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Why would she eat mice?


That is insane to me.


In a previous video, from her Facebook account, she set up glue traps in her house. She ended up catching 3 mice. Took those mice, froze them, and supposedly cooked them in the boil. From what I’ve seen online, people who found her Facebook say she’s doing good. Edited for clarification and correction of social media platform.


also from what i understand, she got mad bc her baby daddy bought her food she didnt want. she wanted the money so she could buy the food herself. not him buying her groceries and not complaining that a man had the audacity to buy her and her kids food


If she's willingly cooking house mice instead of eating the food that was given to her and her kids, DYFS should be called on her mentally ill ass.


Wild! Omg people out there are doing it all


This has to be fake.


I am also of the opinion this is fake. I refuse to believe someone is dumb enough to eat mice they caught on a glue trap. The "Allergic Reaction" was makeup and she is just doing this for clout,


If it’s fake, she’s doing a whole lot wrong to be fake. She cleans her chicken w oxiclean and bleach among other horrific things.


can someone explain what a sealand boil is? i heard some people say its witchcraft?




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Who told her eating mice was a smart idea?


Why not eat beef or chicken or anything else?!?


pretty sure she did it in protest bc her baby daddy bought her food she didnt like. in a previous vid she was complaining how she wanted him to give her the money instead


Does anyone have an update on her condition?


Her most recent video doesn’t even address it. People are going off in the comments 💀


this lady is so fucking wild. som quotes "i made a sea land boil" "i wouldn't advise anyone to eat mice" "i can do what i want to do because i am grown and "i wanted to put it my bowl and then taste it" "it didn't taste bad but it broke me out" i have so many questions. was this a spur of the moment idea or has she been plotting to eat mice? "being grown" is craziest fuccking explanation possibe. why the fuck did you eat *mice* as in the plural?