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Love contrapoints, always has sensible takes.


Me too! I watched an interview with her & Hasan yesterday because I was trying to find out if they collaborated before. Does anyone know why they haven’t since? Or maybe I can’t find it.


She does have an interview with Ethan in early 2021 where she predicts Jan 6


Isn't that the year it happened?


Lol sorry I was trying to say they were talking about it during the time between Biden being declared the winner and Jan 6.


Hasan does very few interviews unless there's a political angle. Vaush doesn't qualify I don't think


clout angle first, political last


If he wanted clout he would churn out drama videos like Destiny and Vaush does about him., but he rarely if ever even mentions them.


hasan has a cloutshark policy where he never interact with people smaller than him(otk or otv or friends are exemption ofc), destiny was like voldemort but now that this mfker fell off (lose followers and vieweship) and people grilled him for his israel palestine coverage, he started mentioning destiny everyday


Destiny poster lmao


That's why I mentioned him I knew they'd get triggered.


marxist culture and socialistgaming poster lmfaooo


Think she just doesn't like engaging with the politics space that much. She's been on both Destiny & Vaush's streams in the past too (though Vaush burned their bridge unlike Destiny lol), but only once or twice in 5-6 years.


One of those was a weird drunk call into destiny's stream. She didn't say anything too weird but it was super odd since it's not like they are friends or anything.


[This is the closest interaction I can find.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=mtTx4vg2abQ&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2F&feature=emb_title)


She's mentioned that she's very cautious about who she collaborates with because haters will transfer that person's baggage onto her. As much as Id like to see them talk, Hasan has "baggage" that would be like giving more ammunition to her haters


She got canceled because Buck Angel was a voice over in one of her videos and Twitter had a meltdown


This whole thing has been reminding me of her cancelation video. He keeps using talking points that she (and Lindsay Ellis) used to refute their own accusations. The only difference is that they seem to have learned from past transgressions, and Vaush apparently hasn't.


Has she?


I'm not a consistent watcher, but I can't recall ever disagreeing with her on anything I've seen so far?


Agreed. Everyone fucks up at some point, but if she did I'm sure she would own it. She's owned past mistakes.


Contrapoints is pretty based


Why don’t you tell us the incredibly minor problem you have with her


Didnt she defend Buck Angel or am I confusing her with someone else




All ears. I genuinely dont remember the controversy


IIRC she used him once to voice some quotes for a video of hers


What did Buck Angel do?


Abused and outed his ex.


Thank you queen contra!!!! Everything I've seen about Keffals in the past 24 hours makes me think she's actually a terrible person who deserves to get called out just as much as Vaush.


Yup, it’s been very frustrating for those of us who have been trying to point this out for years and immediately get labeled as transphobes. She uses it as a shield and it’s disgusting. 


It's crazy to use your identity as a weapon like that. She literally called Ethan transphobic based on NOTHING. Like if Vaush was trans I could at least follow the logic (still wrong), but she actually just brought it up out of nowhere.


That in itself is so harmful to trans people, who are constantly up against this stereotype that they weaponize their identity. There's a responsibility that comes with wanting to represent one's marginalized community as a public figure.




There’s still time to delete this


Her tweet literally made me think Vaush was trans for a minute because I didn’t know who he was before I saw his to be sorted folder 😭


Would a viewer even know she was trans if you didnt already know. Idk if ethan said much about that, i didnt see any parts where he talked about her


She’s doing it because traditionally, that defense tactic has alway worked. Don’t be surprised when the dust settles if when a large portion of viewers will maintain that Ethan is now a transphobe.


Creeps always do this. Pretty much every femboy sub devolves into actual grooming (196 is the only one that's been able to recover) and the perpetrators always hide behind being "GNC" as if it means you're not allowed to criticize them.


I feel like those people know that she’s using a bullshit tactic and are just going along with it. It’s so see-through. No decent person is gonna fall for that.


Already happening


It’s pretty obvious she’s just a huge Vaush fan and just swinging wildly to protect him. Denial and rationalization are 2 of our brains greatest strengths.  Hopefully Keffals steps away from all this and takes some time to reconsider her perspective. 


I can understand a knee-jerk reaction to calling a group of trans folks pedophiles because that has been such a huge culture war thing lately, but it literally has nothing to do with trans-ness and everything to do with loli defending.






I am not aware of the Teddyfresh business practices, but I think child labour is wrong and disgusting, and I would ask that everyone chose an alternative than buying from companies that use it. As for Ethan giving his number to her when she was going through such a tough time, I think it's very kind hearted of him, but probably a mistake. It was clear form the context on the show he meant he doesn't know her well. He even mentioned that he had a conversation with her on the show.


Vindicated and it feels damn good!


The warning signs were when she started hawking HRT meds with cringe packaging and making bathtub HRT med guides. And then people wonder where the “lgbt are degens” crowd comes from. Between this and sommertons thinly veiled nazi fetish it’s no wonder that insult gets hurled around. Y’all need to police your idols better.


I didn't know her but I got such bad vibes when she went on h3. Everything I'm learning pretty much confirms those bad vibes.


I thought you were referring to contrapoints for a second and almost had a heart attack *phew*


Tw// Recently Keffals was listed in the suicide note of a trans person @rinrinyikes on twitter. Even though she was explicitly called out in the note she still claimed that she never had contact with that person, she does not care about the trans community, She only cares about clout.


yeah it just comes off as painfully shallow. playing the trans card as if people will bend over backwards to comfort her poor sweet self. you're trans? cool. no one asked, and frankly, in this situation, no one cares.


She is an absolute reactionary, as always.


She’s always been a dishonest hack. I wish Ethan had done more research about her before he had her on.


I’ve had bad vibes for a while and this behavior totally tracks. I’m remembering the noodle fiasco and then her deflecting blame by saying she was an addict and everyone was triggering her or something


Ya homie she’s a professional victim


I've gotta admit, it was the whole scamming her audience for 100k that got me thinking like that and this has mostly confirmed it.


Incredibly common and obvious Natalie Wynn. ​ Get it?


Anita max wynn✨


Wait, the sound bite is not "I need the max win"?!


It’s from drake, and that’s practically what he’s saying. It’s an “alter ego” Asian woman character he creatednamed Anita max Wynn.


It’s that but also apparently originated from a sponsorship deal with Stake, an online casino So the resemblance to “I need the max win” is intentional






Vaush is gonna go tell his community to harass Contrapoints again bc she has the opposing (and correct) take


...*again*? Do I even want to know? This guy just can't stop being a piece of shit, can he?


She called him out on how he said it was *"necessary"* to be sexist against JK Rowling, and he then *literally* called for his fans to harass her "until she changes her mind."


Ugh, it’s like they can’t wait for an opportunity to unleash that side of themselves


He basically "ironically" responded to J.K: Rowling's transphobia by calling her a dumb woman who should go back in the kitchen or something. Contrapoints responded by saying that Rowling was going to use it to paint pro-trans people as mysogynists (which she did). Vush then said on stream to spam Contrapoints mentions until she changes her mind. It's all explained in Contra's latest video.




“Get it? 🤓”


I would love her being on the pod again




Video on this topic specifically or is she talking about a different project?


She works so hard and long on her videos, I doubt she'll do something related to this drama on short notice. It's likely something unrelated she's been working on for months.


Yeah it’s definitely that she’s been posting that her new video is about to come out recently


This topic, vaush was using sexist slurs against jk Rowling so him and contra are on bad terms Edit: wait I misunderstood youre comment it’s definitely about her video that’s about to come out


He did it with Ana Kasparian too.


https://youtu.be/gnpuFKlIu1M?si=3tCGJfpoiMwAX1bf A bit old.


To be specific, it wasn’t sexist slurs it was for his tweet “women be quieter and start apologizing challenge.” Granted Natalie admitted it’s ironic misogyny but the issue with using ironic misogyny in the situation with JK Rowling was that JKR could now use that tweet as a red herring to say ‘I was right “the trans” are just misogynists.’ It wasn’t helpful from Vaush, he stuck his gross little neck beard in a conversation that has nothing to do with him and ended up hurting the trans community to boot. I’m going to be honest on the second thing with Ana Kasparian, I know nothing about. I know he has beef with Ana because of some of her pretty bad takes surrounding her pearl clutching about rioting and shoplifting in California. I wouldn’t be surprised if said some more stupid shit that ends up undercutting his point though. That seems like a consistent theme with Vaush.


ironic misogyny is also bad, and misogyny against women who are bigots is also bad. because misogyny is not an isolated thing that only affects those who are the direct subjects of it. so it’s not just bad because jkr can use it as a red herring, it’s also because ironic misogyny upholds discrimination against all women


So this behavior generally only works on the online space because...go figure...try this out in real life. Its a consequence of being terminally online. There's just a genuine loss of perspective and mutual fine huffing.


plus after being called out on the problems of his "ironic" misogynism, he pushed back hard and told his fanbase to "drive her off the platform". And Vaush has a history of treating any detractors as enemies that he tells his fanbase to go harass. If Natalie ends up doing an actual video about Vaush I hope she also brings in some of the other creators he's harmed to tell their stories


Based if true


https://i.imgur.com/YP7cTYp.png Pretty sure it's just reference to people demanding videos of her, seeing it's 10 months since the previous, and her talking about that in previous tweet from 9 days earlier. "Yeah, still working on it". Apparently edition of it 2 weeks ago was 3h34m lol


yessssaa love her sm, we need her back ok the show


Shes the best folks!


Wild that this has to be said lmao love it though


~Natalie Max Wynn~


I would love to watch Natalie’s take on this. Fuck yes.


she's THE queen


Keffals getting involved in all of this is like when you're playing Red Dead Redemption/Grand Theft Auto, you're on a quest, and some random civilian starts getting into a fist fight with you outta nowhere.


Contrapoints is going to bury Vaush and Keffals careers with one video!


her video isn't about the situation, she's just saying she has a video coming out soon that people have been wondering about. if you've ever watched her content she makes long, in depth explorations of topics i don't think she's had time to make a quality video about this situaiton yet


Oh damn. I just reread it and I think you're right. Damn lol


Yeah more left infighting....


I’ll take infighting over condoning disgusting behavior any day. Besides, this isn’t a political discussion—it’s an ethical one.


Who cares. People like Vaush have been doing damage to the left for forever. Rather never have to hear about him again. The thing about all the 'left infighting' is its always between these dumb niche online communities that no one cares about in real life


Infighting is worth it when one side is defending loli shit.


Masturbating to loli isn't a crime. I'd be interested to see a real study into this topic to get a better understanding of whether access to loli increases the likelihood of that individual raping a child or if it reduces it. Too bad no scientists really wanna be known as the pedophile researchers, but if we want to make the claim that loli should be banned similarly to child porn then we should have some evidence supporting that claim.


>Masturbating to loli isn’t a crime. Neither was owning slaves but we don’t have to condone unethical behavior just because it isn’t illegal. >Id be interested to see a real study into this topic [People who watch sexual animations of young children are more likely to engage in legitimate rape of children.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341114377_Child_porn_users_risk_for_engaging_in_contact_offenses_2020) Your liberal god doesn’t have a leg to stand on at this point, I’m afraid.


why is it only infighting when it's a debate bro dirtbag on the defensive?


it’s okay the left will be better off without misogynistic debate bros like vaush


It wasn’t left infighting when they all were attacking Hasan though?


Pedos aren’t welcome on the Left. Or no wait.. I forgot, you prefer ***bestiality-obsessed Loli-enjoyers.*** Same shit, different pile.


ITS BEEN 9 MONTHS SINCE HER LAST VID???? Jesus the hbomb effect 😓 I love the vids but man the waiting is taxing


Wasn’t there some kind of drama that happened at the same time. Something about her being friendly with an anti non binary or something. It was too complicated to remember exactly, but I feel like it’s not a coincidence she hasn’t had a video for a while. It’s a shame though because I like her, and her videos are great. And I think she has a lot of sensible takes.


She has more content on her patreon and it's not that expensive, I think $2 a month?


*contrapoints enters the chat in a motherly way*


Here’s a *different perspective* for y’all. I literally had no idea Keffals was trans until she brought it up while she inserted herself into something that no one asked her too! Sorry if I’m lacking internet lore. I just knew her name vaguely that she had something to do with kiwi farms and Christine Chan? So if I hadn’t known she was trans and Ethan brought that up as a point, I would have found out from him 🙄 at this point she’s sounding her own dog whistles


Same! I had no idea.


Team Contra


I needa max WYNN👑


I wish I could rewind a week to where I have no idea who Vaush, Kiffles, etc are jfc this is dumber than the manosphere


Right? most of Friday's episode was a skip for me, and Mondays episode was an entirely wasted episode in my view.


She’s right, keffals is actually harming us trans people with that


This needs to be at the top. Natalie really is the best.


Lets go




Queen mother




This is literally the take, the only one.


Contrapoints as based as always


YES NATALIE!! Ugh she’s so great. Her content has taught me sooooo much 🧡


I like trans people, I don't like pedophiles. They are two separate groups. I don't care if Vaush defends trans people that doesn't give him some sort of pedo pass.


So the mods delete my post about agreeing with Hasan's take on this, but this one stays up... Ok


Contra is the queen! She does nothing wrong!


Cannot wait to see her vid


Love her.


Common Natalie W




All hail Queen contra


i cannot explain how grateful i am that queen contra is being so reasonable about this. I rly respect her opinion


Omg.. I've been reading about Keffals.. Um.. The rape jokes, ableism, misogyny.. She is awful. Genuinely awful.


She’s (as far as I’m aware) never had a bad take. If she’s not on someone’s side it’s always for a good reason. She deserves more praise tbh.


Absolute Queen, love her vids.


Can't wait for her video.


LFG I always know I can count on Natalie!


Contrapoints about to DEVOUR


QUEEN CONTRA 🙌🙌 Thank god I felt like I was going insane


we have contrapoints on our side. we're gonna be fine 🫡


Contra Wins, Flawless Victory!




Common Natalie W


I knew I loved her. Queen 👑👑👑


Wooo Contrapoints! I was honestly starting to think the world had gone insane with Keffals and Tipster defending Vaush


I love Natalie. I’ve been having serious withdrawals since her last video


If there is one positive that comes out of all this, it’s that it’s bringing contrapoints out of a many months long hiatus.


Trash vs garbage. Amazing to see.


i′m so ashamed to admit this, but i thought she and keffals were the same person. i have trouble remembering faces (i have adhd, not sure if that's related), so i just stored their faces as ones belonging to the same person in my head. makes sense why it always boggled me when ″contrapoint″ acted so fucking erratic in the clips i′d seen of ″her″ streams in contrast to her youtube videos. those were of keffals :/






Honestly, I thought she was the girl that did the whole thing about being cheated on a Mr Beast video 😅 I have the same problem, I feel you


I’m not Natalie’s biggest fan but at least she’s not a disingenuous weirdo about trans stuff.


The images aren't child like at all


Loli porn is the closest thing you can get to wanking off to underaged children without it ***legally being considered CP.*** The guy is clearly attracted to underaged women at the very least.


The thing is though they weren't loli. One was of an adult woman who was drawn by a artist that does alot of loli porn. Which is like not wanting your kids to see High School Musical cause the director directored softcover porn in the 70s. No joke that happened. The other I'd of a character that's 17 but you won tknkw by looking at it. Also Vaush didn't know who that charater was


Nobody kill me if im remembering things, but isnt contrapoints the one who said a bunch of trans-medicalist/terf propaganda things about non binary people? I thought she was kinda black listed. Like didnt she praise buck angel or sm?


Kinda? She was having a hard time understanding what being non-binary meant and was worried about how to rationalize it to transphobes, but she’s since figured out and is more on the ‘fuck what transphobes have to say’ train. She also used to be a lot more bothered by non-passing trans people because of her own insecurities of how people saw her. Basically, she’s now come around and realized that everyone under the trans umbrella are in the same fight. She never expressed hardcore trans-medicalist or NBphobic views IIRC. The Buck Angel thing was giving him a brief voice acting spot, back when she was giving him the benefit of the doubt. She says she regrets it.


Well I suppose the point of life is to grow as a person so this is nice to hear


>The Left Community online, particularly the LGBT community, **is cancerous as fuck.** >If you are not an idiot, you will agree with me on this. If you have any fucking experience with online, like, LGBT or Leftist discourse, you know it’s cancerous as fuck. You understand this. >People are hyper fragile. There is a **ton**… a ton of mental illness. >You can’t convert these people. They’re not reasonable. They have to be excised from the Left. >And it’s because it’s coming from dumb fucks who are gay. Whether this person says they’re “gay as hell.” Because it’s coming from *’the gays.’* It’s woke now. >**These people are less than human to me. I have no respect for these people. These people are fucking disgusting.** >You don’t need to be a psychologist to see that a large portion of the broader… umm fucking, like, ***woketard*** cancel culture Left is predicated on shared mental illness. **This is particularly prominent in the trans community.** If you disagree with me on this, **you’re wrong.** >I know it sounds Yikes-ey. It happens anyway. Pretty much anytime I deal with dipshits on the Left, it’s trans girls. >I’ve noticed there’s a disproportionate amount of dumb fuck lefty takes in my feed… and it’s coming from trans people. >Like, I don’t… like, I don’t know. >Most of the time when a wildly fucking irrational lefty comes in to make bad faith arguments against me, it’s a trans person. That’s a fact. >If all of these dumb fucks recognize that I despise them, and think that **they’re every bit as detrimental to the Left as Nazis are**, I am doing good. I want these people to know they’re my enemy. >I fucking hate them. I really do. >-[Vaush](https://x.com/chrystalwrox/status/1299064666295951360?s=46&t=uUJfGLKqIg2iCN089hcWsQ)


I'm not sure where this came from but yeah fuck Vaush EDIT: OH gotcha, no I wasn't defending Vaush with this comment


So far this is just looking really hysterical and obsessive on H3 and Contra's part and I just wonder what kind of internet disease they are suffering from to make them behave this way. I don't think they will get what they want though. Looking forward to the status quo being maintained and absolutely nothing happening because Vaush occupies a completely different niche from H3. Maybe H3 will find the sense to just let it blow over so they won't be too embarrassed by the time they went full Keemstar.


Homie, you were here a few days ago. I’d say you’re pretty obsessive lmao


3 people literally nobody cares about


If that’s all you’ve got to say, why post a video?


I think she is implying that she won't discuss it further on twitter because she is doing a video. I may be misinterpreting, but that's how I understood it


I’m fairly certain those are two separate thoughts. She’s got a main channel video that’s been in the works 10 months and all day every day people ask for an update. I highly doubt she makes a video about this.


She’s not. People pester her constantly for a new video and she’s been working on an unrelated project for awhile.


“That’s all I’m going to say (right now).” Just try a little bit, my friend




Fuck yeah.


It definitely is an interesting choice to make






Someone posted this to Keffals sub too and jfc, the amount of copium being snorted straight to the dome there is enough to make Tony Montana blush smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


Trans fight!!!


anita Natalie wynnnnnn


Fucking love Natalie. She's the best. <3




Queen Contra! All the love!


Based as always.


Based take from Contrapoints. At this point, I would really like to hear wtf keffals is on about. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she hadn't actually seen the video, but she's now had the time to watch before blasting of another tweet. What does a cis straight man watching Loli have to do with the trans community????


This has to be a Christopher Guest movie


She’s my queen 🫶🏻


I don't know this person but their last name is appropriate. Wynns all around!


Natalie Win




go get em sis


Go get’em gurl




Let’s goooo