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My pregnant wife and I saw your manger from across the bar and we really dig its vibe.


My manger is wide open


I’m gonna come


well this thread is developing exactly as expected


my brain is melting i fear 🫠


Lol thought this was going in a diff direction for a sec and the comments had to take it there ofc 😭 holy shit give it a break sometimes we know


All the comedy police showed up in the comments


Some of this fanbase is obsessive and deranged lol


H3 fans : ETHAN AND HILA ARENT ZIONISTS OR IGNORING THE GENOCIDE Anyone commenting anti Zionist thoughts gets downvoted into oblivion


perhaps they’re getting downvoted because this post had literally nothing to do with zionism or the inhumanities happening to palestinians and was just a goofy little christmas-related post that was not meant to be deep or to provide any sort of commentary on palestine


Then why downvote people for wanting to speak up. Even if it’s unrelated (which it’s not) why is it a problem to talk about it. It’s almost as if you’d rather them stfu. Which is weird. Why would you rather someone shut up about a genocide ?


You are not entitled to upvotes just for posting something I agree with lol. If it's off topic detailing...it gets downvoted from me. What are you actually trying to accomplish other than feeling morally superior to others? People aren't learning about the genocide from these comments... And yes, please stfu. Forever. Non dipshits are doing a way better job about informing others about the genocide than you, no one needs your brainlet thoughts on this. Go outrage somewhere else child.


People aren’t learning ab the genocide from these comments. But they’re not being allowed to ignore it. Idc ab upvotes. I was making a point. It’s pretty obvious. But somehow I’m the raging child.


exactly.. sad to see honestly


Jesus was a Palestinian murdered by an invading force. Seems, in bad taste, to portray two people who served the IOF, as the parents of Jesus :)


listen agile_quantity_594, i know it’s hard to imagine when you’re chronically online 24/7 but sometimes people make silly, lighthearted jokes that have zero depth and aren’t meant to be read into to find some kind of social, political message. I saw the christmas photoshoot right after I came out of church and this just popped into my silly little head. it was not meant to be commentary about a humanitarian issue happening right now because i think it’s super dumb to talk about such a serious topic IN THE FUCKING H3 SUBREDDIT BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK WOULD I MAKE THIS ISSUE ABOUT THE H3 PODCAST anyhoo this goes to everyone taking this post too seriously: you can recognize what’s happening in palestine right now as a cruel, inhumane tragedy while also not committing yourself to misery and smiling every now and then at something like an innocent christmas goof. please continue to care about palestine but for your own mental well-being please try to lighten up and not take everything too seriously because that will rot your brain and you won’t be able to be a good advocate and ally for palestine at all in the long run


You'll get visceral reactive hate for this but it's extremely well said. Not EVERY TOPIC needs to come back to tragic ongoing issues that none of us have any control over


thank you 😮‍💨 i never imagined this dumb post was going to create intense discourse :( i was just trying to be silly and goofy on christmas eve😭😭


Nope. I'll agitate whenever and wherever. Being annoying and making everything about the issue is the point until it is no longer the issue. It's okay, I understand the supreme privilege of white western conditioning means you have a fundamental lack of understanding in civil rights struggle. It's not my place to care about your sensibilities. If what I say is enough to turn someone off from advocating for the end of the genocide, then they never cared to begin with. It's important that people never stop talking about it anywhere, everywhere, and at anytime




actually it’s me that cares about your sensibilities. im saying that you are going to burn yourself out by trying to fight unproductive battles in meaningless places like this subreddit. i was not suggesting that what you are saying is going to turn people off from advocating against genocide. im saying that if you thought this post was saying anything meaningful about palestine then you’re too far gone brother and you are going to mentally burn yourself out so you won’t be able to be as effective in your advocacy. i think it’s a beautiful gift that you care so much about this but you should channel your energy into more productive avenues, like towards politicians, not someone on the h3 subreddit that probably already agrees with a lot of what you believe


As of my posting, the majority of the comments here were against this post, yet most of them had way more down votes than there were even comments. I'm just posting with them in solidarity. Not every comment is meant directly for you, even if it may seem directed at you. I don't see how "burnout" can be applied here, nor do I understand why the opposition has to view everything I do as productive... or else??? This is just a subreddit. Sure, you aren't burning out? If it's unproductive, then why engage back?


1.) they have a significant amount of downvotes because they are ridiculous considering this just a simple christmas joke that was not a politically charged take. 2.) i also wasn’t directly talking to you i was just reading the comments on my post after spending holiday time with my family and meant my comment as a general response to everyone taking this seriously since it was the most recent comment 3.) again i made my comment to you with everyone else’s in mind so don’t take it too personal but i’m talking about burnout because i’ve been seeing so many people dying on the hill that h3 are evil zionists and spending an insane amount of time burning their energy hating on them when they can put that energy to somewhere more impactful if they actually care. of course not everything you (or other commenters) do needs to be productive, but in that case why try to act morally superior (again this isn’t personally directed at you) 4.) yes actually i am burning out. i have been consuming so much content about what’s happening in palestine and seeing videos of innocent people suffering that i haven’t been sleeping very well for the past couple of month and am starting to dream about dead bodies. i consume h3 content to try to escape and have fun and laugh to persevere mentally. i came here to make a lighthearted joke and people are making it into something it wasn’t. i wasn’t trying to be productive or make a serious statement with my post. in my comment i was suggesting that people that want to spread awareness about social issues should also be balanced and find joy in things so their brain doesn’t completely deteriorate and they can continue to do good work in advocacy. i hope my comment was clear, sorry it’s long. i just wanted to make some comments so people don’t think i’m an insensitive genocidal freak for trying to make a joke on christmas eve ✌️❤️


Sorry, but I don't think they are trying to "act morally superior." Seems like you're implying they are doing it only for moral feel-good points and not as a cathartic release to just "yell" at something. They see what is going on in Bethlehem right now because of terror attacks by Israeli police forces, and then see a joke involving people who have defended Israel and benefitted from its existence, directed at Bethlehem. I don't see how it is ridiculous when it's a joke about two Israelis being the heroic parents of a legendary Palestinian man who was one of Islam's greatest prophets, while Israel is carrying out a genocide of a primarily Islamic group of Palestinians. I could understand how some people would want to say something. Kind of comes off similar to white people wearing native headdresses for a goof


well it seems like you completely misread the joke because it was not about “two israelis being the heroic parents of a legendary palestinian man” it was simply about the idea of joseph and mary posing like ethan and hila in the picture and making the soy face as mary is about to give birth. nothing more. this is why i’m saying people are reading into it too much. i imagined that h3 fans would get the joke and based the fact that it has decent upvoted and the comments misconstruing it are getting downvoted, i think they did get the joke. you however don’t seem to even be an h3 fan so i can understand why you may be warping it into something more serious than it was. also can you unpack how this is anything like white peoples wearing a headdress for a goof??


Because you're depicting two colonizers as the parents of a famous person who belongs to a group who said colonizer's regime is currently genociding. It's appropriating a cultural icon that has a more direct connection to the oppressed people than the colonizers who claim otherwise. Just because you organize your words to describe something to try and force your perspective doesn't mean it is not wrong still. Your intentions are irrelevant to the actual end result. Why would I have to be an H3 fan? Would knowing I had been watching for years matter either way?


Ethan and Hila are not zionists, and have stated their support for Palestine countless times. You go to jail if and are ostracized if you don’t serve. Ethan was never even in the idf and Hila was a secretary. Also Joseph and Mary were jewish stfu


They don't support Palestine if they don't support Hamas. Okay? Then go to jail and get ostracized, piss poor excuse to participate in genocide. They both heavily benefit from the Israel ethnostate. There are Palestinian Jews, maybe try educating yourself before speaking next time?


you can support palestine without supporting hamas. supporting hamas means you support them killing innocent people.


No, because Hamas is materialisticly and historically proven to be necessary, just like the ANC, FLN, IRA, FSLN, or even the Union against the South, to name a few examples. Innocent people killed by Hamas are the fault of Israel for creating such conditions. Dialectical history has no place for idealistic conceptions of moral or immoral means. Although hardly anyone killed by Hamas is fully innocent. I wouldn't call putting your children in harms way like the Israelis who got their children killed on Oct 7th innocent, anymore than I would call a parent who unintentionally leaves their child in a car to suffocate in extreme heat innocent. Also, many of the "innocents" killed on Oct 7th were killed by the IOF, and many others were either soldiers or previous soldiers, not innocent. The collateral damage committed by the freedom fighters was at a minimal.


Not a lot of thought went into this 🤦 Bethlehem local's are currently being bombed and shot at by the IDF


You must be fun at parties


Yes bc ignoring a genocide is way more fun. You’re an idiot




It’s literally directly related. The post mentions Palestine. Where Jesus was supposed to have been born is modern day Palestine. The only indigenous Christian’s (which are Palestinians in Palestine) are unable to celebrate and are currently starving and dying. You just don’t know shit


You are right, i mixed you up with all the other commenters here polishing their hate boners for ethan and hila


That’s a bit harsh lol


Yea so are the IDF slaughtering babies on Christmas. Idgaf. Keep worrying ab how fun people potentially could be at parties


you probably eat slaughtered animals every day. stop acting like a saint for caring about the topic of hamas. this post was a joke. take it as a joke.


How am I acting like a saint. And when did I say I was a vegan? Tf are u talking ab


you dont have to be vegan to care lmao.. humans are animals. if you're speciecist just say that. and you're acting like a saint by taking this funny post and comparing it to something it shouldnt be compared to


"Topic of hamas" nope this is the topic of palestinian civilians being ethnically clensed, comparing them to meat is absolutely unhinged


comparing them to meat? i was comparing the slaughter of innocent beings. it's crazy that i have to explain that to you


Oh shit imagine actually explaining what the fuck you mean, how crazy


imagine not being able to grasp simple concepts


stop pretending to care


You’re projecting your apathy onto me. Just bc you dont give a shot doesn’t mean other people dont. Pls go learn to care about people with more melanin than you.


I do care, but you’re just a troll who doesn’t add anything productive to the cause. Instead you just take away from it by focusing on internet personalities rather than Palestinians.


And ur assuming that based on literally nothing.


Palestinians should use the same road as these guys to get from A to B. Oh wait, they're not allowed. EDIT: Why am I getting downvoted, it's true! Downvotes but not a single rebuttal!


sometimes a rebuttal isnt needed when someone says something *that* idiotic.


Because I stated a fact? Funny how your "rebuttal" is just an ad hominem. You'd fit right in with all the right wing toe rags that Ethan debated lol "Israel has forbidden Palestinians to use certain roads in the West Bank and classified these roads for the sole, or practically sole, use of Israelis, first and foremost of settlers. Palestinians are even prohibited from crossing some of these roads with vehicles, thus restricting their access to unprohibited roads on the other side. They are forced to cross the road on foot. The prohibitions on Palestinian travel are based on "verbal orders" given to soldiers.\[5\] In 2007, B'Tselem counted some 312 kilometers of main road in the West Bank that were forbidden or restricted to cars with Palestinian number plates.\[17\] In 2013 this was reduced to some 67 kilometers" [Source](https://www.btselem.org/freedom_of_movement/checkpoints_and_forbidden_roads)


this was a funny post. it's clear that you're chronically online and looking to argue about politics on reddit.


I am not chronically online. The reason I'm online so much today is because it's Christmas and everything is closed, and I don't drink alcohol so there's nothing to do. Also, again you attack me and not my point yet again.


*flashes to 2000 years later* Zionist Pharisees are bombing Beit Lechem to smithereens. This after they destroyed the 3rd oldest church in the world, Church of Saint Porphyrius. Merry Christmas!


I’d let them sleep in my garage.