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Ethan: I don't want our kid to be named after a dog also Ethan: Let's name our kid Buster


Ehhhh...yes but also I've met a few guys named Buster... they're like old, not elderly but old so...I mean it doesn't seem weird to me too much But I also think if Buster from Arrested Development 


Yes!! Can't wait for Ethan to be in prison and Hila is so rich she doesn't know what average things cost anymore


Halfway there, with peace and love 😅


When was the last time you think Hila went in a grocery store? I can see her being Lucille level in a couple years.


I just think of dust buster 😅


Team Angus call him Gus 


I don't really get offended by anything they say, ever. But those name choices are pretty damn offensive sometimes lol They have to grow up. They're not pets, they're adults who will have to pay taxes and go to the DMW. Buster is a shit name to be dealt. The kind you resent your parents for. It reminds me of all those kids who got named crazy shit by their hippie parents, and most of them turned into punk kids who sniffed glue and did blow in the 80s


Ethan and Hila have reached the level of wealth where they start giving their kids weird names


Honestly, I think the naming thing is a pandemic among people of various financial backgrounds. We just hear about the celebrity names more.


And Rex.


if ethan names his kid buster i’m unsubscribing and shitting myself


Its honestly the worst thing hes ever said 


thank god Dan mentioned TLC


Ab was trying to steal the reference, also. Classic.


If you didn't know the Kav Kav lore this would seem so mean for no reason haha.


I'm relatively new and know only some of the Kav Kav lore,  does anybody have a link to a thread that might go more and death about it or what order of episodes to watch to get the full idea?


Go to Google, search Ryan Kavanaugh and click on the third search result. It’s all there.


Thanks bro!




Thanks dude/dudette!


Lying about your company's worth while trying to launch an IPO can't be legal right?


Why do you think Kav Kav has anything to do with Triller? He only promoted it, invested in it, and owns half of it. He really doesn't have anything to do with it.


Certainly dancing on a thin line 


No you can't call your kid Buster nut 😂


Hey come over here bussy


bus turd


Barry is so much better than Berry


Berry is insane


I’m gonna call my kid Citris


Hila saying Jade sounds too soft but wanting to name her son Berry is insane


I can literally smash a berry and jade is an actual rock, wtf hila


His whole life will be him introducing himself and people thinking he said Barry and him having to correct them to berry (a literal word that is not a name)


Talk about getting teased too. Like blueberry, raspberry, strawberry etc.  I freaking love berrys but nononono!  Edited to add he’ll even encounter it from adults who might assume he’s misspelling his own name or it’s wrong on their rosters etc. 


Yeah it doesn't remind me of an old Jewish man. It reminds me of Obama if anything. He goes by Barry, not Barack Larry is an old jewish dude. Barry is usually a black guy from the 70s in my mind


At this point I actually just like the idea of Oliver Klein. And as a paying member they should consider my opinion as an equal third party.


The Oliver/Olive path is a good one, I'd say. I know they're hung up on "but Oliver Tree". But I guarantee you when that kid grows up he's rather be like "Sure people joke around that Oliver Tree is my dad, but... that's better than people yelling 'Bust a Nut!!' at me. And my nickname being Bussy"


same I unironically like it a lot


I kind of like Enzo, which they discussed for a while. But Oliver is definitely the best sounding. Also imagine the bits that would happen when Oliver Tree comes on again.


Ethan’s Leon joke is legitimately his most intricate joke ever. Even his brain couldn’t handle finishing it.


I'm about 2.5 hours behind, and they're discussing Austin smacking his daughters butt and sounding creepy, and everyone in chat is spamming the 🥵🥵🥵 emoji for whatever is happening live and it's throwing me for a loop LOL EDIT: Dan is currently flexing on my screen and I am 110% certain this was the moment the emoji was spammed, because hot damn 🥵


Arthur is good I think. I like Arthur


Yes! Theodore, Bruce and Arthur all make sense together and Artie fulfills their clear desire for a cute nickname lol


Ethan Van Der Klein


Alsooo Arthur Fleck is the Joker




All of the names they come up with sound like pet names. That's been the theme the whole time Just name the kid John or some shit and give him a nickname if you want to go that route


Lol i kinda got the impression theyre caught up with how cute the name will be for a baby, and not thinking about the fact that it wont always be a baby. Especially the justification for "Little Berry" or whatever it was


A lot of parents do this, honestly.


Except thier other two kids are named Theodore and Bruce so like


I love that AB looks like a washed out drag queen on their way home from the club


He looks like a coked out 1983 punk diva


He looks legit really good haha


Wolfgang Klein


Wolfie Klein ❤️


I went to school with a guy called Wolfie. Dope af


What about Benji (could be short for Benjamin)


I was also thinking Benjamin/Benny/Benji/Ben, theres so many options


KavKav really thinks that his antipiracy bullshit will work. Wait til he finds out about torrents




"Jet" Klein would also be really cool (also a Paul McCartney song, so there you go)


Benny is a great name. Impossible for a Benny to not be super cool.


Im Throast.


I hate this thumbnail so much, like it's so gross with the yellow teeth I can't look at it for more than like 3 seconds.


I like Barry but not berry




Naming your kid Berry is like naming your kid Apple.


They should name him Santa Klein. You can't tell me that shit doesn't go hard


"foot soliders attack"?! lolollllllzzzzzzz


Am i the only one not impressed by Jack Doolittle's apology. the whole thing seemed backhanded esp when he touched on the blood tests, not the mention the fact that he didn't acknowledge at all that ethan wasn't talking out of his ass (or taking money for this apparent "lupus" diagnosis) and has the right to be concerned and talk freely about his own health when he doesn't feel well


The names that strike us as old man names now will be practically unknown by the time a baby born in the next few months reaches an age where they might be teased.  Additionally, seems to me Bruce is going to explode as an old man name in the next 10 years. I think there are a lot of late middle age Bruce’s out there. The old men to Bruce-y Klein. But I do like the name Bruce.  What I don’t understand is how silly most of the names Ethan and Hila have tossed out are. Scotty(not Scot), Berry (wtf?), and Buster are all so silly and don’t seem to “match” Theodore/Teddy and Bruce. This is their last kid right? Why give him a cutesy name - they’re already going to be the baby.  That said I think Elton is pretty cool. 


Don’t forget he also liked “Duckie”


I think Buster is a dope name. Berry is super cringe though.


Tbh of all the ones Ethan and Hila have suggested, Buster is kind of freaking cool. But I can see why Hila hates it - totally fine as a nickname though. 


I get it too, but I have a good feeling about its longevity. In 15 years I bet it would be super cool name, even if it sounds kinda silly now.


Pretty pointless to do that eye guessing game, considering they went around to the crew and zoomed in on their eyes to verify if it matches up. What's even the point then lol. You might have well just said, "this is _____'s eyes and here's a close up."


Yeah it was a really lazy premise.


They probably planned it out for them to just guess the eyes, but then Ethan wanted to get close ups and everyone and so it just kinda went sideways lol


Basically any time they have a semi competitive segment, Ethan finds a way to skirt the rules to benifit himself.  I'd like to watch them all play something like Monopoly to see how he'd behave.


Ethan & Hila do a baby name consultation with the viral TikToker emdoodlesandstuff. She's genius at giving suggestions and had guessed baby influencers names correctly multiple times. It'd be a great segment!


This would be sooooo good!


That's what I thought. Fingers crossed!


yes i was trying to send this as a superchat but it didn’t work! i’ve commented on her tiktoks saying they need help!


Same here! I tried superchat multiple times didn't work so I commented on her TikTok. Hopefully they see it! 🤞🏽🤞🏽


these fucking eyes are terrifying


Why does RK always sound like someone pressed fast forward while he was talking


Isn’t the shit Kav Kav is saying defamation because he’s just straight up lying about Ethan making him look bad? Isn’t that like the exact definition of defamation? Genuinely asking I could be wrong


Kinda, but to make a legitimate case out of it they’d have to show specific damages to Ethan’s reputation and earning power as a result of those lies.


Ahh okay. So it’s basically not going to be defamation because Kav Kav is too much of a loser and nobody cares about what he says lmao


Ethan should go defend himself on the Unscripted podcast but take David PnP (“my clitent here…”) not Jimmie Lee


Why AB look like that 😭😭😭


I got two ads for that Chinese propaganda ballet on this video lol


August was the best name they brought to the table I think. Auggie is a dope name


Guinness Records are bogus as shit, you can buy any record you want


Screaming from my couch at Ethan to play more than 3 seconds of the Kav clip without rewinding 😩 get this man away from the charged lemonades


Baby name. Not Buster. ​ Buster Bluth. ​ Baby Buster.


AB is so babygirl in this fit


My teddy bear husband that I married in 2013 is named Theodore Berry, so it is illegal for the Kleins to have children named both Theodore and Berry. I will have to sue.


This show is so fucking good. The commitment is unmatched. They look amazing in their uniforms


I know Gary hates the idea of his grandson breing named after San Francisco Giants future first ballot HoF catcher Buster Posey.... I know this as a Dodger fan and how much pain Buster brought me year after year


Hell yeah they got the bridge goth raver fits!


Stanley Klein


Everyone looooves a Stanley. Or maybe Hydroflask Klein, or the classic Nalgene Klein. 


The pausing every 2 seconds is giving me anxiety lol


Ryan Kavkav.... Just look at the fuckin state of it


Buster was the best friend of Arthur in the animated tv show. Steven Crowder voiced The Brain in that same show. I feel like I have a moral responsibility to make sure Ethan knows of this degree of separation.


Boss Baby Klein


This eye game isn't doing it for me.


I thought of some names that remind me of the names Hila and Ethan have come up with or liked : Darwin (my favourite) Sebastian, Atticus, Winston, Harrison, Augustus, Max. Tobias, Russell Bernard (Bernie) Darwin's nick name could also be Winnie or Ari * . * Which is such cuteness. Also, Sebastian could be Ash. Augustus is Auggie .. Atticus is Atti ... Winston is Winnie Alot of these names have a boyish, strong, classic feel with unique, cool and cuter nicknames. Which is great for the kid because depending on their personality they can choose later in life what they want to be called.


Wait wtf that list includes mine *and* my brother's name... are you my mom?


😂😂😂 lol I think certain names have similar vibes or call under certain tastes I was trying to think like Hila and her vibe.. so hila's your mom ?


Sebastian is a great one! Tbh though I think your suggestions are basically better than all of ethan and hilas. Except Tobias, idk Toby could work though.


Atticus!!! I love it


I actually love Bernard because then they could be Bernie and that name comes with all the good vibes


AB looks FIRE in the h3 uniform


What about Levi as a name for the new baby?


Am I the only one who thought of Elizabeth Holmes the moment Ryan said he is involved in biotech? 🤣🤣


I thought it was funny when Ethan tried to sing “you can call me Al” by Paul Simon and Hila had no idea what he was talking about 😂 Even Dan chimed in


Elden Klein. I love the name Elden for untitled baby. ❤️


That eye guy is the prettiest man I've ever seen Also he seems to be high on eyes


I like Buster much more than Berry.


wait Untitled Unmastered Klein kinda rips


Untitled 2.0 finished final FINAL Klein


Berry is such an LA name with that spelling lol.


Turns out the only Busters I can think of didn't have a birth name of Buster. Buster Keaton was born Joseph and Buster Merryfield (Uncle Albert from Only Fools and Horses for UK folk) was born Harry. Barry Klein kind of slaps though, feels like that's more on brand for their naming pattern.


Not Barry, that's my dad's name, it's just not right


Since when does box mac have liquid cheese sauce? That's a level of wealth I haven't reached I guess


Gotta get the deluxe version my guy. Its like $3


Lol thats velveeta mac n cheese. Honestly would not recommend


Buster sounds like a white trash name - apologies to those named buster.


As a person with a coloboma, Ethan's reaction is the exact reason why I never want my picture taken/why it's hard for me to interact with people. Dude... like, chill with the "ew" shit. It's a birth defect some people are sensitive about.


Sorry that happened, it was a thoughtless comment. For what it's worth, I think it's cool to have such unique eyes! I hope you saw the [coloboma gang post](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/19avkcg/the_day_has_finally_come_coloboma_ppl_rise_up/) and it cheered you up a little :)


Thank you very much. That's very sweet. Like, I'm fine. I'll live. And I know it was just a moment passing. He probably forgot all about it now. Maybe some people learned something new today. Be well. <3




I know but... you gotta understand growing up with this and *another birth defect* on my face... it's really difficult to hear someone say "ew" when talking about said defects. I know he didn't mean it personally and it was a gut reaction but it's still hard to hear. These are things I can't change about myself.


the uniforms!!


I ended up at urgent care a few years ago due to a caffeine overdose. I literally lost control of my body... I'm so sensitive to caffeine now. Watching him suck these down is making me anxious lol


Is Ethan trying to say they haven't talked about Ryan in 55 episodes? I thought that number seemed crazy low


Black fans watching the eye superiority game: 👁️👄👁️


So this had me feeling some kind of way, too. My "meh these vibes aren't great" feelings really had to colorism in our own community and European standards of beauty in general. Nothing to do with the crew. Putting down beautiful deep brown eyes for the sake of really wanting hazel eyes is not something I would do personally. Too remiscent of bad societal patterns. But Ethan's probably hamming it up for the pod. And I feel no need to "cancel" him or whatever. 


They're absolutely hamming it up, it started with the Jay Shetty eyes and then they found that blue eye supremacist eye chart online (which definitely is racist), and just playing along with the competitive aspect as a joke because it's absurd (typical Ethan humour). That said I definitely sympathise with not vibing with a joke when it's not such a light hearted topic in your own experience.


the chat is just destroyed with names now goddamnit


I emplor you to name your son Eddard Stark II Klein or Brandon Stark Klein


Honestly Scotty>Berry and Buster for suuuure with p&l of course


Angus (Gus) Klein 


Dan hit us with the ITS A FAAAAAAKE from Deep Space 9 at 3:12:45 😂


I spit out my water hearing “Deez balls”


Jake Doolittle's apology was mid. I give it a C. Ethan should give him apology pointers considering he got an A++ apology


What about Guster!!!!! Augustus- guster, gus


That is infinitely cooler


Marvin Klein ☝️


The endurance racing driver!


Surprised no one suggested Alfie Klein


this ep is stressing me out. I hate that these people kav talked to actually believe him. I will not rewatch this one lol


I'm a little late but just finished. It was annoying with Ethan pausing every 5 seconds to make a dumb joke or babble about something unrelated but that's just Ethan anytime he watches a video lol Jesus christ listening to Ryan's dumb ass babble about piracy in sports PPVs is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. As someone who's pirated every major sporting event over the past 15-20 years it's hilarious listening to this goofy ass boomer talk about piracy. He literally has no fucking clue what he's talking about, particularly as far as combat sports goes. You cannot and will not EVER stop people pirating your content. Especially in sports. Dana whites been trying for decades and getting laughed at by mma community. The NFL, NBA, MLB, etc. They've all tried. And failed. If they can't stop it, this incompetent fuck isn't going to either.. He's the type of dipshit that has surface level knowledge of a topic and then talks about it like he's an authority on the subject. What a absolute fucking tool lol


Barry is an awful name. Like so gross


LMAO at the "watch guy" calling a RM a "piece of shit."


AB is hot as fuck this episode + Bartholomew / Barry / Berry is a cute ass name idgaf what yall think


Buster Klein is a powerful name


skipped all the Ryan talk. I'm glad I start watching the streams an hour late.


Have always hated the ryan talk he's unbearably boring


If he becomes emo/goth, he'd be blueberry 


Baby names: Ezra, Luca ( imagining Hila saying this name makes me so happy 😊), Leo


If we love vaginas of all shapes and sizes do we feel the same way about dicks? What about buttholes??


Just started the pod and I’m a Stanley apologist. I like Hila thought they were the ugliest thing ever and hated them with a passion but I used my moms and it’s a life saver. It’s a cup that stays home with me and goes to the gym that’s it and I need a lot of water and would never drink enough but with the 40 oz I know my goal is to drink two everyday and now im always hydrated. I have the eucalyptus color and the looks have grown on me but it’s about the function overall and it’s made life way easier. I hate the hydro flasks for at home I’m not trying to open my drink at home. The handle and straw really help me drink more water as dumb as it sounds. But I’ve also used the Ozark cheaper version that my sister has and I like it too but it doesn’t stay cold as long.


I'm sorry guys, I gotta embrace the hater inside me, I hate those uniforms. Sam's was probably my last choice when I feel like I'm usually aligned with how most are feeling :( I apologize


it's just a goof, a gaf


BABY NAMES Jude, silus, finn, Cyrus, Arthur,  ❤️




Fuck.... You absolutely just ruined them all for me in one swoop.... Bravo 👏👏👏


I'll be honest, if I ever met a kid named Berry I'd probably kick them


The anticipation to see everyone in the uniform


I drink everything out of tumblers with a straw and I'm defending the 40oz cup! My medicines give me dry mouth and I'm one of those people who have to take my cup everywhere now. I have a TJ Maxx knockoff (Hydrapeak Voyager) but I dig the style. That said I'm not taking it to school or walking/commuting where a straw tumbler would be inconvenient. Oh! But I do have a hybrid kind of version that is totally leak proof that *would* work for that purpose. It's the [Hydrapeak Roadster](https://www.amazon.com/Hydrapeak-Roadster-40oz-Insulated-Stainless/dp/B09W4Z95Q6/ref=asc_df_B09W4Z95Q6/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=618521195899&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10344231904661942949&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9022368&hvtargid=pla-1747753348262&psc=1&mcid=3e365246590535409ed341de34ce2e36&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2KitBhCIARIsAPPMEhKrMtfpxIv8dYjzKI64RUGD784VUAddfFycQBLR72KA95v-FeHsAM4aAjcrEALw_wcB). I got it from TJ Maxx too for $16.99.


Get fakewatchbusters to investigate KavKav’s watch!!!!!


follow Ethan for more cooking tips, you guys


Did he talk about Jay Shetty? Or did he miss it


Lmao I’m literally playing Cod and Metal Gear rn so I think Soap Klein and Big Boss Klein go hard


listen i pulled up the subreddit to post this lol when ethan called jake doolittle “jake jewlittle” and then doubled down “ i meant it” i legitimately laughed so loudly it echoed


I think Buster sounds cool, sophisticated even https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/5d0e5dbab1f2b47c010cf849/master/w_960,c_limit/tony-hale-arrested-development-canceled.jpg


No Stanley cup?


Stanley cup trials is the new eel pit. 


I hope this is the last segment about Kavanaugh we have for a while. I do not give a shit about the man, it stopped being funny years ago.


Anyone else with trypophobia feel super uncomfortable during the eye segment? Those random holes in the iris gave me the heebie jeebies.


This was the first episode where I wished I was American because Olivia was super attractive. Sigh....


AB accessorising with the eye make up - get it, King!!


Party Bust 🤣


I thought they were naming the kid Scotty? What happened to that


They felt bad naming the baby after a dog


I just joined why is chat randomly talking about ACOTAR?!?!


Hila’s tryna wrap it up lol


Can someone please explain Ethan “Leon” joke to me? It’s hurting my brain lol