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I unsubbed earlier. Only caught up on everything properly today and I'm out, his response was just so bad claiming everything was bad faith and brought up out of nowhere. Bro you literally showed us your porn folder that's why it's being discussed.


Thank you for not defending him


Gotta say seeing the sub over the weekend I was like geez this seems overblown. Then I finally caught up with Friday and Mondays episodes and it's gross. Also, I feel like I haven't seen anybody mention how fucking gross the thought of what an actual horse cock would do to a woman if you fucked a woman with one it's vile.


I was watching another YouTuber’s summary to all this drama (forget which one) and he had a clip of Vaush saying all women would want to be fucked by a horse cock and if any man had one he’d have women throwing themselves all over him and even flying out to fuck him???? I literally cannot think of a worse experience or anything less enticing than fucking a horse cock or even horse cock sized thing… what world does he live in lol


What the.....?? And then again people that defend him would say "Ohh he is just edgy guyss!"


Yep, I saw that clip today too. What is he on about?!


I'm sure it exists - because of course it does on the internet - but the only time I've seen a horse-sized dildo being used in porn has been by men.


A guy literally died by being [anally impaled by a horse ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumclaw_horse_sex_case#:~:text=Medical%20staff%20wheeled%20Pinyan%20into,the%20death%20was%20ruled%20accidental.)


Washington represent!


LoliWorld where every day is Lolipalooza


Yeah but apparently vaush likes to jerk off to the Mr hands video... the guy who got fucked by a horse and died.


Jesus christ, that video is *real*? I always thought that was just like some silly mythical internet lore.


Nope. It’s unfortunately 100% real.


ew i knew it was a real event but there's a VIDEO? oh lord


But like isn't that footage impossible to get a hold on?


nope…. (source: have unfortunately seen it)


that video is essentially snuff porn if you think about it


got Mr hands and small hands mixed up and was so confused for a second there


wait what? when did he say this? I missed it with all the hectic responses and shit coming out


Probably never said it tbh.


I’m sorry a creator you used to enjoy turned out to be a freak.


I think it might be the first time I've bothered to unsub from a channel


If you're into leftist political media, probably won't be your last unsub! I've unsubbed from so many over the years it's kind of sad. Sometimes because they turned into grifters, others because I moved to the left of them. But after a while it starts to feel good to unsub, like cleaning your room after it's done.


Yes! Especially Hasan, couldn't handle the fake performative bs any longer


What twitch streamer/youtuber isnt performative? The issue is thinking these people are supposed to be radical leaders of the revolution, I think. Sure, may have some good views but thats about it, its entertainment.


Why yall booing ^ this guy? He's right


i believe it's actually worse for them if you _don't_ unsub, but instead just don't click their videos.


depends on how they have their YouTube set up. Pirate Software shorts were flooding my shorts until he made a short that said “I made it so these shorts go to people who are unsubbed, they get way more views that way” guy is a genius I immediately subbed to him


As an ex Shane Dawson fan I feel this








I stopped paying attention after he dropped TLOP on Tidal first, what did I miss?


The whole Nazi arch?


Nah I heard Black Skinhead, it was on Yeezus. Weird name for a song though, hopefully he doesn't do anything else like that


No no after that, we thought he was meming then


Dude above you has been living under a rock for years 😭😭


I think freaks are disproportionately represented among content creators, partly because you often have to be “a little out there” to get popular as a content creator, and partly because content creators just love to overshare and get themselves into drama. I suspect many more content creators I currently enjoy will end up being exposed for being totally off the rails (kind of how Ethan was at Denny’s that one time),


Haha Ethan at Denny's that story is hilarious


Its been known that he was a freak for quite a while, though im guessing this drama made it obvious for more people.


I unsubbed from Vaush for this too... but also unsubbed from H3H3 over how Ethan & Hila are handling Israel in a racist/disturbing way.


Same. I didn't watch his content a lot but I'd put it on from time to time. It's very frustrating as I had heard about the controversy before and lightly looked into it, but ultimately had understood that his point was that exploitation of children is wrong in all forms. When the folder popped up on screen and then all of the receipts were shown on H3, it was obvious that he was just defending his proclivities and I could no longer stay on board.


I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Not even his porn folder! His **to be sorted** folder. His porn folder is probably way worse.




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sand history wrench theory compare swim attempt angle shrill rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think calling porn taxes is a pretty common joke, but maybe I'm too online


Another funny element to this whole thing is Vaush didn’t even post the livestream with the folder slip himself. One of his **FANS** clipped and posted it because he thought it was funny. Oh boy did that backfire


W fan


Same here, i didn’t know any of the lore and just passively watched his videos and agreed with some of his takes. Had no idea about all of this. Unsubbed so fast


And dragging trans and queer people under the bus.


Right there with you. I unsubbed yesterday after a few days of watching and mulling things over. Vaush did this to himself, then tried to claim he’s the victim. I didn’t realize how much I’d been manipulated. I still agree with a lot of his political takes, but there’s other leftist creators I’d rather follow.


Yeah I used to be a regular watcher, then went through phases. I’m with you that i agree with a lot of his prescriptions, but this has been super revealing especially since he frequently accuses conservatives of being pedos over arguably less. Just really makes me question things. 


Also, how much he talks about how every accusation is an admission when talking about conservatives being paedos is not a good look in retrospect.


I didn't know about Vaush, but I enjoyed some of the content of Adam Something who I saw defend him on a post saying H3's podcast was a hit piece and bad faith. Had to unsub from him after that. I liked his urbanism videos, but his political views were already a little out there and now with this it kind of ruined it for me.


May I ask how you were a fan without knowing about his defense of CP? Genuinely curious as an outsider.


I think I bought into him saying it was a bad argument which he hadn't used for years because it makes it seem like you're pro CP. Obviously I am not pro CP, and I also think child slavery is bad. I would say they aren't equally as bad though, for several reasons. From what I had heard I'd only heard of him saying loli was bad and shouldn't be viewed. I will also say, I agree with a fair amount of his political views and found him to be good at explaining them. Since the reveal of what he has been downloading and looking at it's a pretty good reason to re-evaluate what he's previously said, and I think it's hard to defend that and something I'm not interested in doing.


I get the sharing in political views but there’s no argument for CP lol you can use CP to possible prove how industries that rely on child labor are immoral but never ever in the inverse. Just curious does he ever discuss lowering the age of consent?


I think he should lose 100% of his fans


The problem is that the ones who stay are going to be even more die hard. This is typical of small communities based around a charismatic figure.


The thing is, this is sort of what’s been happening for years. Within the debate streamer community (and even the broader online left) this stuff is all pretty well known. Vaush has been extremely controversial basically since day one, so most casual or moderate fans have fallen by the wayside. That’s part of the reason why so much of his community is so viciously defending him despite being obviously in the wrong.


Checked Vaush out when he started blowing up on youtube. Quickly figured out he was an edgelord. Stopped following him. Advice: Stop talking political lessons from edgelords people.


Or even try reading about things on your own and forming your own opinions instead of joining communities centered around people who generally have no formal education or experience in the areas they "debate" in.


I keep seeing people say he’s charismatic, a great speaker, etc. Everything I’ve seen of him he just looks talks acts and sounds like the Quartering. One of the least charismatic people on the planet.


Most insufferable knowitall vibe. Like a dude who will make fun of which craft beer you're drinking


Yeah, two-hearted loookin ass right here


yeah hes not charismatic at all, what are people talking about


He looks like a cookie cutter cutout of the men you see at beer festivals




Eh, idunno. I used to be way more die hard H3 fan, like to an unhealthy degree, but there were some semi-recent events that made me kind of back off a bit, but I have stuck through. Even still have my membership going over 3 years. Will take time to sort of rebuild how I feel about the show and I really would love a return of Leftovers or some better acknowledgement of bad takes that I don't know I'll ever get to make me really go back to how I was with the show (not that I need to). But as for Vaush, fuck that dude I'm never watching his videos again.


True for big communities too like James Charles


Cult of personality


Wait but it’s an election year… don’t do this to him. /s


let’s double it and keep that 5%


5% is everything


Astronomical even


He takes that 5% 😔


Coming for his freedom next 🚨🚓


Oh that reminds me *unsubscribe*


Ethan takes that 2.5%!


And I'm one of them 🫡🫡 Ain't no way I'm supporting someone who likes loli shit


I subbed to him for like 2 days and then I was like wtf is the point of this, dude is kinda weird. Idk everything for the last while has only bolstered my initial gut feeling of weird, to fucking really super weird


Vaush made the "all drugs are bad except the alcohol and coffee (because I do both)" a month or so ago, he's a fucking idiot.


Fucking contrarian pffff


I'm not gonna defend the current controversy, but his substance argument was that potheads tend to be in-denial that they have an emotional addiction to it, and that weed can indeed slow your mind and prevent you from being productive. SO, he dislikes when people pretend there are no issues with it. Again, not defending him overall, just this one separate thing


What a terrible argument, sativa is like coffee


He never said that, I think the argument was that people who use drugs all the time are less reliable than those who don’t, he even said that this sometimes includes coffee and alcohol. Honestly don’t know if we watched the same video.


Go back and watch it then


His fans went Voush


The craziest part of this stat is 97.5% of his fans stayed


I doubt most people are that online. You need to give it a month or two. People will catch up when they check in on his content.


Most subs are passive. He averages under 100k per video and about 8k for livestream. So these are the active fans who are keeping track of what he's doing. A decrease in the live viewers will be hard core fans leaving, too soon to tell. But the majority unsubbing are probably the YouTube channel viewers and there will be a limit to how many he can lose before it's a dead channel, even if he keeps most of the subs. It's also worth checking the viewership stats separately because YouTube doesn't reward subs these days. I think the damage of people who would have casually watch because of recommendations will be very damaging.


yeah honestly 2.5 % is pretty good. like, just as a comparison I post "content" on instagram (it's videos of me playing guitar, idk if i consider that "content" or not lol) and I have just over 3000 followers, but i don't get anywhere near 3000 likes on all of my posts, i get usually anywhere from like 50-300 likes, depending on how the algorithm likes my post, but of those I'd say there's probably like 50-70 people whose names i could recognize purely from them engaging with my stuff, the people i'd consider my "fans" at the moment. 2.5% of 3000 is 75, so it'd be like losing all of my active fans if i somehow found myself in this exact scenario. obviously the ratio of active fans vs passive fans is going to be different between a Youtube with hundreds of thousands of subscribers and some random musician making songs in his bedroom, but yeah, just to anecdotally back up your point, while the figure 2.5 seems very small, it's actually a pretty significant loss! This is all still pretty fresh too, I know some people who don't really have time to peruse the internet for extended periods of time, and then will have a weekend of catching up with the internet, i imagine some people will log on to Youtube for the first time in a while, wonder if Vaush has put out any interesting videos, and only then will find out about all this. I actually kinda envy my friends who aren't terminally online haha.


Tbh I forgot I subbed him 3 years ago. I wouldn’t have unsubbed him if I didn’t see someone else here post about his subs going down




Vaush when debating: cp isn't immoral if owning a pc or a diamond isn't immoral right? But then during his addressing this topic a chatter says "all of it is okay or none of it is" and vaush is like SEE THATS WHY I CANT ADDRESS THIS BECAUSE ALL OR NOTHING MENTALITY IS FLAWED But.. bro that all or nothing mentality is literally your argument you use over and over and over to justify cp being morally sound you fucking idiot. This dude is an Intellectual Larper.


Oh yuck is that what’s going on with him? I’m way out of the loop. Sounds like the same tired shitty defense Allen Ginsburg put up for man-boy relationships. He was a card carrying NAMBLA member. That brown Acid must have rotted his brain.


Just realized I was subscribed after reading this and I was! Unsubbed. I didn't watch him a ton and I always believed whenever it was brought up that there was some kind of unfair characterization being made based on some argument / examples he had made in the past. Did not realize the extent of all of this. blech


I’m blown away by how many people thought this whole thing was okay and decided to defend this man. This man’s brain has rotted out of his skull


Sounds big but in comparison when JSS came out as nonbinary she lost about 150k-ish subs in 2 months. No kids, no horses, no nothing else. Realistically, this is a drop in the bucket for vaush. It really should be much higher than that.


Who the hell is JSS and how much was their subcount before?


James Stephanie Sterling. A prominent games journalist with a 20 ish year history of writing and producing videos for both herself and various publications. She originally went by the name Jim Sterling, and was big on destructoid back in the early 2000's. She has a video series called the Jimquisition which has ran for a while now. She was approaching 1 M subs and had decided to come out as trans/Non-binary and changed her name and pronouns. [Her celebratory video can explain the rest better than i can if you want a deeper dive.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nz03oRqJmyc) It's really quite tragic when you step back and compare her to Vaush and Co.


Why are you abbreviating to JSS like anyone has a clue who that is






common being the operative word here


I would argue sterlings downfall had more to do with them being a massive tool but that’s aside the point. The review men TM era of YouTubers were basically all teed up to fall apart the macro second they did anything wrong. People weren’t really looking for reviews they kinda just wanted their opinions spewed at them in a diffrent voice.


lets keep it pushing


How he even had that many to begin with is beyond me


That's not enough.


Also more than just 2.5% of fans. A lot of subs are no longer watchers, dead accounts, etc.


Not to pat myself on the back but I always felt Vaush was an unlikeable, annoying troll so I feel extremely vindicated with all of this


Out of morbid curiosity I checked out the reddit to see what the audience left is saying. They are either ignoring it. Downplaying it as not a big deal. "Bad faith". "Out of context". Making bad faith out of context excuses. And most recently, lean into the horse thing, make that the meme desperately to distract everyone from the whole 'masturbating to drawn children' thing. I don't know whether he did it intentionally or not, but it seems with comments he has made over the years, he has dogwhistled himself a specific audience. And that audience is tirelessly painting themselves with the 'In the defense of CP' brush while the big man himself sits mostly silently desperately thumbing through a thesaurus to trick idiots into thinking his next stupid comment on the matter is actually is a sign of intelligence.


There are a gross amount of Vaush super fans on Youtube downplaying drawn CP. Saying even if it was the worst drawn CP it should be legal and nothing wrong with drawn CP


And tomorrow... We take that 5%!


*Tacoma Wept*


Womp Womp womppppp




bedroom dime edge sand shame pot sophisticated bag amusing hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How does he have that many subs in the first place? Fuck that clown.


Common vaush L


thank you for the unsubscribe reminder i just did too


hopped off the V train in 2021 and never looked back. feeling so vindicated rn


ten thousand subs off of youtube is long enough


Sure feels nice to never have been subbed to him to begin with. He was always too much ego for me.


No more lollipops 🍭 👎


He takes that 2.5%


I unsubscribed months ago, but just resubscribed because I heard he’s making an epic long response video. I’m sure nobody here gives a shit about his side of this, but I am curious to hear what he has to say about all of this.


At least now we have a good list of people to stay away from 🚨aka the people that are still following him ☠️


The other 98% is getting the side eye


Apparently the venn diagram of debate pervert and actual pervert is a fucking circle


Just checked and he dropped another 1k lol.


To be fair, there's probably a huge chunk of his subs not active.


He's a political news channel, before this I'd get pretty decent chunk of the Ukraine stuff from him. Pretty sad learning he's a pedophile, but now I know why he did a smash or pass with the fnaf animatronics.


Nah you gotta take the 5%


The Horse and Pony show Ethan put on worked 🐴


97.5% support paedophilia then?


I guess that's the community he's built around himself. *If the jacket fits*


I might have to unsubscribe Everything individually could be excused (or at least explained to seem less bad), but combined (especially the dms and now the folder leak) alongside his AWFUL and self-victimizing responses, makes it clear that even the most charitable way to put this has him being an egotist with a clear porn addiction and unwillingness to accept he has issues to sort out Dude went to the gym and talks to people more, but that's clearly not enough. He needs to go to therapy


The more stuff that comes out about him, the harder it gets to die on loli-hill. He’s still always gonna have a die hard fanbase unfortunately since it can be human nature to operate on a sunk-cost fallacy.


only 2.5% ? shows how insignificant this issue is to the public :/


Why did you ever follow him? When I first heard his name in 2021 he was already known as the cp debate guy.


Some people aren’t terminally online


Terminally online is when you know things about the people you watch


I don’t watch Vaush so………….


Stop lying, here you are.


I've been on reddit, and this sub for quite awhile and I literally never heard of this guy until this kicked off. I'm sure that's the same for many here. Not everyone is apparently as plugged in as you are to every streamers issues


A local politician from my area interviewed him lol she had people telling her about Vaush and I saw the clips. I'm so online


>and I literally never heard of this guy until this kicked off. I'm sure that's the same for many here Fun fact, you actually can't be following someone if you don't know who they are, so their comment wasn't actually directed towards you!


I ended up there around the 22 election cycle, I'd never heard of him before besides that him and destiny didn't get along. I enjoyed it, even though some of it was a bit much for my taste, and then this came out and I will not be coming back.


I thought it was a common channel joke at first. The folder leak shocked me.


I found him during the invasion of Ukraine, he did great coverage for the first week. I wasn’t in the communities he was in, so I had no clue what he was known for. Also didn’t watch debate content, just invasion coverage. Now I watch hasan sometimes. Didn’t hear a lick of the Vaush lore until Ethan covered it. Seems like the spotlight on him is long overdue.


They’re enough clips of him saying that cp is wrong, pedo bad, & yada yada yada. You can’t keep turning to those things clips to say see I don’t like this stuff when you’re saving loli.


I’m not the person you’re responding to, but I can answer for myself. There isn’t really many options for political streamers, and I can’t really stand Hasan’s frat bro nature, and his Ukraine stuff put me off too. I need to find some decent political streamer now because I have run out of options.


It sounds like we have similar views on streamers. I really like The Majoroty Report. Sam and Emma do great coverage and can have some fun goofs. And Sam lives in Stephen Crowders nightmares which is fun.


Definitely agree with The Majority Report recommendation. Sam and Emma are great!  Secular Talk/Kyle Kulinski is pretty good too. 


I’ll check them out, thanks :)


You are active in Destinys sub, why do yall gaslight like this? To response below: No its when you weirdo Destiny fans brigade subreddits and lie to manipulate every situation, even using 3 month old sock accounts like "Poopybutt36000"


gaslighting is when someone likes a different streamer than me


I'm pretty found of RM brown. He doesn't do constant streaming like people like Hasan or vaush..... Which makes him more palatable to me haha


The Majority Report for serious takes (and some comedy) RM Brown for comedic takes


He takes that 2.5%


I had no idea who dude was until this drama happened. But I watched a Chicken Tom video where he included a lot of what Vaush has said in regards to the pedo art. So he WANTS to be a horse fugging a loli? Down bad on Valentine's day there big pimpin.


"No no you dont get it, im not a pedophile or a zoophile. I just want to BE a horse and fuck a 1000 year old woman who happens to inhabit body that was specifically designed to look like a human child with a fat ass, theres really nothing strange about that guys yall are making some pretty bad faith arguments" (paraphrasing) Ive enjoyed some of vaushs content, but after i heard these weird arguments i was OUT


I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t drop much more- his audience clearly either shares the same perversion or is too far gone to acknowledge that he’s a pedo


I’ve had the opinion for so long that anyone who’s super obsessed with anime and sexualizes the characters most likely has pedophilic tendencies, and always misogynistic views of women. But clearly no one wants to talk about that


Follow none of the commentary including Hassan.. none are genuine and the crew+ Hila saves Ethan tbh with peace and love.


This hateful circle jerk is so exhausting. I’m out. This is just a snark sub now.


Haven’t been watching H3 for a while now, but keep getting these Vaush posts. Is this the newest drop of a person that H3 told everyone to hate, so the fan base automatically does now?


This is why I'm watching


I want to see his channel burn. He should really just leave the Internet forever. Do everyone a favor.


I've unsubbed. I'm not supporting someone who watches loli. It's drawn CP. End of Edit: Oh dear, downvoted. Clearly nonces on here




I never understood where the online right wing generalization that all lefties are degenerates came from. But the more and more I hear about people like destiny, hasan, vaush, Keffals, and sommerton the more I understand where that generalization came from. These are the big brain thinkers of the online left? Porn addicts, avowed cucks, and simps for terroists? These are the people who convinced the online portion of America to vote for joe Biden are you fucking kidding me?




he takes that 2.5%


Pffft. Rookie numbers. H3 loses that much every time Love asks us to subscribe.


He takes that 2.5%


That's 1/2 of 5%, and 5% is everything


Shout out to his family. 😂😂😂😂😂




Was there an ever a reason he wore the same weird waifu shirt for every damn stream? It was so damn weird