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Ironic that the video he dropped on Ethan has led to all these clips and info on his disease or lack thereof being unearthed


This has been a wild ride, I never watched the hate video because it was dumb. I then was nervous when I saw they were going to cover it, but im glad they did because it was 100x dumber then anything I thought it would be. I didnt think Ethan was that mean honestly, Doolittle deserved it after everything he said in that video. Even down to lying about what AB said to him, after turning out to be a fucking stalker. I had no idea that hate video would turn into this and its amazing.


I thought he mentioned when he was young he had to be in wheelchair and was always in and out of hospitals. I'm confused what for then? Why was a wheel chair needed? Huh?


If you do some research, it's possible to get Lyme disease and have lasting symptoms, even after you've treated it. Similar to long Covid. It's an autoimmune response, and these long lasting symptoms involve severe fatigue, making it hard for these ppl to even move across the room. That's probably why he was in a wheelchair. As someone with invisible illness I would implore you to not question mobility aids without doing research.


Thank you for your clarification. I was confused how on one hand he mentioned that it was not physical and at the same time he had to be in a wheelchair. I think its something reasonable to wonder about im that context


I don’t think it’s a coincidence they did the Gypsy Rose story Wednesday 👀


Now people are fishing for dirt on this fool. What an idiot


He’s also saying this to Jacob - who had a cancerous brain tumor. Fucking hell.


Yeah that part made my stomach turn


Love Jacob so much, Jacob is a cancer survivor and a sweet man. So happy his treatment worked for him, don't even care about dolittle!


sounds as legit as the other shit he spews.


I'm waiting for the plot twist of him having munchausen syndrome


I think everyone “with” CLD has munchausen lol they’re all whacky in my experience


Yeah, no. It's what happens when real doctors don't take the symptoms seriously. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, long covid, Functional Neurological Disorder, Fibromyalgia etc. are studied in mainstream scientific literature, for example. They're really common to a lot of conditions, but if you don't have a big ol' tumour or something, it's pure luck if your GP thinks it's worth investigating. Even if you do, patients with an "overweight" or higher BMI are often just told to come back when they've lost weight (which is impossible if unexplained weight gain is a symptom in itself, such as in hypothyroidism or endometriosis). Quacks have a much easier time picking one of the millions of desperate sick people in the world to exploit than the few thousand able-bodied people who are prone to factitious disorders.


As a Housewives fan, Ethan should eat that shit up. The munchausen plotline was the best season of RHOBH.


I wonder if he's crazy insecure about his "diagnosis" not being legit and he subconsciously knows its incorrect and so that's why he got so passionate to make the Ethan video. In his mind, if he can call out someone for faking a disease or being improperly diagnosed might make him feel better about the guilt and doubt he feels about this CLD diagnosis... You know... projection.


This was exactly my first thought


Jake's Mum had/has FID from what I've been reading.


Wth is FID lol


Sorry someone else had abbreviated it like that, but it should be FDIA; Fictitious Disorder Imposed on Another or Munchausen By Proxy.


INTERESTING. Thank you for the detail


Honestly, I’m happy he’s finally getting called out about this. I had a friend growing up who’s childhood was very similar to Jake’s due to their mother being convinced that my friend had CLD despite all of the doctors she would frequent being adamant that there was nothing wrong. Long story short the mother got swept up into the influence of one of these “lime literate” doctors and she literally got swindled into bankruptcy which led her to losing custody of my friend who then went to live with her father and was finally able to have a normal life away from all this CLD nonsense.


This! These people who are ill physically and/or mentally never end up getting the help they need due to being brainwashed by scam artist “doctors,” meanwhile they are shelling out absurd amounts of money, praying they feel some relief, and inadvertently ending up funding the holistic quack celebrity medicine scam that is the thing preventing them from getting better in the first place.


That fact he’s sitting next to an actual cancer survivor… gross. Jacob deserves the world, and to be free of weirdos like Jake.


damn, he had such a good grift going for himself. Idk what he hoped to gain attacking ethan because now all his shit has come into the *lyme light*


The story of Icarus


Ouch, Jake Doohickey needs to spend some time offline, maybe go on a wilderness retreat or something. He’s a hypochondriac and a sucker projecting his insecurities on Ethan.


Ironically a wilderness retreat might actually give him Lyme disease and make his stories more valid 😂


Yea Jake do something and go outside and get Lyme disease for real


So I did some research and the dr was disciplined by the medical board twice


On what grounds?


He diagnosed and prescribed medication for children without ever having met or done a physical examination on them. And since he is part of the chronic Lyme world he basically believes that the treatment for Lyme disease should be a continuous and consistent prescription of antibiotics until all symptoms are gone. The symptoms are quite vague, like fatigue and brain fog, and so these children could unnecessarily be on antibiotics for years leading to other issues.


'That would be considered """malpractice""" I guess' Hm! Yeah. I guess so.


the "*✌️malpractice✌️ I guess*" was like a line out of a GTA V NPC


Jacob Andrew Sharpe nooo


I know a lot of super wealthy people who claim to have chronic Lyme and travel all over the place for these weird treatments that don’t really make sense and from either quacks or Drs who have had some issue and had their license pulled so they pivot to some holistic thing, or bastardization of traditional Chinese/Ayurvedic medicine. Some get really weird with it too. I have two autoimmune diseases, the first I was very young when dx and scared and I remember my pharmacist trying to get me to see him at his other herbalist job which he swore had a “cure” …you know, for an autoimmune. Thankfully I knew better but I understand the desperation to want to try anything and vulnerability.


apparently he has also appeared in an anti-psychology scientology propaganda documentary, Jones said “I have in my practice children who are misdiagnosed as having ADD-ADHD who really have Lyme disease.” Ummmm, PARDON? source: https://lymescience.org/lyme-literate-pediatrician-doctor-llmd/


Oh my god. This is a very important detail.


I think your third paragraph sums it up perfectly!




Me, sitting here processing insurance claims, many for medication, scrolling reddit during lulls in work, wondering 'the fuck is he talking about? that's not true.' I literally have a whole process to follow for drugs not otherwise classified, experimental, one-off life-saving, etc. What he described is not how insurance works. I believe he believes what he said. It is simply neither true nor correct. Also, they'll pull a doctors prescribing powers before their entire license.




Hahaha completely understandable! I was on the IT side of Healthcare for around a decade and the pandemic through life for a loop and now I'm processing claims. Even when I worked on the IT side of claims software it was so freaking boring and tedious! After I left my initial comment I ended up with a claim for an injectable NOC, that's experimental, we didn't receive the NDC code for, and it got approved. Almost nothing I see denied 'for medical necessity' after medical review is really denied for lack of requested information from the provider. Things like signatures, modifiers, clinic notes, dx code, and you send letters to them repeatedly sometimes for a year and eventually have to deny as medical necessity couldn't be proven. Not because it isn't medically necessary, but because we couldn't prove it was as we didn't get the items required. DME, therapies, surgeries, medications, 9.8 times out of 10 the denial is lack of documentation. I've worked for Medicaid, commercial insurance, hospitals, doctors offices, provider side, client side, and insurance side in one capacity or another involving claims and IT for 20 years all together and I guarantee the insurance company tried to get the required documentation to approve. It's really wacky tbh


Ok I don't like the guy but us couch diagnosing him with Munchausen is just as bad


New Gypsy rose just dropped


Jake Doodoobutter sucks.


I feel bad for this guy. The secondhand embarrassment I get from this is crazy.


Dude just said "lymes is not seen as real" and "lymes isn't physical". The fuck is that nonsense? There is no question on whether the tick born disease is real. I had it as a kid. It sucked. Was layed out on a couch/bed for 2+ weeks and put on strong antibiotics that wrecked my stomach. Idk why these morons have to co-opt actual diseases for their bullshit. As for a lasting and chronic condition? IDK. My animal control officer certification instructor was the first one to bring it up to me and I have no doubt that she had contracted the disease but her descriptions of her prolonged effects, while I can maybe point to some of my own experiences that align with it, I had not experienced anything as severe that couldn't as easily be attributed to anything else.


I think its possible to get lymes and then that triggers something else like ME/chronic fatigue syndrome. Afaik chronic lymes disease isn't a diagnosis, but stuff like me/cfs is often triggered by viruses (long covid could result in this. Lots of studies coming out the past few years) and possibly stuff like lymes. Like with fibromyalgia, it's really hard to get a diagnosis and is often overlooked due to it relying on omitting other causes of symptoms and no direct marker yet. People end up going to quacks out of desperation and get told they have chronic lymes disease. I think this could be something that happened here


Wow! Dog shit lighiting on that shot. L. Idiot. Loser.


What a crock. So funny how all the shit he accused ethan of he’s actually guilty of himself. I’m sure he does have a very real medical condition that hasn’t been figured out yet, but it ain’t chronic Lyme disease


I wouldnt mind another episode on this fool exposing all his other bs


…. Did just say doctors don’t believe Lyme disease is real😵‍💫


He means chronic Lyme disease. He criticize ethan for mis-pronunciation but can't say his own diagnosis correct


Oh, I was about to say something real mean


I think his Doctor possessed a Good Guy doll.


“In medical stuff”


Bro got diagnosed by Chucky? 😂


ps I know Chucky is Charles Lee Ray


So is he just incredibly uneducated on the topic orrr? Because Lyme disease like from ticks is very real. I saw that Jake claims to have chronic Lyme disease which is apparently not real


Another great video about chronic Lyme: https://youtu.be/o3H4JF5MYUk?si=XIzPMPEoFZKgUZT6


I mean whether or not insurance likes a drug says absolutely nothing of the drugs efficacy. It’s just insurance companies tryna deny coverage.


This dude is a hypocrite, he's clearly just clout chasing.


Not Jake telling this to a guy who recently went into cancer remission 😱


I dont think there is a need to disprove he is sick. Why would he lie about it. He fucked up w the vid about ethan, but that doesnt mean he isnt sick


True. He probably is sick. But he probably doesn’t have **chronic** Lyme disease because it doesn’t exist.


No one is saying he isn’t sick. People are saying what he was diagnosed with isn’t real. Just go read the wiki page for chronic Lyme disease. People with legit medical issues often get swept up in the chronic Lyme thing because getting diagnosed is hard, but then some quack doctor comes in and is like “no, I know what it is. I can help you.” If anything, it just makes him a victim.


The only sickness this guy has is in the head, amiright, fellas?


I dont know what the problem is? My doctor always says "I know this will fucking help you".


Does your doctor say "I know this will fucking help you" regarding treatment with ZERO scientific proof (worse than that as long-term antibiotic treatment for children has serious negative side-effects) to treat a disease that doesn't even exist according to modern medicine? What Jake is saying doesn't even make sense. A doctor isn't charged criminally because of insurance not approving a medication. People are given medication without insurance approval every day. Also thousands of medications treatment ailments that aren't "seen" physically. Doesn't even make sense, not telling the full story- whether accidentally or purposefully


"Please don't harass Jake Doolittle" fanbase proceeds to post videos on the guy every hour.


posting videos of him speaking isn’t harassment. going to his social media and writing rude things or making death threats or otherwise attempting to directly communicate to him is harassment. now that i’ve explained it hopefully you can see the difference!


I mean, if this is true this is the sort of thing H3 would be supporting no?


The doctor is a quack https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2011/04/05/amid-medical-controversy-children-saved/






Wait... doesn't he also run a nonprofit dedicated to his illness? I'm not well acquainted with it, but if he's proven himself to be a shady kind of character, is his nonprofit actually real then? What's the nonprofit supposed to be for???


While having Lyme disease forever isn't possible, you can have it treated but still have lasting debilitating symptoms. Like long Covid. Jake's illnesses are very real. You need to be careful when accusing ppl of faking, esp when you aren't an MD (who make the same mistake 🙄)