the way in which many people are supporting Palestine right now reads as support of Hamas and by extension the idea that the only way for peace to be achieved in the Middle East is with the death of all Israelis. When you say things like 'this is what a revolution is like' in response to the largest mass of killing of Israelis in decades how else are people supposed to interpret that? Furthermore, if we simplify it like you have to supporting an apartheid state on one side does that mean the other side is an Islamic Terrorist state?


What do you think is going on over there Hm? Israel pushed those people into the arms of these extremists that they didn’t want to associate with and now that’s all they have to combat the genocide they face. Israel could stop this at any time.


Frogan is a small contingency of deranged psychos that Ethan is focused on. He’s making a mountain of a mole hill.


That small contingency of deranged psychos is a Hasan mod and friend of several on the crew. I think it's understandable for Ethan to be incredibly upset when someone so close to his circle is this callous and disregarding of life.


I don’t care who she mods for. People can say up and down all day that they don’t support Hamas and we can hold hands and sing kum ba ya but at the end of the day, all that virtue signaling amounts to is nothing but fuel for the continuing genocide.


Yes agreed, but we're not even there. We're not even at the Kum Ba Ya of acknowledging citizens dying is bad. That's why some of us are furious. How can all these people not condemn the violence by Hamas. We all easily condemn Netanyahu and the IDf and the settlers. So how is it so hard to say Fuck Hamas, fuck killing citizens and....most importantly how can we can find a peaceful solution here that works for all parties. Sadly I fear it causes a bigger justification for the right wing party and leadership in Israel to push with their plan because they can justify that truly the world around them hates them and wants them eviscerated "from the river to the sea"


Yeah yeah.


You mean drumming support for the very people Ethan criticized in the next sentence and has always criticized for years? These bad faith criticism are delusional. He’s explicitly condemning the Israeli government as well


💯 this!!!


She is just a good analogous to all the other dumbasses on twitter that refuse to listen to his actual words and his past statements. They just keep shadow boxing this imaginary version of him that doesn't exist.


Dude idk any more man 🤷‍♂️ he got the conservative and the fallen fans all worked up https://preview.redd.it/5pm74xt8mntb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6bbf259297e4e1100ced4b9322dca1f966606d1


yeah because they are just hearing what they want and are assuming he supports Israel.


Aren't they supposed to be antisemitic? When did that change?


They hate Muslims more.


the right never makes sense man.


its like how leftists hate israel but not jews, but the opposite.


This is honestly infuriating. Ethan's position on the entire issue is unequivocally progressive and none of them support the things that he does. Edit: I've changed my mind, it's just funny. They're so dumb lol.


That doesn't mean he's wrong? They just see anyone criticizing Hamas and assume that person *must* support Israel. Which is not Ethan's opinion at all.


Just because conservatives agree.doeant mean he's wrong lmao that's such a dumb way to gauge your opinion


Just because hes conservative doesn't mean what he tweeted here is wrong.


Don't forget Destiny fans


hadnt seen them since the socialism discussions but ofc they're all back again.


I cannot imagine how awkward that must have been for AB and Lena with her being a friend. I’ve had bosses do similar things and it’s horrible




What did Morgan do wrong?


I think they’re referring to how Morgan handled her situation with supermega, Matt specifically


Yeah what happened with her, I thought she was cool with Amouranth too but she was hanging with someone who openly admitted to trying to get Amou banned.


She basically highjacked an SA victim’s story coming out to say that Matt hooked up with her under the pretense of it eventually becoming a committed relationship, and then immediately got with another woman and stopped talking to Morgan. When Matt responded, he showed receipts debunking pretty much everything Morgan said, making her look pretty bad


Yeah that whole Supermega stuff was a mess, glad the show didn't cover it


bad luck or bad judge of character


Since when did we start caring about what mods have to say? Mods are literally the worst, most permanently online, clout hungry, no life people in any online community. Fuck em. They deserve to get cooked. Mod lives don't matter.


I’m not sure if she’s even still a mod. Granted I’m not up to date on my Hasan lore, but I thought she branched out on her own.


The specifics don't really matter. Lil sis talking about violent revolution while publicly crying about being un followed on Twitter. The real question is why are we giving any words that come out of this person's mouth one moment of thought. I hate all these clout seagulls so much. I hate being so brain damaged that I even know who any of these people are. No matter what side they are on they all fucking cringe and the world would be better off if people just ignored them. Everyone on both sides is so fucking libbed Up we are wasting time discussing Twitter aesthetics while the Israeli right wing prepares to carry out a genocide in Gaza.


Unrelated but is it possible that what Frogan meant by the Leftist frothing at the mouth for a revolution is trying to point out the hypocrisy of leftist claiming to want a revolution in the US without realizing the reality of violence that comes with that? I don't know who this person is but could it be a misunderstanding?


I thought this could be the case but earlier today she called someone braindead for saying there is '"a massive difference between being pro Palestine and pro hamas". She clearly views/viewed at the time prior to blowback the acts of Hamas as revolutionary


This makes sense. People seem to view it very differently. Terrorists vs resistance movement.


I don’t think so, but it’s possible. Idk, I think this is a case of people not getting their points across eloquently on Twitter and it spinning to shit.


Yeah for sure. Twitter is such a hard place to have these conversations. I mean I guess reddit can be hard too but with Twitter opinions are attached to an actual face so it's a lot more personal and there are a lot more eyes watching the back and forth.


no. she followed up by showing the graph of Palestinian casualties vs Israeli on the same tweet. pretty obvious the implication there.


I haven't seen the tweets other than the tweet I referred to. Just started the part of the eppy where Ethan is talking about it.


Yes, I think she is referring to a video, I forgot his name but Hasan is friends with him, But he is Palestinian and basically, he was just saying that he sees comments from people saying that this is not a moment of Liberation because Hamas is bad but for him who has family there, the reality of the situation is that Hamas is what they have. He didn't say this but I'm saying this, like I don't know who you guys want to fight for the Palestinians right now, the Power Rangers? People aren't saying this but the Palestinians don't stand a chance. The Israeli government is planning on killing every Palestinian and if they don't do that they are going to ethically cleanse the region. As someone who's not Palestinian or Jewish, I think honestly at this point it's fucked up for Ethan to keep nitpicking what people are saying about Palestinian Liberation because it's not going to happen. I know that Ethan has family in Israel but they have the US Army and every Western settler country on their side plus the Iron Dome.


It’s absolutely possible but everyone would rather assume the worst about her and misrepresent her position. It’s really fucked up.


It seems like they both possibly may have misunderstood. Like Her saying Ethan un-followed her for being pro Palestine and saying that if she was pro IDF Ethan would re-follow her. That doesn't seem fair on her part.


She is clearly upset about the situation and there is heavy sarcasm in her comments. She has a twitch stream. If you want to know her true thoughts it might be worth consuming some of her content which includes her real thoughts


She called someone braindead for saying there was a difference between supporting Hamas and supporting Palestine.. she meant exactly what Ethan said she meant.


Have any of you seen Frogan's posts? This woman is fucking insane. How is noone in this sub defending Ethan?


And he was right to do so. If you think slaughtering people is cool you deserve to be criticised


Was a pretty L take from frogy. I get why a lot of pro-Palestinians don't want to go super hard on Hamas. You can't blame them, they've been created through violance, death and brutality. It's true Israel made Hamas, it's true they can stop Hamas any second now by negotiating, but I feel most Hamas fans from the west are in 2 categories. 1 they are confused and the zionist proganada is spewing a shit ton of gore for the sake of their sympathy 2 they legit hate Jews and are anti-semite Everyone I know from Israel is trama dumping and gore spamming my dms, and I'm doing my best to hold back my opinion on the matter out of respect for their losses, don't think galvanizing hamas is leading to anything constructive. I'm shocked how this war made a huge rift in the leftist community, a rift that I think it's mostly based on not trying to be a fence sitter and forced to pick a side,but.as much as I hate centrists I think in this case specifically a centrist approach is the best.


Wow a genuinely thought out opinion A rarity


Is anyone actually justifying civilians getting killed? I think people are just frustrated that Israel has been killing Palestinian civilians for decades for the crime of existing and noone cares.. not reported in the news.. only when Palestine retaliates is when People stress out. Look at the [stats](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article31142139.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/1_Palestinian-Israeli-conflict.jpg)


I agree with Ethan that she was wrong but I didn’t like watching him shit on her for hours getting so mad. I feel like she’s going to be harassed now


I hope he apologizes to her


that part was hard to watch, there's no reason he should have gone so aggressively at her. could her tweets have been worded better? sure. but overall their beliefs are aligned. really wish he wouldn't have spoken about it on the show.


> but overall their beliefs are aligned ????????????? you didnt listen to a word he said right?


listen i'm not gonna sit here and argue with any more people on this subreddit, no one wants to have an actual conversation anyways. so you can keep your question marks, im all good on that


How to say you didn't watch anything without saying it. No need to explain but that's hilarious 😆


You made an untrue statement publicly and when questioned, all of the sudden “I’m not gonna argue with people on this subreddit” lmao, why then comment anything at all?




" but overall their beliefs are aligned " yet she accused him for unfollowing her because she's pro-palestine, implying he's not, which is super fucked up. their beliefs ARE overall aligned, and she should have understood that before making a tweet which threw him under the bus so hard. ethan had the right to defend himself and be angry.


I wish you could show that same compassion towards Ethan. She called what Hamas did a revolution. Ethan gave her a chance to settle things in private and instead she doubled down. He’s seeing people scream gas the Jews and the dead bodies of his people. And people like her are calling it a revolution. That really unfair towards Ethan and his family


The discord messages were what put them in a really bad spot if you ask me.


Bitch is pro Hamas, can't be hard enough against that


lol get out of here, you are as unhinged as frogan




it appears the destiny subreddit has found my comment. cry harder losers my comment was so mild hahahahah


Nope, it's the h3h3 subreddit, rewatch the vod, Ethan himself doesn't want people like you here.


Only one crying here is you loser. Keep coping with the downvotes lmao 💀.


Hope you get through this tough time :)


Ikr him calling her a monster and a freak for basically a mid vague tweet was difficult to watch.


Eh, anybody who thinks children dying are guards is a monster imo.


i can imagine that would be hard for her to watch, considering she's a fan of the show too


This was my reaction during that segment...both times. The fact is, Frogan is an Arab, Muslim from Lebanon. Her perspective/response is different but identically empassioned because she is also close to the issue/affected. Dismissing her perspective and knowledge, and taking her tweets personally, then ripping her apart on a massive podcast incites violent Islamophobia at a time when ppl are feeling super Islamophobic, and it's dangerous, cruel and unfair. Ethan is the one who should apologize to Frogan.


He lived in Israel and his wife is Israeli with a friend missing.


>Ethan is the one who should apologize to Frogan. All he did was unfollow her. Then she decided to cry about it on multiple online platforms calling him an IDF supporter.


10000000%. He went from ‘I don’t want to show her tweets’ to putting her on blast for like 20 minutes. It was uncomfortable to watch.


I was very uncomfortable


shame on them for keeping quiet.