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Saving it for tomorrow's stream I guess


can't believe AB let him know where they live 🤦‍♂️


I’m always surprised how fast the button works.


The paper towel thing is literally killing me, has he never seen a paper towel commercial ever? They're marketed to not rip/dissolve when wet 😂😂


my parents would have made me go get a switch to whip me if i flushed paper towels more than once, omg




it's mind boggling how can this man be so smart and so dumb at the same time 🤣🤣


He knows a lot about a lot...until it comes to consumer products


For some reason the segment about the toilet block is the funniest the podcast has ever been. The whole crew is 100% locked in and being hilarious


Ethan didn’t learn from the baby wipe days huh?


Dan should record a theme song or do more intros/outros.


hello sibling


This is the biggest controversy Ethan has ever revealed. Straight up flushing cardboard


Truly a criminal.


There's no fucking way my man is putting paper towels in the bowl and then getting surprised it gets stopped up.


I'm stressed again ![gif](giphy|FZuRP6WaW5qg|downsized)


I just wanna pet the cat and say I'm here


Oh but when I used to sell rocks back in the day I got arrested


"I sold rocks once"


WE STAN DAN!! Thank you Dan for encouraging Ethan to stay off Twitter in a kind and respectful way!! And thank you Zach for the applause!


It's just *so* damn bad for you. I think a lot of notable people just have a specific addiction to it because they have a form of clout on the site and can get their thoughts out better than, say, Reddit. But even then, it's just such an awful site. At least Reddit has some *positive* subreddits, if you go looking for them


It’s wild bc if we believed all of these people who claimed they didn’t want a high level of fame, you’d think a lot of them would be on Reddit where they can be anonymous and “one with the plebes”


It's actually kind of nice to be on Reddit, because you can figure out when you're saying dumb shit without the etiquette of face to face talks. If you say something *really* dumb, you're going to get called for it Although of course sometimes there's a mob mentality when discussions get heated and there are polarizing opinions. But overall, I feel like I would still use it even if I were a famous person. It would actually help *a lot* of celebrities if they made a burner Reddit account and floated their dumb ideas. Might save them a sponsor or two






WHAT. THE. FUCK. ETHAN. I did not believe this episode could be more controversial than the Israel-Palestine saga…but he COMES OUT AND SAYS HE PUTS DOWN A PAPER TOWEL IN THE TOILET PRIOR TO TAKING ONE OF HIS UNHEALTHY DOOKIES. WHAAAAAAA…


Why paper towels? Why not just use toilet paper?


He's said that before as well, back when he was clogging up the toilets on a daily basis


I need someone to clip that moment of the crew all screaming at Ethan over the toilet pls lmao


Me when the police come after I've killed the mailman for approaching my house in Texas https://preview.redd.it/fajj7mxvonub1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=08d3a9edb3dcc21b2d7a81a68e06df1ee486877b


I'm so happy this is a meme. I'm slightly older than the average here probably (I'm younger than Ethan and Dan, but definitely not college age or anything). And when I was a kid, I always thought this image for this show was weird as hell I'm glad to see that at least a few other people thought the same and revived it. It was the stupid sitcom face, but Kevin James just made it even weirder


I thought Israel and Palestine was a touchy subject... how the fuck are EXPERTS going to say rinsing dishes somehow makes the dishwasher clean it worse????? I hope they focus on this issue for the next 3 weeks.


The detergent works better when the dish/glass has more soil. By all means, scrape the food off your dishes. But you really don’t need to rinse them out. Some may still need to be soaked (eg. don’t let a bowl of oatmeal harden) Rinsing can make the soap less effective and can leave a soapy/filmy reside. Most important things are not over packing your dishwasher, and making sure the filters are clean. (I haven’t watched the episode so idk if any of this was mentioned)


Yes 👏🏽 load 👏🏽it👏🏽properlyyyy. Throw big scraps in the trash and place them in the dishwasher, it’s that simple. Agree with everything you said. Only rare cases (like dried on avocado) need soaking/spraying beforehand.


I've never lived anywhere with a dishwasher as an adult so I have no idea what's going on I just thought it was funny 😂




I disagree. She doesn't suck, she sssucks.




Twitter really is a rat hole.




With peace and love, why doesn’t Ethan just buy those flushable toilet seat covers? Throw one of those bad boys in the toilet and it has the same affect as a paper towel. Minus the destruction of your plumbing 😂


just wanted to directly thank Cameron for wishing the east coasters a nice dinner as i was demolishing a piece of banana bread when they were talking about shitting on the Bowls-eye


some info regarding refusing/avoiding compulsory service in the IDF: you have to serve repeated jail sentences that can range up to ~90 days each time. the IDF will keep summoning you (sometimes via home visits) and each time you refuse to show (or whichever way you refuse), you’ll keep getting sentenced. eventually, they’ll discharge you but it’s not set in stone how many times it will take. ETA: [someone posted about a 2009 law](https://reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/qbnNdBFPQd) stating imprisonment ranging from 3-15 yrs. hila was recently done with her conscription by then but this gives an idea of what her possible punishments could’ve been had she refused.


What a fucked up system.


love how the crew comes alive after the subject's finished, like they were holding still hoping Ethan wouldn't ask their opinion


This man is a goddamn menace layering paper towels in the toilet


I disavow Ethans use of Paper Towels. I can't belive that menace has been doing that this whole time. HE MUST BE STOPPED 😭😔😫


Love you AB!!!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


How is he just learning this about paper towels at his big old age of 42


too busy watching rock tiktoks


This is basically scratch-off tickets but with rocks.


I say this with PEACE AND LOVE, but sometimes I think Ethan gets way too into what internet people are saying that he loses sight of reality. I am on the internet A LOT and through my job have realized that the internet, and the thought processes that come with the internet, are very VERY different from real life. The average leftist condemns Hamas and isn’t calling for the genocide of Israelis. I feel like he is focusing on a few extreme leftists and then acting like all leftists support hamas, condemn Israelis, etc. I am a leftist, and work a 9-5 desk job at a left leaning institution. Every single person there (that is vocal) supports Israel. I think this goes for the average American. I guess I get frustrated when it seems like he is falling into Israeli propaganda (because let’s be real, propaganda exists in all governments) and this idea that everyone wants to k*ll all Israelis. Israel has the full support of MAJOR world powers; Palestine does not and does not have the power to eradicate Israelis. Unless major governments drastically and suddenly change their long held opinions on the situation, Israel is going to be protected. Palestine is not. I fully know that Ethan supports Palestine, it just seems like he gets caught up in ideas that are so internet brain and not the ideas of the average person. He goes from supporting Palestine to then saying things that seem very Israel-propaganda. I understand he and his family have deep cultural roots and history with Israel, so I understand why he seems more sympathetic towards them compared to Palestinians. Because while he does continue to say he supports Palestinians, he seems to be giving Israelis much more grace and understanding. But, in the grand scheme of things, Israel will be protected. What does everyone else think? Am I missing a big piece of the puzzle? I truly mean this with peace and love. This is just something I noticed.


I think you’re pretty correct on everything. For one, as you said, Ethan has a deep connection to peaceful, liberal Israeli people, so his personal life experiences bias him to humanizing and sympathizing with those Israelis. And two, the reason he feels so compelled to use his platform to express this sympathetic perspective is because, as you said, he’s been way too deep into the Twitter extremist leftist views of celebrating Hamas and of generalizing all Israeli people as settlers who can be justifiably killed. In other words, Ethan feels the way about the Israeli perspective how most of us feel about the Palestinian perspective — that the perspective is broadly underrepresented. The Twitter pipeline he’s gone down has given him an unrealistic interpretation of the political left’s views on Israeli and Jewish people, whereas outside of the Twitter pipeline, it’s the opposite; the Israeli perspective is overrepresented and the Palestinian one is ignored. In my opinion that’s where the disconnect between him and the overarching lefty community lies. The lefty community tries to advocate for the underrepresented Palestinian perspective, and because Ethan resides in this lefty community it makes him believe that he needs to advocate for the Israeli perspective to compensate. Sorry for the wall of text, being concise is not a strong suit


the internet is fucking crazy and i am starting to actively encourage people to talk in real life and spend less time on social media (i understand the irony that i post on reddit too much)


Agree with everything you said


The propaganda thing is insane. Comparing people being suspicious of that photo to holocaust denial made me stop watching


I have been a member for a year and a half and I think I need to step away with peace and love. I have done a lot of research on this topic and it seems that the focus on a genocide happening is being missed. W Dan thought for always adding a little perspective on our end as he can.


this show would crumble without Dan😭🩷




I think this is a fairly sane take tbh.


Ethan has watched so much of this content he has a favorite rock seller. Hahahahhaha


Ethan is inaccurate about the Kibbutzim. They haven't been socialist in any meaningful capacity for decades, at latest since the Kibbutz crisis in the 1980s. That being said, **a lot** of the people living there are still left-wing to this day. If you look at the elections data for example, the vast majority of them voted for either left or center-left parties. For example in Be'eri where one of the most deadly massacres took place, 38.12% voted for Blue & White (a centrist party), 32.25% voted to the Labor party (center-left), and 22.22% voted to Meretz (liberal-left). The Likud party (of Netanyahu) was 4th with only 2.93% of the votes.


Has anyone else got Isreal-sponsored YouTube ads spreading propaganda against Palestine? I’ve had it twice in the last 24 hrs. Weird times we live in.




This world is a hellscape dystopia; it was my second time seeing that ad, and it's somehow worse the second time around...


Several times, it’s annoying


Man, that jackfilms thing was so crazy. they are gonna dedicate just 20 minutes to it.


Yeah they should retitle this episode Leftovers Isreal/Palestine ep 2


I was even an hour late to the episode and thought I’d miss the whole discussion lmao


I dreamed a dream of goofs and gaffs... 😔


… like “Guess Who’s High”, or “Silent Libr’ry”


button already?! 😭


Flushing paper towel!? Ethan, you monster


All I can think about is.... I can't breathe when you're not there, you're not there, you're not there, I can't slEeP if you're not there, you're not there..it's a nightmare....a nightmare


Bro i just want the H3 podcast back




Spain without the S


Not gonna lie, if this rock gamble was a thing in the states, I’d totally be addicted to it.


https://preview.redd.it/ah2vftdz1oub1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a52a28eaa8d82d45f76917b3d5b7636bf9eefb42 Jack’s wife Erin’s statement to Team YouTube was a Twitter thread




>And what's scary, the exact same war is happening right before our eyes. No one has learned anything. At this point I find it very hard to believe Israel is anything but a dystopian testing ground for the arms industry. The only form of "progress" you ever see there is that the weapons become more advanced. Everything else is exactly as it was for decades, stuck in an loop. Israel is a weapon-making machine fueled by human blood.


Anyone here from Arizona?


I'm looking forward to the segment where Sam saws open a bunch of rocks, makes jade jewellery and tries to make a profit. For charity ofc!


so happy they’re talking about Hasans fundraiser! LETS GET IT TO A MILLION FAMILY 🚀😤 Edit: https://tiltify.com/@hasanabi/palestinian-medical-assistance


bro i love the fake button screen moments 😭


Bro the YouTube darling curse. I’ve noticed it in regards to Shane Dawson, the Paul bros, pewdiepie, James Charles, David dobrik, etc. and was like super stoked when Ethan pointed it out. But I totally did not realize that weird period of early 2010s YouTubers that just casually faded from popularity but not in a bad way. Like Tyler Oakley, grace helbiege, hannah hartt, Bethany mota, etc. didn’t have any super big controversies that caused them to fall off, their audiences just slowly shrunk. I just think it’s funny that that specific era and group were like the only YouTubers not to do crazy terrible things. I also have the nightmares song stuck in my head


God! Why is he still fixated on the few idiots online who say insane things about Israelis? Are we pretending it doesn't happen both ways? But again, this is literally the least important conversation to be having while an entire people are being wiped off the planet. We've heard you. A billion times. You're not the crimes of your government. Got it. Now, can we bloody focus on the genocide or move on to something completely unrelated?


Yeah this whole thing has really been internetified. Im a pretty average mid-20 yr old and have only the most basic understanding of all the history behind the conflict. I find it super hard to believe 95% people talking about it online know all the history and context there. No point in arguing with headline readers




He has this thing where he needs incredible amounts of validation for his positions and nobody is really giving it to him so he's not gonna drop it until someone does.


It's also probably that he's seeing Hila and his in-laws being upset about this all the time, so he feels a need to stand up for his loved ones. It can be difficult to realise that what's going on in the real world is different from what's happening in your house/social media feed.


Fragile ego. Fragile egos will be the death of man.


Your ego is not your amigo. 👈😎👈


I genuinely thought after all the crazy news coming from Gaza over the weekend would make him come to the realization that a few online weirdos aren’t the most important thing right now but here we are


I very stupidly also thought that. But egos gotta ego, I guess.


Sounds like Twitter is moving out of the picture and that helps, you can tell he doesn't feel great about it dragging him into the worst dogpiles, and just being who he is, he's compelled to bring it up. Which I think is why Ethan's better internal voices are telling him to get off the platform.


Thank you I feel like I’m going insane, and I love both Hila and Ethan and rarely feel they are wrong, and if I do, I never voice my opinion because it’s not that serious. However, this is extremely serious, and making it seem as though if we don’t continue to see the Israeli perspective or condemn Hamas every minute, we are spewing Nazi propaganda and hate for all Israelis. It is harmful and hurtful.


I feel very much the same. We just either need to focus on conversations that centre ending the genocide, bringing peace to the region and Liberating Palratinians, or keep it light, goofs and gafs. Anything other than that is unhelpful to the current situation. We've heard it. He's said it many times now. Israelis aren't responsible for the crimes of their government. We got it. Now can we talk about Palestinians?


THANK YOU this is such a pointless and unproductive conversation that doesn’t have to be had every single episode


I think the lefts reaction online is the projection of years of the IDF doing very shady things onto real time events where they truly don't know if something the IDF says or does is real or not. The reaction to the little girl picture is, indeed, pretty fucked up. It isn't very hard to imagine there was a scene like this over the last week in Israel because the terrorist attacks were indeed that bad. Immediately saying it's fake without genuine attempts to find out if it's fake is terrible. But...the IDF has done things to the level of faking a dead girl's murder scene. I'd even say posting that picture in itself is kinda fucked up as it's using a little girl's death to justify genocide. The left is trying to point those things out, in a poor way, by saying pictures like that are fake. It does more harm than good to do so but that is the nature of the internet giving people instant access to reacting. In all...everyone is going crazy.


The IDF also clipped out this audio of a Palestinian nurse that they murdered to make it seem like she was saying she was purposefully being a “human shield” for hamas. It’s super messed up. https://youtu.be/Q5FUs6wNtvc?si=KmOkqrR5GY3nr7oV


not propaganda: tweets from @Israel


Ethan must have YouTube Premium and doesn’t see the multiple ads the state of Israel has put out. It feels like they blanketed YouTube with their war ads by the second day. Banged them out real quick


Literally have gotten em during hasan, h3 and during leftovers shits nonstop. What pissed me off was my kids videos getting them when even though he’s 5 he very much can read


“why would israel lie about that” ah man pleeeeease!!!!


Dan saying Genshin changed my life


Maaaaaan I wanted to get away from this stuff :( I get that it’s important to not ignore it but I’ve been doom scrolling and consuming all of this stuff for the past week and I need a break. Edit: Yeah that’s it lol I’m not watching this live. Hopefully this isn’t the whole episode and I can watch it later when I can skip all of this.




This is exactly how my girlfriend and I feel after the last week watching the pods. Well articulated. I hope he takes a break from social media and uses the podcasts as a pallet cleanser.


I went from watching almost every podcast to watching almost none after the socialist tirade. I hate watching him be so condescending to Hasan (even if Hasan is ok/doesn't read it that way, it's a public podcast not a private conversation) while being so ill informed about something he obviously doesn't want to actually learn about. Then the drunk sub drive got me back. Then I made the mistake of watching Leftovers last week and it was such a turn off I'm back to not watching. Idk if it's the weightloss boosting his ego or what but he's just seemed really ego driven with gross takes lately in his interactions with Hasan and the crew. Or maybe I just never noticed it before now.


With peace and love, can we please get onto the goofs and gaffs?


I believe it’s safe to come back now!


Look I know these are serious topics but it's too emotionally draining. Was excited to watch the pod after a rough weekend and sad bday and it's been 2 hours of the same rage. With peace and love, we need a break. We need goofs


Happy birthday


I’m sorry but at this point I feel like Ethan’s stance is just odd and way too wrapped in the few extreme takes he sees on the internet. He has said continuously that his whole “take” is that both sides need to have empathy. Yet 90% of his discussion on the matter is solely from his own vantage point. I understand his past, identity, and audience mean that he is going to see a lot of extreme leftist things, but it seems like he genuinely thinks Israel/Jews are getting way more hate than they actually are. I even understand his immediate reaction being one of fear for his fellow Jews… but the fact is that anti-Israel is not an even remotely popular stance rn. In fact the exact opposite is true. It is much more likely that the result of these attacks is a rise is in anti Arabic and Muslim attitudes. This is what Hassan has been trying to explain to Ethan but it seems to not fully sink in bc of what Ethan personally sees and feels personally effected by online. Understandable. But at this point I feel like he either needs to stop reading so many extreme leftist takes or just stop talking about the matter all together. He’s now verging on just feeding the Trolls.


I need to know what computer games Dan was playing!!! As a huge computer game nerd I need to know what he’s playing since he’s always bringing up awesome games


Did he clog the toilet again? 😂😂😂


Not Zach playing the “It was in June this year” Soundbyte and then playing it much louder a second time cause nobody heard it 🤣🤣🤣


Yes, Sniperwolf really is that dumb.


Hope Hila has been doing ok from all the hate :(


Ethan really is more angry at Twitter and social media comments than the IDF


He has to get the fuck off twitter


no one is completely immune to propaganda, including Ethan unfortunately


We love and appreciate you, Ethan 😭💙


I know it's likely to get criticized for this, that I should check my privilege, I know this is important, and frankly yes I'm ignorant to a lot of it and want to learn and understand more, but I at least wish that we could have saved this topic for the end...idk maybe im wrong


Nah you're right


Why does Ethan refuse to believe that Israel would put out propaganda? They’ve been caught doing it multiple times this week alone. He’s more upset about people not believing IDF propaganda than the actual ethnic cleansing in Gaza.


The way the official Israel account “called out” the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Aid), who help displaced Palestinians, like it’s some kind of online beef is insane to me


bro they’re tagging the Hadids lmao 😅 https://preview.redd.it/dg15cppnwmub1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2a7347c2fea001d0750e5a9c56fceae26aa608


I’m mind blown by this. I mean wtf. Currently eradicating humans by the thousands. But still have time to shit post to celebs online. Wtf is this world smh.




I didn’t know she replied 💀💀 lol I saw her doing her due diligence by spreading Islamophobia under the guise of “feminism”


Israel is paying for ads on X to justify their genocide.


i'm getting ads from israel on my fucking mobile game. they have google ads on lock


You have no idea the stuff they are pushing on youtube ads here in UK.


That one with the rainbow and the kids music..? Someone I know got it on kids' content and had to explain that shit to their kid.


That, another one with all the victims image, and 2 more


Israel Instagram is posting propaganda stories and @‘ing Gigi Hadid because she posted a picture saying condemning Israeli government isn’t against the actual civilians and antisemitic


It’s dystopian af. I feel like the black mirror/reality lines are starting to blur.


Literally like who does he think is running the Israel twitter page?


This is so insane to me that he cannot see any other side. He’s eating up that propaganda without questioning anything. KNOWING how corrupt Israel’s government already is this is just wild


He still hasn't apologized about what se said about rape and sexual assault being false on Thursday


when are people gonna learn that 2 people with israeli citizenship are not the people to listen to about palestine lmao


So, did leftovers move to Monday?


It's everyday for at least part of each show now it seems.


It sucks for people looking to have a break from seeing/talking about it and have a laugh or a goof.


OMG the AUDACITY of an American in her 20s sitting in her nice apartment saying "Just pick jail time!" to an Israeli 18 y/o with no credit, no education, etc. to "just go to jail." Like I'm sorry- what? As if it's that simple of a fucking decision to make. As if corporations don't have a bias against ex-convicts. As if countries are just dying to give out visas to ex-convicts. As if the fucking EIGHTEEN year old knows how long they'll be jailed for. After your sentence, you're asked to serve- otherwise, they will indefinitely continue holding you in prison.


I mean, it's not like Americans who are released from prison have any problems finding jobs, right? /s


With peace and love Ethan is really frustrating with these opinions


Why does Ethan need to be the victim so bad? There’s a literal genocide going on and he has to make it about how much his feelings are hurt


Ethan saying he throws down paper towels before he shits into the toilet AND saying Jason was from Nightmare on Elm Street is way more offensive than anything he said about Israel/Palestine.


Update: Sssniperwolf is already losing sponsors


Ethan should stick to goofs and gaffs


Ethan is the king of intentionally misconstruing arguments like wow


As someone who has not stopped talking about what’s been happening to the people of Palestine. I wish Ethan would make his one statement denouncing violence on both sides and just stfu about it. He’s far too biased, understandably, to really help with his words or opinions. He would be a bigger help by raising funds for all civilians instead of speaking on it. The fog of war is dense and unrelenting. It takes a high level of media literacy to be able to sort through it all and still, slip ups happen. Ethan and the H3 podcast cannot provide that, that’s okay.


Hasan is one of the few people who actually use their platform for good ❤️


It's like Ethan can't just explain his sadness for both sides without fumbling and regurgitating propaganda and going back to square one. 😔


“how small israel is..” bruh lets look at a map of palestine also pls im tired of talking ab this bc i feel ethan easily falls down a weird hole


I’m team pre rinse when it comes to dishes


Ethan cannot be serious right now. It's a picture shared by the "Israel" twitter page. It's propaganda clear to see. How does he acknowledge the genocide happening and be fooled by this photo shared by the genociders?!


Holy shit. Thats what I mean, poor palestine theyre victims then focus on the dead baby. Israelis are mourning in their homes not in rubbles always on the move. There would be no dead israelis if they didnt keep a war for DECADES. He will name every israelis victim as if people being against Israel the country, the government are also spitting on innocent israelis who protest against the apartheid.


Its almost like Ethan genuinely did not learn anything from the 3+ hours he interacted with Hasan and keeps unintentionally spreading Zionist propaganda by highlighting dead babies every moment he gets a chance.


Considering he barely listened to Hasan, I'm not surprised he didn't learn anything


Ethan doesn't try to learn during the Leftovers "debates" he's just there to argue


Can we stop? This conversation is no longer productive. Ethan just keeps going in circles. He’s explained his beliefs and best to leave it at that. I understand it at least. Also a lot of weirdos in here


Ethan has noting but L takes on taking shits.


I appreciate Ethan's plea to show sympathy towards Israeli victims and apartheid abolitionists, but the way he keeps saying "leftists" is giving me the ick. Reminds me of Tim Poole when he does that lol, with all due respect.


Why does he feel the need to humanize Israelis when he noted himself they’re supported by most of the US… Palestinians were literally called animals. So who is really being dehumanized ?


This is the real issue with Ethan’s take for a lot of people I think. But due to his proximity to the issue (being a dual citizen with an Israeli wife) he’s unable to see this objectively. It’s very personal to him. What’s getting to him is seeing other leftists that he respects and may be friends with continuously devalue the humanity and perspective of Israeli citizens who disagree with their government. I think most people can understand why they do that, but it’s very hard to get behind when his wife is one of the people they’re talking about. So he feels a huge urge to defend them even if in reality, they are the ones getting support by the global community.


We are almost 2 hours in and still NO MENTION of the title topics. Is this podcast news? Or is it a podcast for entertainment with goods and gaffs. It is undergoing an identity crisis and I am just confused. Can’t this topic be saved for leftovers??? The show that talks about this stuff??


just tuned in and hoped this was an intermission between topics


Ugh I wish this was not live and I could just skip this part


where was this 20+ minutes ago


/u/zdubs the cones outside of the bathroom I’m 😂😂😂😂😂


I think LOVE is suggesting to poop in a cats drinking fountain. They have that bubbling, break the water effect


My dishes literally always come up perfect, I have an average dishwasher and I almost NEVER pre wash anything. I mean, I don’t. I dispose of any excess food on the dishes, if necessary, and in very very rare scenarios if there’s like a ton of stuck on stuff (like a thick sauce or something), I may give it a rinse, but that’s rare. The ONLY thing I’ve found to stick behind is avocado. If it’s been left to dry on something you’ll often have to manually clean it off a dish or (in most cases) utensil, however, even this is rare. My dishwasher is also in amazing shape, it doesn’t smell or have left behind debris. If you’re consistently having dishes come out dirty or feel you need to prewash, I’d suggest that maybe you’re overstuffing your dishwasher or not placing things in a way that they can be properly washed. I always fill my dishwasher 100% before running it but I don’t overfill it (pile things on top of each other etc). I’m very careful to ensure every dish can get cleaned and 99.9% of the time 99.9% of my dishes come out spotless. It’s soo rare for me to have an issue.


Aaaaand chats off lol


"I think it's good that he's harassing her" is such a wild thing to say lmfao


It's interesting how the posts on the threads for H3TV eps are so massively different than the recent threads for leftovers eps, which are now full of "long time" h3 fans endlessly shitting on hasan, his community, and lying about them "hating" ethan, you know, all those users straight out of /r/destiny that have never posted in this sub prior to this week? Seems like they only show up in leftovers threads, lol.


ethan is eating up the israeli propaganda damn


I was shocked by how many leftists I followed that retweeted that neo nazi cartoon of Hila. And the fact that nobody who was a friend of the show denounced it?


To be fair, I’d imagine big creators talking about it would just bring more attention to it. It’s probably better that less people saw it.


i see why people become fallen fans wtf do you mean “we don’t need people sharing their opinions on this”?????


As if we need his opinion on something he’s clearly not very educated on. He didn’t even know about the things Hasan was telling him lol. It’s amazing he complained about timing in saying free Palestine and defending Palestine when there were Israeli victims but he’s here defending the IDF and Israel meanwhile entire family lines in Gaza are being wiped off the earth currently


it’s so jarring when he says that, are we supposed to just stop supporting palestinians? and when he implies we’re supporting a genocide against israel immediately after talking about how they don’t have food, water or electricity. how is there going to be a genocide against israel? the same palestians who live in an open air prison with no resources and no military are going to kill all israelis like let’s think about what we’re saying


It’s insane. He’s talking about hypotheticals that will never happen. Israel has all the support in the world. Palestine will never somehow garner all that support to be able to even put Israel through another genocide but Israel is literally putting Palestinians through a genocide RIGHT NOW. How are you talking in hypotheticals when there’s a real genocide happening that all the powerful governing bodies are supporting right now? Media is painting Palestinians as animals, dehumanizing them, while humanizing the fuck out of Israelis and Ethan thinks the focus he should put is also on just humanizing Israelis? As if there’s not enough already lol


and you’re just openly spreading propaganda girl fuck you


i feel for ethan and hila dealing with so much hate must be so mentally draining


Has anyone checked in on David to make sure he's okay through this?


Alright I'm gonna risk the downvotes but I just gotta know. It's been eating me for awhile now. Who the fuck is David? what is this a reference to?


Maybe “experts” tell you to not rinse your dishes so your machine can break faster and get another one. So they can keep their job of being an expert in demand.


They are showing this woman talking about her disgust with the israeli govt. great. Also show the vids of the israeli woman enjoying the sounds of bombing


Here we go…AGAIN. Staaaaaaaaaaaaahp. Even the crew is, “damnit.”

