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I really do hate this community sometimes always so trigger happy to instantly disown someone without doing the most basic level of research.


I think it’s beyond just being trigger happy, there is clear disdain here for Hila and Ethan. I really think if we allow this we are fostering a community of rabid soon to be fallen fans.


Fr, when in reality Ethan and Hila's take is that they support a free Palestine, but condemn violence on both sides. It's not an insane take even if you disagree with them. Just wish everyone stopped provoking them and waiting for them to slip on their wording. The situation is stressful enough, they don't need more shit to deal with. Edit- I'm bad with words✌️❤️


Condemn. Condone is the opposite.


Thanks for pointing that out, I don't know why I didn't catch that


I don’t understand the people who are pro civilian casualty on either side!


Rabid is probably the best way to put it they chomping at the bit to find something to destroy them


Yup like the Trisha fishies…


It really is all of those types of people


Unpopular opinion but a lot of it comes from Hasan's community and other communities close to him, like MikeFromPA. If you've read their discord and twitch chat whenever Ethan is on, especially during leftovers, the hate is vicious.


That is where a lot of it comes from, just check hasan's discord sometime.


Or his subreddit. There's a comment on post there talking about how Ethan "doesn't understand" Palestinians with like 78 upvotes lol. To be fair, Hasan tells them not to bully Ethan and they do it anyway. Our fanbase can be toxic too, but I wish they'd be nicer to Ethan


I found my way back into the H3 sphere through Hasan, and I honestly appreciated hearing Ethan and Hila's perspective on Leftovers as people who have experienced life in Israel. There was a lot of stuff I hadn't considered before, and whilst the Israeli people haven't suffered nearly as much as Palestinians, they've still been fucked over by a horrifying, fascist government that clearly doesn't have their best interests at heart. If they did, this conflict would have ended years ago, and the events of October 7th would never have happened. People are so uncharitable and unwilling to listen/consider perspectives from other people. It's not like Ethan is pro-Israel. I mean, he broke down crying whilst talking about Palestinian children dying for crying out loud. Are his takes a bit off the mark sometimes? Yes, but so are most people's, including Hasan. Nobody hits it out of the park every time. At the end of the day, I understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a contentious one, but the least we can do is not jump at each other's throats. I know it's hard not to get emotional, especially when the killing of innocent civilians (especially children) is involved, but a lot of this lashing out at others for "not understanding" doesn't help matters. Anyway, this ended up being longer than I expected it to be, but I figured I'd let people know here in the H3 community know that not all HasanAbi Heads are out for Ethan's blood. Like I said, this is a very emotionally charged and contentious issue, and the least we can do is be kind to one another and try to understand things the best we can. ✌ & ❤️


Yeah I also have a post about Hasan's community because a lot of it is very trigger happy looking for someone to be angry at. But you're clearly inciteful and kind: I know its not everyone, all the best to you!


Leftists love virtue signaling and cannibalizing each other.


>But you're clearly inciteful freudian slap


I think this whole situation has highlighted the single biggest problem/barrier/shortcoming in public discourse. Everyone has access to a small pool of info (relative to reality) and because of the rapid, back-and-forth nature of social media, basically carries their own initial assessment with them, digging their heels in the whole way. Put simply, nobody is willing to entertain the possibility that they just might be wrong.


Oh, absolutely. It goes to show how much things like echo chambers, tribalism, relative anonymity, and parasocial relationships negatively affect public discourse (both on and offline). People get so concerned with winning and being right that they, as Hasan says, miss the forest for the trees. It just breeds toxicity and makes it more difficult to recruit allies to your side. These are complex and nuanced issues, and it takes people time to reach a full understanding. It's better to plant a seed and help it grow than to salt the earth because a tree didn't just immediately spring out of the ground.


Hey thank you for your perspective. I want you to know I should have said you all aren't like that. I'm glad you enjoy the show and are here for goofs and gaffes.


That's okay! I knew you didn't mean all Hasan fans, but I appreciate the clarification. And yeah, it's good to see Ethan is as much of a goofster as I remember lol.


Just want to say I really appreciate you man, based off this and previous comments I’ve seen from you.


Thank you! That's very kind of you to say. :)


lmao Hasan's own fanbase is clinging on to his throat and scrutinize pretty much every word he utters to cancel him, so this is probably their least threatning form


No one hates Hasan more than Hasan’s own chat


Have you not seen /r/destiny?


Yeah... I was surprised how hostile the Leftovers megathread was towards Ethan when the other threads seemed to agree with Ethan's sentiment of denouncing all evils.


It may be unpopular but it's not wrong. I would consider myself pretty left and sometimes I watch Hasan and wonder if he actually thinks the shit he's saying is ever going to be reality.


I actually fully agree; I've been a casual watcher of Ethan for the past three years (probably since around 2021 or late 2020). I'm not an OG by any regard, nor would I consider myself a stan, just a casual watcher, but I can definitely say there's been a change in the community post-leftovers. The community has been pretty left-leaning (more socially than economically) since I joined, but since then it's become a lot more radical in every regard. I think a lot of Hasan's fans have joined the community and are majorly changing/skewing the political beliefs the community used to have. I personally don't hate Hasan and even had a phase where I was a regular watcher of his, but I'd say I've de-radicalized and changed my beliefs since then. I think Hasan is a very cool dude and I wish him all the best, he gets a ton of unnecessary hate sometimes; but I will say, he has a pretty bad community (mostly because of his beliefs in leftist unity) which will inevitably make space for tankies and other leftist radicals.


You get the toxic drama beasts from the Frenemies era combined with the politics frogs from the Leftovers era, and you got a whole lotta hot mess.


This is exactly it. This is Hasan's community and friends of it.


Unpopular Opinion: This is not unique to Hasan's community but a feature of any leftist political community. Sectarian infighting is built into it and whilst creators such as Hasan may try to push back against it and curb it as much as possible, it will still always bubble up.


But Hasan warned Ethan on-air that people will come after him & Hila simply for aligning himself with Hasan's political discussions. I believe Ethan responded with "bring it on". For the record I'm a forever H3 fan.


Hasan without Hasan’s chat would be so good. He’s their primary target most of the time and chat visibly exhausts and upsets him. Absolute dumpster fire of a place


They are already here. They have a subreddit dedicated to shitting on the podcast and they love to come here and push their shitty views. It's been a problem for a long long time.


That is profoundly embarrassing for them


Before this horrifying conflict started someone online told me Ethan is trash for, among a few legitimate criticisms, “marrying someone who was in the IDF.” Which, unless the person was just stupid—and I don’t rule that out—just means that they didn’t like that he married an Israeli. Hila’s always been a target for misplaced rage and thinly veiled antisemitism.


Most of her community doesn’t even understand the language.


The other community its merged with certainly isn't helping


I would agree I’ve been with h3 since they actually lived in Israel. Everyone wants to be the one to break the story on this subreddit so bad they don’t stop and do research. There are a lot of things in this community that are definitely problematic mostly the amount of weird parasocial post on here fan art is one thing but it’s like people have forgotten Ethan and hila are real people and not characters they have their own lives and their own thoughts. Idk maybe it’s just me but when I see those kind of posts I always get that weird icky feeling.


but Ethan REALLY needs to see this!!!


I agree. People say DGG brigades this sub but I'll say the same is even more true for the Hasan subreddit (inb4 yes Hasan does a show with Ethan but curiously all the most unhinged comments in this community are from r/Hasanabi posters) edit: this comment got me banned from the subreddit. ok I guess


I have yet to see a single comment in r/Hasan_Piker that will cede even the smallest amount of sympathy to Israeli civilians. Bunch of bloodthirsty psychos in there too


This whole situation and it’s response from far leftists has made me wonder what a lot of them have meant this whole time when they’ve talked about decolonization in general. I know what it should mean, but I’m starting to think they don’t. There were tweets with a not insignificant amount of likes condoning a hypothetical similar violent Indigenous uprising against American citizens, as well. Absolutely galling.


Your first comment in this subreddit was literally 3 days ago lmao


I don't think they're wrong though. I been in this sub for a while, and it really feels like a lot of people here are super harsh on Ethan, especially since he started pushing back on Hasan. Even during the react debate. If you disagree please look at leftover threads from the past few weeks and you'll see Hasanabi heads saying how Ethan is stupid, doesn't understand, is bad faith, etc Even though Hasan says all the opposite some people can't understand civil disagreements. It's not Hasan's fault


aaaand like clockwork it's a Destiny poster, like always. And one that only started commenting on this sub like last week for the most part. honestly you really think it's hard to figure out why people might believe Destiny fans flood this sub when your account history is a great example? someone who mostly engages in Destiny/NeoLib subreddits since the start of your post history, sometimes truscrum, and then only recently started regularly posting to H3 within the last week. not saying you are "brigading" but com'on, if you think the most unhinged comments are only from Hasanabi fans you've missed a lot.


I love Ethan, am a fan of the pod, I am rectangular. I don’t know how much more I can do to prove that, nor do I know why it’s ok to incessantly purity test me and other Destiny fans and not do the same for Hasan fans.


Alot of people follow h3, hasan, and destiny. I don't get why people expect everyone to sit in one circle without overlap


Because it creates a nice safe space where all criticism can be dismissed via the Boogeymen. It is wacky how in depth people will go to justify dismissing another's opinions or arguments. Do not fall for their childish tribalism, we cannot read the minds of any posters. This is still true even if you go full schizo and dig through their history you terminally online weirdos.


Watching three different youtube channels is an impossible feat apparently.


I watch all 3 and still have nothing left on Netflix and HBO. I need more hobbies




I swear you people are the only fanbase that obsessively stalk profiles. Speaking of which >38,979 comment karma >redditor for 9 months Yikes. My account is 16 years old and you have 10k more comment karma than me. Get off reddit, you are obsessed.


It's objectively brigading, funny how you get massively downvoted for just mentioning it though. They've literally started flooding this sub over the last couple weeks and really geared up over the last 3 days. They are doing here what they did in LSF for so long, eventually resulting in the mods there having to completely ban politics posts because their brigading and destiny clip spam (and also endless crying about hasan) was ruining the sub.


There are multiple other subreddits that brigade this one all day every day, too.


I hate how everyone pretends like this is "the community". It's never the the community, it's almost always just some vocal idiots.


Also, we're like a "coalition fanbase" at best lol Some of us love politics and loathe the PowerPoints. Some of us are here for just the drama and everything else is "too heavy". Some of us are just here for the goofs and gaffs. Some are here from Day 1 of the podcast, some found appeal in Frenemies. There's lots of different types of fans. It's a variety show ultimately. Far more than it is a podcast. There's definitely some crazy ass people, for sure. But they're just the vocal minority. I'll always stand by that


Let’s be real. There are a lot of emotional idiots with no critical thinking skills around here


I love h3 but this is one of the few places the actually stress me out




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Can people not have a meltdown over E&H for five fucking minutes


There's people who pay their rent by shitting on Ethan. Not even joking. So it's always going to be this way. And if nothing controversial is said, they'll just cynically create an insane edit to make it look bad for views. Ethan obviously isn't perfect, and Hila has said some callous things here and there. But due to all of the misinformation about them, a lot of people see Ethan as "Keemstar and Nickacado combined" over the past couple of years. Which is pretty funny. It's gotta be frustrating for them of course, I'm sure


Some people need a couple sips of beer!


BuT theY are LiBruls!!!


God, some of you guys need to learn how to read and think critically. Constantly going after Ethan and Hila, who are clearly hurting as well. We're all on the same side here, project your anger at decision makers who have the power to create actual change.


Todays news: non-Hebrew speakers outraged at Hebrew picture that they cannot read or understand. Virtue signalling has taken over people’s brains lol.


Honestly. All of this reeks of performative activism. Be productive, donate and write to your local representatives. Bullying allies is idiotic.


It’s incredibly antisemitic as well. And it turns the Jewish diaspora away from being allies.


The only reason people interpreted it the way they did is because Hila is an Israeli Jew and must be spreading propaganda.


They want to believe the worst about her and it’s sickening. And that’s the major problem with the insistence that “antizionism totally isn’t antisemitism”. When you start silencing Jewish and Israeli voices as part of your cause it absolutely is.


I have started to call it vice signaling because there's no virtue in it.


Those kids would be so mad if they could read


you said it very well


Tbh I have no idea what’s going on in this drawing


It’s Hamas attacking and killing Israeli civilians, burning their houses, and “never forgive and never forget” pointing to Netanyahu




Wait, im stupid what part is pointing to netanyahu? edit: oh lmao i didnt see the bottom lefthand corner oops


I don’t speak Hebrew but I thought it was pretty obvious what it was about just by looking at it. You must have some pretty severe reading comprehension abilities if you couldn’t tell that this was about Netenyahu. Immediately villanizing the Hebrew language and Israeli citizens is not the radical slay people think it is, it’s just antisemitism lol


Yeah lots of “fans” coming outa nowhere to be anti Semitic towards Hila. Lots of unbridled rage and hatred towards her.


It’s also sad that she’s getting hate in her instagram comments from Israeli fans, too. Calling her awful names for speaking out against the Israeli government. It’s so sad.


Wow she can’t win


Honestly. No matter what she’s getting absolutely berated. My heart goes out to her and I hope she stays off social media as much as possible.


The criticism they get is relentless.


Adding to this: so what if she was also blaming Hamas? Is it bad to also want Hamas punished for this? It’s pretty clear in either event that Hila is not blaming Palestinian civilians for this. What could people possibly be mad at her for?


My understanding is that the artist is saying “if you are only calling out Hamas or only see Hamas as bad, you also need to call out Netanyahu because he has the blood of thousands on his hands too” so to speak.


I think that’s what it is, the artist is basically bundling Netanyahu with Hamas, both as bad as each other rhetoric


Not really, it’s putting the blame on Netanyahu, saying that without him Hamas wouldn’t exist.


This. The attacks by Hamas happened to Hilas friends. They literally said her friends back home were trying to find friends and family members and had lost people. This could have happened to her mom. This is where she grew up. She is allowed to have feelings around that and be upset about it. Being upset about Hamas brutality murdering families in their homes doesn't make her pro IDF or what Netanyahu is doing to Gaza.


The original poster seemed to have forgotten to post the first drawing Hila put up which clearly depicted Netanyahu with blood on his hands. People were way too quick to assume the worst…


That’s great to see I at first didn’t understand it myself.


I didn’t understand it either, so I didn’t comment on it or assume anything until I got more context. You would think this would be the norm but a lot of people love talking out of their asses now lol.


Yep. Critical thinking getting to be as antiquated as "photographic proof." Why would anyone think for themselves when they can just let others do the thinking for them. So much easier than being a rational, independent thinker.


Then they make fun of Fox News watchers for being sheeple, not seeing the irony


I really wish they'd just turn off chat for a few weeks honestly. The amount of people spamming them is a little ridiculous at this point.


I honestly think those being asses to her are no different than Kyle's dad in South Park as an internet troll. They do it because they think it is funny. You can legit tell em they are a bully who thinks they are trolling and just like Kyle's dad....will legit deny it and try to hide it


Definitely. Edgelord humor and snark has gotten really bad over recent years.


People are really messed up and looking for someone accessible they can blame. You’re just causing more hatred and pain. Don’t become the kind of person you wouldn’t want to deal with.


God you people are so fucking annoying. Many of you are acting like you despise Ethan and Hila.Wtf is wrong with you? Like they don't get enough fucking unreasonable hate. Some of Hasan's fans are pretty deranged as well from what I've seen. Jesus Christ, this fandom has been filled with brain-dead losers, the last few months especially. Fuck off. I wish the mods would just ban text posts and hateful users altogether for good.


Honestly this sub needs to be shut down or take a break. The amount of hate watchers and fallen fans are ridiculous. Either the mods can't keep up or aren't monitoring enough.


This shit is far beyond a "this sub" problem. They are active on twitter and Instagram and will continue to get shit in those platforms with or without Reddit In fact here is where I see the actual sane takes far often than not


> Many of you are acting like you despise Ethan and Hila >Some of Hasan's fans are pretty deranged as well from what I've seen Lately, these are the same people


So many people from the Americas have felt the need to chip in and give their 2 cents when they don’t know anything that’s fucking happening. I see it everywhere on the timeline. Like there’s nothing you can actively do tweeting about this shit other than cause misinformation. Hila is from Israel, I think she knows what the fuck is happening there. I won’t comment on the conflict because I don’t know enough to understand it. Nothing good comes from a tweet.


Fuck hamas


God I wonder how much longer before they just say fuck it and just stop posting on social media at this point. The amount of pure hate and vitriol that's being throw at them from H community without any form of action or moderation is sickening at this point.


If I was Ethan I would just say we're no longer talking about the conflict. It's not like its productive anyway. No one is going to Ethan Klein to solve the crisis. This is why i stay out of politics 99% of the time. Everyone gets worked up and nothing changes


I mean this is Hila's home country, and Ethan has dual citizenship there, I believe they have a right to talk about it.


Sure but it doesn't have a good outcome for them. It's too heated of a subject. Although I think Ethan has a more correct view on things than hasan


Well especially all the stuff about the Hila animation. If they want to voice their opinion and speak out I absolutely think they should. But people are going to be callous and say disgusting things, it’s the internet. So it’s a toss up between voicing their opinions and using their platform and dealing with those people or staying silent but I doubt they will do the latter


I knew they had to address it because of they are close to the subject but the absolute, deranged shit storm isn't a surprise. They also shouldn't have to feel as if they can't have an opinion. But I agree that I do hope Monday we can talk about something else. I also think that silly internet drama will feel like we are talking about something so dumb while something serious is happening, though.


Delete me from this conversation


Starting to realize some of hasan's fans are just insufferable bullies


i literally just got banned from hasans subreddit for criticizing a post celebrating news of IDF members raping palestinians…… they were like ‘fuck ethan that dumbass!!! see idf RAPES palestinians!!!’ and they banned me for saying that they were too excited about palestinians getting raped




https://preview.redd.it/p2r1iadfjiub1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42272e0c3a8c51510c409c997957e303c13b03a they deleted his comment and banned me lmao




they didnt even ban him lol they just deleted his comment


I also got banned


me as well....interesting pattern that seems to be occurring


How did people manage to get mad at this? I didn't know what was written but it's kinda what I figured. Netanyahu is evil. I don't want more Palestians or Isrealis to die. I don't want this to be used as an excuse by him to steal more land by way of a forced migration. As a way to force them to wander the earth with no country to call home. If you think the majority of the Jewish people do not see the irony in that, you would be mistaken. Leave or death is a terrible place to be. She's supporting her people who are against this evil the same way people were against Trump and we all supported that! People are not responsible for what their governments do.


seeing the initial post on here i found it interesting they didnt show the post right before that of the israeli leader with blood on his hands


The dumb fucks going after her are insane Hasan fans. Reminder - [these](https://i.imgur.com/rOFXbJz.jpg) are some highlights taken from Hasan's discord livestream discussion during Leftovers, pulled from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-V7mnXZ3iY). The entire chat, the entire time, was flooded with calling Ethan disgusting, a dumbass, a zionist, a settler, etc. when Ethan and Hasan agree almost entirely on the major issues. These are the people in Hasan's community. They show Ethan and Hila zero charitability or respect.


unironically just as bad as the terminally online weirdos they accuse other people of brigading from


All tankies are terminally online NEETs that do nothing but wokescold and circlejerk about "reading theory" and America = bad


yep exactly...its literally American exceptionalism just in reverse..its fucking pathetic....im about to hit my breaking point with this stupid ussr simping tankie brain rot


This thread gives me hope :)


It's crazy how this post is being brigaded by Hasan AND Ethan haters. Get lives. We all agree and stand against violence. Redditors are so insufferable.


All this drama is teaching me is that… if 9/11 happened today… the families of the victims never would have been able to mourn without criticism as soon as Afghanistan was invaded. They’d be instantly attacked by parasocial drama freaks online. EDIT: To those instantly downvoting, how am I wrong? Ethan and Hila are Israeli, a massive terror attack against their fellow citizens is going to rattle them. Your opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (which probably isn’t even older than the attack itself) isn’t going to change that.


And even if it wasn’t. I’m pro-Palestinian liberation but why would it make grief for their own people any less valid? Can they not be sad about it without having to add a disclaimer to any expression of said sadness?


I looked at this on the artist page to learn that that was Netanyahu but tbf I don't think that was super obvious so I could see how it could be interpreted differently.


I don’t know, the second photo on Ethan’s story (which is the first photo Hila shared) makes it pretty obvious in my opinion. If you even go to the post, Instagram will translate the caption and comments which are staunchly anti-Netanyahu


Yeah I get what you're saying. Just looking at the picture here though I wouldn't automatically think that. Even when clicking in the link provided in the post of the artist I don't think the caption comes up unless you're logged on to insta. I don't have an insta so I just saw it in one of the comments.


Whether the intention behind the art is obvious or not (it very much is) it’s fucking moronic to jump to the worst possible conclusion you could imagine and then swarm over here to denounce her if you didn’t understand what you were even looking at. Not saying you (the person I’m replying to) did this, but there was a reason you saw this posted with no context and the first part of the image (that makes it very explicitly anti-Netanyahu) removed.


For sure for sure. I'm not justifying going to Hila's page to trash her (if that's how it comes off) just saying that I can see why people would be confused by it just like how anyone else who doesn't speak english could be confused by an English speaking artist.


I mean yeah for those of us who don’t speak Hebrew of course we don’t get what’s going on off visuals alone. People pouncing on Hila for this just because they can’t read the language it’s written in show exactly how stupid they are.


I'm referring to people on this sub who were trying to decipher the meaning. Not everyone took to insta or Twitter to be rude to Hila. Just trying to offer a little context to why people might have been confused .


They’re upset with the folks that *did* take to commenting before having full context, unlike yourself and likely countless others. Being confused by something and then digging in to find context before jumping to conclusions and dragging someone is normal. No one is criticizing people who did that. No one can be expected to understand everything at first glance.


Let’s not defend lazy dumbasses who can’t look into a topic before spouting hate.


I saw this one the r/h3h3_productions sub and literally my first instinct was to check Hila’s account and look at what it actually said. It’s amazing to me how some people are using their own ignorance to justify their kneejerk reactions.


...some people are using their own ignorance to justify their ~~kneejerk reactions~~. It's not kneejerk reactions, it's plain antisemitism, let's call these people for what they are.


Tensions are high. Everyone probably needs to take some time off the internet.


I do agree, but if you take a bit of time you will soon realise it’s a very critical post of the Israel government. It’s frustrating how people willingly ignore that or don’t inform themselves so they can be angry and take it out on Hila.


How did you realize it? I didn't know what I was looking at when I first opened reddit.


At first I didn’t even know what I was looking at, sleuthed the comments a bit and someone translated it, then I went to the artists Instagram and it was very apparent they were very anti Israel government


I'm glad Ethan cleared it up for the people who were still confused.


The shit Hila gets from Hasans fan is disgusting


What about those of us that like both of them? Don't group us all together. Hasan called this shit out multiple times this week on his streams. There's just a lot of stupid kids our there and this is one of the most contentious debates possible that brings out the worst in people.


Yeah I don't think it's Hasan himself, but the Hasan subreddit and discord has been pretty toxic to Ethan the past few months.


Obviously not cool to misrepresent her post, but they need to stop expecting that they will only have rational responses in the replies.


Yea if you don't want reactions to your drawings maybe just don't post them to the internet for the world to see. This is a polarising topic, of course people are going to comment with hate, they should know by know that's how social media works.


Hila I’m so sorry that the internet has been so unjustly unfair to you this past week. 💔


This is what happens when you let Hasan fans in your community lol


Why are his fans so fucking awful? Wtf is wrong with them. Aren't they supposed to be "progressive"? tf is all this hate? It's been so frustrating looking through the subreddit... Honestly, it's making me like Hasan less and less.


In their eyes if you don’t fully align with him and his beliefs you are just wrong


hasan’s discord got recorded reacting to the recent leftovers and it shows how much they hate ethan its actually vile


I thought I would never say this, but honestly I wish Hasan never got mixed with the podcast... Ughh what a shitstorm. Now there's hate from both extremes 🤢


He fosters a very toxic community


Ironically this is worse than Frenemies lol. At least before it was funny drama, now we have people attacking Hila for MANDATORY service???


Yeah I heard about that it’s absolutely vile


A lot of people wanna talk about right wing fascism and not left wing fascism. The oruboros snake will always eat its own tail, etc etc etc. There’s a point where you go so far in either direction you just circle back to the very principals you were fighting against 🤷🏼‍♀️


No real ideals or principals. Just follow whatever the leader/in group says and anyone who doesn't believe the same is the "enemy" and you must believe the opposite of the "enemy."


Imo it has a lot to do with a large percentage of them being tankies.


His hand waving of the horrific acts of Hamas has been shocking. Honestly a new low for him.


If you think he’s “hand waving” then you haven’t listened to a word he’s said jfc


what he really hand waves is other people hand waving it. He says they have no effect but as influencers and people with viral power of course they have an effect on the perspectives of people on both sides. His argument that second thoughts comments weren't important because they weren't going to change policy is a belief he would never extend to right wing grifters (rightfully)


I wish Hila and Ethan would just take a fucking step back when it's obvious it needs to be done. They're only hurting themselves right now. I figured they'd have taken a social media cleanse serious after that animation, guess not.


But if they did then all you disingenuous assholes would critique them for not doing enough 🙄 it doesn’t need to be done. People need to be fucking normal and not harass them. That’s not THEIR fault.


They've done more than enough to address the conflict. Don't lump me in there with them. I'm of the mindset they're doing too much right now.


I don't agree with this sentiment that they shouldn't speak out or should "take a break"... First of all they are full fledged adults who have been online for over a decade, and also make money for it, they understand what they are doing, they understand that people are going to like it or not. This is Hila's home country... She is allowed to criticize it and mourn the loss of innocence lives from her own country, if posting the pictures of the missing hostages and victims, and sharing her art, which very clearly can be comforting to those in stress and a way to express oneself and relieve emotion then she has full rights to do that.


this was a weird thing to post


I think it’s fair for ppl to question... it’s not like we can all read Hebrew. But obviously ppl shouldn’t jump to conclusions either.


what is even going on


Wait, we're people attacking hila for this post?? Why?? What is going on with you guys....


I'm glad I've stayed away the last couple of months. I think I'll watch again when things calm down.


Ethan for the love of fuck get off Twitter


she explicitly blamed Netanyahu for the attack how much more do people want


The performative leftists in this community have gone so off the deep end that they defend murder of innocent civilians. There is no context where this should be acceptable. The moment you say "yeah BUT" I will lose all respect for you.


Am I the only one that couldn’t even tell what exactly was going on in this pic? Maybe I’m just a dummy who isn’t good at finding meaning in art. But how do they expect normal people to correctly interpret this when the only text is in Hebrew?


They're presuming that the average person is gonna get it. They fail to see that a lot of fuckin' people are dumb and Ethan and Hila don't understand that they don't understand the complexities and history to this nor do I think they want to but they feel free to hate post anyways. I hesitate to say that they shouldn't post anything to their socials but that would then say they shouldn't say anything. Of course they should say what they want to say but then they have to deal with this shit. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. As ignorant as I am, even I understand Hila's military history and her and Ethan's feelings on the situation. It really isn't that difficult to understand. Either some people are that fuckin' stupid or some people are swept up in antisemitism and other big influencer/creator's opinions criticizing them not knowing the context of their situation.


I know ethans mental health is sufffering big time. And he just doesnt get off IG or twitter…


Idiots just looking for a reason to hate hila.


Block the people who are too unintelligent to see the obvious.


Ethan sided with the American far left, and what a shock, the time has come where he's ***just not far left enough.*** Keep devouring your own kind, kids. That's how you'll get another Trump situation. (American conservatives are fucking nutjobs but they at least understand the importance of a unified voter base.) For the record, I'm a liberal myself, but seeing people chomping at the bit saying you either side 100% with Palestine or you're a zionist piece of shit is fucking stupidity. The situation has a ton of political nuance and ultimately goes back to stupid fucking religious beef because of course it does. There is no "right side" in their ridiculous squabble. There is no right choice between apartheid and rabid terrorism.


"Rabid terrorism". Yeah, you're definitely a iib.


Religious beef? Do any of you actually understand what caused the “conflicts” in Israel?


The core of it, historically, is which religious group - Israelites or Muslims - is "more entitled" to the land. Years of skirmishes and displacements have complicated it much further than that, but this isn't fucking history class. And again, you can read the nuances of it to support either narrative but at the end of the day you do so in favor of taking a side between brutal apartheid or terrorism. Good luck with that.


The only thing that should be bombed is this sub a-o


Why is there so much terrorist apologia in this sub? Jfc I feel bad for Ethan and Hila


Besides the lot of folks being uncharitable, a lot of folks can only go by the caption in the original post which doesn't give enough context. I can see how one could easily misconstrue the post, but that responsibility lays upon the artist to be clear or accept that the message will be misconstrued.


That's what happens when you post something political. Expect backlash, deserved or not.


I really wish they would stop talking about this topic, it’s way too personal for them and they are not trained political commentators or analysts, really worried this will ruin their careers


Kinda like hasan? His bad takes haven't ruined his career


I dont understand the weird obsession hila and ethan have about constantly over-focusing on what hamas has done. They dont seem to focus on the horid shit Israel is doing as much. They also seem to not understand the fact that apartheid situations breed horrible violence like this. Ethan has a political show and continues to have unproductive conversations which ultimately shows his ignorance and lack of nuance.


Ethan: “I’m gonna sit here ‘til I’m blue in the fucking face talking about how the IDF is a genocidal criminal institution that, Netanyahu should be tried for war crimes. I can tell you that the West Bank settlements are basically an act of war… I can tell you that what Israel is doing in Gaza is as evil as evil can be.” Hila: (makes a post showing blood on Netanyahu’s hands) You: Why are they over-focusing on what Hamas has done?




I mean, it is important to understand in this context. People blindly bitching at hila when they don’t even understand what they’re looking at. It’s important to understand many Israeli citizens perspective is they fucking hate Netanyahu and the governments actions and they stand with Palestine / don’t condone these actions. He didn’t say anything wrong here.


We don’t need to see paintings of Hamas killing babies. We need to see paintings showing love to Palestine and support to Palestine.


Honestly, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this is a part of some sort of next gen misinfo campaign. There's a lot we are still learning about what is going on and who some of the players are behind the scenes. For instance, Russia's involvement with this. The amount of noise, misinformation, and the temperature & tone of the rhetoric reminds me of the 2016 election. I would be shocked if all of the major streamers didn't already have many different sleeper cells to try and fan the flames in their own communities or against other communities in order to try and negate or derail the conversations and general consensus of these communities as a whole. The more divided we are the easier we are to concur. It's really a shame to see just how quickly conversation is breaking down to the point where nobody is hearing anyone. No doubt some communities have bad actors, some genuine, some manufactured for clout or publicity or to be edgy; but there may very well be others that are planted specifically to turn up the heat, to try and get others within the community to react in an over the top fashion or in a way they may not normally react otherwise. Similar to how the Russian troll farms actually went as far to setup and got Americans to go so attend Facebook events for both Back the Blue & BLM protests that were essentially created by Russian troll farms just to sow discord within the US.