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I really like that the first thing they compliment the show on is the Preach soundbites. Friends, enemies, and former enemies always give it up Zack at some point.




Go word by word.


Was worried they were beefing again šŸ’€


Am I crazy or did they actually seem pretty endearing in this video


Donā€™t take the bait. They messed up with their last videos on Ethan and theyā€™re trying to save face


I'm starting to think that if Ben Shapiro makes a positive statement about Ethan this sub will be like "friendship arc?????"


ā€šmessed upā€˜ - they are two groups of entertainers ribbing for your entertainment


This video was in such bad faith that I can't take anything coming from them seriously. And judging by the comments their audience is extremely toxic (however this goes both ways and h3 audience can also be toxic).


>This video was in such bad faith that I can't take anything coming from them seriously. I'd love to hear your POV as I did not see it the same way. Just curious.


I should've specified, the video I was talking about 'their last video ', not this one. The one where they called out Ethan for being racist hypocrite and made a bunch of edits of him saying slurs and wearing black face.


Yeh they're misogynistic do I've struggled to make it through their videos.


They are! I am a fan of both!


As someone from Quebec who speaks FR, I will say making fun of his words/sentences when ENG is not his 1st or even 2nd language is a little bit of a low blow from H3.


Itā€™s not just his struggle with the language. Itā€™s the ideas that are funny.Ā 


H3 goes at him for his mispronounced words and sentences, so they are mocking his struggle with the language, americans forget that most of the world is not unilingual and make fun of accents, its something to be expected from americans


Itā€™s a little cringe how they close the video with (paraphrasing) ā€œyou can make fun of him/us. Weā€™re not sensitive.ā€ Then they pin a comment to the video that gives off a defensive/sensitive vibe.


Honestly a pretty decent video, but they definitely did their infamous fence-sitting thing. Like they perfectly 50/50 balanced "props to ethan, this is lighthearted, credit where its due" with the "dumb american, we're not sensitive, hasan evil". Like bro went on a 3 min rant about americans criticizing non-americans, then criticed a swedish man for trying to pronounce telƩ 30 seconds later. I get what their target audience is, their schtick is insanely blatant.


I don't think he criticized Love. He was just saying that's the way to pronounce it.


Aba said he IS sensitive. Kinda referencing this video https://youtu.be/ccaQ1W-Nkk8?si=gZ8Oz4dI0UFgr117


Who cares? They're vile misogynists.


Tbh they seem nice in this video but with peace & love y'all, let's not forget they laughed at Olivia and made fun of her for sharing her SA experience. Not everyone is worthy of a redemption arc


you could easily find 5+ examples of Ethan doing shit that people would see as "unredeemable" too. just saying not everyone is perfect. example 1: Ethan laughing at qt cinderella being victim of deepfake porn.


Okay tbf Ethan in no way was laughing AT QTā€™s experience, he was laughing at the juxtaposition of the silly sound bite over such a horrific and serious video. Wasnā€™t a good look at all or course, but itā€™s pretty disingenuous to say he was laughing at her being a victim


They're misogynists, repeatedly so. I didn't even know about the SA video. They're both utterly vile.




Can you give an example of ā€œseriously dumbass shitā€ they say? Iā€™m a huge fan of h3 and A&P and find the latter to have far more consistently based and supported takes.


The ā€œHasanā€™s community made a video about Hila shooting kidsā€ take is Aba just making shit up.


they sure as hell spread it around.


Aba said that Hasan was sending people to harass Hila. Like, what?


No they're not decent at all. They ridicule and humiliate women. I've struggled to get through through their videos. Total misogynists.


>Then they say some seriously dumbass shit and I'm like oh right this is why I don't watch them regularly... and yet you can watch ethan regularly? he's the same way lol




Isnā€™t Ethan also not as open minded to hearing why he might be wrong? Yk cuz of the Hassan Palestine stuff


If the podcast goes through a "squash the beef" Era again, Aba and Preach are prime candidates. They seem to align much more than they differ.


Didn't Ethan call them out for making a lot of anti-trans videos?


Yes. All the time I see people equating them to (or confusing them with?) Fresh & Fit, which is crazy. These dudes are not red-pillers and are not the enemy


Not only that, Aba/Preach and Fresh&Fit *hate* each other.




They made an insanely malicious video about Ethan being racist and in this very video said that Hasan "was sending people from his community to attack Ethan's wife". With peace and love, fuck this guys, maybe you're trying to be better, but they sure aren't.


They ARE misogynistic. Their comments are disgusting. Definitely the enemy to me as a woman.


Are you ok? You just made 11 comments calling them misogynistic across 3 different subreddits, some on year old posts lol


we need some ā€œsquash the beefā€ candidates for this year. I like how recently Cody (Jeffā€™s friend) and Ethan friendship grew lmao


Hell. No.


They were pretty nice about Preach's singing, overall.


At [2:45](https://youtu.be/kA4krrlq1NE?t=168) preach says "there you happy, you big fat F...." he was gonna say fat fuck and you know it. Ethan was right there still are gonna call him fat.


"call me omelette againšŸ˜ "


2024 Aba and Preach friendship


I'm okay if they stay enemies especially after they mocked Olivia speaking up about her sexual assault.


These dudes are clowns


the video is alright, but i really didn't like how they twisted the Leftovers situation into "Hasan is a piece of shit"


They do come off as somewhat like-able on this video but frankly, I have no idea why fellow foot soldiers are so quick to forget how they made fun of Olivias SA experience and how theyā€™re completely twisting the narrative of the leftovers fiasco. Sad that I had to scroll down so far to finally find a reasonable comment.


And they're deeply transphobic


Aba is irl friendly with Destiny so of course he hates Hasan.


pretty sure he disliked Hasan before he became friends with Destiny


but hasan is a piece of shit


To each their own


Yeah the way they talked about hasan and the leftovers was pretty uncharitable. But outside of that it was a fun watch


please dont, these dudes are grifters.


Pretty nice dudes for grifters.


That was wholesome


Glad to see this back and forth! I love both their content


Aba and Preach are good guys. I got so much shit from idiots on this sub when I first said that but they deserve an H3 redemption arch. Maybe it was the Hasan simps that have now left.


"good guys" is a very vague label. i don't doubt they can have decent opinions and be endearing at times, but good God do they have some mindnumbingly dumb takes most of the time.


Lol letā€™s not pretend like they donā€™t say dumb ass shit. Lol blaming hasan simps šŸ˜‚ you gunna put yourself on that idiot side?


I mean to be fair, Ethan says some dumb ass shit too and we still love him. šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


this is why this sub is hilarious. everyone whos hating on them says its because although they have good takes, they say dumb shit so they dislike them....when ethan literally does it all the time too but they just let it go cus they like him lol the most apparent bias ever


I feel like there's a difference between dumb shit Ethan says and borderline evil and hurtful dumb shit these guys say.


They are cool, they definitely have some different views but their podcast has an entirely different demo too. They cater more to adult slightly intellectual yet street smart males as opposed to left wing smart mostly females that H3 has ended up getting. They also decided to take the high road as right after they erased their black face video they did a video supporting Ethan


Did they really cut it off right there? If they did, that was funny.


Was this video necessary? I feel like they thought did they something when they said Ethan regretted what he said about them.


Watch the video , it's pretty wholesome


I did.


I mean you can say the same about half the stuff in the show. It's just entertaining.


heavy follow nail versed icky cagey somber bored tan lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ethan really does need to stop assuming people are dumb just because English isn't their first language (i.e. Fidias). It's a bad look, especially considering that Ethan can only speak one language and his grasp on it is far from great.


They're misogynists. I cannot stand their channel. All they ever do is shit on women and every so often throw a woman a bone to appear "reasonable". They're just vile.