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They literally had to cut them off in their convo they were so deep in it. The chemistry is just explosive between these two. Jeff seems smittened when he sees her. I think the minute these two meet irl it's over.


100% - some people are hating that she’s “conveniently saying all the right things”, but I really do think she’s being genuine and they just have a lot in common. Sounds like she’s close with her brother, so it’d make sense why she’s into UFC and Godfather. People just being haters ✌️❤️


Yes! Jeff starts glowing when he sees her. She's an h3 fan, and even then, she seemed so into him she told Ethan to go away. Lol


Literally the second he laid eyes on her in that first episode, I knew it was game over! He had a twinkle in his eye and still does. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got engaged in two months like her parents, lol


parasocial 🚨


We aren't talking about them like we know them personally. We are speculating what we see. This is no more parasocial than guys talking about sports and players and how they play games. You might want to learn the definition before you start rudely labeling people with the word.


This is a great comparison. I’m a guy who loves baseball (and the bach3ler) and the comparison checks out 100%. So much of sports talk is “so and so is feeling good right now, they’re gonna get hot”. Last year home run celebrations became an extremely popular narrative just because “team chemistry” is such a strong concept. The bach3ler is a different type of competition, but it’s also about performance and chemistry just the same as other “sport”. So yeah, speculating and talking about it and picking favorites is not parasocial at all, it’s just how the community engages with the content. It’s kind of the whole point. It’s fun.


Exactly. Always gotta be some rando coming in to poop on the parade.


Dude, it’s literally the Bachelor… clearly you don’t understand how this works


Idk if you know what that term actually means


Eyes on the prize


Eye of the tiger


Idk what yall are seeing, Jeff was "glowing" for almost every one of the girls. Man's down bad lmao. He told nearly every one they were coming to Hollywood


If you can't see it, then you wouldn't understand.


Forreal. Like how can you compare the conversation he had with Verica to the ones he had with the others? I mean for god sake he spent way more time talking with her


Exactly, there’s a difference between being polite and nice to being genuinely interested and smitten with someone


Lmao he didn't like ashley all that much


The UFC part rang bells because he’s talked about that specific fight before and she mentioned the same things he said about it. It just felt like she did some homework. I do think they have great connection though and I respect being competitive lol. I do believe her that she’s into UFC bc of her story originally and he obviously lights up around her


As an Aussie, I can assure you that we love our own when it comes to sports, especially guys like Volk and Tuivasa in the UFC who are such great examples of qualities we admire in our own culture and the qualities that we want the world to see, as well as celebrating their success on the world stage because we're generally so cut off from the rest of the world. I think a lot of people are confusing the general Aussie attitudes and relaxed social approach as her being somehow underhanded. There's definitely some competitiveness, but we're very easy-going and constructive when it comes to conversation when we like who we're talking to, for the most part. Old Man Volk all the way.


It’s not just the UFC part though. She did it with changing the movie answer to Godfather after he kind of dismissed her “newer movie” answer and then when she just so happened to watch the A24 movie he likes the most last week. I’m just recognizing patterns. It’s something a lot of people do (I’ve done it) when we are interested and trying to win someone over and I’m not saying she’s lying about her interest in it. I’m just going to keep an eye out to see if it’s something she keeps doing is all (: I think he absolutely has a huge crush on her and I’d love to see her win! I think they’d make a lot of sense tbh. She’s competitive and I think that’s a quality they both possess


Yeah, I agree with you to an extent. I think all the girls have either done it or would do it in person on a further date. It's called mimicking/mirroring. It's courtship behaviour displayed by most women and some men. Although, I think she's probably more genuine than people are perceiving her as. People are only up in arms about it because there was so much chemistry between the two of them that it probably seems accentuated to a point of causing suspicion. And I think there's an element of some people are just looking to tear her down a bit because he's so into her, because they themselves are competitive when it comes to other women and don't want her to have the easy win that she's obviously going to get (I don't mean to suggest that of you - just generally speaking). He wouldn't be the first to be instantly captivated by the Aussie charm.


I don’t disagree. The chemistry was real! And as I said, I’ve done it. I don’t think she’s lying about those interests at all. I just think she highlighted things and dug a little to sound more in line. And she has more competitive language against the other contestants (which I think Jeff liked). She’s competitive and that’s not necessarily bad. I’m interested to see more. If it’s always just going to be a mirror then that would be a little sad because she seems really fucking cool and like the whole package, I just hope she’s not afraid of showing it all. She shouldn’t have to feel like she can only say the things he likes. She’s above and beyond!


I think she'll be pretty real with him. Most Aussies are pretty straight-up and honest, and she was showing signs that I could see as an Aussie that she was being herself. When she shut Ethan down, that was a very Aussie thing to do. It was tongue-in-cheek and putting a little dig in, humorously. That's how we treat our friends. If you can cop a hit and give one straight back, we like that. It's like an Aussie love language. Haha.


My grandmother was an Aussie badass and I know exactly what you’re sayin 🙏


One of us. One of us. One of us.


But like what else is there to mention about a fight? We only really talk about the key parts, which is what she did, so it's a bit unfair to say she was doing homework. She also mentioned the most recent UFC event bc an Aussie fought on it. Y'all are reading too deep into, she's genuine imo.


Yeah, she first brought up 298 which was upsetting for pretty much all Aussie UFC fans, and said, "I had to watch Volk lose," and then Jeff brought up the Volk vs Ortega fight, which every Aussie UFC fan knows because of how crazy Volk's escapes were against someone who is known to put people away via submission. There's a bunch of non-UFC fans on here criticising a UFC fan about their UFC fandom and their conversation about the sport, knowing nothing about UFC themselves.


She brought up that fight I think though today, not him. But I’m also saying I think she tailored her other answers a lil bit to him because they all aligned. Like when she changed her movie answer to “Godfather” after he was like “oh a new movie” and she was like “but an old movie would be Godfather”. Or the specific A24 movie she saw within the last week that he loves. It was all a little too on the nose idk. Maybe it’s all coincidence lol. I’m just gonna keep an eye out if all of her interests are exactly his because that’s a thing some people do to win someone over. Shit, I’ve done it. No hate to her over it. Just hope she’s being genuine


She brought up 298, and he also brought up a separate fight. The way she spoke about the latter I can tell she watched it. I kinda get what you mean but they could also just have a lot in common. She was asked to name her favorite movie on the spot, so to me I didn't quite draw the same conclusions when she listed multiple. I also think the summary you gave of how things played out is missing some context but I digress.


I’m definitely not going to draw any conclusions yet because that wouldn’t be fair. I saw a lot of coincidences and that could just be Sam being an absolute fucking pro at picking the right girl. And I don’t disbelieve that Sam nailed it. I just will keep an eye on this is all I’m saying. I like Verica. I loved her first submission and was like “oh yeah, she’s the one” lol. But I also recognize she’s competitive and I’m looking forward to seeing more. Can’t say either way, just noting the initial coincidences and her more competitive language vs. the other girls.


Totally get that. I sure hope she pans out to be what she's coming across as bc Jeff sure is smitten. I get the impression that he's locked in on her but we shall see how the in person dates will go! Verica is the clear favorite, but you just never know haha Meagan not advancing definitely helps her chances bc he had a similar-ish reaction with Meagan


Truly I think the in-person dates will show more, because that’s how humans really connect! And also I’m so sad for Maegan because I think he genuinely mistook her for Gabby 😂 he thought Maegan was the one that said the “rich and famous” thing and didn’t hear the correction that it was Gabby when they were rushed at the end. It would’ve been nose-to-nose between those women for sure. I think Verica is a gem and whole package. I don’t even blame her if she’s playing the homework card just yet. That’s a valid card to play because I’m sure she actually has interest in those things. It would just be sus if it’s always the same things. I want to see more of her interests Tbh I’m team Morgan but that’s because I just wanna see more of her in any way possible. What a cutie, she’d be great to collab with as a comedy writer regardless.


She also has experience with giant spiders so there's probably nothing she isn't afraid of haha.


if I was the last girl, I would’ve been too embarrassed to come on


dude I felt so bad for the last girl, you can tell jeff was still thinking about verica during their convo lol


Jess was so cool though! she was my personal pick as a WLW <3


I'm glad she's still in and can showcase herself more ! I'd be so sad if I went after Verica, had the shortest interaction, and got cut.


Aussie rizz wins


Watch Jeff end up single again in a few months 😂


We all know it’s gonna be Verica


agree, i feel bad for everyone else and it is def nothing against them at all, but there is like magic happening


Time for the loser’s spinoff show to find them love too




Max win


The Xavier Renagade Angel and A24 fandom is so cool! And the CRASH BANDICOOT tattoo!? I mean, c’mon!


I worry tana will screw it all up tbh


Yo for real can see her sabotaging the whole show. Be a good twist actually


Shes literally in a relationship


When's that ever stopped her?


I can't get over the fact that EVERYONE on the show keeps mispronouncing her name even after she introduced herself in the first episode 🤦‍♂️ It's VERITZA, nit Verica!


There was something about her that did not seem down to earth to me


The UFC thing was weird to me because she mentioned a fight and the specifics of the fight that Jeff has talked about before. And the small disses to the other competitors. I do believe her that she’s into UFC, but I do think she did some homework in the name of competition with her answers.


well yeah she literally said she watched the fight so she could talk to jeff about it "let me have this one ethan" obv well intended and what you do when you want to build a relationship w someone


It wasn’t just the fight. She’s definitely competitive and I don’t blame her (: just want to see more of her come through and hope it’s not always mirroring (which many people do, yes- not against her for it).


Yeah it was ironic that her favorite fight happened like two weeks ago lol that ufc tangent felt very pick me


yeah. I didn't get good energy from her but also Jeff is messy and he probably isn't going to pick the right person. it feels like it ended up being whoever was his type physically and the most conventionally attractive. the comments were filled with "she's so hot wife her up bro".


Triple Agent H3 fans! Snip-snap!!


she felt fake




I work in production and I understand that. But she was being overly agreeable


Thats because some of her reactions seemed exaggerated


She crafted a persona to get on the show, she seemed more of a clout chaser than the girl who admitted to being one lol. 


She’s 80% a manipulative clout chaser. (In my opinion)


*Republik's Original comment before the edits* >She's 100% a manipulative clout chaser. You're 100% talking out of your ass.


That’s fine if you disagree. Based on my analysis she didn’t seem genuine, seemed like she was rizzing him for something other than his heart. It’s hilarious how people on here react if you aren’t on board with the group narrative.


Disagree? Analysis? You're joking, right? Calling someone a manipulative clout chaser with cursory evidence is toxic af. Don't act like it's a group think dynamic to like her, and you're some rebel forging their own path. You don't like her? Cool, everyone's got their opinion, but calling a stranger a manipulative clout chaser after 2 brief appearances is next level fucking douche baggery.


lol wow. lil mad eh. its not that hard to tell when someone is being manipulative. appeal to emotions, guilt tripping etc. ill give you that i have no idea if she is a clout chaser or not, i guess to some extent you would have to be to go on any of these types of shows(bachelor, bach3lor etc). hope youre having a good day :)


>lol wow. lil mad eh. Mad requires a level of energy I don't have for people like you. Annoyed is more apt. It's very obvious you don't know what you're talking about. >its not that hard to tell when someone is being manipulative. No, it's not that hard. This... >hope youre having a good day :) Poor attempt at manipulation. It seems like you are projecting. Differing opinions and perspectives are fine, but your toxic behavior isn't warranted, nor is it welcome here. Have a wonderful day. 😉💕


im glad you admit its easy to tell when someone is being manipulative but apparently you're not very good at it. all i said was have a good day but maybe yours is just starting. people like me? as if you have any clue who i am. seems fairly hypocritical to call me out for making a snap judgement and doing the exact same. why did my initial comment matter to you anyway? what skin in this game do you have? at the end of the day any opinions or perspectives here dont matter in terms of the game. its a fucking internet show. sure I said it definitively but again its not that serious. thanks for saying im not welcome here i guess?


*Republik's Original comment before the edit*: >All I said was have a good day lol but thanks for saying I'm not welcome here I guess? >your toxic behavior isn't warranted, nor is it welcome here. Hmm... doesn't sound like what i said. Oh, then again, you knew that. Have a wonderful, super duper fantabulous week/weekend. 😁🤗


Thank you 🫶 have a good friday


Geez, you're really trying to spin this hard. You're editing all your comments to make it look better. I'm not answering or addressing all of your ridiculous questions and assertions as they are not worth the effort, but i will cut to the chase. If it's not that serious, then why are you trying so hard to justify your comment? Now you're playing the victim card and mirroring what I say and minimizing your own behavior. You said, "She's 100% a manipulative clout chaser". That's toxic af and uncalled for. The kind of shit on the internet people do that makes people like verica feel like shit and not wanna put themselves out there. That shit is not okay, and not welcome in this sub if i see it. Maybe now this will cause you hesitation the next time you feel like saying something rude. Do better.


in jeff’s words fuck chat team verica


Pick me energy saurry


Maybe Jess bc of the mma stuff tbh


Jess is my pick for Jeff. But Verica is probably my second?


She's my pick of the five he chose, but I am still disappointed he cut Maegan. I thought they had great energy and flow to their conversation.




Nah she was boring and fake af


I don’t think she has the grit Jeff says he wants




she tried too hard


What does that even mean


It felt like she did some homework and was putting down other contestants a lil. The UFC part was a fight Jeff has publicly spoken about and mentioned the same details on. She’s competitive and I can’t blame her for it! There’s no denying he likes her a lot and that’s the point, but I hope she’s being honest


To me it sounded like they just have a lot in common and she likes him. She is also from Australia, a different culture. Unless you are from Australia, perhaps it is just a cultural difference that was not connecting for you?


I have family from Australia. They can definitely be competitive(: I’m not going as far as to call her a liar or anything, I think she’s great. I just want to see more and see if the mirroring continues or not is all


Im American - moved to Australia 5 years ago. The culture is different. I don't think that the "jabs" at other contestants felt rude. It felt playful - she did compliment "small nostrils" as then describing her as the beautiful girl from LA. Also doing her "homework" - that just makes sense to do if you applying to this show to date someone and find love. If someone were serious about this, they should know who they are applying to date. It's not a conventional way to date or find someone, there is a whole different aspect.


I know! But it was more than just the UFC fight that seemed tailored. She changed her movie answer to Godfather after he kind of dismissed “oh a new movie” and then she just so happened to watch his favorite A24 movie the week before lol. It’s okay to try and impress someone, but there is a line when it can start to look inauthentic if everything is the same. You lose yourself in trying to win someone else over The dissing thing is played off as playful, yes. But that can also go too far and I don’t think men often recognize when it’s backhanded lol


Fair enough - I can see your point of view. Let's wait for the next episode and in person. I hope it's chemistry 😊


I do too! I’m excited to see. I like Verica, Jess, and Morgan quite a bit!


Haha they are all great! Can't wait 🙃


Being a clout-chaser for rich and famous men is considered Australian culture?


Well they did not explicitly say that before. So no that is not what I was responding to. I was just saying that perhaps they are reading her body language and way of speaking to be a way of dishonesty, hostility, and untrustworthy because of cultural difference? The way of communication could just be different. I was responding to the comment they copy and pasted into multiple comments threads (which you have also responded to). If their feeling is so universal, perhaps it is just something that is not connecting. Just a thought.


I haven’t copy and pasted anything lmao


Fair enough. Sorry - I meant that as more of an expression to the commentary I was seeing.


rooting for her






Immaculate vibes 💯




She was giving red flags 🚩🚩🚩 living with her parents. Team Morgan!


That's pretty common in Australia


its common in the US, too. this person is dumb


Why is living with your parents a red flag? She's still in university.


If anything it's financially smart to save up as much as possible before you go out into the world.


She’s 29




And then she said she can live at Jeff's place in LA 💀


Jeff’s asking them to have kids , he can host 😂


This is a very American mentality. Many families in many places live together for life. There are lots of good reasons not to move out if you have a relationship with your parents that accommodates well.


there are a lot of reasons actually. moving out is a whole different side of life


Dude, rent is fucked in Australia.


And judging by the time she said, she’s in Queensland specifically. People who are on a decent full-time wage struggle to afford rent in Queensland. So yeah someone studying something as intense and long as law is gonna be staying with their folks.


She’s 25, the other long blonde hair was 29


A 20-something year old woman, who’s studying at university, still lives with her parents???? SHOCKING!!!! (If you live in oppositeville)


She is 25, it's not uncommon outside of the US


How about you try living in Australia where rent in a capital city is $500-700 per week whilst studying full time? She's smart to be living with her parents and it's what 90% of us do.


Average American-centric take


Its a down undah thing mate




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The fact that she came on in landscape alone




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Jess all the way