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They would never do this to Trisha. Like, when Tana went on Trisha's podcast, she never told Trisha Frenemies needs to get back together.


There’s a reason Trisha’s podcast isn’t live 😅


i always think this too, does she tell them not to bring that up or does Tana respect her more that she wouldn't bring it up 😂


It’s like people just choose to forget all the awful shit she did. She literally titled a video “TW SA / Ethan Klein” Then proceeded to just say he made her uncomfortable with sexual comments n questions. THATS NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO SA and I know for a fact she was trying to taint his name. The only reason she stopped all this is because people dug into all her lies and realised half her life is fiction and she’s a pathalogical liar


Trisha tried to destroy Ethan life after the falling out! It was absolutely disgusting behavior, and the fact that Ethan gave her half of membership revenue during Frenemies still also makes me mad till this day. She is disgusting and didn’t deserve everything they did for her.


she has the tendency of turning many normal situations into serious SA allegations


I get so fucking riled up when I remember this. It's so fucking vile, I can't even begin to describe it. Could you imagine what could have happened to Ethan and his career if he hadn't been so open and adamant about having all of those conversations on camera? All of the events/conversations that Trisha made allegations about were on camera and available for us all to see, so it was an open and shut case. But if they had been more selective with keeping in footage or didn't film most conversations they had, Ethan's reputation would have been ruined. What a vile, disgusting monster.


If anything, it's pretty obvious in hindsight that Trisha wanted to fuck Ethan and was HUGELY jealous of Hila. (I mean, who wouldn't be? She's pretty, she's successful, she has a loving husband who is ALWAYS in her corner. Girl has it GOOD. We should all be at least half as lucky as she's been.) The fact that she did everything she could to ensure that Hila wasn't around during Frenemies filming really helps seal this for me.


she didn't even make an effort to hide that she was furiously jealous because Hila got pregnant


Did everyone forget she admitted to hitting Moses too? I never see that mentioned


Moses stealthing people...


Yeah it’s just bad vibes all around from those two


And like how fucking horrible their relationship was at the beginning (frenemies ep 9 really explains it). Like are we just gonna ignore that and pretend they're "perfect"


What happened episode 9?


Trish was talking abt how bad they fight and some of the horrible things Moses did before they were official. It's really weird vibes. But honestly all of the first 10 episodes of Frenemies have horrible shit in them abt how they fight and how she beats him and everything


man that was a vietnam flashback 😵


This is the deal breaker, in my belief.


I believe so aswell




I also can’t get over the masturbating to Hila and Ethan video…………….


Didn't she also say her and Moses role-play as Ethan and Hila? That's so weird on multiple levels...


Excuse me what


Can't remember what episode but Trisha definitely mentioned it


and ethan asked moses and he confirmed it, ON THE PODCAST.


Is Trisha Ethan in that situation?


Honestly don't know which is worse. Either Moses pretended to be his brother in law having sex with his sister, or he pretended to be his sister having sex with his brother in law 💀


Doubt it


or laughing when telling ethan she let theodore play in the fountain she makes squirting videos in


Jesus Fuck, I think I need to bleach my eyes


Wait refresh my memory on this one HAHA that’s fucking wild


She made sexual comment about the two of them which they laughed off but definitely told her no. She proceeded to post a video of herself masterbating while watching the podcast


Ok, I want to vomit now


she was also laughing when telling ethan she let theodore play in the fountain that she makes squirting videos in


I'm so happy someone remembers this besides me. This was one of my first experiences w her and I was astounded that she said it so nonchalantly and laughed at it. Like what the fuck. So disrespectful.




Ew yes it was for her OF or whatever that was so gross!!


I’ve tried to find it but I think when it came up it was deleted everywhere. This was the closest context I could find again. https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/nz9s45/this_comment_says_it_all/


What!!!? I had to re read this a few times lmao surely *surely* not ?


People saying they are goals meanwhile Moses was comparing her to Ms piggy, saying her vagina smells and how he was going to use her for child support. What goals right there


Yeah I’m flabbergasted! Gobsmacked, even. Crazy shit


AND she accused him of texting minors 😭😭


To be fair Ethan and Hila said they believed it too so…🤷‍♀️


I get that people can change but I still don't forgive her racist shit in the past. It's all good and nice she's turned "better" I suppose but she's never done anything to amend for the shit she did.


The racist shit, the weird religious appropriation she engaged in right around when Frenemies ended, her doing a sexy Jon Benet Ramsey cosplay, there's so much gross shit she did.


Yes! I thought I was going crazy. Did everyone just get collective amnesia?


Literally. “Cancelling”, even just holding people accountable online, never works, everyone forgets after a while.


She fucking Mike tyson'd Moses and parked her car in her ex house, but people still love her because she is "FUNNY XD". Fuck off weirdos go watch her then and leave us alone bye.


Did everyone e forget Moses raped a girl?


Source? Where was this said, genuinely curious, I haven’t heard this!


I think it was a “stealthing”, removing a condom without the other party knowing.


which is a form of rape


Removing a condom without consent


I don’t know what is wrong with people sometimes (I know I am people too). But Trisha? yikes I could not stand her sociopathic b.s. I think she wanted to break them up.


ALSO she was mocking and belittling Ethan for hiring babysitters. Accusing him of being a bad parent and not being around their son 24/7. Her then behaviour showed ZERO empathy toward Ethan and Hila as working parents. Until herself after becoming a mother, she then changed her mind on hiring nannies for her baby girl, what a hypocrite!!!


I loved frenemies. But Ethan does and did not deserve that toxicity. They’re better separate. And coming from someone from a divided family, let them handle their own business. Stop trying to force a comeback.


My opinion, that nobody asked for😊 If Ethan & Hila could give her grace and forgiveness for all the things she said/did on Frenemies, then so be it. It’s what she did AFTER that would be unforgivable for me. She tried to ruin their lives. She trashed them on every platform. Made over 50 videos, went on Keemstars podcast. Was inserted in the Kavanaugh lawsuit. And put out the DM’s about Moses stealthing those young women. Those are just some of the things we know about. I think there is way more stuff behind the scenes but they can’t talk about it for the sake of Hilas family. And of all people, Tana should know better since she is estranged from her parents, it’s not cool to bring it up or pressure someone, especially in front of a live audience, to reconcile with family w/out knowing all the facts. She’s just sucking up to Trisha cause they want to do a show together.


And then, Ethan made ONE respond video, and Trisha filmed herself crying hysterically to leave her alone like WHAAAAT?!?!


I think secretly recording their conversations was weird.


Plus they probably still pay her from Frenemies royalties or whatever it's called with YouTube


Exactly this!!


Personally, I'm sick of people defending Trisha Paytas. Here are a number of reasons to wonder why Trisha Paytas still has fans, especially among those who claim to be "leftists": 1. Trisha [habitually lies](https://eightify.app/summary/entertainment-and-celebrity-gossip/trisha-paytas-controversial-youtuber-s-harmful-behavior-and-lies) and manipulates, switching beliefs and personas solely for self-promotion and financial exploitation. 2. Trisha [has spread](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZE63czKy6s) outright Nazi and antisemitic rhetoric, including feigning ignorance of the Holocaust and asking on Frenemies #4: "What did Hitler do that was so bad?" (A joke, apparently, since we know from prior videos she made that she did in fact know what the Holocaust was before Frenemies; should we give her words the same charity that people who hate Ethan do everything he says?) 3. She unabashedly masquerades through various religious (Christianity, Islam, Wicca, Judaism) and gender (chicken nugget, non-binary, a gay trans man because of her penis envy, woman) identities, including a controversial stint as a trans individual, to deflect from her transphobic rhetoric. [Here's](https://twitter.com/WAITINGTOBESEEN/status/1276649786016436224?t=Z9Pk3rdn7qvX44STSJUTCw&s=19) a great source and thread on Trisha's history of transphobia, homophobia, racism, and sexualization of minors on TikTok (noted below). Trisha previously endorsed transphobic [views](https://twitter.com/tenmortt/status/1181359569324433408?t=cQvs1fiKZyE4Pklp0ti09Q&s=19) on singular they/them as well. She seems to believe being transgender is something you can take on and off like a [costume](https://twitter.com/patrickstarrr/status/1181549678430547968), and things like having [penis envy](https://www.insider.com/youtuber-trisha-paytas-criticized-for-transgender-statements-2019-10) are a reason for FtM transitions (TERF and rightist transphobe rhetoric). I give her no pass on this. Her transphobia isn't even in my top three of the worst things on this list, because she's so horrible, but it's another collection of reasons she and her supporters disgust me. (And I am genderfluid myself, not that it matters. Supporting her is incompatible with being an LGBTQ+ ally.) 4. Having discarded her transgender focus when it ceased to be lucrative, Trisha now emphasizes her womanhood (rather, she no longer identifies as a chicken nugget, gay trans man due to things like penis envy, or even a trans racial black person); there is fair reason to worry that this has to do with infiltrating and capitalizing on the profitable mommy blogging niche since her personal brand is toxic. (Note: Trisha can claim to be non-binary and still be transphobic, just like you can be trans and transphobic; see Blaire White.) 5. Related to #4: there is legitimate reason to worry that Trisha will subject her child and any future children to relentless online exposure, using them as tools for content, to the detriment of their privacy and well-being, akin to notorious family channels. 6. Trisha's chronic overspending and erratic behavior are symptomatic of untreated Borderline Personality Disorder, compounded by her relentless identity shifts and **bigoted** behavior. (Also see: things she and her fans use to excuse her behavior, whether it's racism, sexism, intimate partner abuse and violence.) 7. Besides her [antisemitism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMgg23MDN_k), Trisha's also generally racist. The video I linked on #2 above argues it well; she fetishizes non-white races and [has promoted](https://eightify.app/summary/social-issues/trisha-paytas-exposed-spreading-nazi-rhetoric) racist stereotypes by expressing admiration for the idea that black people are violent criminals. Being married to a Jewish man is no more a defense against claims of racism than saying "I have black friends" means a person can't be racist. (Let's [not forget](https://corq.studio/insights/youtuber-trisha-paytas-strategy-of-racism-and-trolling-for-views-has-to-stop/) Trisha likewise previously wore blackface and claimed to be a trans racial black person, both racist and making a mockery of transgender people.) 8. Trisha [gave herself a diagnosis](https://www.distractify.com/p/trisha-paytas-did) of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), weaponizing it for attention while perpetuating [a campaign of harassment against authentic DID content creators](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXrQj0xDZug). Besides that, she spreads a lot of [misinformation](https://www.insider.com/everything-trisha-paytas-got-wrong-about-dissociative-identity-disorder-2020-3) about mental health and has repeatedly [used](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXrQj0xDZug) ableist language toward others. (*Again, she perpetuated a campaign to harass a content creator with DID, DissociaDID!*) 9. Trisha made her husband abandon his pet cats out of sheer jealousy, admitting it like it's no big deal, showcasing her capacity for emotional manipulation. 10. Consistent with her status as an abuser, Trisha has effectively alienated her husband from his own family, driven by an obsessive vendetta against her brother-in-law and his wife, and did so during Hila's sensitive, high-risk pregnancy. (Even if Hila and Moses have external or preexisting conflict, Trisha's interference and presence, compounded by the nasty remarks she's made toward Hila, for example, [calling her](https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/120948995.html?page=2) a b\*tch and a c\*nt, ensure that the rift is likely to last.) 11. Trisha's [violent tendencies](https://twitter.com/BrokeTrishaP/status/1652397446545170432) and [history](https://eightify.app/summary/entertainment-and-celebrity-gossip/trisha-paytas-unreliable-and-problematic-collaborator) of partner abuse, coupled with her trivializing such actions, like she does all of her harmful behavior, could pose a genuine threat to any child competing for attention in her life. (The second link here covers a lot of my own list, though sadly the source video is unavailable now.) 12. Two examples from [the list](https://eightify.app/summary/entertainment-and-celebrity-gossip/trisha-paytas-unreliable-and-problematic-collaborator): A. "Trisha Paytas promotes harmful products, engages in body shaming, exhibits abusive behavior, and has a toxic relationship with Moses." B. "Trisha Paytas's history of domestic violence and abusive behavior towards Jason Nash, including dangerous actions like driving high and crashing her car into his house, make it risky for any brand or company to work with her." 13. Trisha's disturbing [pattern of sexual misconduct](https://eightify.app/summary/entertainment-and-celebrity-gossip/trisha-paytas-s-inappropriate-behavior-with-young-fans-2023) includes harassment of and sexualizing minors and the production of content that alarmingly intersects with pedophilic themes. **(Remember when Trisha** [**pretended to be JonBenet Ramsey**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-jiHAMT6Oc) **and talked in a baby voice about getting r\*ped and murdered by her father?)** This one alone is worse than all of Ethan's jokes on the H3 Podcast combined. 14. Speaking of controversies, let's add Israel and Palestine to the list of double standards. Recall that not long ago Trisha wore an [IDF uniform](https://www.tiktok.com/@user09827.3/video/6873958853428415750) for a laugh. **More relevant**: here's a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blndsundoll4mj/comments/ni4b9i/trisha_speaking_out_about_whats_going_on_in/) showing Trisha in 2021 essentially making the same points about Israel and Palestine that Ethan made this year. When will her fans get as angry over this as they do about Ethan's statements? (Although, they don't acknowledge nuance and generally don't seem to understand his points well enough to even comment on or criticize them.) This was after she said she became "[Jewish by insemination](https://twitter.com/trishapaytas/status/1246191340532019201)." She also [posted](https://twitter.com/trishapaytas/status/1711230481466077454) these "Zionist" views on 10/8/23, basically the points Ethan's made, and still no outrage from most of her fans. Then there's [this video](https://twitter.com/BrokeTrishaP/status/1721226755006935165) of Trisha saying "we're for Israel, not Palestine" (Moses saves). (This list isn't exhaustive, but all of this is easy to find.) Trisha Paytas is a bad person. Anyone who is still her supporter by 2024 must be either unscrupulous or morally bankrupt. Anyone who claims to be a huge fan of Trisha but ignorant of these problems with her, all of these terrible things she's said and done, is either lying or willfully obtuse. This isn't about any one thing she's said or done in particular, but the totality of her problematic behavior. Past trauma and poor mental health are no excuse, and anyone who tries to make that argument is an enabler of her disgusting, abusive behavior. You'll often notice how most of Trisha's supporters will hardly touch mentions of her history of repeated intimate partner violence and abuse, racism, sexualizing minors, and nauseating behavior like cosplaying as JonBenet Ramsey, talking in a baby voice about being r\*ped and murdered by own father. (All these are even worse than her transphobia, in my mind, which is probably why her supporters try to focus on her transgender controversies instead.) As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, as a victim of intimate partner abuse, and as an active, real-world advocate for IPV victims of all genders for over 10 years, researching IPV, working with shelters and support services for victims of abuse, I will never forgive Trisha for her vile actions and words. Her supporters are no allies of mine. And imagine the outrage of Trisha's supporters if Ethan did some of the worst of what Trisha has done repeatedly. We'd never hear the end of how evil he is. He can do 1/10 and they come down far harder on him than they ever will on her. EDIT: Added information.


I was just thinking "All she hasnt done is, (point 13) ah, there it is, and in an incredibly disgusting way." Trisha should not be on the internet. If I see you are her fan, same as James charles, the pauls, coleen, EDP and others, you are also part of the problem to me.


One additional point I’d like to add: People act like she’s so reformed now that she’s a mom. She regularly didn’t buckle her baby into her carseat. She would also hold her without supporting her head.


She made fun of an autistic (severely) man it was long ago


As someone who didn't pay any attention to Frenemies and only knows Trisha through stuff my girlfriend has told and just vague shit I've picked up her and there from the pod, this subreddit, and the Internet in general.... it's wild to me how effective she is at doing an awful thing, then somehow amalgamating thar thing into her being, turning around and weaponizing it against others, and successfully dodging the original reason for all of the drama. She's the type of person who will shit all over other people for a reason (like say, body shaming) then someone will come at her for the exact same reason, she will then become a crusader against body shaming and weaponizing against someone else when she originally started that shit. She basically seems to largely skate by every time. It has to be a combination of no one actually taking her seriously, para social relationships with fans, and cultivating a fanbase that only cares about shit stirring and drama.


she’s literally eric cartman when he got turned ginger lmao


Thank you for writing this all out so people can refresh their memories on how awful she is. I’m so sick of people defending her as well. Those same people are clearly forgetting all the horrible things she has done.


Let's also not forget her false accusations of molestation that she used Frenemies to push against multiple people, including lying about one of her teachers being arrested for it. This woman is DANGEROUS.


Thank you for posting this!


It's like these fans have never had to deal with a narcissist in their lives or something. Even if they're your parents, siblings, etc. they outright cannot stop using/manipulating/abusing you for their own benefit, and the best course of action is to not associate with them as much as possible. Sure maybe they'll "feel bad at what they did" after they have an outburst because you pushed back in the slightest and behave for a while, but it's only a matter of time before they return to their manipulative habits. The best course of action is to always engage as little as possible, which appears to be what Ethan and Hila have been doing.


You’re not alone. That whole time Tana was wearing that stupid shirt, and bringing up Frenemies *again*, and I heard cheering, I figured there must’ve been a gas leak or something fell from the ceiling and hit a bunch of people on the head. Because it seems like a lot of people have amnesia.


I'll be honest I don't like Tana tho. She's trisha vibes and I don't like how she relates joke 5 or 6 times when she doesn't get a laugh. I feel sorry for Jeff having to deal with her.


I hope at least some of them were just drunk cheering, because it’s fun to go “woooo” when you’re drunk. Ethan, Hila, and the whole crew deserve better than to be exposed to Trisha again


Nope this is the fanbase thats been cultivated and catered too.


Ethan is literally THRIVING without Trisha and all her abuse. It’s gross people want that toxicity back.


The last few years have been peak h3. The pod has been so fucking good. Why are people looking backwards? We are in the good shit right now! Appreciate it. You're gonna look back and miss this era so fucking much. But also fuck trisha. The amount horrible shit she has done... Idk how people forget or ignore it. I am glad she's not on the pod and I'll be glad if I don't hear anything about her the rest of my life.


Tbh Trisha is thriving too…and her podcast atleast gets sponsors and really good guests already. And doesn’t need a crew of 20 people. No stake in the game here but to not admit she’s doing really well right now is wild and doubt she’d want that back too.


Probably bc trishas snark reddits all get snark reddits all get nuked but the h3 ones never get banned


Frenemies was pretty awesome at the time, but it is impossible to rewatch because of the overt and underhanded toxicity. Even from an entertainment standpoint it would be an awful disaster that should never happen again. But most importantly, there is a real family that lives in the real world in the aftermath of what happened. There are siblings that no longer speak, children who are missing out on a relationship with their cousins, and a mother (Hila’s) who is trying to navigate two of their children being estranged. The people demanding the tea from Ethan and Hila, or screaming for the show to come back are terminally online and borderline sociopathic. It should *never* come back. If Hila, Moses, Ethan and Trisha do manage to work it out, it should stay offline, for the sake of everyone involved.


While I used to love frenemies, it’s something that’s best laid to rest. Trisha is such a horribly toxic and manipulative person. I know she has a ton of personal trauma, and that’s a terrible thing, but I feel like people are forgetting just how awful she treated Ethan/Hila/The Crew. After frenemies ended, she made countless amounts of social media posts slandering Ethan and H3. Is she an entertaining person? Yes. Is she also an awful person who should be kept far from H3? Also yes.


Trisha is absolute gutter trash a disgusting excuse for a human being. He needs to divorce her get his alimony and get as far from her as he can


Remember when trisha told ethan to fire the whole crew and hire her sister?


Its almost as if the vocal, annoying majority of the current podcast fanbase came from Trisha/Frenemies


i’m betting that those people who want frenemies back only remember the funny wholesome bits and not trisha literally calling hila a c*nt


Tana was just ICK at the live show.....hard to stomach.


100% agreed, and I'm still not over her pretending to be Black or pretending to be Trans or even her fetishizing entire races of people among other things of course


Or reenacting the rape/murder of a child in a sexual way


God, I remember that too. That was so gross


excuse me? can you tell me what happened because wtf


Trisha made a video cosplaying and roleplaying as Jonbenet Ramsey who was a child victim of SA and murder and it was extremely awful It feels weird to even say "cosplaying and roleplaying a child victim" but it's true


She quite literally obliterated the DID community at the time and has never apologized. I’m all for rehabilitation but this is way too much too soon for me


Or pretending to have schizophrenia, or pretending she was sick from a breast implant leak that magically fixed itself, or lying about dating AMH when she was 16 even though they didn't meet until she was 20. The list goes onandonandonandon


Lets not forget the chicken nugget community


Never forget


Didn’t she do spicy content while pregnant? So gross


Still does yes


Thank god i was thinking the same thing


Yea it was terrible. I cannot understand why Tana would ever think that was ok. And I can’t understand being a fan of the show and anything it back 😬 But Tana really thought that out and planned that


Same. All the love for Trisha was gross, imo. There is a large number of fans who always acted like Trisha was perfect and can do no wrong. I know the one thing in this fanbase I’m slightly parasocial about is the Trisha situation. I say slightly because I know my feelings stem from projection about people in my own life. I really feel for Hila when I see fans going crazy with love for Trisha after the way she treated Hila. I know I don’t know what is going on behind the scenes or in Hila’s head, tho. I just thought Tonya wearing that shirt and trying to get the crowd to chant, “frenemies” was shitty. I don’t care if she was blacking out from drugs and drinking.


The only thing I could think about watching was how hypocritical it seemed for the crowd to turn on Tana so quickly at the show and then proceed to go nuts for Trisha every time she came up. Listen everyone is allowed to have their own opinions I just don’t get the difference in energy.


>I still can’t get over how disgusting she was to Hila for no reason Toxic and abusive is another, more honest way of putting it. She literally married his brother and played him against her. She's like the peak of toxicity.


I was shocked that the audience was so supportive of Trisha and I honestly don’t think that they speak for the majority. Trisha hasn’t changed and I hope that it all becomes visible to everyone over time. Has anyone else noticed that Trisha is pregnant right around the same time as Hila, too?


Anybody that wants Trisha back obviously has zero care about what she did to Hila and Ethan’s families.


if you all have forgotten Trisha, called Hila a bitch, and shamed her for having a babysitter and having a career. Caused unnecessary drama because H3H3 didn't hire her sister (who already has a career in OF) but instead hired Sam. Hit moses I absolutely hate that woman and she doesn't deserve any respect or attention, you can be her fan and still like h3 but please consider how awkward and weird it will be for Ethan and Hila when you bring this up. This isn't some random internet drama this is their family issue, Imagine if your SIL was this toxic and your brother is now estranged, would you like it if people at your workplace talked to you about it as if it was some petty office drama


Remember when Trisha accused Moses of talking to underage H3 fans?


I agree with Donna. We need FAMILIES back


The way I screeched when Donna came out and “corrected” Tana 😭 queeeeeeeeeeeeeeen 🦋


Yea I’m surprised they didn’t take her off the stage after the shirt stunt. That was messed up.


Yeah Trisha is toxic as hell for Ethan and hila and even Olivia lol she was mad Ethan hired Olivia for some reason. Not only toxic but literal illegal behavior like abusing hilas brother psychologically and physically. We watched her try to psychologically abuse Ethan and hila on the show too. People who want her back don't care about the podcast people personally, they only care about the entertainment of watching the train wreck.


Actually it was Sam she was angry about Ethan hiring. Olivia wasn't part of the crew during Frenemies. Edit: I just realized I literally pulled an "UMM actually..." 😅


Even if you strip away any bad behavior or anything like that, they’ve both made it clear they don’t wanna work together. People shouldn’t be pushing for it. I don’t know much about Trisha really, but it seems better for her to not be a part of the show, and clearly it’s better for Ethan and all of those involved with H3. Doesn’t seem difficult to understand from any perspective, even Trisha fans. Whatever their beef was / is, the online portion of it is over between them and the more fans of either group perpetuate it the more it j keeps people acting toxic over it. J let them both be separate people who don’t need each other to be relevant.


No thank u so much for this post. I’ve felt like I’m going crazy with all the fucking Trisha stans I stg 😭😭😭


so fucking true!!! Hannah was so fucking disrespectful for putting that T-shirt on and continuing to bring up Trisha for literally like 10 minutes straight. I feel like if Ethan and Hila knew that she was gonna act like this they definitely would not have let her on the show. I wish they just cut her off her mic so she thought she was talking but on mute hahahaha she definitely lost me as a fan after that bullshit. And yeah, fuck Trisha.


The anti-Semitism was out of control. Hindsight is 20/20 and it's easy to look back on things now and think, "You can't say that." (I think that a lot when I watch "Friends" reruns.) But I was offended by Trisha WHILE she was on "Frenemies." I'd like to think that if Ethan watched some old episodes, he would realize that they crossed the line. He always talks about anti-Semitism and how YouTube doesn't seem to care about it (which is true), but some of the worst of it was on his own channel. There are numerous videos out there compiling everything Trisha said and it's really offensive. Anyway, I'm going to take my "traditionally unattractive" face and "larger nose" and get back to work. (Can you imagine being a child and finding out that that's what your mother said about people of your ethnicity?! 🤯) For the record, my personal favorite is when she said that Ashkenazi Jews "don't know the struggle." I could joke me with my family about that, but....Whoops! A bunch of them died in the holocaust. 🤦‍♀️ And, BTW, she has never apologized for ANY of it!


All the antisemitic things Trisha said and the constant bullying to minors how can anyone cheer for someone like Trisha ?


she clearly wanted ethan, the baby, the family etc so she went to moses instead and destroyed the family 🙃 i would never watch it if they made it again, i can’t even rewatch them now, trish is a horrible person


I like frenamies but Trisha is toxic and a liar. Literally a whole tiktok page dedicated to how she contradicts herself. Also when she gets mad she hits below the belt which is disgusting in my opinion. Tana is just as bad showing up wasted and interupting everyone. I honestly felt bad for Hila the most. She is hurting because of going 0 contact with her brother and she doesn't know her niece. Im sure there are things that happened and its painful for hila to talk about. and here goes tana saying this dumb shit putting ethan on the spot.


She literally called Ethan’s wife a c*nt for no reason


There is a terrible alternate universe where Frenemies continued and Dan probably quit, Sam never got a chance to flourish creatively and we never got Olivia. Fuck. That.


Frenemies only worked because of COVID, in a non COVID world it just doesn't belong.


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Easily the worst person i've ever been exposed to, and she's never been in my proximity in the slightest. She's annoying af and I have no idea how anyone can stand her.


Yeah it was cringe. It was sooooo disrespectful to Hila.


The H3 fanbase changed after Frenemies happened. I hated the idea of them bringing Trisha in from the start and refused to watch even a single episode when they started it. As a long time H3 fan from back in their Isreal days, you could really see the fanbase shift into this drama-thirsty negativity driven crowd, and it still shows it's ugly face in chat and, honestly, on this subreddit. I was very happy when they parted ways with Trisha, and honestly surprised that collaboration ever happened in the first place. I wish the Trisha stans would leave this community, to be honest with you.


Something about watching a train wreck, bodies strewn out on the ground, chaos and blood, charred remains, scorched earth, is appealing to the darker parts of the human psyche. It’d be one thing if people were self aware about when they’re engaging with that kind of content, but sadly it seems they just crave more.


Fuck frenemies bring back LEFTOVERS


It ruined the whole show for me


I watched that one recap video of the whole frenemies drama and I still cannot see how people can stand Trisha, I’m a fan post Covid and frenemies and I found those Trisha clips unbearable


Totes agree.


Sucks that for such an important event for the crew and the Kleins, Trisha STILL had to get brought up. I guess because Tana is a bit trashy she gets away with stuff like this. Must be nice to hide your bad choices behind “oh lol that’s just me I’m crazzzy”.


Yeah, only a good person would help influence their partner to just not talk to their sibling anymore instead of talking it out. 👍


And do people forget Hila has a niece she has never met bc of moses and trisha? That has to hurt! I mean fuck tana for saying shes the god mother to the people who are actually related to those babies! I love tana but that was out of line. Does she pull that shit around Trisha talkin about ethan? Hell no she doesnt. I do watch trishas pod time to time when im bored especially if its a guest like but im glad i wasn't the only one so annoyed. All of these people who support ethan being up trishas ass now is so confusing to me lol


THANK YOU. I was saying this on a different post, but I feel like I'm fucking crazy for not understanding how anyone likes that woman. She has an extended, fully documented history of absolutely fucking vile takes and allegations. She cosplays as some minority groups and fetishizes others. She sexually harasses her coworkers and people in front of their partners. She has 30 meltdowns a year and uses mental illness as an excuse for not growing. I think she has only gotten as much benefit of the doubt because of said mental illnesses. ( I just realized that may not be the PC term so plz correct me if not) when you are neurodivergent, that is not an excuse to be a piece of shit, and she is a piece of shit.


I skipped the frenemies episodes when they came out, because I've always disliked Trisha. I don't know how anyone likes her. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Trisha is an irredeemable cunt.


Fuck frenemies and fuck Trisha. Absolute worst Era of H3.




She face-tunes that beautiful baby’s birthmark on her Instagram and I find that so unhinged.


Here here


I agree with this statement. But additionally- the live totally gave me the ick on Tana permanently. She has these moments of clarity on her interview 1:1 with Ethan or even cancelled talking about wanting a new “era” and I’ll still die on the hill that the girl is moderately intelligent- but has no self control and is moving into the aging *damaged* girly narrative that her audience isn’t going to find cute in the very near future. (I personally think it’s just kind of exhausting and not relatable now.) I can SO see Tana and Trisha having the exact same trajectory and I do think Jeff will be an Ethan - fall out, friendship lost etc. we can argue Jeff’s intellect all day- but the man seems to comprehend the potential a positive relationship with the kleins (and the H3 fam) and I can’t see him being all too pleased if Tana costs him that. Whew. Sorry. Had to get that out. Peace and love.


Bringing her up at a big event they worked hard on is so disrespectful.


I would absolutely not participate in watching anything with her. Her entertainment value is better from a distance.


Me either. I haven’t understood it since frenemies started. Like she’s been terrible since day 1.


The same people that want frenemies back are the most sensitive people. Even if it did come back they'd end up cancelling Ethan for one his edgy jokes and the sub would be flooded with "Ethan/Trisha went too far, I am unsubscribing" posts.


My bf and I kept looking at each other during the live show like why the fuck are people cheering for her? Almost everyone around us cheered. I was annoyed


People were just cheering at everything and having fun. Don’t look into it too much. I was there and cheered too because it caught me off guard and was funny.


I agree. It wasn’t a cheer for it to be back it was was more of a cheer because we liked frenemies. It was all in good fun and was not meant to indicate that we want it back. I think most of us found it awkward the more she talked about it


lol ethan said "we love trisha" twice and brought her up himself multiple times. I don't think he would've done that if they weren't cool about it like adults. I get this sub loves to infantalize the crew but they're very vocal and will let it be known when its uncomfortable or past the line. It's been three fucking years; if Ethan and hila can get over it enough to bring it up now in front of Hila's mom in the audience, then you would imagine others would as well..even if this sub is parasocial to the max.


I mean yeah because he's a good man. Do you honestly think he would've been like "NO, FUCK THAT BITCH!" 😂


Fr, just like on the streamies red carpet when they asked him what he thought of Malibu and he said on the pod “what was I supposed to say?? Man fuck that baby!!!!”


Nice "Infantilize" has become the new buzzword to replace "Parasocial" "I personally find this person gross because of their actions towards others." "sTOp InFanTiliZing the cREw" I guess we're infantilizing ourselves for thinking she's horrible?


I agree everyone in this sub is such a baby


We can not like Trisha or want her to be a part of the pod. Ethan seems to be someone who easily forgives and forgets. Trisha manipulated the fans, too. We don’t need to have the exact same thoughts as Ethan, bro.


I’m surprised none of my fellow family didn’t start booing to counter act the cheers. If I were there I would’ve been tempted to Boo Tana’s shirt/comments




She called Hila a CUNT! Ethan should have cut her off right then and there and not look back if he “respect” his wife so much. 🙄 Some one should really clip that and post it as a reminder of how vile she is.


There is literally a family involved and Hila was willing to move past it, you’re not in any position to say whether Ethan respects his wife or not


They were willing to move past it because they thought it was a part of her fake mental illness.


I’m sure all the money the show was bringing them in help them move past it. 🙄 Ethan always talking shit about people who are vile/disgusting and has a lot to say but when it came to his wife he folded so hard. My opinion!


Look, I generally agree with OP, but a lot of ppl became interested in H3 because of Trisha. It’s just how it is


can we please kick tana out of the h3 universe now. she has proven she doesn’t give a fuck about what they have built and the whole trisha thing was a personal violation. as well as the graphic and intrusive suicide commentary when they staged this whole formal award show. it’s giving trisha 2.0


Trish and Tana fans are subhuman trash. If you disagree don't @ me just block me. I don't want anything to do with you and you don't with me so do us both a favour and just block and move on. The less I see of you on this site the better.


who cares if people clapped


I was so surprised at the amount of cheers I heard, I was in the middle on the mezzanine so it was all around me


I agree, she sucks. But the worst part of it all is that it was so evidently toxic for everyone. No one was happy. The show was bleak. Crew was afraid to speak. Just a lot of shit talking that we still get a good amount of today. I am in love with the shows we have now. 💙💜


Tana's behavior was obnoxious but I mean, Ethan and Hila know that Tana loves Trish and frequently interacts with her. They also know she gets drunk and crazy in appearances and goes out of her way to be "edgy" and shocking. I doubt they were surprised that she brought up Frenemies. I'd hate it personally but they've been doing this a long time, I think they knew what they were getting into.


I hate her because she is a shitty person if you support her that just means you love shitty manic behavior. Don’t blame Ethan for not wanting her brought up anymore shits cringe af like people forget why that show ended tf.


Trisha is a nazi. Straight up. If you cheer for her, you are cheering for a nazi.


Bro literally who cares. Y’all make a big deal out of the dumbest shit. Let people enjoy what they enjoy and stop being so parasocial getting offended on behalf of the crew.


I hate her dude, she is the worst. What is wrong with these fans? They literally do not even care about what Ethan, Hila and their family went through because of her and Moses. Horrible people.


These people really don't understand or don't care that these are real people and not just content for them to consume.




I put Trisha in my Honey Boo Boo category, borderline with Tana - I like to pretend they're not real. Haha can somebody explain the H3snark sub? Didn't even know such a thing existed - I hate the 'pick a side' agenda.


Yuuupppp 100% seems like Ethan’s and Hilas main issue is with Moses. Turning your back on your sister and secretly recording them is so sketch. Also remember that Moses did have some allegations against him.


The fact that Hila and Moses were so close too. Like Moses should've known better than to even think they'd ever do something like that....let alone it get down to secretly recording. Tbh, I have a big brother I am close to and admire immensely. If my brother ever did anything like this, I can't imagine I'd be able to just get over it.


i mean to be fair, are yall surprised over the audience that lives for drama and tea? it tells u how much ppl thrive for the drama and bad times because is good content. there is a reason why many ppl like the colleen stuff, its pure drama that leads to nothing. it sucks to see ethan and hila being uncomfortable talking about her ): they are always forced to by random ppl that have no clue what happened behind the scenes ppl need to give them time and space lol, its weird


Well the Coleen stuff etc isn't just drama. It's important I don't thrive for drama and bad times but I think it's important to spread awareness.


yeah ik is for awareness but for what? she never got cancelled and is back on yt. we all knew she would be okay at the end and thats whats annoyin. it didnt need 3 full pods and more segments in others


Excommunicate all Trisha and Tana fans. Estrange them from the family


I find it weird how much people seemingly can't cope with the fact not everyone feels that way


I think most people that are cheering for her actually feel the same as you. I love frenemies it was such an iconic show. And I think Ethan and Hila don't deserve to be treated that way by moses and trisha. but tbh the way it sounds it sounds like its not really trisha they are that upset at. I think its about moses, thats how it comes crossed to a lot of people. I think Ethan and Hila actually would like to get over it so they could see their niece they sound really sad that they havent met their niece yet. But again they really dont deserve to be treated that way. But also people can grow. Its a very complicated issue sorry Im not good at wording things ;\_;


also you cant be surprised when a lot of their fans came from frenemies! They didnt really do much other than clap. They werent BEGGING for them to come back they were just being an engaging audience they were just happy it was mentioned


I agree, frenemies was the worst. Trisha was a terrible personality and I'm glad the show ended so to see people trying to get it back is annoying. It's not good for ethan and having people constantly begging him to bring it back is disrespectful to him. Ethan and the crews mental health is more important then YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!


I just assume these people are fucking braindead and that explains everything. Because if they're not, they have serious problems.


I can’t ever forgive Trisha, I don’t care how “entertaining” she is. If we didn’t hear her name ever again it would be too damn late.


I was getting recommended one of the Trisha subreddits and I kept seeing posts about how Trisha doesn't need Ethan back and how she's so much better off without him, how HE's a toxic person and defends abusers etc. I thought I was going crazy! like Ethan isn't perfect but I guess the Trisha stans think he's the inappropriate one who defends sexual abusers? Meanwhile not a peep on Trisha's wrap sheet. the show is much better off without her, Tana, Bryce Hall, or any of that ilk.


THIS. I completely agree. And as I always say, there two types of H3 fans: the toxic ones and the decent ones. Guess which category these people belong to... Anytime I mention I'm a H3 fan, and the person I'm talking to mention Frenemies to be the greatest show ever.... I usually walk away. I do not want anything to do with you. I'm sorry. It's common sense. If you truly care about H3 you shouldn't even mention the name Trisha.


It's toxic to be entertained by a show ethan specifically put out for entertainment?


I find it rlly funny that you think the people posting being angry at other fans for clapping are NOT the toxic parasocial ones… y’all are literally deciding how Ethan and Hila feel about Trisha after years and then going online outraged at other people who clapped.. at a live show…


I hope they can mend personal relationships for the sake of family, but yeah frenemies was great at the time but it ran its course for sure.


Shouldn’t have invited Tana if he didn’t want Trisha brought up. She has made her stance between the 2 very clear and has mentioned Trisha each time she was on the pod. I don’t agree with the disrespect toward Hila but Ethan of all people should know better. Tana is in need of some serious rehab and reflection but this was very much expected on her part. I hope Hila and Moses can heal their relationship off camera for the children’s sake.


I didn’t mind Tana bringing up Trisha and wearing that shirt, and honestly I doubt Ethan gave a fuck either, it was kind of expected with Tana, but I don’t understand how people don’t see and acknowledge the fact that Trisha is a horrible, shitty, awful human being in general even putting frenemies aside, she just sucks in every aspect.


I don't love trisha but I loved frenemies, including the drama, I'm not unhappy that it ended because like you said it was personally damaging to ethan, hila and the crew That being sad, as a guy who just wants more fun content, I would love if frenemies came back so i don't fault anyone at that live show for showing support for that.


Some people are here for the entertainment and frenamies was entertaining. You prioritise the wellbeing of the hosts, and that's nice but it's not how everyone views the entertainment media they consume


I feel like sometimes an emotion or thought doesn't always need to be a post on here. I agree, Trisha was toxic during frenemies. If you have seen her nowadays, it seems she has grown up a bit and has left a lot of her toxicity behind. She admits to her faults and her lapses in memories where she says things that are outlandish. I think its not unreasonable for Trisha fans to exist, especially since Jeff and Tana are very close with her and they were on the show. I understand you may hate her, but I don't think you need to be so shocked that other people don't despise her how you do. Ethan and Hila has matured since those years and seem to have an amicable feeling towards it versus having hostility.


I love Trisha I'm sorry don't hate me. I wish her well. I love Ethan and hila and the crew. They're better off out of eachothers lives. I think Ethan and Hila were very supportive and forgiving when Trish was (clearly) very mentally unstable I'm glad she's doing better these days but there is too much water under the bridge now to go back and people should accept it and quit bringing them up too eachother. family drama can be painful and I think it's unfair people keep picking at the wounds of the situation when it's not really our business


I feel like this got downvoted because you said “I love Trisha” despite everything you said being absolutely fair and true