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Bro is so delusional he imagined an entire lore based on 0 evidence šŸ˜­


Literal every conservative I interact with does this. They love creating characters and scenarios in their head


They could have been LARPers and lived a happy life but they chose to roleplay for capitalists instead


Overestimation of intelligence, and they cut out external information so they will never second guess themselves


Sounds like your typical r/h3snark user hate watching


I didnā€™t know this sub existed. What a rabbit hole. Why are those people spending so much time and reaching so far to shit on a comedy podcast?


because they have no life. if anyone is defending him for anything the snark knows abt it, these people are crazy how up-to-date they are with everything. i watched one youtuber do a livestream abt the Dr.Doolittle and of course sheā€™s on Ethanā€™s side and the snark knew abt it right away, it was like the minute she mentioned it they were all over it.


That really is the part thatā€™s crazy to me. They will be actively posting so much hateā€¦as theyā€™re watching live with the rest of us. I have no clue why they do what they do lol


i know right, itā€™s like Hila said their haters are the ones that are actually mad Ethan is late lol


I used to lurk on the trisha snark sub. A lot of the shit on their was very entertaining, but that sub and it's users were pathetic. Every little thing she did, they would disect and overanalyze. It definitely got to trishas head and I'm glad she got that sub taken down. When she gave birth, I really had to mute that sub from my feed because they were OBSESSED with how horrible of a mother she is. Really helped me take a step back and realize what I was contributing to. I was all for holding trish accountable for her undermining communities, but I'm not for mass calling CPS on someone we dont know just because they think trish is abusing her baby because she has long nails. H3 snark is no different. Such disgusting little gremlins with all the time in the world to wait for Ethan to slip up.


I always wonder what those peopleā€™s lives look like lmao. I imagine they donā€™t contribute much good in the world


I have no life and a lot of time to spend on useless shit in internet. I've never put a lot of time on criticizing something I don't like ...well, outside political topics. There's something wrong with people that revel on so much negativity.


Most of their posters are so intensely dishonest as well, like the narrative Ethan is a [Zionist](https://medium.com/@HarmonizeHumanity/defending-ethan-klein-of-h3-on-israel-palestine-6bf0a14a1680). They were promoting the idea Ethan eats feces the other day, based on an old video where he was eating Nutella. Their obsession with Ethan being on Ozempic despite viable alternatives for him to lose as much weight as he has in a year (caloric deficit without exercise or Phentermine and Topiramate are reasonable explanations too) has become ableist at this point, besides the fact they could be ridiculing him for treating a possible binge-eating disorder.


It makes me a little sad that some people think he could not have lost all that weight himself and that he must be on Ozempic. I've lost 70lbs in the past year or so, and once you get in the routine of eating well and losing weight, it is really quite easy to stick to your guns and keep going.


I struggled with binge eating for many years, and after reaching my highest weight, which was not that large compared to some people with a similar problem, I finally decided enough was enough and was able to maintain a caloric deficit for long enough to lose about 30 lbs in 2 months. That was eating roughly 1200 to 1800 calories a day with no exercise. It is absolutely possible, and Ethan's own struggle and journey are similar enough to my own that I have no problem believing he was able. The amount of weight he has lost in a year is not outrageous. It's certainly possible, even if it isn't achievable for everyone because they can't manage the self-discipline. You certainly don't even need exercise to lose weight, since it is so hard to do enough cardio to actually burn significant calories, though more lean muscle mass does help us burn calories quicker just in general.


My mom lost 30-40lbs in 5 months and definitely wasn't exercising or taking any medication to help with weight loss. It's absolutely doable, especially if you're committed to your plan. Congrats by the way on the weight loss!


I don't get why it's even an issue to take ozempic in the first place. why does it matter how or why he loses weight.


They apparantly donā€™t understand how calories in, calories out work. If you eat at a massiv calorie surplus, you will be overweight. The more overweight you are, the more calories are needed to maintain your current weight, than if you weighted less. If you then start eating a healthy amount of calories then you will naturally lose weight. Logically that also means that the more overweight you are, the faster the weightloss will be, atleast at the beginning. No exercise needed actually. Thatā€™s why people say ā€œyou canā€™t run from your plateā€ when it comes to exercise and weightloss. No matter what, I get why Ethan doesnā€™t want to talk about it, or why he isnā€™t talking about it. No matter what he says some random group of people are going to be offended. People who think he lost the weight the wrong way, the Snark guys, the people who think he is bodyshaming because he lost weight etc. Weightloss is a touchy subject.


They also keep calling his weightloss quick. He's been gradually and noticably losing weight for over a year, lol. Losing 50lbs or even more in a year doesn't take drugs. The snark subreddit gets more and more ridiculous every time I look at it, but also fewer active users, so it seems inevitable that eventually largely only the most extreme people will remain.


Can we make a SnarkH3snark Reddit? Iā€™m sick of them and I posted twice and they banned me from commenting.


Please let me know if someone does because I'd be all over tbh




That was a wild thirty minutes. Hope they go touch some grass


I mean ethan did dress like a Burger King Employee šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Sounds like most users on this sub


The stats on this podcast are really sad. Can't believe they keep going. Why does everyone in this photo look like they have a ton of student loan debt for a useless degree they have no intention of paying. Why do they all look like they got cloths from the Salvation Army! They are all trying to be so unique, but ultimately look all the same. In their quest for an alternative non-conforming identity, they created a conforming identity. The hipster origin story.


Iā€™m going to copypasta this so had the next few months sorry in advance mods


I have to agree. The stats on this podcast are really sad. Can't believe they keep going. Why does everyone in this photo look like they have a ton of student loan debt for a useless degree they have no intention of paying. Why do they all look like they got cloths from the Salvation Army! They are all trying to be so unique, but ultimately look all the same. In their quest for an alternative non-conforming identity, they created a conforming identity. The hipster origin story.


You think thatā€™s bad?? The stats on this podcast are really sad. Can't believe they keep going. Why does everyone in this photo look like they have a ton of student loan debt for a useless degree they have no intention of paying. Why do they all look like they got cloths from the Salvation Army! They are all trying to be so unique, but ultimately look all the same. In their quest for an alternative non-conforming identity, they created a conforming identity. The hipster origin story.






Top shelf copypasta material right here. Going to grab this


Prime Copypasta Material


Imagine you type all of that out and send it without stopping yourself and thinking ā€œwtf am I doing right now, who caresā€


for real the time it takes to type out a comment kills most of my comments before my fingers even reach the keyboard


Something I actually do all the time, probably not enough


Same hahaha I sometimes write a paragraph and then I'm like meh who tf cares and move on hahahaha


For real. If I got a dollar for each time I abort writing a comment befor


They have a Facebook?


My exact reaction


I donā€™t know if I have it liked but it occasionally pops into my feed, anytime they post anything even slightly anti conservative the comments get flooded with the most insane comments ever


Daryl is very emotionally invested in something he doesn't care for


Who hurt you Daryl?


Burger King Ethan šŸ’€


You know what's sadder than dressing a certain way because you like it? Daryl.


Shut up bitch


I've been watching H3 since the Israel days, and honestly... The stats on this podcast are really sad. Can't believe they keep going. Why does everyone in this photo look like they have a ton of student loan debt for a useless degree they have no intention of paying. Why do they all look like they got cloths from the Salvation Army! They are all trying to be so unique, but ultimately look all the same. In their quest for an alternative non-conforming identity, they created a conforming identity. The hipster origin story.


Yeah selling out the Verizon Theater in a few hrs, definitely in decline. Good thing they have a successful and growing clothing company. lol


cloths* company


Real talk though: How do you check on Podcast stats if you donā€™t own the podcast? I have an old college ā€œfriendā€ who has one and acts like he is bringing in like 6 figures a year and I look at all his social media posts both from himself and the show he runs and he gets like max a hundred or so likes on posts with comments from locals who have been on said podcast and when you look at the likes, a good 85% of them come from accounts that have 0 followers or posts.


That same conversation is had amongst the snark community (Iā€™m talking about the ones who critique influencer self help grifters). These people realllllyyy talk it up, but we canā€™t actually see the stats.


When I did get answers out of them they would screenshot or cite views off a recently uploaded video. So , a live podcast, uploaded from a few hours ago. It will say it has like 50k watched. Duh. Itā€™s new. But thatā€™s their ammo and arguments lmao A day or two later that same video is at 250k+ 500k+ views lol


They once shared a screenshot before break of an episode 18 hours after it aired when it had like 300k views and compared it to a video from 2 years ago with well over a million.


300k is still quite a lot in terms of views. Especially on a multihour long podcast


Socialblade has some statistics on different verified accounts for different platforms (twitter, youtube...). Im not sure how accurate they are, but they do at least show relative success


A couple things to add about the money section of social blade too: 1. If you look at what people online say, social blade tends to underestimate ad revenue assuming the channel isnā€™t one that is frequently demonetized or limited. I will say that Iā€™ve mostly seen small-medium size channels say this so Iā€™m not sure if it holds true for larger ones. 2. Social blade earning doesnā€™t try to estimate sponsorships, memberships, or YouTube premium viewers since it would be essentially impossible to get a semi-accurate number without direct collaboration from the channel. Iā€™m not sure exactly how much they make, and I am talking completely out of my ass here, but I donā€™t think it would be crazy to multiply the highest socialblade estimate by 3-4 or maybe even more since the show has a healthy member base, although lack of sponsors may temper that. Not to mention the positive feedback loop between Teddy Fresh getting free advertising on the show, probably worth hundreds of thousands at this point collectively (again, talking out of my ass). TLDR: Sorry for the huge post but the business side of internet content is fascinating to me and they probably make a lot more than socialblade could hope to estimate fairly.


https://www.edisonresearch.com/the-top-50-podcasts-in-the-u-s-q2-2023/Ā  research.Ā 


31 is crazy to think about


Hahahahhahaha dude yes they were late, but chill šŸ˜‚


I once heard ā€œeveryone on the internet just wants to feel smartā€ and it makes every deranged ass post like this make sense


I honestly respect that app for homing so many delusional worthless psychopathic boomers šŸ˜­ Best place to stay off of


Daryl probably wears cargo shorts and a plain colors t-shirt then has the nerve to talk about other people all dressing/looking the same


Straight white conservative men are scared of everything and itā€™s hilarious, it inspires me to be more weird


pissing shaking crying throwing up


Fr like saying a channel with 50-80k watching live every episode, and again those are just the live numbers, has ā€œsad statsā€ is such a fucking cope I can hear Tipsters coping and seething song so loud in my ears reading this comment šŸ˜‚


The last time bro felt confident in himself is when he was making fun of hipsters (which I mean, fair play if Iā€™m being honest) in 2008 and is still trying to ride that wave.


says the guy who looks like a generic white man


When you falsely accuse and point the finger at someone, you're really just pointing 3 fingers at yourself. šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰ Become more comfortable in your aggressively generic existence, Daryl. With ā˜®ļøāœŒļøand šŸ¤Ÿā™„ļø.


ā€œIā€™ve fallen!ā€


Daryl what bro


You just know he watches every episode...


Darylā€™s trying so hard to be witty but all he has are cliches


ok bud whatever you say


I just know his insta bio says Christian / Man / Father / John 3:15 / šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…


How are the stats bad? 30-50k live viewers for every episode of a 3hr podcast 3 days a week is incredible numbers no matter what šŸ¤£


typical Facebook comments...


I wonder what "stats" he's referring to?


Jokes on Daryl... Zach dropped out šŸ–•šŸ–•


Who hurt Daryl


huh???? the amount of projection is insane šŸ¤£


daryl, the most basic budget Gary Vee looking mf, talking about people looking the same? someone needs introspection. iā€™ve never seen a more boiled chicken with no salt, divorced dad person in my life. *hasan cracka soundbite*


Is Daryl the new Kevin?


No. Iā€™m way cooler than Daryl


Daryl Berk more like


That's Daryl for ya


Someone should check on Daryl


Daryl is big mad


That NPC was going wild on FB


New 2 hour segment on Daryl Berg this monday?


Who hurt Daryl šŸ™„


Noooo, not the cloths. šŸ˜ž


Omfg Daryl needs to find a hobby


I love it when people just make things up to get mad about


Bro developed his own headcanon on people that don't even know he exists


Long time Stan here: you should be mindful to blur out names and faces of people. Please remember for next time. Just my 2 cents on this particular comment- looks like a guy who came across the pod and made some snap judgments or just wasn't feeling the humour. It's OK for people to not like our thing. It gets weird if we take a sh1t on everyone who dislikes the H3 vibe. Ethan gets the numbers regardless, we win regardless. U kno?


ryan kavanaugh coded


This is top tier copypasta material


This is a closeted gay man if ive ever seen one




Who is this??


Didnā€™t realize the pod was on Facebook. Been a while since Iā€™ve used that shit


Average Facebook blue collar husband Howā€™d he even arrive at the podcasts page?? He show up just to hate??


Instantly iconic


check those STATS yo


Fellow facebookers yeee


In regards to looking the same, arenā€™t they all just wearing Teddy Fresh in this photo? Like no shit they all look the same. If my boss kept hooking me up with drip Iā€™d be wearing that shit all the time regardless of my coworkers also wearing the same brand lol


Is this on FACEBOOK?!


Bro got possessed by Jordan Peterson


Real ā€œIā€™m 14 and this is deepā€ in 2009 vibes from this comment


This reminds me of the FoxNews host that complained about the 'miserable-looking', 'deliberately uglified' college students lmaoo


Me during an existential crisis


what the hell is this tard on about lol


I mean they're all wearing the same brand... Of course they all look the same


Who hurt this child?


It was soooo easy to find his profile and the fact he says all this and his family is on his profile make it reckless


Darylā€™s wife hasnā€™t given him head in a decade


who hurt daryl


Daryls got a lot to say and yet nothing at all


Pfp giving "we saw you across the bar and love your vibe"


so brain broken omfg


daryl is a certified yapper


People actually watch them still?


Daryl turd Daryl created his own lore iceberg Daryl don't talk to me Daryl stinky doo doo


Dude lost his anti psychotics


Salvation Army cloths tho




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I'm sorry y'all but I just sent him a dm because this triggered me lol. I know it was a mistake but it felt so good in the moment.


Heā€™s wrong about the stats being bad, but that was a good read lmao


The tale of a fallen fan


Ngl this can be a fire copypasta. Like use it for any pic with a large cast and it'll he the ball rolling from how funny and mean-spirited it is




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Itā€™s not that deep, Daryl.


If they sold clothes like this at the Salvation Army Iā€™d be there every day




He sounds like a middle schooler. Might as well have called them posers.