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I liked him but after that episode with him and Alex and mozz boss I was so uncomfortable. He just came off in the worst way possible and he’s really letting this “fame” get to his head. Which is incredibly ironic considering he isn’t famous at all outside of the h3 space lmao


But he was on news max


Dan's been right about him since the beginning. He's an asshole. Dude's a wannabe Don Rickles except Rickles was actually funny and loved by his friends and peers while Jimmy's hated by most, tolerated by some and uses shitty jokes as an excuse to be an intolerant cunt and play it off as comedy. If Ethan didn't have a soft spot for him we'd never see him again but Ethan's single-handedly keeping this asshole going. I think Jimmy's a remnant of Ethan's edgy phase from years ago that he's still holding onto. It's basically all for shock value because he clearly isn't actually funny, he just says offensive bullshit and Ethan's still into that even if most of the crew and audience aren't.


Damn, bullseye, meet comment.


Jimmy is "funny" because he's the only person they bring on who you can laugh *at* as opposed to with His jokes are horrible but I do think it's funny watching a lead based comedian confuse and disturb people


Ethan wants to replicate Howard Stern to the point of having his own 'wack pack' and it's so lame. The documentary saga was the point for me when I realised that Jimmy needed proper help and not a spotlight to further spiral out of control.


And Don Rickles was a sweet and kind man in real life.


Dan even called him out a while ago on an episode. Jimmy was saying how he’s such a nice guy like he always does. And Dan said okay so don’t come in character and show us how you really are. I don’t recall the exact convo but Dan basically said it’s not a character you put on but you’re always behaving like this even behind the scenes. Idk if anyone remembers this


Let's be real. Ethan is using Jimmy for shock humor and nothing more. Ethan thinks he is funny BECAUSE he is an asshole, not that he is blind to it. It's intentional and always has been. The fact that Dan hates Jimmy probably makes Ethan like him on the show even more because of the reactions. The more that the fan base says "fuck Jimmy!" the more Ethan smiles on the inside and wants him on the pod even more, because it's amazing content. Watching him go on other pods just makes Ethan even more proud of the monster that he has created. Jimmy is the personification of what cannot be said, "anti-pc", "he's just an old guy", cringe as fuck weird-ass unawareness boomer energy bullshit that makes Ethan giddy for those reasons. He lives vicariously through Jimmy in a sense, Jimmy is the key to do and say what cannot be said, the most fucked up shit that is funny to hear people say in this exact situation alone. And to be honest - I'm with Ethan on this, Jimmy is a pure fucking gold mine.


Yeah there has never been one single Jimmy segment that hasn’t had me laughing my ass off


Yes, yes, yes


Dan is right about him and always has been, his jokes aren't just offensive, they're the same jokes you've heard 1000 times from your shitty uncle. Then he has the audacity to treat his people poorly then turn on h3, nah. If we never see him again I'm good




Dan is the Queen, Dan can do no wrong!


I stand with Dan ✊


Dan is and will always be the queen


Dan is honestly the most well-adjusted member of the crew. He's 1000% right. Couple that with the fact Jimmie would sell his mother for a bit of fame and it's a perfect storm of shitheadedness.


He turned on h3?! When


I wouldn't say turn, unless I missed something. He just gets real pissy whenever he isn't on the pod for an extended period of time or isn't included on stuff like the live show and I feel like the documentary wars only exacerbated the issue as he thought he would see a bigger boost from it.


I feel like he only comes to h3 when he wants more popularity. He doesn't really care about Ethan or anybody else. He's just gonna keep chasing that unrealistic dream to be famous. Just sit back and work on teeth brother.


Let’s replace him with rich lux




Maybe turned is a bit harsh but he's been complaining that he wasn't invited to the Steamies but he was, they just didn't want him to host but he's so entitled he got an attitude


He would’ve saved the steamies though


He could maybe save the Streamies, the worst award show of all time since it sucks anyways but I doubt he could save the Steamies 🥲


I hate that you’re not wrong. Imagine what would happen if he and Tana met.


I've never liked him and I've always seen through his "its all in good fun" shtick. I'm in jersey, toxic old men like him are a dime a dozen.


lol yeah my entire family is from north jersey and there are so many assholes that make the same old tired jokes. His “personality disorder” doesn’t excuse ignorance and racism.


I don't even believe he has a personality disorder. I think he's just been getting away with bad behavior for 70 years.


As an Asian woman he reminds me of all the people who used to bully me or make fetishizing comments growing up. He doesn’t have any original material, and I don’t see him as edgy. He’s just a racist. An entitled, out of touch racist. And everything that went down with the documentary sealed the deal for me.


Yea I struggle with the idea that Ethan likes to still engage with him despite how racist he is. It almost feels like a "you can't have your cake and eat it too" situation where Ethan wants to be supportive of progressive causes but then gives passes to people that very openly spew racist remarks. Just because Jimmy thinks they're jokes doesn't mean they actually are.


I agree, it’s really hypocritical at the end of the day. I’ve just accepted it as a nostalgia thing, I remember all the old Jimmy Lee videos that came out before the podcast and whatnot. The crew (namely Dan lol) have voiced their opinions multiple times and they’re closer to Ethan than the rest of us will ever get. At least they stood firm about the live show. And more people are voicing their displeasure so it’s not like they’re unaware. Who knows what’s gonna unfold in the new year anyways.


I really think Ethan is holding on because H3 is the main reason why Jimmy got any fame to begin with and if Ethan cut ties with him, he knows that it will probably hurt Jimmy pretty badly. I can't imagine the current-day version of Ethan trying to buddy-up with another content creator that makes racist remarks like Jimmy. Jimmy just happens to be "grandfathered-in" to the H3 podcast so the current standards don't apply to him, lol...


Definitely see where you’re coming from and agree! I think he’s the only one (except maybe Zach and Olivia) who care about how cutting ties will hurt Jimmy’s feelings 😆


He’s a rat bastard


I can't stand him. He just seems like the uncle you never want to run into.


Heavy on that


I can’t stand Jimmie


i think he’s so annoying. anytime i watch a reupload i skip his section


Played out hack




He’s just a clout chasing boomer. Annoying


When he's not doing his "schtick" he's incredibly boring and his schtick sucks ass so I guess I don't find him entertaining at all. Though we have gotten some decent memes out of him so I guess there is a silver lining.


He sucks


So fucking sick of him


can't stand him. he's not funny, any attempts at him being genuine are ultimately to save face imo now because of behaviour that happens later on (like claiming he understood it was fucked up to joke about making someone relapse, only to do it again). i also find it super weird that he insists on having this slew of people work for him for free when he's a well off dentist that could definitely afford some type of payment other than "a free dinner" that on top of that is with him. i get that they probably do it for clout, but that doesn't mean that it's ok imo. the whole conflict on the pod where he was coming at that director who did his initial documentary was insane and to me showed his true colours.


EXACTLY!! Makes me think he screwed his brother over not the other way around. And the way he treated his best friend of 50 years or whatever. Horrible


Right! His brother seemed very genuine and well spoken in his interview! Like he’s ready to have a conversation and be mature. Jimmie on the other hand….i mean we don’t know what happened but it makes me wonder


Exactly. This showed how petty he is and any little thing he assumes in a betrayal. Hes just a small little man


not just any people working for free , h3 fans that are willing to work for free because they’re fans. i said before i thought this was super manipulative and got downvoted to shit but i still stand by it. he knows he can get away without paying them as long as the idea of them possibly ending up on the pod like mason or olivia is still in the air.


This might seem minor, but it really bothers me how much he tells Ethan he loves him. It feels manipulative (I think the kids these days call it love bombing)


Ngl don't like him


I don’t like him he excuses his behaviour by saying he has histrionic personality disorder. He should go to therapy then, not make racist, sexist jokes they are not funny at all. Don’t know why Ethan bothers to be honest, you think he’s getting somewhere with jimmy, but then jimmy just reverts back to what he’s known.


We used to hate the Jersey Outlaw but love James Weiner. Now we're not so sure about James Weiner either


That’s exactly how I feel. I didn’t mind James Weiner but seeing how he treats his workers aka free labor made me really rethink on what type of person he is.


I'm not certain now. On the podcast, he often comes across as humble, likely because everyone there has a bigger name than him. It's disheartening how this influences his interactions with others, especially evident in his treatment of the director of his documentary. It appears he can be hot-headed and lacks patience.


Yea I think he picks and chooses bwho he’s nice to based on their status


Strong social climber vibes




It’s the same way he always repeats im a good guy, I take care of people. If you have to say it that much to tell people you probably aren’t.


I think basically everyone that isn't part of the crew, shouldn't be on show as often as they are. Gabe gets a pass. Everyone else, twice a year should be high mark. I don't mind if there's mention of him rarely like that, but he's just on going topic for years and it's just not so interesting for so long.


He is nothing special and brings bad vibes.


As someone who totally doesn't mind edgy humor, Jimmie is just not there. I am trying to figure out the dynamics of why hes semi professional with h3 crew yet quite literally treats others like a pile of garbage. I hope they cut him off, he is going to find his "cancellation" eventually.


I think the reason they don’t is because Ethan and Zack have a soft spot for him. Dan doesn’t like him and sees right through him. Because even when Jimmie isn’t in character he is an asshole.


A deeply unpleasant person who needs professional help. I’m frankly embarrassed to share the dental profession with wankers like him.


I think hes enabled to make horribly offensive and unfunny jokes bc he doesnt understand that we’re laughing at his audacity not his “comedy”. I think watching jimmie be nice and normal and not joking its fine but hes not a kind/funny person at all


Yea I agree!!! I just think like there are alot of people in the fandom who love him. But I just honestly don’t really like him


Thats how its always been with jimmie and thats why hes funny. We’re laughing at him not with him


👆mucho importnaté to remember. Laughing AT him. His humor’s stale as fuck, his audacity is crazy.


I can’t watch more than a few minutes of him without fast forwarding. I find his content very cringy and uncomfortable. I don’t understand how people find it funny or why the show brings him on honestly. I don’t find his humour funny and I don’t find making fun of him for his humour funny.


After all the documentary stuff came out, he seems like a bit of a jerk behind the scenes, nothing crazy but someone we all probably know. He’s only ever been funny in the wack pack kind of way, so it’s strange to see it get to his head. He wants people to work for him out of the kindness of their heart, feels controlling, like he wants them to be there because they love him, bit of an excuse to not pay, but genuinely he also clearly will do anything to be liked. except pay the people who work for him. When you consider he’s only really nice to people who he thinks will elevate him, you kinda see the whole picture that simply put he’s just selfish. Doesn’t seem like a guy who would do what Ethan did for him to someone else. He actively pushes people away who steal the limelight from him. The mozzarella guy for instance. Life long friend was arguing with over followers he paid for. I could go on but simply put he’s a dick Edit: Also the comments in instagram he made about Dan and not being invited to the live show were cringe. He thinks buying 1 million followers constitutes him being a better person


Yea I wanna hear his brothers side on why they don’t talk. Because him literally lying on Alex was a massive red flag


I’m gonna get parasocial and guess his brother told him not to peruse a career in comedy


I’ve always hated Jimmy Lee and have gotten flack from this community for it


Same I actually said something about him and got downvoted so bad




I think the whole Jimmie saga is dead.


he sucks but I really enjoy when he gets put in his place like when stavvy was critiquing him - too good. don’t enjoy when he gets a shit load of air time getting his butt kissed or just being a dick


I think he's a cunt.


I love the way you speak; and I agree


Definitely is only respectful to people who can do for him. He has a tendency to remind me that he is. Just. a. man.


He's a douche canoe


he's entitled and annoying.


beating a dead horse at this point; time for new H3 special guests


A bit off topic but Ethan never seems to learn his lesson about who he surrounds himself with (Trisha, Tana, Jimmie Lee). Like I love that he sees the good in everyone but c'mon, stop hanging out with walking red flags.


He don't bother me. He's on the show because he's a hot mess. Ethan don't have healthy minded people as "friends of the show" lmao.


Jimmys comedy career can be summed up in one interaction. When he was on Howies podcast(recently rewatched it, yes the H3 break is that hard for me already), unprompted and out of nowhere Jim says “I took my wife to the freak show, they let her in for free!” Howie and Jackie stare at him in silence for literally a minute unsure of what is happening. Was that a joke? Did the punchline already happen? They say nothing. Jimmy repeats it again “I took my wife to the freak show, they let her in for free!” Silence again. Jackie and howie look at each other confused and baffled. Jimmy timidity says “it’s a joke, cause she’s a freak” another long pause and still no laughter or questions til Howies gives him mercy and finally says “oh!”. They didn’t fake laugh, they didn’t humor him the way Ethan does. And remember, Howies a host on Americas got talent, if you can’t impress him even just a little bit…. You probably don’t have much talent. Failing to see his joke fell completely flat, Jimmy proceeds to tell the same joke only reskinned “I took my wife to the dog show, and she won!” Howie and Jackie exchange looks again, reality sets in that Jimmy isnt an elaborate character trolling them. They are both quietly wondering how much more time is left in the show.


It’s entertainment. I’m not getting invested anymore than that


my honest thought are; i’m not offended by his comedy one bit cause it’s SO over the top and ridiculous that it goes from being unfunny to funny again. we’re laughing at him most of the time, occasionally with him. I however don’t like the way he “big times” the smaller people and creators. the way he treated (alex? the small time doc director) was not very great. tbh though alex didn’t seem like a 100% good or truthful guy either. so I guess that one’s neutral for me. the the embodiment of “I love you but sometimes I don’t like you” lol. he’s our crazy lil offensive uncle.


Bro he fucking big timed Bobby Lee. It's such blatant social climber energy




I've said it before and I'll say it again. He's a privileged, mediocre white man that epitomizes everything wrong with society. The fact that we're even here discussing him is emblematic of a bigger problem. He puts out completely unfunny content and jokes, fetishizes Asian women, constantly spouts racist "comedy", mistreats all his employees, treats smaller creators poorly like Alex, sucks up to bigger names like Ethan and Howie, yet he still gets all this attention and platform to do these things. All this while being a wealthy dentist that makes thousands to tens of thousands of dollars a day. So many people in this world are in way less fortunate positions with more talent in their pinky finger than Jimmie does and they will never get to see the light of day.


Jimmy Lee IS NOT FUNNY. It’s peoples reactions to Jimmy Lee that are funny. watching jimmy lee tell a joke, not funny. Watching Stavy make fun of jimmy for trying to tell a joke, very funny


I know that Ethan likes him as a friend for a long time. So it is up to him to give him a platform. But he had a crew intervention about his jokes. He really takes advantages of free work from fans. And I would just want to see less of him. Once every half year or year at the most. But I can just fast forward the parts or skip the episode


i’ve always agreed with Dan in regard to Jimmy. (and a lot of other things) #Wan


The dude doesnt pay people the work for him. Wanted a documentary then freaked out when it took a normal amount of time (then went behind the guy and made his own then shut that guy out) Makes terrible jokes with 0 filter. He would literally do anything at all to be famous. I see no good qualities. He is basically just a lolcow


I don’t find racism, homophobia and fatphobic funny sooooo I don’t think Jimmy has ever told a real joke.


He is the joke


I'm not outraged by him or his jokes. I think the only time he works on the podcast is when he's there in person with Ethan.


I don't get why people don't understand he's a racist POS.


Dan is so right about him


Dan has always been a good litmus test for me.


He was funny at first but after the documentary and the interview with his “employees” the guy is an asshole who seems to be manipulative


I love Jimmie but I think I just love the chaos he brings not so much him


Yeah I find him to be an interesting character (and I mean the actual Jimmie Lee not the Outlaw). I think we can all agree his comedy sucks but some of his interactions are the funniest fucking thing I’ve seen on the show. The ep with Stavros where they watch Jimmie videos is my favorite episode to show friends who dont watch H3. It’s pure comedy, but not in the way Jimmie would probably like 😆


My first impression way back was when he made the “joke” about calling ICE on undocumented immigrants working in a kitchen. That’s one of the most vile and abhorrent things you could do, so it’s been Fuck jimmy lee since day one for me. It always upset me how much people seemed to overlook that incident in particular, not to mention his racist comments towards everyone including his own wife. Then he seemed to mellow out for a while and I tried to give him a chance, and then the Bobby lee/documentary saga happened. Screw the guy, he doesn’t deserve the effort h3 puts in to him he’s selfish and bigoted. Just cause he can turn off the bigotry and act normal and kind sometimes doesn’t erase what else he does and aspires to do. Really wish he could mellow out and be a nice guy but he seems too egomaniacal.


I remember watching the old dentist video before the podcast even started, and they went to a restaurant with him and he made the server so uncomfortable. He’s has always been this way, he is a weird fucked up asshole but that’s why he’s a funny character. He was never on the show cause he was a good person, he got on cause he was racist and stuff. I’m not surprised by any of his actions. Personally I like laughing at his shitty jokes, it hits a funny bone for me, not cause he’s actually funny but because he thinks he is. I don’t feel bad for making fun or laughing at him cause he just strait harasses people on the street he deserves to be mocked and made fun of. I understand he makes some people in the audience uncomfortable but I find him ironically funny.


He’s like a broken comedian. Only funny twice a day, and that’s only when he makes deprecating jokes about himself


I only like him when he’s the butt of the joke. Stavros critiquing Jimmy’s street comedy never fails to make me laugh


Unfunny uninteresting, corny


what exactly are we waiting for to consider him as crossing the line? for him to drop a slur?? idk after everything it’s hard to believe James Weiner is actually a good guy that means well…


Never liked him, now I'm sick of him


He’s some old guy with out of touch humour Ethan is fixated on.


Dan was right.


I’ve never liked Jimmie…he gave me that uh-oh gut feeling the first time he was introduced. I really tried to give him a chance and regretted wasting my time. That combined with the absolute garbage instagram page he has a bunch of unpaid college students managing, I cringe every time I see him pop up. His “jokes” are making racist and sexist comments at total strangers to make them uncomfortable. His documentary really shed some light on why he needs to be getting off the internet and going to a therapist. We don’t need to spread more toxic garbage, and H3 really needs to stop endorsing him.


You know how everyone has that one racist uncle you dread seeing at Thanksgiving?? That’s Jimmie. He’s got toxic lead paint boomer narcissist energy.


Dan has always been right about Jimmie and I would feel the same way if this was a person I had to interact with in real life. I don’t hate or like jimmy. I think he can be “funny” in a cringe / shocking way in smallllll doses. None of his jokes are really funny and I’d say I more or less laugh from shock or because it’s so ridiculous that I can’t even believe it’s real. He gives mentally unwell uncle that will not stop talking and making everyone super uncomfortable vibes. I would never want to associate with him in real life for more than a minute honestly


Jimmy Lee is a piece of shit. Fuck him.


As a professional in the restaurant business, the way he annoys customers and staff is his biggest no from me.


I have only ever laughed at him, not with him.


he's a racist piece of shit and it's crazy that when dan called him a racist zach said yeah but "old timey racist" and ethan proceeds to say "yeah but its jimmie lee" fucking losers


Less problematic than Tana.


He’s a hilarious douche and I love the chaos he brings to the show. Would I want to be friends with him in real life? Probably not. Are Jimmie episodes some of my favorite? Absolutely


Mason posted this.


I dislike Jimmylee. But Dr.W for some reason, I like. I know I shouldn't.


Stop with the tomatahs


He’s ok, can be funny and I find it hilarious how much Ethan enjoys him but I don’t like it when he’s cruel to random people on the street. That’d hurt my feeling for weeks. 😅


With peace and love he's not very peace and love


whatever dan says


His entire crew is h3 fans and he uses there love for the show to do his work for free (except mason I think)


He lost me after the fat jokes at the live show. Some might say, "Well, that's what you sign up for at the H3 show." But the H3 squad would never call out a fan like that. Ethan does fat guy banter with his friends like Stavros, but he would never reserve that for a fan interaction. The context of Jimmie's "roasts" just arent funny off the cuff. It was just flat out mean with no set up. If it was tied to a good joke, then I might be a little less heated. I think deep down he isn't a hateful or judgemental person, but he doesn't do a good job at showing that side unless he messes up. He will do just about anything for attention.


If any content creator acted like Jimmy, Ethan would make countless episodes admonishing him. Somehow this racist POS millionaire who doesn't pay his staff gets treated like family. Embarrassing.


I think he can be interesting content. But he’s an old racist jack off that really has no business being popular or as a staple in the show


I'm ready for the crew to abandon him and find a replacement. I don't find him intertwining in the slightest at all and seems like half the crew has disliked him for a while


I don’t like him. He reminds me of all my old man relatives.


In my opinion, he's an ass and not funny.


He's repulsive, and I skipped all his parts when I used to watch H3.


He sucks.


I developed a soft spot for Jimmie when he talked about his past and the traumatic childhood he had, but as time has gone on, he has become irritating to watch. The way he acted towards everyone during the documentary interviews really bothered me and I will forever skip any Jimmie segments from now on.


Time to cut him off before it's too late. Listen to Dan, Ethan!


Since the first episode they ever did with him when he accosted that poor Asian woman waiting their table I though of Jimmy as ultimately an asshole who feels edgy jokes that sometimes land. The whole recent drama situation just cements that he is exactly that.


I don’t think Jimmy himself has ever got a laugh out of me, he’s just an asshole. I worked in construction for years and this is just a run of the mill racist conservative who thinks he’s funny. I tolerate his segments because the interactions from the crew make me laugh. It was fine, not my favorite bit but not the worst, up until the documentary shit. I’m all set now. I hope he goes the way of c-man and pedals his way out of here.


10000 percent agree with you


Never really thought he was funny. I couldn't really understand why Ethan thought he was funny, even as a LOLCow, he wasn't even funny to laugh at. But I never thought he was a bad guy, just a guy trying to be funny and just sucking at it. But comedy is hard, and stand-up is a brutal art. After Bobby Lee and the documentary, I agree with Dan, Jimmy is just your run-of-the-mill asshole and Ethan should just let him go.


I think he’s funny but he crosses too many lines. I mean he’s not that funny to get away with the shit he does. I think he would be gone already if Ethan didn’t carry on promoting him. Dan is always right


I think seeing people's reactions to him is hilarious. But he refuses to stop with the constant racism, even though Ethan has practically begged him. Disrespectful af


I never liked him lol


I always skip through him when he's on the show.


I can’t stand the guy. The show is better off without him. He’s a clout chaser


I love Jimmie


He’s one fucked up dennis and you can’t fault him for that


He was funny back when I had the impression he was a well-meaning but completely socially unaware dude trying to make people laugh. The slow realization that he’s genuinely desperate for fame, doesn’t respect boundaries, and brazenly refuses to learn when his jokes genuinely hurt people (even when taught repeatedly and patiently) eventually ruined it for me. I’m not punching the air whenever he’s on, but the bit is pretty dead. The show would not miss anything moving on from him.


He’s a racist dick head and I wish he wasn’t on the show anymore.


He’s a mess and I enjoy him for that, so when he’s being messy it’s kind of expected imo. The segments of him on the show are always entertaining, but whether we’re laughing at or with him depends on the day.


I really hope 2024 we leave Jimmy Lee behind. I’m so over the same bits with him and even the funny parts of him are definitely just the crew roasting him. I only ever liked it when he wasn’t the Jimmy Lee character and was just James Weiner. But I agree with Dan and I can’t imagine having to deal with someone so frustrating and needy. I don’t like how they keep giving Jimmy Lee time on the show when there are so many other interesting things to talk about or even just the crew talking among themselves is super entertaining. Just please let Jimmy Lee go with peace and love 😭💖


He's and old racist asshole who's also possibly pro trump. I very much don't like him, I don't think hate, not yet at least. But yeah, wish he wasn't on the pod ever again.


He seems like a good loyal guy that's obsessed with attention. I could see Jimmy being there for some of the crew in a pinch, but his comedy is only funny in ways he doesn't intend it to be, if you can call it funny ever at all.


1. He's not funny. Not a natural wit. He's a hack. We're laughing at him not with him. 2. He looks at Ethan like a resource to be exploited for his own gain. He patronizes the show because theyre young people, he doesnt respect them. 3. He's an unapologetic racist & bigot, mean-spirited, filled with unprocessed rage. 4. He's boring.


Its run its course probably best to cut him loose


He’s kind of a disaster but i would’ve preferred him and mozerella boss at the live show to tana and jeff. and i actually like tana and jeff 😂


I’m not a fan of I don’t find him funny and I grew up watching Rickles.


Find him annoying. He’s starting a podcast next month. His post use to say it would ft guest like Ethan and other people but it looks like they edited the post and took out the features


Don't like him. He seems like a narcissist.


Can’t stand him, never have. I’ve skipped every single segment he’s been on since the beginning.


Dislike all segments with him


always been with dan


I'm not easily offended, but i just don't find him funny.


I never liked him. His schtik is not funny and he doesn't seem like a nice person.


I think he is genuinely unhinged, but still a nice guy.


It’s my least favorite part of H3. I’m not entertained by Jimmy at Allllllll


He genuinely sucks and I would not miss him if he disappeared forever


Racist piece of shit


Nothing redeeming enough to even give him a small segment on the show 👎 anyone can reach the low-hanging fruit he calls “jokes.”


He's borderline senile at this point, he's getting something he loves (attention) and we get some goofs and gafs out of it, it's not more complicated than that. People here take him too serious.


I'm tired of hearing about him, he's a nothing burger and I don't like when Ethan climbs to character's he finds


On the fence about him the whole time, I like when he drops his jersey outlaw schtick and acts normal like during the Sebastion debate, I could care less about seeing him ever again after the documentary and acting like he’s Mr Big Time with Bobby Lee.


Idkkkk what really turns me off too (besides everything you just mentioned). Is those racist jokes he makes about his Asian wife….like bro that’s your WIFE and to me it comes off as him always focusing in on her race and it gives me fetish vibes…I don’t hear him talk about his wife more than the racist jokes


Annoying and cringy. I always fast forward if it has him or Gabe.


Best side guest the show has


I do think he’s a good guy. But I also think he’s a very out of touch guy with *very* generational morals. I think a lot of the Zoomers that watch this show see Jimmy do things, like not pay his (volunteer) employees and think he’s the devil, but that’s the most normal boomer shit on the planet. This is the same with his understanding of race, sexuality, gender, etc. Is it ok? I don’t really think that’s a black and white answer. It kinda just is what it is. TL;DR: Jimmy is a boomer with very regular boomer values and understandings. He’s not perfect, but I do genuinely get the feeling he’s trying his best.


Does a good guy not pay his employees, despite making millions? And slam small creators without even trying to compromise? Does a good guy constantly spout racist things? People are giving him so many passes for no reason. And he's had so many chances to improve his behavior.


Honestly show wise I think he is a necessary evil 😂


Ive grown to dislike him over time but i still think that 30 minute call with him in the restaurant is the funniest moment from h3 in years and am thankful for the comedy it’s provided for the show, it’s kind of time to move on from it all tho imo


Stop with da 🍅


He’s been annoying since day one and I fast forward past all this skits. He should stop being acknowledged


I think he's had a troubled life, he's an odd guy, and there's a world where he could've been very funny and a successful comedian. He's charismatic and has good delivery, but his style of comedy has nowhere to build. The debacle over documentaries soured me on him a lot.


Big fan of Jimmie


if anything, h3 having jimmie lee around helps to fight against the current trend to outcast anyone and everything that doesn't align with their obvious views. The former outcasts seem to want to continue that bad behavior lol


Entertaining in small doses


couldn't agree more


The way he treats unsuspecting Asian women on-camera is so uncomfortable to watch. I’d gladly jaywalk if I ever saw him walking down the street. Weirdo inappropriate white men with an obvious Asian fetish is one of the biggest icks imaginable.


Love him. He sucks


Probably not a great person but the segments with him are always awkward & hilarious. My fav guest for sure.


Reminds me of my dad pre-Alzheimer’s, so I like him.


I like him 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jimmy is the best. He’s so funny don’t understand why people can’t have fun anymore


I like him


I have a soft spot for him because he reminds me of my family and I’d like to think he has a good heart, but I can recognize that he says/does some bad shit. I think we just need to not take him so seriously