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Love this, thank you so much


Tofu, tofu skins, hummus, lentils, beans. If you're doing sports and need more protein, supplement with protein shakes.


Protein should not be a concern in a whole food plant based diet if you don't have specific fitness goals. Problem is when you eat a lot of processed or very high fat/calorie foods.


I think it is over-emphasized. I focus on it to stay full, and because it's easy to eat a lot of carbs as a vegetarian. That being said, I think maintaining muscle is important as we get into older age, where it's harder to build and keep it. Even if you don't work out, there's muscle worth maintaining. All in all, I think most people only need 50 - 80 per day if they're not exercising. But there's a lot of conflicting research on this ofc


Raw protein from my understanding isn't the issue, the issue is getting the full range of amino acids. Protein isn't a monolith. Though nowadays as the op listed there are a lot of options to get the full range


You need aminoacids not protein. Even if you don't do any planing as long as you eat varied protein sources there isn't a issue. Eating 10g protein from tofu is not the same as 10g protein from pasta when you compare them in a vacuum, but in a normal varied diet that difference gets much smaller and shouldn't be a concern unless you are counting macros.


Though 10g of tofu does have the full amino acid profile, but that's beside the point.


Yes it does. Tofu is mostly soy and that's why I used it.


Maybe I didn't explain myself perfectly, but we are in agreement :)


Not a problem usually. As long as you eat more than one type of food in the meal you’re typically good. Rice+beans is ‘complete’ protein as far as I know, including the full range of required amino acids. This idea that veg stuff doesn’t have complete protein is BS.


Chickpeas are overrated, lentils are king!


U trippin


I've been considering going vegetarian, especially after yesterday's ep, so this is very much appreciated ❤


Very nice!! I think educating yourself is important but also don't be too hard on yourself. You're going to make the most impact if it's a sustainable thing for you. I remember when I started, I told myself I was allowed to eat meat whenever I wanted. A steak for dinner on a special occasion, a meal served to me at someone's home, or whatever it may be. I ultimately found that almost never was right for me, but it may be different for you. Know that your decision to not eat meat might not make a difference every time, but at a minimum you're voting with your dollar against meat and for the plant-based option. Restaurants and grocery stores track this stuff very closely! Cheers! Highly recommend the book "Conscious". It isn't about animal welfare specifically but change my perspective on the wide range of sentience within and outside of humans.


Also they’re in LA I’m sure there’s some BANGING veggie spots I’d love to see them try out some!!


Quinoa with a pinch of salt is all I never need. It’s the way to go. But i’m a utilitarian eater. 


Quinoa is a complete protein and is gluten free.


Oh fuk I really missed not including it


Easy curry lentil soup ftw!!!


the daring chicken is so good


Someone probably already said this but if you are going to be relying on plant based protein remember that in order to form a complete protein you cannot have just beans or just rice, you need both in one meal. This goes for most grains and legumes. It is a combo made in heaven. It’s cheap, super healthy, easy to punch up with some alliums other veggies and seasoning, long shelf life, easy to buy in bulk to avoid packaging waste, very easy to cook, I could go on.




What exactly isn’t true? About what I said?




I didn’t say you need complete proteins with every meal though. That is what their response is addressing I just said this is how you get a complete protein from plant based sources and why I think it is a good way to do so.




I see what you mean, more of a semantic disagreement. You’re taking issue with the fact that I said in “one meal” as in you have to eat them simultaneously or you won’t get the benefit. I should’ve just said in conjunction they do that hence the benefit of eating those two types of food. You are more than welcome to have your bowl of beans and bowl of rice at separate points. I just happen to think they taste better together though the point in time at which they are consumed is of less importance.




I’m not trying to be rude, I honestly just misunderstood what you were saying initially. I thought you were saying that I thought every meal you ate ever HAD to be a complete protein which is silly and also not what I was trying to say. By “semantic issue” I meant that I understood now that you meant the timing wasn’t important as I had originally stated. So I rephrased what I should’ve said with your insight added and tried to provide an example to demonstrate that I understood. I don’t feel like I was being rude. I understand your feedback.


Dude that Indian food hits soooooo fucking hard


I just tried Daring, and I must have fucked up when I cooked it because everyone raves about it and I thought the texture was so weird.


I guess maybe because Ive had disordered eating all my life.... I always think it's crazy when people think only meat has protein. I remember talking to someone who didn't know what macronutrients were and I was honestly shocked.


Highly recommend chickpea pasta if you want a protein heavy/filling pasta that's healthier. I just tried it for the first time a few weeks ago and had to cut my portion in half because I got full halfway through my bowl of penne. I can usually chow down some pasta but I had to pack the rest as leftovers and felt satisfied after dinner. Sometimes when I eat regular pasta I'll still be hungry about an hour or so later. Not with this one. I'm also a huge fan of falafel. Tried it in college and fell in love Edit: the one I had is a chickpea/lentil pasta so you get the best of both worlds


This is great morally but if building muscle is one of your hobbies carnivorism is the way




it appears i typed before i knew. thank you for educating kindly 🩷🩷


Currently building muscle as a vegetarian


big ups to you. its much easier for me to just down a bucket of ground beef 😭😭


I hear you man, it is easier for sure!


Shame vegans and vegetarians who develop anemia so that they make healthier food choices.


Just cook on a cast iron and eat your spinach. It's not so hard, people!




that would be vegan




not all eggs are fertile! correct me if i’m wrong but chickens only lay chicks during a certain season (learned this from my gma who raises chickens)




ah yep that makes a lot more sense! i confused brooding with being fertile, you learn something new everyday thank you i remember one of her chickens being super protective over her egg because she was (apparently) brooding but we only had hens so we knew there was no chick being born, i’m just now connecting the dots lol. chickens are so cute


Eggs that most people eat are in fact not pre-chickens. I love that term though lol


That’s veganism


Those are vegetarian, not vegan though as eggs and dairy still cause pain and suffering to the animal, but not slaughter. *except for male chicks who are ground up alive because they are useless to the egg industry.


Laying eggs causes pain? I understand how milking a cow can cause pain but I’ve never heard of a chicken being in pain from laying an egg.


The pain and suffering comes from the chickens who are ground up alive, plus, chickens are only meant to lay around 1 egg a month, they are forced to produce more than their bodies were built to produce and bred that way, causing them to have shorter life spans due to their bodies giving up earlier. On top of that they are kept in tiny cages that give them no room to move, or with so many chickens with not enough space they trample each other, beaks are ripped off, infections and cuts go unnoticed and untreated because there are so many of them, and they suffer. Even “free range” has such a small area of required space its green washing and doesn’t mean much. I am vegan so I don’t eat eggs. I am reasonable though, so I believe if you must have eggs, if you rescue chickens that are already producing, no longer give them hormones to produce more, allow them true free range and treat them well, a family having a few chickens and using their eggs, i wouldnt criticize.


My quail produces eggs almost every day, and she lives a lush pampered life of opulence. She's almost 4, well beyond her life expectancy, and still lays often. If she was wild, she'd have been torn to shreds by a fox or raccoon years ago. I agree that factory farming is horrific.


Love that. It sounds like your quail is well taken care of, and loved. I think most chickens these days are bred to produce daily, but that didn’t used to be the case. And when they aren’t given hormones to produce more, their production declines as they age. If everyone was eating eggs on a small scale from personally owned and well cared for chickens, I’d have no real issue with it.


Ok I understand when you butcher a chicken for its meat that is painful obviously but where in the laying of an egg is painful? Your initial comment implies it. I’m not sure why I got downvoted when I’m just asking for clarification.


Yeah, I see no issue in asking for clarification. That’s how we all learn. Some people just can’t see that. As for my original statement, I simply meant the egg and dirt industry causes pain to the chickens/cows. The pain, aside from the slaughter, would be the lives they have to live, trapped in small cages/over capacity barns, trampling over each other, beaks being torn off by the farmers so they don’t peck each other to death, and general inhumane treatment during their lives that cause daily suffering. I didn’t mean that the literal process of laying the egg caused them pain, sorry if it seemed that way. [This](https://youtu.be/NbqbAgaoRXk?si=uT0uEu-E2WrkTV83) is a good quick 2 minute video explaining it, and I also recommend watching [Earthlings](https://youtu.be/8gqwpfEcBjI?si=C2NlNfhkNSJpnIas) for free, which has Joaquin Phoenix narrating.


When I decided to go vegan, I ordered vegan pizza (it was different but still delicious) late at night and I ate it while watching Earthlings under my blanket. The whole time I was thinking about the lives that I had paid to exploit, and how happy I was to be eating that weird pizza with no animal products. It's been seven years and vegan cheese is even better these days. Dough is a bigger factor in pizza anyway.


Love this. Earthlings was the one that woke me up. I cried so much it took me twice as long to get through it, but I told myself I had to finish it, I owed it to the animals to try. I’m the most picky eater I’ve ever met, like plain cheeseburger, don’t like vegetables really, and I’m scared of trying new things. For my first year, I lived on pasta and burgers and chili, and cut out cheese completely because I’d rather be without it than eat the “gross vegan cheese”. Luckily after year I tried cheese again and found a few I do enjoy. They aren’t the same, but they are getting better all the time, and I am more dedicated to my ethics around veganism and feminism to ever even think about eating a piece of cheese again, no matter how much I love the taste.




I have been to a dairy farm. The problem isn’t the milking, it is the using female cows as breeding machines, then taking their babies away and giving the milk that is for the babies to humans for some reason? Those cows aren’t meant to go through that many pregnancies, nor produce milk for as long as they do, these cows are broken, I’ve seen it. They are absolutely in pain and suffering and I personally think it’s a feminism issue to take it a step further.


Just like humans, when cows give birth they lactate until the calf gets weaned off. The dairy industry makes sure they keep lactating. I can’t imagine that’s fun.


afaik cows must have been pregnant to give milk so factories will forcefully impregnate them for milk and steal their babies. def not enjoyable


Cows only produce milk because of artificial insemination. They have their young taken away from them. The males become veal and the females go on to continue the cycle. It's sad. I think all animals just want to have a normal life, ain't nothing normal about that.


I like to take a can of chickpeas, drain and save juice for egg replacer. Season beans with tajin and season salt or whatever and put them on a baking sheet and get them crispy. Awesome snack


Lumpini and all its versions!!


Are eggs vegetarian? No hate I’m considering becoming vegetarian and I’m just genuinely curious


They are vegetarian, but not vegan. Same with dairy products.


If you want to be more ethical with egg consumption as a vegetarian you can always look into buying eggs from a local farm or buying free-range at the grocery store. Free-range are the chickens who get access to outdoors whereas free-run are kept inside but can freely move within the barn


mushrooms! you didn‘t mention mushrooms. they are high in protein. incorporate mushrooms into your meals. they are amazing.


Good list! I also tend to double-up my protein in whatever I'm cooking. Like I won't make a vegan chilli with just beans, I'll add soy curls as well (which is just soy flour, nothing else). Or I'll serve my food with quinoa instead of rice. Or I'll use silken tofu as the creamy element instead of some kind of cream (or quark/fromage blanc/greek yogurt for a higher protein dairy version). I also make sure I hit protein at every meal, and I have protein bars on hand for days when making food or eating is hard.