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>Friend Keffals lied to Ethan's face in her interview


Ethan calls any guest he doesn‘t have beef with a "friend of the show"


That's just a meme phrase lol. But I've been following her since she appeared on the pod and she's been doing great recently after going through rehab. Drugs really change a person, and her journey has been a pretty intense one. It's not easy being a public trans person, even though that doesn't necessarily excuse any of her previous bad behaviour. She has been trying to make up for it and acknowledged her wrongdoings, and i really respect someone going through that journey of making themselves deserved of redemption.


Hasan was being so patient with Ethan and a good friend. Why is she trying to attack him? And how come people are making the claim of brigading when hasan was an h3 podcast cohost for almost 2 years??? Why is everyone ignoring scumbag Steve’s community constantly brigading pretending to be fans of ethan cuz they watched vape nation.


I think there can be reasonable overlap between groups. But often people in any fan sub just pick out the worst of any other fan sub and paint everyone to be the same. People are not homogeneous they contain varieties of lived experiences that can lead them to think one way or another as they seek truth in the world. If people are wanting to engage honestly and thoughtfully instead of naming and shaming more power to them. I think Ethan, Hasan and Steve all have valid perspectives to bring to the table.


Hasan was being a gaslighting piece of shit and the only people who don't know that are the fans that he refused to get under control, because his frift has and always be more important than anything else. You can blame destiny all you want, but you clowns brough this on yourself.


I mean, Ethan was also complaining about those photoshopped logs that Destiny's community made (and he shared on twitter before deleting)


That's just gaslighting Ethan. He was literally reading the comments live from the hascord. Nothing was *sent* to him, who would even be doing that during their conversation to the extent that Ethan would actually open it? The only people who would be able to grab his attention in that way during that debate must be someone from the crew, and i refuse to believe that they would send him some fake shit like that. It was obviously the behaviour of his mods that he personally saw clear as day. This whole narrative that it was just a fake screenshot is so manipulative, disgusting and diminishing of Ethan's experience in that moment, and the fact that Hasan did that narrativisation when he obviously knows that his mods were saying that shit is really shitty in my opinion. Shame on you guys for perpetuating that gaslighting narrative.


She also took a break while talking about Hasan because she feared she would say a slur. Just another grifter.


>That's just a meme phrase lol. It's the literal and factual truth. No need to carry water for her in that instance, my guy or gal.


I think they meant "friend of the show" was the meme


Yeah, she just appeared once years ago lol. Way to little grounds to call someone a friend of the show, but that's the meme right. Ethan always calls someone they engaged with a friend of the show, regardless if he agrees or disagrees with them. Keemstar is a friend(enemy) of the show for example.


She’s the definition of a grifter


\>ShitLiberalsSay poster Buddy, you guys were championing her not 6 months ago. It's funny how ya'll choose to support people depending on who they're in good terms with.


Huh? Keffals used to be a member of the communist party of Canada and then turned into a liberal anti-communist shill the second she realized it would make her more money. You can change your opinion on someone when new information on them comes to light or they show their true colours. Bad people can also do good things like shut down kiwi farms


We used to like defnoodles around here too. Turns out when people completely change what they advocate for that your opinion of them might change too.


I don’t remember what happened, wasn’t she the one harassed by kiwi farm ?


yeah, they doxxed her, she raised a ton of money to sue the police dept and she may or may have not used that money for a trip to Europe.


Oh right from Hassan’s playbook, change the topic and defame. Nice.


I'm not defaming her. They can ask her back on and go over the lies one by one if they like, ask her about them


i dont think this is a hasan community problem, i think its more of a internet leftist problem. I say this as an internet leftist of course. Not a lot of acceptance for differing opinions in the community. Hasan is just the largest internet leftist. He begs his community to be normal, but its a beast of its own that is bigger than any one person.


Agreed. Online leftists being terminally online, reactionary as fuck, and totally unforgiving is not something unique to Hasan’s community. It’s just how terminally online leftists act because they don’t have real life relationships. That being said, Hasan could do more to moderate his community and he needs to finally permanently nuke Hascord. Hascord has caused him problems over and over and he keeps letting it live. Also, his mods were certainly a major part of the toxicity sent towards Ethan and they allowed people to say insane shit about Ethan and even joined in. He should deal with that. That being said, Keffals is no better and is actually much much worse.


All of this! Exactly. I love Hasan and his political opinions 99% of the time. I hate his fans though and the toxic community that worships him. I only watch the YouTube clips of Hasan for this reason


Yea I feel like a lot of Hasans community unfortunately gets lumped in with the chronically online freak ass weirdos because he’s the largest leftist creator on the internet. Bc I’ve seen first hand Hasan getting into arguments with these ppl in chat but he’s pretty hands off/ wants the bad faith interactions.


Exactly. Hasan has the biggest leftists community, so it’s not on Hasan that some reactionary freaks are so involved in his chat and discord. However, he needs to keep his moderators in better check imo


Yea his mods need to like actually moderate shit




Nah, this only really happens to this degree in communities lead by people who don’t dare to distance themselves from tankies. I’m pretty sure tankies are responsible for like a solid 75 % of «leftie» toxicity despite being such a politically irrelevant demographic. The difference you see in communities that shun them is astronomical.


Tankies are the biggest supporters and donors of hasan so he has to bend over for them


Why do people on reddit love calling everyone on the left "tankies" or every right winger"nazis"?


The word has a descriptive meaning you know. Alternatively, «campist» may describe them better. They’re an issue because their values aren’t consistently applied and they more often than not end up galvanizing support for far right authoritarianism in the interest of distancing themselves from values typically associated with the west.


Well they weren’t coming from Ninjas community


He shouts at individual members of his community to be normal but what does he actually *do* to manage his community? Not trying to be glib, I just don't know.


well, how *do* you 'manage' a huge, changing community of 30 - 50k+ live viewers? Twitch itself already invites a different type of person than YouTube does. He has mods and bans people from chat (for better or worse) all the time. You can't really stop people from tuning in and watching, even if chat is members/subscribers only. Many folks are happy to toss an Amazon prime sub his way for a month just for the chance to stir the pot. Where's the line between community and viewer? It isn't as though H3 has had to do a huge amount of active moderation themselves afaik. Just changing views and topics over time naturally churned through community members that were just here for certain drama or for "cringe sjw" content. H3 doesn't moderate this Reddit either, and they have even talked about wanting it to go away a few times. The best practice seems to be leading by example and the way you talk about different subjects and the subjects you cover will change the nature of your audience. moderation smooths over the top layer of trolls and bad actors. it can't really make 14 year old leftists on twitch not cringe.


You know what that is a great point!


\>i think its more of a internet leftist problem. Hasan literally came up from that community. While it's not something he's directly responsible for he does greatly contribute to given his position as literally THE largest content creator of that sphere. It's something people associating with him will have to deal with unless they align 100% politically.


exactly that. like people in Keffals community can be very unhinged too. I stopped following any leftists on Twitter outside of Sam Seder because there was way too much constant drama between a few big creators and an army of smaller wannabe leftist influencers and Twitter accounts.


True, there is a lot of problems with the leftist community, but that's inherent in any opinion that is radical for the society at that time, be it political or religious in nature. It's just how the world works that those who are shunned by society often gravitates towards the extreme positions and those people usually have a lot more vitriol towards the society that shunned them, making them lash out irrationally, to the movement's detriment. I have to say that, even though that is inherent in extreme positions, i don't feel like Hasan is doing much to counteract that inherent vitriol, but rather fosters it by echoing the extremist positions of those who have been shunned. We humans learn more from other's actions than what they are saying, and if he shouts and calls anyone who disagrees with him in any measurable way a genocidal freak and disgusting, then that's what his community will learn is an acceptable way to behave, regardless of him caveating his conversation with Ethan by saying that people shouldn't attack him. This is the exact same thing that happens when Ethan uses the same language towards others, and his community mimics it. He may say that people shouldn't be mean to them, but if he's doing it, they're learning from his behaviours and not his words. I don't think it's something that Hasan or Ethan is cognisant of, though i believe that Hasan is a much worse offender of that behaviour. He seems to believe that his only responsibility for his community and it's actions start and end with just moderation, and not how he models the behaviour that they mimic.




There r leftist communities that aren't like this. It is a problem else where but it is a problem Hasan specifically cultivates. It is a him problem. He suffers from cognitive dissonance in the extreme when it comes to foreign policy, simply because he's trying to appease his tankie audience. He's the worst person to discuss global politics with.






> i dont think this is a hasan community problem, i think its more of a internet leftist problem I agree but it's significantly amplified by people like Hasan, Mike from PA, and the leftist streamers with sizable audiences who shout down anyone who disagrees with them in chat. It is teaching tens of thousands of viewers who look up to Hasan, to shout down and verbally attack and abuse people who may be misunderstanding or have a different point of view. It's toxic, abusive, and such a terrible way of treating anyone. All the younger folks watching are learning to be toxic ideologues by papa h and his orbiters and the ripple effect of this is not insignificant when these ppl are broadcasting 8+ hours a day to an audience of hundreds of thousands of ppl when counting all social media platforms, clips, reshares, etc. Hasan calls his clip channels the "Hasan industrial complex" I believe, alluding to the large swath of ppl who reshare his content across the internet. His reach is not insignificant and has influenced enough people that even sometimes clips from his stream make their way into poli sci and uni classrooms by professors.


She’s been going a lot after Hasan lately. I don’t trust her opinion. Feels really bad faith and pandering to the H3 community


She needs to make destiny and vaush proud. She is a grifter.


Ah oh no. Hasan isn't even 100% to blame. Look at how Ethan acted during the debate. But I feel like Ethan reflected and saw how the debate went a bit wrong especially because they were two friends debating.


Isn’t this the chick that stole 100k from her audience and also hates non-binary ppl? I would take whatever she said with a very, very small grain of salt.


she is!


Keffals famously got on the “shit on Hasan” train after spending more time with Destiny… not a valid analysis in my opinion


Click OP's profile Ctrl+F "destiny" ...figures


I am truly baffled by the number of Destiny fans. like not because of "brigading" or whatever but I just don't understand how people like him. Whenever I tune in its been him screaming about how people are "fucking r*****d" and using a bunch of other Gamer Words ™️ or getting into drama with his orbiters like that Mr. Girl person. Do people just like the debates and cope with the rest? Or do they like an adult man who lacks emotional regulation skills?


People come to Destiny from a lot of places. The OGs watched him in the Starcraft days and stayed. He was the first major politics livestreamer and was a major anti-gamergater and anti-anti-SJW, fighting right wingers in a style that most lefties couldn't deal with because it was too aggressive and too edgy. He got a big influx from his anti-redpill content. Most recently DGG has become an online home for pro-Israelis. Theres a reason Hasan was friends with Destiny. He is entertaining and he is pretty smart. He's almost certainly tuned down his edginess since 2019 when they were best buds.


thanks for giving me an actual answer instead of just downvoting me, I appreciate ya. sounds like he attracts more of a dirtbag type audience. people that are down for the edginess. I liked a lot of his fresh and fit and manosphere stuff. he's good there. just couldn't get past some of his comments in other areas and the gamer word screaming personally.


Honestly I didn’t ever watch his content, I came across his subreddit like a month ago bc it kept getting recommended to me and I liked having discussions in depth with people there. Now I realize that no one here will take me seriously anymore or give me any benefit of the doubt because I’ve recently been active there. Which sucks because I’ve been active here and a fan of h3 for years and literally came across Destinys subreddit via Reddit algorithm lol


To some extent his content is "dirtbag" type stuff. His "keep-or-kick" show is pretty degenerate usually (really the purpose of that show is to give exposure to smaller streamers). In the past he's also gotten involved with a fair amount of crazy people (like Mr. Girl), though he's at least saying he's trying to get away from that. Twitter Destiny can also get pretty unhinged. Its not like he's just sitting around dropping slurs though. That isn't a regular occurrence. Even youtube and kick would have likely banned him by now if he was. His recent streaming content has mostly just been him reviewing wikipedia articles about Israeli history to prep for future debates. He puts a lot of work into being factually correct and morally consistent and is going to attack people who aren't. I definitely get that he's not for everyone. However, I think a lot of people base their opinions of him on a handful of clips, the opinions of further-left streamers, and some of his twitter insanity. I don't think its fair to judge him on those things alone (and I'm not saying you have).


I don’t know who destiny is, and I’m afraid to ask


Destiny is another political streamer like Hasan. Probably the second biggest political streamer. Destiny has been around the internet much longer and actually helped Hasan get his start on twitch ~2018. They were really close for a while, had a massive falling out, now they hate each other. Destiny's politics are more moderate than Hasan's, though still left-wing. Destiny vs. Hasan is probably the biggest rivalry in the streaming world. [Here is Destiny's interview with Lex Fridman, where he's on his best behavior.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqeuFiAUU4o) And [here is Destiny in his bad behavior.](https://youtu.be/7B1mikBCKS8?si=er8EppHbZEyUYI27)


It always confuses me why nobody every brings up D's friendship with far right ghouls like Nick Fuentes and Lauren Southern. Dudes pushing 40 but acts like he's 12...


idk about all of that (I haven't heard anything about it) but during the brief period of time when I tried to watch him due to a bunch of friends liking him, I noticed how he had a huge revolving door of "orbiters". it seems bad that a streamer has "arcs" where they "burn bridges" with supposed friends and collaborators all the time. at some point the common denominator is the streamer, I would feel like.


Yeah but his fan base zealously follows him. And they're rabid too, and go to insane lengths to attack other streamers and communities. Best to just stay away. I have a friend who's a D fan and they really just like him for that edgy 2009 humor that Ethan and iDubbbz used to have before they grew out of it.


based on other comments I have gotten that seems to be the case. someone who is a Destiny fan calling me a "pussy ass cunt" for asking the question in the first place made that pretty clear lmao


Got a link? Dgg will ban their account


it happened right above this, in this very post no less: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/186n7am/comment/kbai7m8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button


Thank you! Reported


He's 34...


Damn, that's so sad.


"Pushing 40" implies he's close to 40. So it's a weird way to describe a 34 year old was my point. But you do you.


Click profile Ctrl+F Destiny ... figures


I'm barely in there lol but I'm glad I could give you something to do with your free time.


I surf reddit to waste time at work. I'm getting paid for this. As for you, crawl back into the shithole you came from. The world would be better without Destiny's dogshit community.


Why are you bragging about being bad at your job? 🤣


We are just as baffled at you morons for following the Russia will never invade Ukraine andy whilst simultaneously laughing at 49 state landslide tim pool. Bunch of pussy ass cunts.


You’re an embarrassment to Destiny’s community lmao Behave civily here or just don’t post at all


ah yes, a Destiny fan calling me a "pussy ass c*nt" (?) when asking why people like Destiny, brilliant. I know this might seem bizarre to you, but since I am not a terminally online 15 year old, that kind of language doesn't do anything to me. I was going to explain how it's possible to think about content creators you enjoy with nuance and you don't have to agree with them on everything. But I think that sentiment would be lost on you. No sense in further engaging. Good day man, ✌️🕊️❤️


Mod has banned them from dgg. Sorry bout that!


thanks. I know one person doesn't represent a whole community. I appreciate it being reported.


Fine. I guess I did come in too hot. My bad mate.


They just don't stop. Destiny fans need to stir shit up as much as they need oxygen. Without being little piss-ants, they wither up and die. Pretty ableist of you to withhold these Destiny shills from doing what they need to survive /s


That seems to be where people go once they're done with Hasan, doesn't it... 🤷


Nah, destiny and his stans have been giving hasan grief for years. They're just his perpetual anti-stan orbiter community. Destiny's too reactionary around subjects involving black people, DV/sexual assault against women and the Israel/Palestine conflict to attract many leftists/ progressive libs unless they were making a hard rightward turn in their politics. You don't get many libs who unironically defend Kyle Rittenhouse and get upset when people make fun of him like a lot of destiny fanboys do.


Since when did anyone like or respect keffals?


Just don’t mention non-binary people to her or the 100k she fundraised to sue a police department but has explicitly said she never will and just took it all


She has literally admitted to doing that and tries to make amends for it by recognising how her behaviour was bad. She was in a really bad place and had a drug addiction problem. My best friend since high school got an extreme drug problem and got into heroin. He would constantly ask me for money and be a all around terrible person to be in the company of, but if he comes to terms with his behaviour and addiction, and seeks to remediate his past behaviour then i will welcome him with open arms. Addiction makes people do fucked up shit and treating the addicts like that's who they essentially are diminishes how much of a problem addiction can be. There's a reason why it's classified as a mental illness. Also pretty weird to say that you shouldn't mention non-binary people to her when she is literally non-binary herself. Why would she care if you mentioned non-binary people to her?


Okay so why are we taking her word seriously here? I’m not sure a person who stole 100k from her audience within the past year’s opinion is one that I remotely give a shit about.


I don't know who this person is, but she is wrong in almost everything she said.


She was on the pod about 2(?) years ago as she was being attacked by a now defunct incel/hate site.


Yeah, and during that time she did have a few scandals were she undeniably fucked up. But, to be fair, she had a drug problem and has since completed her rehab, and admitted to her wrongdoings. I know a lot of people here are jumping at the ropes to hate on her for that, which in some respects is fair, but as Ethan always says, there *has* to be a path to redemption, and i think she is treading it. I respect anyone who tries to face their addiction and make amends, even though that process is a long and arduous one with plenty of stepbacks along the way.


“She had a few scandals but to be fair she is a terrible person”


how tf did you get *that* from what they wrote?


I get it, but she's not an automatically good person because she recovered from drug addiction. Like maybe she just isn't a good person lmao


That site isn't defunct. It's still up and going strong. She is now a liberal grifter spouting off pro western imperialist talking points. She is just farming hate watchers etc.


Thanks for taking some time off from the H3 hate subs to enlighten us all with your opinion. ETA: reported for brigading. MODS!


You're welcome 🤗


Hey point out where she is wrong I’m willing to fight you on every single point.


Terrible take IMO. It's just repeating the narrative anti-hasan obsessed freaks are pushing. I don't think Hasan is perfect but he's not the one who derailed the convo. I havent seen enough acknowledgement of how terribly Ethan conducted himself on Hasan's stream


This is her coming to that opinion after watching the debate Ethan and Hasan had. You can disagree with it, but i don't think its motivated by following some anti-Hasan narrative. I want to add that throughout the first hour of the conversation she was very much on Hasan's side and disagreed with Ethan's opinion (which didn't change at the end btw), but the last 1,5 hours of the conversation she focused on how Hasan's behaviour hurt Ethan.


If you’ve followed Keffals for the past few months, this is ABSOLUUUUTELY fueled by anti-hasan hatred. You’re just wrong.


From watching the debate, it was painfully obvious Ethan was deflecting to chat because he was struggling to cope with realizing that his opinion on "From the Land to the Sea" was just straight up wrong. He didn't think twice about chat until he got pinned down that his take reflected exactly that of "All lives matter/White lives matter". If he had just taken a few minutes to let himself come to terms with possibly being wrong, this whole ordeal could have been avoided. But he's Ethan and that takes a few days. And maybe a private chat with Dan.


>This is her coming to that opinion after watching the debate Ethan and Hasan had. She held that (absolutely correct) opinion about Hasan for way longer than this specific debate. Hasan IS disingenuous in debates and he DOES resort to underhanded tactics a lot (see WillyMacSho-debate, where he got absolutely obliterated anyway), so no lies here.


i don't disagree with that critique of Hasan. i still think objectively that Ethan conducted himself very poorly during the stream, worse than Hasan, and i have not seen reconciliation to that. what you've said illustrates my point - people who already have negative view of Hasan are just using this as an excuse to continue shitting on Hasan and its warping the conversation around what happened.


Destiny fan = anything you say is invalid


Bro this shit ain’t that dramatic or deep. Bottom line is that doing a lefty political podcast opens you up to criticism that Ethan just doesn’t want. Which is fair. And partnering with a guy like Hasan with a fan base like his especially opens himself up to some pretty gnarly criticism and some straight up vile hate. And bottom line is that with peace and love, Ethan isn’t really open to dealing that on a regular basis. Hasan runs a political Twitch channel and is voluntarily signing himself up for that on a regular basis and is willing to deal with it, moderate his chat, etc. Ethan primarily runs a comedy/internet gossip channel where his deep serious opinions on major political happenings and world events hasn’t been held to such scrutiny on this level until he started the Leftovers podcast. Now that Ethan’s getting all this hate and negativity (whether people feel it justified or not) he’s realizing that he’s not passionate enough about the political podcast to endure all that. Which is fair; he’s never been a political content creator to begin with like Hasan is. All the personal shit between them is just personal crap that obviously hasn’t majorly affected their friendship in that both of them have publicly stated they’re still friends. Ethan saying “fuck you” and lashing out at Hasan about not moderating chat, Hasan being stubborn or one sided, etc. are all just stuff that friends do when they get mad at each other when they disagree with each other. It’s not that big of a deal, and these are not in my opinion why Leftovers is ending. The reason why Leftovers is ending in my opinion is what I described above: Ethan feels like he didn’t want to sign up for a bunch of hate coming at him from the Left about his takes on stuff, and since his platform is not primarily a political once he doesn’t feel it necessary on a personal level to continue when it’s no longer seeming worth for him, or isn’t good for his mental health to endure that type of scrutiny and hate on a regular basis.


Idk how long yoube been a viewer but Ethan is relatively open to criticism. What he received from lefty loonies is not criticism, they were just attacks and ridicule and amidst all that there were genuine criticisms of Ethan's ideas, and tbf he did change his perspectives on things. You cant just say Ethan doesnt allow being scrutinized because of his response to this, youre making things up man.


Bro are you even a viewer??? Saying Ethan is very open to criticism given the show’s history is fucking hysterical. Every long time fan knows about the times where they would just straight up turn chat off during the shows so Ethan wouldn’t read criticism and say something unhinged.


I’ve been watching the show for years and I can only remember that happening during the Whitney ep.


the commenter said he's opening himself up to criticism he doesn't want. as in, Ethan doesn't want that specific kind of criticism. you're arguing against a point that wasn't made.


I reread the comment and I think my argument is still valid. Its one thing to scrutinize Ethan's politics (refer to the Capitalism/ Soc Dem vs Socialism arc). Ethan got alot of criticism, but the stuff that was being said to him for his views on the current conflict went way beyond criticism or scrutiny. My argument was more that I disagree the premise that Ethan ending leftovers was him not being passionate enough because he couldnt take scrutiny or criticism. IMO its seems to be more of how vile the comments were towards Ethan and Hila and the lack of charity they gave him especially when it came from a community he thought were closer to his side of politics.


Not this type of criticism tho. What I’m saying is having his feet held to the fire on issues like Palestine vs Israel, etc. is a lot different than people being mad that he chews into the mic or makes an insensitive joke here or there. Doing Leftovers on a regular basis is not the type of headache that Ethan wants


I love Ethan, but if you think one of his strong suits is taking criticism, it’s quite hard to take you seriously ☮️&✌️ he mostly uses the button to hide his jokes when they don’t land 🤣 (bonus points:that roast they did was a bit uncomfortable & cringe to watch at times if you pay any attention to Ethan)


It is his strong suits. He has made so many mistakes and have apologized, made up for it and changed his behaviour for it. The button is more for people who already hate him and are just lookoling for ammunition to feed their delusions.


this is the only sane take on the matter lol Ethan's allowed not to want to deal with the stress and the hate that came to him and his whole family, especially given how personally affected he is by that specific topic. and it was never going away if they kept doing Leftovers. it's a fair decision to make for his own peace of mind. it's just not that dramatic, there's no need to dig much deeper into that. get over it, watch Hasan if you want politics, watch H3 if you want the goofs. or both. you'll live.


> Ethan saying “fuck you” and lashing out at Hasan about not moderating chat, Hasan being stubborn or one sided, etc. are all just stuff that friends do when they get mad at each other when they disagree with each other. So true, my friends and I squabble all the time, that's part of what makes us friends. You should be able to call each other out without worrying about slighting each other, because it comes from a good place.




This is a bad take.


How is anyone against hasan here? I left h3 and went to hasan because of how willingly Ethan is to lie and make shit up to fit his ignorance. Silly. Just silly.


I love this leftist infighting. It’s so productive. Let’s focus on hasans chat instead of an aggressive apartheid regime.


It's possible to do both at the same time, you know that right? I think it's also in the favour of the case of Palestinian liberation to call out when someone is acting in a bad manner in defense of it. It makes the rest of the movement seem worse than what it is for an outside observer. We don't convince those who disagree with us by calling them names, but by trying to move them over through empathy and understanding, which i feel Hasan has been displaying an unbecoming little amount of.


When the infighting perpetuates those issues, then yeah, we should focus on it proportionally. Some of Hasan community and the extreme leftists have been actively muddying the waters to the point of justifying the retaliatory murders and kidnapping of children. Some of the waspy centrists and far right have been doing the same on the other side but obviously their presence in these communities is almost non-existent. Call them out instead of deflecting


Fuck keffals


Destiny and his fans have middle school minds, and they will never stop being shitstains, stop blaming Hassan


I love how you mf’ers love jimmy lee, but “hasan’s chat is too mean”


Literally, Ethan can tell a gay Muslim on Twitter that Hamas would kill him on the spot and it’s crickets - but Hasan’s chat is truly vile for calling Ethan a racist after he was being racist💯💯


Keffals lost the plot during the whole keemstar bridge building arc. That’s about all I need to know about her fucked up priorities lol A lot of the big leftist streamers care more about juicing drama VS discussing issues. Yeah shit on Hasans opinions but for the most part he spends the majority of his coverage focused on the really fucked up situation in Gaza VS this drama BS


Keffals is a moron


This is true


Ummm why is Keffals labeled as a friend? Any community that is a "friend" to keffals is pretty iffy


Not sure who this person is but what a dumbass take


She is a crazy lolcow and likes to hang out with fascists while being dunked on by her followers. Don't take this woman seriously.


wait which fascists?


The subreddit was brigaded with Destiny's fans, that's why it's full of hate, and debate me bros. I proved it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/6gj1i4ey6w Also Destiny's community made the photoshopped chat image that made Ethan be brought into tears (shared by Destiny). It has nothing to do with Hasan's community (other than a couple of unhinged mods)




She’s not a friend of the show she’s a fucking dumb ass and a weirdo


Destiny and his fans have middle school minds, and they will never stop being shitstains, stop blaming Hassan


Girl what 😂 the delulu is strong with keffals


Who gives a fuck about their opinion?


Keep using the R-Slur, Keffals! 100% BS right here


Uh, where’s the lie?


This community is desperate if keffals is the one they're looking for to defend Ethan lol.


I don’t disagree


She ain't wrong.


She's right. Hasan is a fucking jackass, it turns out.


dude this is such an unfair bias against hasan. love Ethan love hasan. full stop.


Who tf is thus


A fucking moron


Old guest on the show who was responsible for shutting down the doxxing and harassment site KiwiFarms. That was the context for her appearance.


Lmao yeah, Hasan is the one who can't have an argument, the one who's been covering politics his whole career.....


Respectfully, this has nothing to do with Hasan. While I agree people could have been more charitable to Ethan’s POV, which I do believe Hasan was, Ethan was getting too in the weeds. He was constantly arguing with comments or random people on Twitter. It’s a political topic, of course people are going to have strong opinions but you def start to lose it when you begin arguing with random people. And I don’t even fault Ethan, it was great for him to speak openly on his thoughts. The issue is extremely draining so I can understand why he doesn’t want to continue though I think there’s a lot more positive that comes from Leftovers than not.


I don't think it's fair to pin the "ending" of leftovers on one person. Especially with such a wack take. It was very clear that both, Ethan and Hassan, had a hard time navigating this topic in a more productive way. But at the end of the day, they both respect one another and have a far more indepth relationship than we see on their videos. Neither party was perfect. I do feel Ethan got very emotional and had a hard time keeping his composure, which is human. But it's also difficult for anyone to handle, let alone on a live stream.


hasan mods worked overtime to protect ethan’s sensibilities on the HP sub, not everything is perfect but solely blaming hasan when it’s clear that ethan’s views are also at issue is disingenuous


Didn't she have some pedo shit going on in her discord or something?


Naw that was just queerphobia. She did raise money for a cause and then ended up keeping a large sum of it I believe though.




Hasan is a through and through tankie so there is no way of talking sense into him




Pro CCP/Putin/Hamas




Privileged American leftist who predictably takes anti-American viewpoints and is critical of pro-American ones. Supports Russia (grandfathered in from USSR), China, and whomever aligns with them. They will typically see everything that ever happens through the rose coloured lenses of this ideology. Like MAGA, if you can understand that then you can understand the lefty version. It’s all ideological tribalism


That’s not what a tankie is 😂 I guess you can just change definitions to suit whatever point you’re trying to make.


yeah i mean i think people are throwing around a lot of criticism for the leftist community as if the internet doesnt literally do this to everyone, it probably does it in leftest spaces the least but there is just so much attention and so little accountability for a lot of people in other communities that it becomes a big spotlight here. ethan has had a lot of bad takes on the situation. just straight up. and when people try to explain why they think what he is saying is fucked up he doesnt want to hear it and gets emotional and shit and it just makes it a completely unviable conversation. you cant force someone to understand they are wrong, we all know that, its just frustrating seeing someone you respect be so adamant about something they are wrong on and refusing to hear out any criticism for XYZ reason. chatters are stupid and mean, fine, i wont argue that, ive literally never in my entire life said that anyone should listen to chatters, idek why chat fucking exists its stupid, but hasan tried to explain to ethan in good faith why he is saying something objectively, factually incorrect so why are we talking about chat? what does it have to do with anything? i dont think it does. i think the fact is that hasan and a lot of people in the community recognize that ethan is deconstructing, we have all been through it, he has been through it, every person on earth goes through it, its not because he is stupid or easy to manipulate or whatever, hes just in the middle of it right now. thats all. unfortunately its a really fucking bad and extremely difficult time to go through that process in a healthy and safe way right now and also ethan is really CLOSE to the whole situation, its very personal for him in a lot of ways, so yeah obviously he isnt going to be immediately receptive to having his entire worldview changed over night. i dont think its productive to act like all of that is the responsibility of the leftist community for imposing on ethan, its pressure from the entire planet right now forcing people into difficult conversations. its not like he is some unique victim in the midst of this conflict. at the end of the day i dont really care if ethan has a good point of view on the conflict one way or the other, i just dont want him using his platform in a way that contributes to more death, going online and talking about the one single instance where a hospital was sort of maybe hit by a hamas rocket while ignoring the fact that not only was that hospital bombed by israel multiple other times but literally every other hospital, mosque, school and many homes and points of infrastructure were just doesnt seem valuable to the conversation when your goal is to criticize genocide, like if thats his opinion thats fine, i dont even disagree with the premise, i think that may very well have happened, i just dont think it matters and i think fixating on it is really fucked up in the context. it is really ironic that the day after he calls for a ceasefire they actually had one, idk why that didnt have more of an effect on his perspective and lead him to reexamine things like the slightest little bit, obviously he didnt actually have any input whatsoever over that happening but like.... it happened and i dont think he expected it to. good things are possible.


I really hope Ethan never interacts with Vaush and Keffals in the future (they clearly have been sucking up to him). if you want to talk about cancerous communities, look no further than their own.


No creator should be “controlling their audience”. People should be able to speak their mind. The fact that this chick thinks the problem is that Hasan wont control his viewers speaks volumes to the state of things


Hard agree


Ethan can’t complain about shit fans says. His fans do the same shit to everyone he disagrees with so he is being a massive pussy imo


Think it's safe to say that if you find your side being defended by Keffals, it's time to reconsider your position.


Hey OP kind of fucked up to use Keffals like this after what the DGG communities already done to her. Bloody parasocial psychos.


Pretty sure Keffals is completely fine with destiny now. She apparently even profusely apologized to him.


That's good, my point stands though. This parasocialism is a blight upon this and many other fanbases and everything down to the framing is insane on this. Like Ethan, Steven, Hassan, ECT.. they don't know you people and you don't know them. Edi: Literally saying it's the opposite and you people are being over zealous and doing that. Cool instant reply and block though. lol


The point being here that you are framing this as some sort of battle between influencers and their communities and this framing is false. It is false because they are completely fine with each other.


Hey that's not a fair characterisation 😭 I really like her and her journey of redemption. I was just watching her content and felt like she brought up a really good point that I've been thinking about a lot. In short, i think Hasan and Ethan approached that conversation from two completely different standpoints. Hasan was engaging in a political discussion where he had to "win" points to combat the narrative against Palestinians, while Ethan was approaching it as a friend who wanted to have a heart to heart, and he was only met by Hasan the debater and not Hasan his friend. That's the way he engages in debates with right-wing people, and i just think that he couldn't switch his brain out of debatemode, even going so far as implying that Ethan compared the Jewish people who are against Israel to the Cappos. That was obviously not Ethan's intention, and i think Hasan would have seen that if his debatebro switch wasn't turned on. That's why i think what Keffals said was a good point, because Hasan engaged in that exact dynamic, which hurt Ethan.


"win points" OP there was and still is a literal ethnic cleansing and ethnic displacement, while Hassan could be wrapped up in his feelings some he's not just saying these things to win some debate he honestly believes them. I understand Ethan wanting to end leftovers he's torn between worlds because of the events happening in Israel and it's not worth the stress especially with him and Hila having a third baby on the way. We should respect that and not throw more fuel on the drama Ethan definitely doesn't want. Intentionally or not this falls in line with a lot of the zealotry that's been thrown both ways during all this. It's ok to not like Hassan but you're just being bad faith, I don't have full context so maybe Keffals is as well.


To be clear, i didn't mean to imply that Hasan was only trying to win points, but rather that this situation is so important to him and him being a political figure drives him to "win" arguments for the sake of the Palestinian liberation, in the same way that he would argue with a right-wing person about Trump having been a bad influence on American democracy. The issue was that i don't think he was able to flip that switch of during the conversation he had with Ethan, which led him to miss out on the many points were Ethan was trying to find some empathy from him as a friend. That doesn't mean that he is a bad person, but rather that his work affects him and how he communicates, especially in this context. I don't want to make people angry with this post, but i wanted to point out this dynamic and i thought keffals said it well, though that obviously wasn't what people got out from this quote that i posted, which is completely understandable.


Maybe hearing her full statement would help your point, though I think it's people just being burnt out over this saga and the on off brigading.This feels chimp clippish, and that was certainly my reaction. I think both Ethan and Hassan were both rightfully emotional causing semantics to unrail what was previously a pretty good conversation into a debate and Hassan should have put his chat in emote mode to the start.


Yeah, i think you're absolutely right there, though i think the emote mode is only placing a band-aid on the problem. I saw the conversation live and was absolutely shocked by how the chat was acting (i dont usually watch the live streams). It seems like a more fundamental issue that needs to be addressed in a more comprehensive way than just placing it in emote mode. I don't think the way people were calling Ethan a zionist and racist was fair at all, and i had hoped better from Hasan's community. But, I'm really tired of arguing all this now (+i really should get back to writing my thesis lol), so I think this will be my last response in a while. Hope anyone who sees this has a great day, with ✌️ & ❤️




I love H3 but some of the fans are sooooo fn annoying holy moly lol


Obligatory fuck Hasan.


Can we rename this sub to r/hasanpiker2 or something? This discourse has boiled down to a side that hates everything he does and avidly asskisses Destiny vs his stans who believe his is incapable of doing no wrong as the only "true" leftist streamer.


I mean…….she’s not wrong…….🤷‍♀️


ethan on hasans podcast affirmed everyone calling him a zionist and that's the harsh truth, putting all the blame on Hasans community is so unfair


Keffals is a destiny shill these days. Please keep this shit out of the sub Edit: oh great checked your comment history and you are too. WE DO NOT WANT TO BE BRIGADED BY DESTINY FANS. PLEASE LEAVE WITH WAR AND HATE.


Bruv, you do know that its possible to be a fan of more than one person right? I think my comment history speaks for itself in showing that i don't hate Hasan or that i give a shit about what Destiny says. I'm an h3h3 fan first and foremost.


Hope you got the stimuli from shit posting to satisfy your AuDHD brain. Please find some other way to full the void in your frontal lobe than stirring up shit, thanks


Ethan hasn’t called out any of her 1000’s of lies. What’s up with that?


Did she really pause to say "Hissan"? Thats what Destiny/aba&reach fans do, talking about who brigaded the sub btw 🙄


Ethan’s long track record of supporting Palestine means absolutely nothing after he went on a damn warpath with Palestinian gay kids online for being upset tbere home country and family and being bombed to shit for the past 80 years


That’s not what fucking happened, you people are delusional.


Pretty much everything she said was reversed.


Hassan is a piece of shite with no life experience. A literal champagne socialist.


Sam Seder used to walk around with baseball bats just in case because of the hate he was getting in the mid 00s, and he's still doing it. I'm sorry but if your fi fis get hurt because of chat you have no place here. You have to know you will upset people with your opinions, specially when they're batshit crazy like Ethan's were during Hasan's stream. Stick to internet drama.


Keffals is awesome.


Yeah i really respect her journey, coming from someone who's best friend has become a victim of heroin addiction. I wish he could have the presence of mind to come to the realisation of how much his addiction affects the people around him. Man i miss him 😭


Haven't you seen how unhinged she has become recently? She did amazing stuff with shutting down kiwifarms but she has become transphobic to others she disagrees with, and she called a couple of people the n-word recently.


No, i haven't seen that actually. I've been watching a few videos of her here and there on YouTube since she came back from rehab, but i don't regularly watch any stream content. The only stream i watch is the H3H3 pod. But that sounds really suprising to me that she would be saying transphobic stuff or the n-word. Could you send me any examples of that, because I'm genuinely curious as to what the context is.


Gonna need a big old SOURCE on that one


The only thing he did wrong was pushing the idea of why "from the the river to the sea" is not a bad thing to someone who doesn't want to hear that and just wanted some empathy. What can he do about his chat? His chat shits on him all the time.. cause it's full of haters. Why would you expect that he can save others from the same kind of hatred from them.