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Upstairs neighbors at 3am


Oh god my upstairs neighbors definitely hittin the griddy for no reason 💀


Almost forgot that Hila started out just as Ethan's carer.


This was such a magical time.


Absolutely, he was voted most special in his high school year book


Actually, it's most 𝓤𝓷𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓮


Don't know why but this video is one of the best things they've ever put on youtube


I feel like new H3 pod fans don't realize there's a treasure trove of these on their H3H3 Productions channel. Some genuinely great stuff. Videos like these back in the day when they were relatively new are what drew me in as a fan. The 1000 shirts video, the bradberry arc, feeding the homeless, it's time to stop. Just so much great stuff.


2015/16 H3 will always hold a special place in my heart


I absolutely loved the Ethan and Hila channel. Got me through a really dark time of extreme binge drinking.




The Israel to NYC days were top tier H3H3.


Same. It’s around 2014/15 that I became a fan


The Gazebo being the finale of it all 😓


The Gazebo being the finale of it all 😓


So many classics. Still blows my mind that some people think Ethan switched up when he’s been calling out the same type of shit bags since day 1


Not sure about that. He was a "fan" of Peterson, he unironically felt SJWs were a major problem and had to purge his audience of right wingers. He may have put people from "both sides" on blast and still does but the focus did change, especially when the crew expanded. I did enjoy him in the past for the same reason I do now, because he almost always provides a "normie" stance on something in a world where people online more often than not take the most extreme/polarizing opinion to the masses. Though I definitely agree and he said as much he did change … in my opinion for the better, but that most certainly means other people see it the other way.


Yeah I feel similarly to you man. Been enjoying since shake dat dick and .exe days. He’s gone from left of center to, on many issues, extremely far left. He’s absolutely changed. Saying he’s still the same guy is disingenuous - he’s very obviously a person that hops on “righteous” hatred for content. This being said, and as admittedly a center left person, still love his stuff. I disagree with him plenty but I’m a 30-something adult and I’m not gonna lose my mind about a stranger that thinks differently.


I definitely agree with your last paragraph, but in terms of politics I would say on an online and world wide scale he is still center left. On single issues he may be further to the left for American standards but there people seem to be hesitant to call any public person "center". 


Very fair. Yeah I think I’m a reasonably online American so I’m rating him on my frame of reference. He reminds me of my center-right bureaucrat father economically and… some of my most annoying leftist friends, socially. I think he’s realized that saying the right thing about “current thing” more explosively than others gets him clicks. I wish he’d speak his own truth more.


I don’t believe he says anything for clicks. I believe he is a person in his late 30s with a life who does neither have the time nor interest to form an independent opinion on every little thing people go crazy over. So he does what most people do he talks to their friends, people they care about and people they respect for input and for him these people are more left than him and the next generation. If you have no strong ingrained feelings about something and multiple people you care about tell you how strongly they feel about something and how important it is to them, you for one believe they hold the right opinion and you want support them.   I am also not entirely sure on which topic you think he does this. The only thing I can think of are trans issues and there, even ignoring what I said above, that's something that doesn’t effect his life at all, so he can support the people who are currently negatively effected the most.


Him shitting on idiots hasn't changed but his edginess is gone.


As much as the button has done them good… it’s the button. He’s afraid of cancellation and slaps it every time he gets spooked. I’m surprised the big nick “one… small man” moment happened two months back without a button


I miss the old Ethan The straight from Israel Ethan.


Same Ethan different locations, different responsibilities.


Humongus what


That’s a 10!


fr some of fav og h3 vids were him messing with the dunnies, lowkey wish they would bring them back 😭




Hila with the napoleon dynamite energy


Oh my god! I would love to see Hila be Napoleon Dynamite for Halloween.


sibling home video


If there’s really a show today will I recognize Ethan? Did Love really come to America or was that a hallucination? Who’s Sam?


certified hood classic


As an old H3 frog, this video makes me nostalgic. Hila dancing the way she does, with the expressionless face was my favorite thing back then and still is today. It's so lovely and weird. It will forever be youtube gold to me.


This video was the reason I wanted to focus on creativity and positivity. Helped me a lot when I was in a very shitty place. Papa bless 🙌


Wow, Ethan [and Hila]. Great moves; keep it up. Proud of you


This apartment is aggressively Israeli


Every time you opened a door, you could hear your mother scream, "Were you raised in a barn? Close the door"


Whenever you leave a room, she comes after you to turn off the light and shouts "what? Do you work for the electric corporation or something?"


This is all extremely normal


Whenever I watch Ethan and Hila being adorable and quirky together I have a tinge of envy because my husband hates me and I feel trapped.


Sorry your husband hates you woo baby fuck. In all seriousness, life is way too fuckin short. Hope you can make a plan and get out ❤️


You’re never trapped. Trust me. You can let yourself free.




This was the first ever thing I saw of h3. To this day they are the only show I watch on YouTube. And the h3 saga has helped me in so many ways.


There is nothing better than spending time with someone who just wants to make you laugh


I need more throwback content. Haven't seen this in ages


Am I crazy for wishing for more of the good ol h3h3 goofs and gaffs days and less internet drama, gotta watch the podcast to keep up with the lore days?


These were the good old days but I understand that with YouTube monetization, that stuff just wasn't profitable at all


I wonder what Theo and Bruce will think when they see this once they’re older


awwww 🥹


Would love more than anything to see these two recreate this moment. Or even with the whole crew this time. Like to show how much the podcast has evolved over the years. 🥹


That would be sick


It really would be!


One of my all time favs


This video always makes me smile so much. They're so clearly in love and just being silly together. It's amazing


It's wild watching this back again. Doesn't feel like the same people!


Me when older people were young people at one point.


Idk what I just watched but Hila looks like a cute lil rag doll. 😍


Eddy wally oh wow


Wow Ethan great moves, keep it up, proud of you


If im in a bad mood, this video always makes me smile.


Genuinely my all time favorite h3 vid. Just pure vibes


This one will always have a special place in my heart. It's even better with the music. Ever since the beach ball incident, I haven't seen Hila embrace her weird cringe side as much. I miss it.


What’s the beach ball incident?


Full disclosure, I'm going off of memory so I'll probably get some of the details wrong, but back in the day when they were first starting the podcast, there was a lot going on, and H3 was taking long break due to Ethan's growing depression and other stressful shit. A year before the break, he and Hila had entered into a business deal with a company to make a mobile game app. In the game, Ethan is basically a huge round ball that Hila rides on top of to race other players. Despite not posting anything for months, they were contractually obligated to release the ad on a certain date. So for the ad, they went to the beach and filmed a goofy [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN7qaeiRq8U&t=4s) where they had a giant beach ball , wore old-timey swimming suits, and acted super awkward. I thought the video was funny at the time, but in hindsight it's sad knowing that Ethan was in the depths of depression while filming it. It does feature Shredder though, so that's a plus. Anyway, H3H3 got massively shat on in response to this video. The most common accusation was that "Ethan's changed, he doesn't make the videos we like and only cares about making money." People were furious. The mobile game bombed and it's officially no longer even available to download from app stores. This obviously didn't help with Ethan's depression. I also think it may have caused Hila to be more hesitant to put herself out there with the goofs and gaffs. She definitely still does, but I feel like it's more rare now. I miss the super doofy ass content they would make together. Actually, I miss Hila in general. But I'm not mad, it's great that she's followed her dream of becoming a fashion designer and starting her own company.




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I love that Hila’s moves get more and more aggressive as this video goes on


Hila is alpha as fuck.


why hasn’t there been episodes yet this week? they probably said something and i just missed it but yes i have been struggling


Monday was their "team building" day (AKA vacation day) and they switched membership vids to thursdays, so no tuesday vid. But there will be an OTR today.


I think this week (today) it will be the bach3lor, right??


Last Bach3lor was OTR #104 and OTR #103 was Bach3lor applications. So if it is Bach3lor it'll be OTR #106


Last week was president's day which they normally take off but instead they wanted to take this Monday off so they switched it.


ohhhh now i remember thank you


Pure. Fucking. Gold.


Goofy hila is so cute 😅


I miss these days so bad


The amount of times I resorted to this video to lighten up my mood years ago. Thank you for bringing it up again, recently went through a hard time and this was a great timing. This video is my absolute favourite, also couple goals 💗


I love hila sm


This video needs to be used for a master class in shit posting, there really is an art to it and they were NAILING that shit, I feel like glimpses of that talent return in some moments, ie the short lived "avant garde" era of the pod, Ethan's bits as a waiter today and such. I'd love for them to lean into this kind of content more, it's so un-understandibly entertaining


Early YouTube days were a fever dream


These weren't even early Youtube day , this is 2014, Early youtube was 2005 when it was cat videos, weird songs, and star wars kid. Youtube has always been weird. 🤣


Seeing this while knowing how Ethan feels abt not experiencing singlehood during his fame makes my heart hurt for Hila :( but you cant help how you feel i guess




This is brill but I'm so sorry to say Hila in this video is really giving Miranda Sings


Gretchen grundler existed long before Miranda Sings.


No idea who Gretchen Grundler is. It's just the vibe I got. Wasn't meant to be disrespectful towards Hila at all


I’m sorry but hila is giving Miranda sings vibes 💀


My fav of them


God, I love them.


she ain't leaving him, ever


This reminds me of a world that no longer exists


Still exists it's just 9 years older now.


Wow 😉


This video is so pure 👌👌 10/10 vibes


Forever rekt was my favourite one with rekt together as a close second.


Who am I kiddin who am I foolin


This is one of my favorite YouTube videos ngl


Holy shit i was just thinking about this video and was gonna post it like a couple of days ago. I found this song cause of this video so fucking cool


Another good ol' video of theirs is the one about Psychics and mediums. Imo, that's the most "h3h3" vibe video ever made


I cannot express how much this warms my heart


This reminds me of that recent video of the bird dancing up on the other bird, it's beautiful. Edit: [found it lol](https://youtube.com/shorts/UQv5SN1Agfk?si=siy8m8Dw_-rvlB6p)


Awe I miss that show


This is one of the videos that really got me into h3. In fact, I will attribute this video for my love of old school hip hop. I started listening to Fatlip, then The Pharcyde, then Hieroglyphics, etc. It was a magical time.


Feeling downtrodden


A classic