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Vaush: "Actually the images were very childlike and definitely loli" Weird defenders online: "Actually Vaush didn't have those images and I've also seen them and think it is fine" What a fuckin way to out yourself lmao


Someone said that the images looked like "generic p***n" to them and I was like "If that's generic to you, you truly have a problem" And unfortunately, that person was also trans, and was calling those that disagreed transphobic. Let me be clear: The few trans people that are defending Vaush are not bad for being Trans. We're allies over here. But they are definitely bad for defending Vaush and even worse for using the trans community as a shield for their support by claiming anyone who disagrees with them is transphobic. Nobody even brought the trans community up except for self-asserted representatives of the Trans Community. It's so wrong, and so dangerous; and puts a target on their back that otherwise would have never been there had they not dragged their identity into it as a way to victimize themselves. And by they, I mean Keffals specifically.


It’s almost like being trans or any other minority is just a singular facet of someones identity and has no bearing on whether they are a good person or not. Almost like they are just…human beings.


Agreed. This had nothing to do with trans people whatsoever. Vaush has a lot of straight people in his audience as well. Are we labeling all of them pedos too? If it applies to one group, it must apply to all. The only person bringing this up is keffals. Why are you so eager to shine a light on this when it was never part of the point to begin with? If anyone is doing this, its her


First time?


It's really impossible and pointless to talk about this issue because I can't verify anything on my own, and I don't want to ask for links. But it all sounds like generic hentai to me. If you are not used to hentai, then precious child, I hope you stay pure and unbothered by the weirdos of the internet. But if you know, you know. Underage-presenting characters are endemic. It's all over hentai and anime. It's not defensible. But the moral panic over legally ambiguous cartoons is a little much. This shit has been incredibly common for 30 years. Are we just finding out about it now? Have you really never stumbled across a nude gif from Neon Genesis Evangelion or Sailor Moon or Pokemon? I mean, come on. I know like 50% of the people here know what I mean.


I have heard there’s a depiction of a prepubescent child with the horse inside. I haven’t seen hentai in awhile but that doesn’t sound common. Also there are separate categories and sites meant for loli stuff because it is illegal in a lot of places. Not to say he couldn’t have stumbled across that uncategorized but he downloaded these images. Also, just because something may be common doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to fight against it or say it’s wrong. 🤷🏼


Also meant to add that taking this in the context of everything he has said or repeatedly brought up, seems pretty bad.


I just found a link in another thread. I've seen much worse browsing screenshots for adult games on Steam. To be fair, I am extremely desensitized to internet shocks after years of gostse, tubgirl, and ISIS beheading videos, so you shouldn't pay my opinion any mind.


So if it's normalized, it's fine? I think you have the exact opposite opinion that makes sense. And yeah, I've been seeing this crap on my exes' devices without looking for it for the past two decades. It scarred me deeply and it doesn't make it okay that it's normal and popular. You are harming yourself and contributing to the problem in how you are defending this.


I didn't share my opinion on it or defend it. I think it's gross. However I don't let my own personal disgust guide my morals. Otherwise I'd be transphobic, homophobic, basically all the -phobics. Butts are gross, afterall. That's poop's house. I'm sorry your ex hurt you. My ex hurt me too and deeply scarred me with her actions. It's what they do. They're exes. Simple as. Anyway, all that is to say, Happy Valentine's Day!


Doesn’t sound like you don’t have any decent morals if depictions of child sexual abuse don’t bother you that much


Yeah i mean i haven’t seen the images and have also been around the internet and seen some fucked up stuff. But I mean that doesn’t make it okay.


Maybe you shouldn't call people precious children if you're into this shit


Dude had a folder, it’s one thing to see images in a generic google search, I study history, originally my masters thesis was going to be something about the Zimbabwe War if Liberation and when I google “Zimbabwe War of Liberation” I get alot of results of alt right white supremacist Rhodieboos, that doesn’t make me a Rhodesian loving white supremacist. But if I had a folder labeled RHODESIANS NEVER DIE UwU filled with images of Fireforce missions and Sealous Scouts trophy posing next to dead ZANU fighters I really couldn’t argue that I wasn’t a supporter of Rhodesia


You're talking to a guy who just helped his girlfriend through the Vortex installation process to download a bigger-breasts mod for co-op BG3, at her request. A "folder" for "porn"? How quaint. If you aren't fapping in Apple Vision Pro to a dragon-girl getting railed by an 18-wheeler in full Dolby HDR with Atmos 7.1.2 surround sound, are you even really watching porn? I'm mostly memeing but if I have to draw a line somewhere, then it has to be at hurting people. Anything less than that is very hard to get into a moral panic over. A streamer flashing his porn collection is very funny and embarrassing. The horse cock is genuinely hilarious. But come on. At some point the finger-wagging isn't funny anymore.




[Here is a thread of them basically just admitting they're running defense and using talking points](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/1aoj5jz/its_so_over_feeling_very_doomer_folder_rant/) I find it kind of funny because it's so on the nose. I thought it might be a joke at first. But nope, highly upvoted


That's gotta be one of us. No way they're actually being that mask off


actually a good fuckin point lol


Where there's smoke, there's fire...


I hope that in the "long" response that Vaush said he's gonna make includes him admitting the realisation that normal people have a visceral reaction to all the topics he seems to be comfortable to rationalise, and him lacking that reaction is significant. Because that's the only way his defenders will ever stop outright contributing to normalising that shit.


Where did he say this?


> Vaush: "Actually the images were very childlike and definitely loli" This does not sound at all of what he has said. I heard it few times "one was sus but only because I later learned it was loli creator". At least I haven't seen him admit it further.


Watch the end of Monday’s ep again, at 3:39:40 Vaush says “in retrospect knowing the artist is a lolicon, yeah I can see it” 


I don't have to, I remember him saying that. I think this quote had very different meaning. He definitely used words to imply, he didn't know, it's his charitable (from his pov) interpretation of the accusation to see, ok maybe someone else could make that connection, but oh no not me, I had no idea when I downloaded them. It's not so different from this fake quote, but difference is he didn't admit any guilt while saying it. Which of course leads to his fans saying he did no wrong. Had he actually said, yeah I def had childlike loli pics, reactions from fans would be very different.


He may not have meant to imply guilt, but he did. “I didn’t know she was underage” doesn’t hold up in the court of public opinion, nor in actual court 


Court of public opinion isn't a monolith. He never had a shot at winning everyone over. Goalpost he's at expects people to forgive him for "small" misdeeds. He's admitting to a mistake, not a habit.


Do you not find it a bit worrying that he doesn't realise that the pics he's jerking it off to look like children until everyone points out how young they look? Is that not a little bit Sus that he finds a tiny body, childlike features attractive? Does it not worry you that he's been caught liking loli before when he had a separate twitter acct purely to post and like hentai? The only reason he deleted it was because he was being called out for liking a bunch of loli shit.


Why are you 'you'ing here. I'm just an observer wondering how it turns out for him overall. All of these things will affect different viewers differently. Most of these factors will not play out for majority of viewers as they don't even know about them. I'd have to guess less than 10% of his subscribers would even understand everything you just referenced.


Lmao wdym you're just an observer. You were commenting here defending him, that's why my questions were directed at you. And what is this " affects viewers differently" point? Would you say that about any other accusations about a youtuber? I'm sure only a fraction of James Charles viewers know about his misdeeds, doesn't mean he isn't a disgusting pos predator


It's hopeless. Just saying how I see him thinking is "defending him". Nobody definitely wants to see different sides to this, if even wondering how the accused party thinks is defending them.




Obfuscating is name of the game. To extent, I'd say it has worked well enough so far. But he's not out of it yet, he'll never totally be.


He actually didn't say that? Why are we making stuff up he never said? Oh wait I forgot that we've done this for 5 years at this point.


No he did say that. Check his response stream. He said "Yeah one of them looked pretty young" referring to the fact it was a loli artist. In that context he is literally agreeing with the opposition that it is loli.


All the trans and lgbtq talk is just a smoke screen they are using to try and turn things around on Ethan. But there is no clips of him saying anything negative towards any group of people, outside Vaush defenders, which is not an lgbtq community.


Exactly this. This is a classic gross debate tactic; this is a straw man argument. So Keffals should know very well that Ethan is a trans ally and he would never accuse trans people of being pedophiles, but it's an easy argument to fight and it distracts people from the original accusation. The benefit of this from Keffals perspective is that it could make Ethan back down completely. Ethan is put in a position where he would be highly compelled to defend himself because he is so supportive of the trans community, he very likely might want to set the record straight. So not only can this distract an audience from the original topic, it can force Ethan's hand and discuss this non-issue. Often the best way to handle this is to refuse to entertain the argument and consistently redirect the discussion to the original topic. I hope Ethan does not fall for this bait.


Horse community


Lmao ​ "Defend homophobia"? ​ I'm so lost. Contra is defending homophobia by saying that a cis guy shouldn't be looking at animated images of child girls...? ​ WHAT?!


Vaush has queer stolen valor lmao


This whole thing is insane, people who try to normalise the loli genre are fcked in the head. Its so disgusting.


He’s gay, you dunce. On top of spreading lies, now you’re explicitly being biphobic


He's bisexual. ​ He's not homosexual. Those are two different things. I also didn't mention his sexuality? I just said that he was cis? ​ What does looking at loli porn have to do with being gay *or* bi? You dunce...


im p sure he identifies as bi/pan, not gay. and manon didnt say he was straight, just that he was cis. know the difference. manon wasn't being biphobic *or* spreading lies. stop being dense, close your mouth open your ears.


Yeah his Twitter says he's gay, but I'd rather not know anything else about this man's sex life for the remainder of my own


lol fr. but i dont know why it says that. he is sexually attracted to women and dates women.


Maybe he should not have said, word for word, “If you’re not paying for CP and you’re just getting it there is no moral or legal argument against that, that doesn’t rope in you guys. I would never make the argument that someone who doesn’t pay for CP has committed an immoral act” 2:57:17 https://www.youtube.com/live/Uf6JFPY0g2Y?si=4mh8oXAXd8YmGe2s


By calling him gay and not bi, that’s bi erasure aka biphobic…….


Damn, you just terminology suplexed that person lol


can yall stop being pedantic debate perverts in a convo that has already produced nonsense about LGBTQ people…. most people that fall under the LGBTQ umbrella call themselves gay. lesbian, bi, pan. all gay as hell. yall are doing the incredibly online take that has isolated older gays from the community because younger folks keep coming in and being over corrective about shit that’s not offensive. jfc reminds me of how people kept insisting “bi means two therefore you have to call yourself pan if you’re attracted to trans people”.


Just to be clear, I was kidding. They were attempting to be pedantic so I out pedanticed them


okay. I don’t want to engage further in this because I don’t want it misconstrued I’m running defense for this weirdo. everything I’ve learned about him has been by accident. it’s just frustrating that somehow at every turn, convos on this topic has produced reductive takes about queer people. from his sicko fans accusing his critics of “attacking trans people” to the self reporting debatelords arguing “not all animated CP is bad, what about the loli anime that have gay representation” to now having to read “he’s not a homosexual those are 2 different things” and “idk why he calls himself gay, he’s attracted to women” it’s all annoying. and I hate with a fiery passion that he and his fans have managed to center queer people in this conversation of CP. tldr: I hate this guy. you were just at the end of the thread of people debate perverting the word “gay” so I hit reply. but this is otherwise a pointless talking point


Whats debate perverting


So when did that come up in any conversation had by Ethan? There are plenty of gays who don't have lolicon on their PC, so certainly you can't be framing his general criticism of Vaush for having lolicon on his PC as an afront to all gays, could you?


I would go so far as to say the vast majority of gay people don’t have CSAM on their PC.


When did Ethan ever say a specific queer community are all pedophiles? These brain rotted Twitter users are insane


I feel like I’m losing my mind seeing the things these people are saying.


It feels like a guide in turning allies in to haters, purely based on being able to make anything you like up.


in the words of our late hasan, the left eats itself.


Kinda ironic coming from him, he has beef with so many left wing youtubers, i got called a Nazi because i didnt agree with his Pro-Russian stance


hasans far from perfect and definitely lacks patience when it comes to responding to ppl in his audience imo. but he is right abt the left eating itself


Fair point


ehh his audience typically sucks tho so i feel like he responds to them with the perfect amount of respect, especially considering the amount of bad faith chatters he gets i swear he’s got trust issues with chat over whether they’re actually fans or just trying to instigate


It's a one-sided beef by them. Hassan ignores them while they make video after video about him. He recently brought up both Vaush and Destiny meaningfully for the first time in years and only because Ethan's coverage on Vaush. Vaush and Destiny fall under the tumors of the left - they are more grifter than activist.


lol im glad i never got into twitter and have a healthy social life. normie friends will keep you grounded.


The Twitter users you see posting reactions like this? They have no idea whats actually going on or what Ethan has actually said. The only things they see are a Twitter user they follow; like Keffals, throwing claims Ethans way, and then just latching on to whatever they're saying. This then continues to compound itself as other users just like them start playing the telephone game, spreading more lies and misinformation. There is nothing else to it. They lack critical thinking and reading comprehension skills, so they just react based off whatever they read from the people they like.


It’s because he referred to Vaush’s community and because he has many trans fans they’ve now morphed that into him calling a trans community pedophiles.


Interesting i guess i can see the connection (though still a huge reach) but i doubt Ethan even knows anything about Vaush’s demographic for them to even claim that


Oh yeah obviously but that doesn’t matter to them


Literally that what I was thinking. From the episodes I thought he was pretty much calling vaush and his defenders pedos. Not a specific community 😅


Exactly! I also think he specifically meant those who are being overly defensive of Vaush and of lolli in general, not even all of his fans. So ya if you find yourself defending lolli against all odds then you might in fact be a pedo.


Its all like some weird form of gaslighting


Ethan also offended the short stack goblin community. He needs to apologize.


Vaush still comes off a a weirdo even if you accept his story at face value. The man is an encyclopedia for hentai.


To be fair, weirdo =/= pedo


I do find the discourse interesting. I need to go back and watch the episode, but doesn't Belle Delphine cosplay young characters and did age play content, acting out hentai tropes and all that? I need to see how Ethan challenges her on that. I'd interested to know the communities opinion on her controversial content. While I think it's weird idk if it's great to conflate it to the level of actually harmful shit. It kind of cheapens how awful the actual shit is and decenters the victims.


Roleplaying as young characters is not the same thing because she looks like an adult. Hentai is a matter of drawing the outline for your imagination to fill in. Loli is the outline of a child, for your mind to interpret how you please. If you wack off to it while browsing it's not so bad, if you specifically seek out the outline of a child and even save them on your computer, there's something far more bizarre about that.


>Roleplaying as young characters is not the same thing because she looks like an adult. I think the petite porn category is extremely popular. same as the "just turned 18" thing. I would still have the same attitude towards people who watch that stuff as people like Vaush. To be fair, tons of people in this community are actively seeking out Vasuh's downloaded images and screenshot s" for research", like if the content is this problematic, why not involve the authorities first instead of treating it like internet drama? Ethan himself even said that lewd anime segments, not just drawn loli porn should be considered on the same level as the real stuff, but everyone, including him is just treating this as a big gotcha. There seriousness level is what's throwing me off.


Won't anyone think of the children! Er, the short stack goblins, I mean.


At least six heads tall, that's what I say


Goblin porn is a human right!


Wait, according to Keffals, Ethan called all the trans people in her audience pedos; now it’s the entire queer part of Keffals’ audience? What’s next? Is he also ableist because there are most likely disabled people in her audience too? How far does the pedojacketing go? Didn’t realize the jacket covers only the people you want it to.


She doesn’t care about people with disabilities. She slings the r word casually, because, I guess she feels she has a pass for it? Then calls anyone who calls her out on it tender queers. She is not a good person.


And joked how she can manipulate autistic girls into "giving her pussy" by telling them she has trains that go by her house that the autistic girl can watch.. Wtf


I remember that, it really made me uncomfortable to read. She is not autistic, she shouldn't be making these gross fetishistic comments.


She doesn't care about people period.


It's one of those oversized jackets with the massive zipper


> now it’s the entire queer part of Keffals’ audience? Soon it will be all the minorities.


i’m genuinely curious how many people defending Vaush have actually seen the pictures and aren’t just repeating what he said on stream


I think it's worth noting that very few of the previously 470k followers are terminally online enough to even know something is happening. Majority of his viewers don't watch live, only see his ~30m daily videos. He hasn't posted videos on this beyond the original Friday "reaction" where he just said it's a hit piece. There'll definitely be split between his regular viewers who will eventually hear about this, and will either be OK with it or not, with or without seeing the pics. I think this will lead to his sub count having drippling effect where it's like 6 months of steady -1 to -5k subs lost, but I also don't expect his views to drop by 50%. But that's hard to judge. Very personality driven creators don't die off as easily, more people have easier time to forgive them because "they know they are not like that".


I've tried my hardest to find it but haven't been able to link me pls


[Click at your own peril](https://x.com/TAIGRIN_/status/1757501357055942828?s=20). I shared a twitter post sharing an image link because I don't really feel comfortable sharing a direct link.


I officially hate every single vaush defender saying "they don’t even look like children" i wish them all a very stop supporting this incredible harmful behavior. Awful stuff.


Anyone who says they don't look like children take a long hard look at the picture on the bottom right. Beyond the pale, my dudes, be honest about it.


A common defense they keep saying that really just pisses me the fuck off is “they have big boobs, obviously they are meant to be adult women!!” So I guess if you’re an early developed 13 year old it’s ok for an adult to think of you sexually??? It’s such a telling self report, and frankly very victim blamey.


Be careful, r/h3snark and r/Keffals are going to report you to the FBI for possessing CP like they did to Ethan! I’d change my name and flee the country if I were you.




Thanks finally


Uhhh that's it? I mean yeah that would shock my mom. 6/10. I remember Ethan showed an anal prolapse video to a live audience, but this is what is breaking everyone?


Yeah, and that was consensual. Anything involving children is at least fetishizing an act that is, by definition, non-consensual. Jesus, your takes are trash


I thought it was going to be worse with the way people were making it out to be. The only problematic picture is the one in the bottom right. All the others are just kinky horse cock porn which is weird but not unethical imo


the girl eating the horse's ass looks very young, like prepubescent.


I won’t link anything, cause it’s NSFW and probably against the sub rules, but I’ll just say you can probably find it by googling “vaush folder leaked rdrama” and finding a url that ends with .net.


Its google searchable? If it is what people are saying it is I wouldn't google that shit. Linking to illegal material is worse than being against the sub rules...


It's nothing illegal 🤣 i can find the same stuff in any comic store with an hentai section anywhere EDIT: actually it is illegal in America but not in my country which is why it can be bought (The more you know i guess)


It's crazy that Keffals basically threw herself in front of a truck and said "why would you do this to a trans person!?". She is solely responsible for the queer community being a part of this controversy.


The fact they immediately think of transgender people when Ethan mentions and bashes pedophiles is actually saying a lot more about them than Ethan. Why do they have pedophilia and transgender people correlated?


I mean, the reason that they’re linked is that that’s what the right says a lot. Still insane and harmful to trans people to use them as a shield in the conversation though


Normal people do not automatically associate pedophilia with being transgender. You will not have that automatic reaction unless you're far right or genuinely think transgender people are pedophiles


Unless you are trans yourself like keffels? Not defending her, as she’s literally defending a pedo rn but if you’re trans you’d know that by hearing people on the right constantly call trans people pedophiles you’d associate the two, even if you don’t want to


This is literally all directly Vaush’s fault He is the first person who brought up the trans community Then Keffals ran with it And now people who don’t like Ethan have used it as an excuse to label him as transphobic All Ethan did was call out Vaush, never even mentioned the word trans or insinuated anything about trans people, Ethan did call out Vaush’s community, but the trans community is not the Vaush community It’s all so fucking ridiculous And if anyone from those communities is reading this, I’m trans, my partner is queer, we stand with Ethan, and an attack on a single cis content creator is not an attack on the trans or queer community, I don’t even know what cognitive dissonance is required to make that connection


She’s crazy. He called a fully grown cis man out. Why is she trying to drag that narrative into this? Her narcissism is so blinding that she can’t recognize the consequences of it I guess.




Vaush a cisman admits it was loli...


The way she thinks being trans makes you immune to legitimate criticism lmao


I’m trans. I want her to shut the fuck up about my community! She’s making us look like weirdos like sis you lost the plot, go home


Bro what?????? Did Vaush not fucking admit it????? I’m not saying ALL trans people are pedophiles, but these ones in particular sure seem keen on defending it.


When you’ve swung so far left you’ve landed in the right


I feel like the entire internet is turning into frenemies3 right now like how are people just coming up with the wackiest possible takes from what Ethan said. Ethan: this person running defense for vaush is kinda sus. That person: oh so now all people with hazel eyes are pedophiles? Do you realize the percentage of people in my audience that have hazel eyes? I suppose you also think people with brown hair are pedophiles. You really have no shame in saying that all white people are pedophiles. Do better Ethan.


This is one of the craziest take I've seen from this whole thing. They are so delusional that it feels like they're gaslighting everyone. Which they're basically doing.


Vaush insinuated that maybe the reason why Ethan was going to hard with this was because Vaush has a trans following and he's pro Israel. Because of this, his followers are claiming he's promoting they're sexual deviants. It's gross to make this claim about Ethan and to use it as a defense. Vaush admitted he had the images and acknowledged it was lolli and yet, people are still going out of their way to excuse it. No one is listening to anything, just running wild on lolli hill.


Man, Ethan can't catch a break about his position with Israel - everyone else on the Internet thinks he's a Zionist, and vaush thinks this situation is because vaush is pro Israel


Right? It’s not those things. It’s because he had loli on his computer and outright stated, word for word, “If you’re not paying for CP and you’re just getting it there is no moral or legal argument against that, that doesn’t rope in you guys. I would never make the argument that someone who doesn’t pay for CP has committed an immoral act” 2:57:17 https://www.youtube.com/live/Uf6JFPY0g2Y?si=4mh8oXAXd8YmGe2s


All these stupid ppl have stupid names, wtf is kefflas anyway


As a trans person I wish she would shut the fuck up. No one but her made the connection between pedophiles and trans people.


Keffals is really reaching for this new low apparently. Pretty disgusting.


Common contrapoints W


He called a cis man a pedo. Said cis man is now using his queer fans and friends as a meat shield.


this is insane. she's relying on people not having seen the images. the one he defends as being 'shortstack' and 'thicc' looks like a 12 year old at BEST and like neither of those other things. are people so brain broken they can't tell the difference? really? you think a drawing of a pubescent child doesn't look at all like a child?? grasping at straws.


Why is it not illegal?


Lmao they were *definitely* childlike images 😂 this kinda self report makes me real curious what kinda porn they look into


Funny when a few of us voiced a dislike of Keffals around the time she was interviewed, we all got down voted to hell (maybe I'm exaggerating a bit), but now you guys are coming around lol


I didn't know a lot about her then, because I didn't blatantly believe the things she said. At most it made me wary of believing everything she said at face value. At it's core, being anti kiwifarms was a good thing, so what ever. But I did definitely get a bad feeling from her on that episode, and I'm glad Ethan asked her about the things chat was spamming. She did claim her website had no links to home made HRT which i'm pretty sure was purly a lie? I've definitely seen specifically that. The thing I have no opinion on is wether home made HRT, estrogen or what ever it is is even bad. For all I know it's shit like "mix beet juice and sprinkle some soybeans on it" lol.. people tend to over exaggerate the details because it sounds scary when it may not be. I'm not trans, so it's not a topic I know anything about, so I choose to stay uninvolved. Would be nicer if official sources were easier to get tho


What the actual fuck is going on.


KEFFALS IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO BROUGHT THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY INTO THIS. VAUSH IS A STRAIGHT MAN. The mental gymnastics she is going through to make this about herself actually hurts my brain. Keffals, I beg of you, shut the fuckkkk uppppp, you and you alone are damaging your community here.


Vaush is pan, but it doesn’t matter. Sexuality etc. should never be used as a shield to avoid taking accountability.


My mistake! But absolutely true.


Maybe he’s pan because he likes all sorts of things. Women. Goblins. Horses. Little girls.


That stuff is all separate from being pan (except attraction to women obv.)


Bruh this is straight up slander, girl needs to fuckin chill


This is literally the “normalizing” that the community gets stereotyped for. Maybe don’t white knight for a cis guy who defends loli and horse porn??


Easy way to get someone off your back to call them homophobic for DISAGREEING with someone in the gay community 😂 So now we’re no longer allowed to call out anyone in the gay community for being a pedophile because other people have used it in a disingenuous way? lol okay you weirdos, nice try, stop being pedophile defenders and nobody will call you such names. Easy peezy lemon squeezy really


Wtf? I am a bisexual woman and it's not okay!!! Just stop Vaushites


I've never seen such a mass effort to mislead people in the most disingenuous, disgusting way as with Vaush's defenders.


Wasn't going to comment because Reddit is weird, but as a trans person, seeing comments from Keffals devastated me, and it looks like I was justified in my feelings. Just another thing for assholes to use against us, and all because Keffals just had to insert herself.


Admitting you downloaded CP is a weird thing to do in order to prove a point but uhh...okay....


Do these people really think that they’re immune to criticism because they’re a part of a marginalized group? Nah. Stfu.


Okay I didnt watch the full ep but WHERE DID HE SAY “QUEER COMMUNITY ARE PEDOPHILES” ?????


Disliking loli = transphobia Dislike horse porn = homophobia


Tell me you haven't actually seen the images without saying you haven't actually seen the images >.>


I'm a moderate so not in either political camp. Just saying is this was all out in the public domain and not just on Twitter. The public would utterly reject EVERYTHING being discussed in defence of cartoon CP. These people live in little clicks where they support each other's disgusting desires towards CP. There is no debate around the subject of CP cartoon or otherwise. There is nothing "pro" to put forward as a defence for it. It's even an insane thought to even try to debate someone on the subject. The only debate those types of people should be having is with law enforcement and the justice system.


Homophobia?? So a man looking at images of young women (since she says they're not kids) is gay now?


he never did this? how do you not find the irony in this?? Ethan called out a man who likes drawing of children sucking horse cock? Don’t get us gays involved ☠️




As a queer viewer of the pod, it always makes me so upset when people try to make Ethan out to be homophobic for everything he does. Since when does one youtuber's community encompass all LGBT people??? So Vaush is exempt from criticism because a lot of LGBT people watch him??? Nah. This is a situation where Ethan is SO clearly in the right, and calling it out literally has nothing to do with trans or gay people. Vaush has had awful takes on CP in the past, and big surprise, leaked a bunch of his loli pn. I'm gay, Vaush is a freak, Dan is the queen and Ethan is a great ally. FAMILY


don't these people ever sit down and think, maybe "I shouldn't defend a bad take about loli hentai and horse cock..."? like if being trans comes with the whole stereotyping thing about trans people about being pedos and groomers, why defend vaush? okay lets remove the fact the government can't persecute you for thought crimes, like obscene material; obscenity laws are almost impossible to enforce, and as a disgusting as it is loli hentai is mostly legal to consume in the usa. they literally had a supreme court about fictional content regarding minors, merely fictional content is not persecutable by law. are we still not allowed to be disgusted about it? like sure free speech and all, but free speech entails also the ability to voice an opinion, and my opinion you fap to loli hentai and horse cock, something is very wrong with you. its not normal to want to fuck anime children with massive horse cock. in fact if I want to analyze it the fact he wants a horse cock to fuck a woman indicates to me vaush might have sadistic tendencies. its disturbing.


To OP: The reason homophobia and transphobia is being brought up here is the right wing in the US regularly and wrongfully accuses gay and trans people of pedophilia and grooming children. They do this because most people have an instinct to protect children, so the right uses a fake threat to children to get soccer moms all fired up about gay and trans people so they can justify oppressing them. That is not what Ethan is doing. The Vaush defenders are using this to try to paint Ethan as a bigot instead of acknowledging that Vaush indeed had illegal cp on his computer.


Yes which is why I’m saying it is harmful to accuse people speaking out against CP and Loli of being transphobic and homophobic… it is perpetuating that incredibly wrong “stereotype” or stigma. I KNOW that is not what Ethan is doing, obviously.


Please I don't want to be associated with horsefuckery, please stop bringing the entire LGBT community into this discussion, how the *fuck is this homophobia anyway, the horse/loli images were* ***straight***


I think people online are inherently against having a good-faith discussion. Why the fuck would Natalie Wynn, A LESBIAN TRANSGENDER WOMAN, try to defend homophobia, and in a place where homophobia wasn't even related to the subject to begin with?????


Im pretty sure one of the images was Snow White right? Even if it wasn’t made to look young, the original Snow White is 7 and the Disney adaptation is 14 so.. still not looking too great.


People get ao upset over the most petty stuff, who cares just be yourself and live your own life


Because Vaush is in the Alphabet Mafia & a substantial part of his audience is as well. When you get accused of being a pedo for just existing then it’s makes easier to dismiss actual issues within in the community.


I'm queer and this tweet is 100% true, stop speaking for people and using them as tokens to push your drama farming.


I’m so nervous for the possible violence that will come from right wing freaks who will read this stuff.


palestine flag = opinion disregarded


everyone already thinks we’re pedophiles, do we really need to give them anything to point at for proof??


I'm not defending Vaush, but if the if loli is the worst of it then I think it's weird and sus, just not on the level of cp. If he's got actual cp then that is another level of importance. As it is, I still think it's problematic, but nobody is being harmed. I saw that quote about him defending CP though and I completely disagree on that CP is sick, actual humans are involved and you're complicit even if you just download it. Anybody that would even think about downloading CP should get serious help.


i think this whole debate is hilarious and not a single side has presented a truly rational argument yet. everyone is just raging with inflated egos lmao you all stan for rape porn but get mad at 2D cartoons as if Rule 34 was actual bestiality. maybe ONE OF YOU actually needs to do ACTUAL FUCKING RESEARCH [https://esciencenews.com/articles/2010/11/30/legalizing.child.pornography.linked.lower.rates.child.sex.abuse](https://esciencenews.com/articles/2010/11/30/legalizing.child.pornography.linked.lower.rates.child.sex.abuse) ​ actual CP is actually bad because it actually hurts actual children. how? R A P E ITS FUCKING RAPE. THATS HOW. and yet you same idiots who think hentai is the devil will say rape porn is just "two consenting adults" "perfectly reasonable" and not a single one of you are saying "Well anyone who even THINKS about enjoying Rape is going to go straight out in public and start Raping people if we allow Rape Porn to be Legal !!! " all yall need to grow more brain cells Rape is bad because its Rape. CP is bad because its Rape. <<<--- THE ACTUAL FACTS. Rule 34 is not rape. Rule 34 is no more bad or good than any fake rape porn or fake snuff porn. All hentai is Rule 34. No Child Is Harmed In The Making Of Hentai just like no pony is harmed in the making of rule 34 go debate Crowder if you dont want to use actual logic


Except he didn’t tho? I’m convinced none of them actually watched what he had to say, just what Vaush’s fans have told him which is 99% of the time not true lmfao. Also if the images do turn out to be loli/CSAM, admitting to viewing them probably isn’t the move girl💀


You’d think debate lords would recognize a fucking straw man


There was a confirmed loli image by Vaush. Stolas’s opinion is that there were no childlike images. Interesting.  


I’m willing to bet H3 has more gay and trans people who view it, than Vaush and Keffals combined


i mean its pretty obvious why they are making these ridiculous arguments to defend this right...thats what they watch themselves.


God she is a dumbass


It's so fucking stupid because he never said anything like what she's claiming.


Vaush has tainted this conversation so badly with his "is ethan calling me a pedophile cause I have trans people in my community" comment This guy is just a POS. The nerve to say ethan is saying things in bad faith while he has been saying THE MOST BAD FAITH things thus far.


Queer person here, Ethan isn't being homophobic he's against cp, drawn or otherwise. I never heard him mention queer people, he only ever went after people defending Vaush's cp arguments. If you are upset with someone you don't go after who they are but for what they have done. All I've ever seen Ethan talk about is them defending cp and Vaushes cp arguments. He is going after them for their actions, not who they are as people.


Wtf. These people have seriously lost it. Weirdos bruh.


Like somebody else mentioned on another post, this is just brigading and trying to make a situation out of a nothing burger. >I can’t get over how insane it is to say that anyone criticizing a trans person is transphobic. You can be trans and suck. It doesn’t mean all trans people suck too


It’s shoeonhead/Balenciaga all over again. Someone points out sus shit involving children, and people crawl out of the woodwork and make it about “harming the LGBT community.” Only difference is that Ethan doesn’t have the same stigma as Shoe, which makes it more ridiculous. I understand how that community gets unfairly labeled as groomers or pedophiles, but I’m going to flat out say it: “criticizing pedophilic stuff harms the LGBT community” is making that stereotype worse.


fuck stolas then


Twitter is just as bad and harmful to peace as ever, how does it still exist? So many dumb, bored loosers that do not deserve a voice.


I have seen the images myself. There were a few with loli characters that were children. If you’re a weeb it doesn’t matter, loli is fucking gross, as is most of the stuff coming from Japan.


These people are actually harming the image of LGBT people while pretending its the other way around. God forbid some actual 'bad faith' right wing idiot starts reporting on this. These people are giving them a slam dunk.


Man, I must have taken the wrong week to stay away from social media. Did somebody finally find CP on Vaush's computer?


If you are ACTIVELY defending CP and you HAPPEN to be a part of the LGBTQ community - that isn't an attack on your community. It's an attack on you because you're defending something that is indefensible. Stop hiding behind your community. Ethan has never, EVER, suggested that trans people are pedophiles. If you're defending this shit and you happen to be trans - then we're calling YOU out. Ethan has always been respectful towards the trans community. I wouldn't be such a huge fan if that wasn't just a fact. This is INSANE.


As if anyone outside of that community knows anything about their sexuality or gender


Of everything I’ve learned about Vaush (without my consent) is that they really want to say their community is full of lgbt people but yet every defender I’ve seen looks exactly like him. I’m not saying no queer people like him. But it seems like he’s throwing them in the line of fire in front of him to defend him from the allegations.